Bronze Dragon: Tyrant's Road to Conquest

Chapter 344 Your emperor has appeared!

"The issues you mentioned are indeed worthy of discussion."

Di Ruier listened patiently, and after Gu Jinlong finished vomiting his bitterness, he proposed an idea that had been brewing for a while.

"But before that, please accompany me for a walk around Midgar. Although this is my territory, I am not familiar with it."


Although he was surprised by Tyrell's request, Guderian did not refuse.

The two legendary dragons walked in the city in human-like postures. Gu Jinlong transformed into an image of a white-haired old man with bright eyes and a simple temperament, while Di Ruier was a first-born man with horns and dragon scales on his face. Dragon people are young people, tall and strong, and look extraordinary.

During this walk, Tyrell did not use any magic to conceal his presence. He led Guderian openly and openly through the streets of the city. Wherever he passed, he also attracted many strange looks.

"It's really strange. This is obviously a city ruled by dragons, but I turned into such an ordinary dragon form, and yet I was still able to attract so much attention."

Tyrell, who was still able to attract many eyes even when walking on the busiest street in Midgar, complained to the old golden dragon who looked a little embarrassed on his face.

This ancient golden dragon already understood what was going on, and also knew what the young dragon master was dissatisfied with - the dragon clan, as the ruler, had left almost no imprint on the city. It can be said that There is no sense of existence, so much so that even the appearance of a dragon man can attract a lot of attention, making him a particularly rare and alien existence.

"Midgar, is it a city belonging to the human race or a city belonging to the dragon race?"

Di Ruier turned his head and asked softly to Gu Jinlong who was following him and had already realized the problem. This voice was deafening in Gu Jinlong's ears.

"Midgar is of course a city belonging to the Dragon Clan!"

Guderian replied immediately.

"So, what about the dragons? Where are they? Why can't I see the third dragon besides us? And where are your cloud giant attendants? Why not let them participate in the city defense or management of Midgar? "

"Quite a few of the cloud giants who follow me follow my granddaughter Su Hailun. For the remaining giants, I arranged for them to guard the castle."

Gu Jinlong explained.

"Is it!"

Tyrell knew why. It was too inconvenient for creatures of different sizes to live in the same city.

For cloud giants who are nearly twenty meters tall, if they live in the same city as humans, they need to pay attention to their words and deeds at all times, because as long as they are distracted, they may cause a serious stampede. .

Therefore, historically, even short-lived forces that formed an alliance with giants or cooperated with giants in other ways would place giants in the wilderness far away from the city, and would not easily allow them to enter the city and cause unrest.

Such an arrangement is of course no problem for short-lived rulers, but Midgar is a city ruled by the Dragon Clan, and this city actually wants to shut out the followers of the Dragon Clan.

"Your Excellency Guderian, after I woke up, the first thing I looked for was your granddaughter, Su Hailun. She reminded me before I left for Elmond Continent and asked me to be prepared."

The young dragon man stared at the old man who looked a little uneasy.

"I was mentally prepared, but even so, I still underestimated the changes you brought to this land while I was sleeping."

"Tyriel, you may be dissatisfied with some of my administrative measures, but you can discuss it with me and I will make modifications and adjustments according to your wishes. The residents of Midgar are all innocent."

The old golden dragon has already felt the shadow power that is spreading crazily in every corner of Midgar, and he knows what it is.

All this time, this force has only been active on the battlefields of the Color Dragon Legion's external conquests, and has never entered the civilized area under his control. But now, with the awakening of the Bronze Dragon Lord, everything has become different. .

"Innocent? You mean that all the residents of Midgar are kind-hearted people who have never committed any crime?"


Old Jinlong's tone suddenly stopped. He couldn't say such words. Although he liked human beings, he also knew that the lower limit of human morality could be so low that even the devil would be ashamed.

"Don't worry, I'm not a murderous tyrant, but this city has many imperfections in my eyes. I think it's time to revise and supplement the Bronze Code to adapt to the current situation. Some The laws are too rough.”

Di Ruier said, but these words of comfort did not make Jin Long feel at ease, and instead made him even more nervous.

Because he learned from his granddaughter how the bronze dragon in front of him took over the first city after setting foot in the civilized world for the first time.

The brutal atrocities that almost wiped out the nobles and merchants in the entire city and surrounding areas are still criticized by many short-lived nobles in the mainland even today, more than half a century later.

"If the implementation of the perfect Bronze Code is effective, we can consider promoting it to the entire Elmond Continent."

Di Ruier added, this time, even Gu Jinlong couldn't help but have a hint of panic in his eyes.

Because what this bronze dragon wants to take over is a vast area covering tens of millions of square kilometers. In this area, there are intelligent races with a population of nearly 50 million, including humans.

If the Bronze Code is once revised and promoted, in order to confirm the majesty of the code, this young dragon descendant will definitely smear it with the blood of a large amount of wisdom species. I don’t know how many people will die as a result.

