Chapter 171 is on the hot search! Bangira’s Fairy Egg!!


The steel floor of the site cracked and the geotechnical site fell.

Cold as frost from the end of the arena, slowly walking towards Gu Yu.

The staff of the Jinhui Taoist Hall also walked over with a red tray in the picture.

The two came to Gu Yu’s body and stopped.

Cold as frost looked at Gu Yu in front of him, his eyes were full of emotion.

“Although I had expected to lose to you, I didn’t expect to lose the game in such a way!”

With that, Cold as Frost took down a golden badge from the old red tray and handed it to Gu Yu.

The coat of arms is carved from yellow amber and looks like a small shield.

It is the proof of the success of the challenge to the Jinhui Dojo!

Golden Badge!

“The owner of the cold museum is very kind! This time, the owner of the cold museum did not exert his full strength, right? ”

Gu Yu knew very well that his elves, cold as frost, basically knew.

But even so, Cold as Frost still sent out a giant pincer mantises that was four times weaker than the fire.

That speaks volumes.

“It’s just a dojo battle, or just an exhibition game, and your strength is enough to get the Golden Glory Badge!”

The meaning of the words cold as frost is already very obvious.

She just used the level of debut hall battle.

Knowing the gap between himself and the Heavenly King-level trainer, Gu Yu accepted the badge week.

He returned to the audience and continued to watch the game.

Three more exhibition matches followed, and the opening ceremony of the Jinhui Dojo was completely over.

After the opening of the museum, Gu Yu said goodbye to Ye Mengyao.

He got on a plane back to Modu.

And the popularity of Jinhui Dojo is still fermenting.

Among the top ten hot search lists, there are five people about the opening of the Jinhui Taoist Museum.

Among them, Gu Yu’s fairy spirit is directly rushing to the first place in the hot search.

Flash fairy elves!

Lin Yan Heavenly King struck!

Jinhui Taoist Museum opens!

Gu Yu won the first Golden Glory Badge!

Strong and beautiful cold museum owner!

The Shining Senda Spirit has also become the focus of the whole people’s hot discussion!

“Look at the fairy elves who are used to pink! The more I look at it, the more I think the blue fairy elf is cute! ”

“As soon as I thought of Gu Yu being able to hold Tumo’s lovely fairy spirit, my eyes were full of envy!”

“Upstairs is not forgotten! Gu Yu also has Menas and Terraora, maybe people prefer to shake the Divine Beast? ”

“I can’t describe my current mood with envy!”


At this time, Gu Yu began to rest at home.

This summer vacation is either to go on a secret adventure or to train.

Man is not a machine after all.

Gu Yu also felt a little tired at this time.

Stay home on August 27.

Gu Yu took Shen Yuezhu, a worker, and returned to Zhejiang University together.

At this time, Zhejiang University was holding a freshman competition.

Seeing this scene, Gu Yu also had some feelings on his face.

He’s a sophomore now!

And the students passing by, after seeing Gu Yu, instantly became a fanatical star chaser!

“Oh my God! It’s Gu Yu! ”

“Gu Yu?! Which Heavenly King successor?! Which?! ”

“Gu Yu! I’m a fan of yours! Can you sign me?! ”


Looking at the surging crowd in front of him, Gu Yu once again felt a headache!

In the end, it took a lot of effort to barely get out.

Back to the familiar Villa 23.

The first thing Gu Yu did was to release all his elves.






The elf also seemed very happy to return to the familiar villa.

Menus and Sticky came to the pool.

The Kirby Beast and the Monarch Snake returned to the courtyard in front of the villa.

Pokkis and the Wind Speed Dog are trapped in the living room enjoying the air conditioning.

The fairy elves, Ghost and Cosmogu take the newborn Leolu to get acquainted with the villa.

After simply eating something solid, Gu Yu was ready to take a break.

Ding dong!

Hearing the ringing of the mobile phone, Gu Yu picked up the mobile phone and found that the Dragon Temple chat group was active again.

And the reason why the smoke was active at one time was because the number three came back!

“Number Six: Number Three, how about the S-Class Secret Realm?”

“Number Three: Don’t mention it! Mount Kilimanjaro is now in chaos! ”

“Number Three: Sleepy knows who leaked the news, Davis, one of the four kings of the Lighthouse Kingdom, directly led a group of king-level trainers inside.”

“Number Three: This group of people don’t know how to provoke the lightning bird, and the two sides are fighting a regiment that can be exchanged!”

“Number Three: A few of my colleagues and I really poured blood mold, and my old bones almost didn’t come out!”

“Number Seven: With the strength of Number Three, it almost damaged inside, so it must be very dangerous inside, right Number Three, Number Eight has something to ask you.”

“Number Three: What’s the matter with Number Eight?” @Number Eight. ”

Seeing that the third returned, Gu Yu directly began to edit.

“Number Eight: Number Three, I met a dark night demon spirits cultivated by humans in Longling, the S-level Secret Realm, and Number One said that it was related to the God Organization, so I wanted to ask you about the current situation of the God Organization.”

“Number Three: Facing the Organization of God? How can you be sure? ”

“Number Eight: I found the sleeping Regichkas near the Night Demon Residence.”

“Number Three:???”

“Number Three: You said you saw a sleeping beast?!” Or the top mythical beast Regichkas! ”

“Number Three: A lightning bird is dying of my life!” How did you come out alive?! ”

“Number Three: Number One, where is this the top combat power that came from!”

Gu Yu looked at the number three who had already begun to make up for his brain, and he wanted to say that he only had one Heavenly King-level elf, which was a top combat power at all.

Number Three began to speak again.

“Number Three: The God Organization is very similar to the Dragon Kingdom Alliance, and it also adopts the model of one champion and four heavenly kings.”

“Number Three: Because the Organization of the Gods is not called the Heavenly King, they are called the Archbishop and the Bishop.”

“Number Three: The strength of the archbishop is not weaker than that of the champion of the Dragon Kingdom, and the strength of the bishop is not weaker than that of the King of the Dragon Kingdom.”

“Number Three: One of the main forces of Bishop Senroin, who led the capture of Reggie Ace twenty years ago, was the Night Demon.”

“Number Three: Archbishop Senro’s strength is very strong, and in coordination with the siege of the people of the God Organization, Regias fell into a deep sleep.”

“Number Three: They have even taken Reggie Ace out of the White Bear Country, and if it weren’t for the inability to subdue Reggie Ace with the Elven Ball, they would have succeeded in subduing the Divine Beast twenty years ago.”

“Number Three: That’s why Reggie Ace is now sleeping in the Lighthouse Nation’s Secret Realm.”

“Number Three: However, listening to the description of Number Eight, it should not be Archbishop Senro, who has now retired.”

“Number Three: But as far as I know, one of the bishops of the Divine Organization now is a member of the Archbishop Senro’s family, and it may be his handiwork.”

“Number Three: If I’m not mistaken, the bishop in Tu should be called Akatsuki, and as for what his real name is, I really don’t know.”

Bishop Akatsuki!

Gu Yu finally knew who the enemy might offend was…

“The bishop has a strength comparable to that of the Dragon Kingdom Heavenly King, if it is Yuan Hanhai, it will not be easy to deal with, after all, the real strength of Yuan Hanhai is basically the champion level.”

“Only the group is too perverted, so he can only be the champion.”

“If it is the average Heavenly King level, then there must be two or three champion-level elves, and in terms of strength, I am afraid that it is still above Xia Pengyu.”

“Although Bishop Akatsuki must have found that his elven curse charm was gone, I also had to be careful.”

Just as Gu Yu was thinking, the number one in the Dragon Shrine group chat spoke.

“Number One: Number Three, after you came out of the Secret Realm, the latest time?”

“Number Three: Number One, do you have anything to do?”

“Number One: Based on the clues they brought back on Number Five, I deduced the slumber of several Lehram and Czech Roma.”

“Number One: Number Four is in trouble now, Number Five can’t get out of his body, Number Two has gone to one of the sleeping places under the pretext of excavating the remains of the Secret Realm, and I want you to go and have another look.”

“Number Three: Number One, do you want my old life?”

“Number Three: You might as well let Number Eight go, he has the ability to survive from Regiccas, I just want to rest for a while, don’t look for me for such a desperate thing!”

Others don’t know Gu Yu’s strength, but doesn’t Yuan Hanhai know it yet?

Gu Yu’s strength, facing the Divine Beast was simply a dead end.

Yuan Hanhai just wanted to reply to Number Three, and then remembered one thing.

“Lin Yan’s little boy said that Gu Yu’s wind speed dog already had Heavenly King-level strength.”

“One Heavenly King-level elf, plus a few quasi-Heavenly King-level elves, this strength is barely enough to see.”

“The most important thing is that Gu Yu’s luck is outrageous!”

“If Gu Yu is far away, it is Tera Ola who goes in to check the situation.”

“The possibility of a sleeping divine beast attacking the same divine beast, Gera Ola, is still relatively small.”

While thinking, Yuan Hanhai replied.

“Number One: Number Eight is barely a qualified candidate, I’ll think about it.”

Gu Yu, who was peeking at the screen, saw No. 1’s words, and his face was full of helplessness.

“As far as my small body is concerned, it is better to meet a non-malicious divine beast like Regichkas.”

“When you encounter a fiery beast with a violent personality, don’t you bring food to the other party?”

Jingle Bells!

When Gu Yu complained, the mobile phone rang, and Gu Yu directly answered the phone number when he saw it.

Then Yuan Hanhai’s voice came out of the phone.

“Gu Yu, did you see the chat in the group?”

“I see.”

“One of the sleeping quarters of Czech Röm may be in the secret place of Taklamakan

“I know that the secret realm of Taklamakan is dangerous, that there is a Banjira of the quasi-gods, or that it is the sleeping place of Rejlock.”

“If you’re willing to venture in and try it, how will it turn out?”

“I promised to give you a juvenile quasi-god, and when the mission is over, I will honor it immediately.”

“Only God is my ace Bangira, the elven egg that was just born.”

“I also ask you to complete this task immediately, and there will be results before the end of the year.”

“Think about it now!”

Reggie Lock’s Sleeping Run…

The elven egg that Bangira lays!

Thinking back to the Stone of the Pillar King that Regichkas had given him, Gu Yu suddenly felt.

“This task does not seem to be impossible to complete!”

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