"Dirrell, you heard that I said..."

"Your Excellency Guderian, remember when I appointed you to manage this land on my behalf, I told you that I would not accept any state within a state.

I can make a duke, but I will not recognize any grand duke. No one can divide my territory, even if that land is not under my control. "

Tyrell interrupted Gu Jinlong's words. Although he is sleeping in the demiplane of World Tree, he is aware of major events happening around the world.

Among them was the great event that the Yaohui Consul of the Elmond Continent, the ancient golden dragon Guderian, canonized thirteen legendary grand dukes in one day.

This was a major event that shocked the Elmond Continent and even shocked the world. After all, multiple legends gathered together could establish a United Kingdom that could dominate one pole of the continent.

But such a large number of legends chose to bow to the Metal Dragon Clan in the end. Not only is it rare in the world, but even if one searches through history, it is almost impossible to find a second case of the same incident.

This major event is regarded as a symbol of the rise of dragon power in the world of Kallos, because the thirteen legends who were canonized by the Yaohui Archon are all human race. Although they are mainly legends of melee professionals, it can also explain a lot. .

However, Diriel, who knew the news, was not happy about it, and was even angry, because he knew the origin of these legends, which was the legend that Carlos, the king of Lan Ting, abandoned his country and fled when he invaded the Sukrit continent.

After he defeated Carlos, these legends tried to ask him for the land occupied by the evil dragon, but of course Tyrell refused forcefully. So, these guys fled to the Elmond continent to seek opportunities.

For a long time, these guys were one of the sources of unrest in Elmond Continent, and Tyrell had always looked down upon them, not taking them seriously at all.

But while he was sleeping, Gu Jinlong conquered these smelly fish and shrimps in his name, and also gave them land to establish a principality.

This must not be tolerated by Tyrell. He can allow his subjects to have their own ideas, but he cannot tolerate his subjects ignoring his opinions and executing their own ideas.

Guderian, the ancient golden dragon, and Di Ruier did not deny each other's qualifications and identity, but these were not the dragon's capital or reason to disobey him.

"I have worked hard for you these past years. I think you should take a rest now. Do you want to consider a trip to the astral world? I will pay for all the expenses incurred by the trip."

Guderian, who originally wanted to continue explaining, opened his mouth, and then showed a helpless smile. Obviously, everything he had done in these years had been vetoed by His Majesty the Bronze Dragon Lord.

But even so, he was not prepared to go on a so-called astral journey, because he had already smelled the smell of blood coming from the mouth of the young dragon in front of him.

A massacre is about to come. Perhaps many nobles and gray forces who have developed because of his kindness and tolerance will be sentenced to death, but many innocent people will also be affected.

He could not prevent the coming bloody massacre, but he could try to use his own power to prevent as many innocent people from being executed as possible.

"There is no need to travel to the astral realm. I am already old and don't want to travel around. If I really have to choose a place to rest, I want to stay in Midgar and open a magic scroll shop in an inconspicuous corner of the city. Shop.”

"It's a nice way to live in seclusion. It sounds interesting. That's what you wish for."

In an understatement, Di Ruil took away all the rights of Gu Jinlong. This right was given by him. Even if he was controlled by this elder for decades, it would not prevent Di Ruil from taking it as he pleased.

Because of their activities in Elmond Continent, the Dragon Legion formed by pure-blooded five-color dragons has always been under the control of Tyrell. This force is responsible for suppressing and regaining the territory that Tyrell should have inherited - also All the lands that Carlos had conquered.

No matter who the original owner of these lands was, after being conquered and occupied by Carlos, Tyrell believed that these lands should be inherited by him, and no one could take them away except by force.

It is precisely because of Tyrell's overbearing and lonely thoughts that he has caused many disputes. As a result, his reputation on this continent is actually not much better than that of Carlos, the king of Lan Ting. It is even worse, because he is acting A principled metal dragon.

However, Tyrell would not be polite to them at all. The five-color dragons he sent to the Elmond continent did this kind of offending job - expelling, suppressing, and even massacring those disputed territories. regime armed forces.

Looking at the mainland, or even looking at the world, it is difficult to find a force that can be an enemy of this dragon army. This is the confidence that Di Ruier can dismiss the golden dragon at will. Of course, the biggest reliance is on himself.

"I still have a lot of government affairs, which are half-finished. Will you handle these affairs personally, or will you assign other dragon clans to handle them with me?"

Although all his rights were taken away in one day, Jin Long still wanted to try to fight for it, not because he was nostalgic for power, but because he wanted to prevent or delay the intensity of the upcoming massacre. He wanted to take part in revising the Code.

"I will do it myself."

Tyrell was ready to take action personally. He felt that it would be a bit irresponsible for him to be completely indifferent and leave all matters, big and small, to other dragons to handle.

Even if these dragons are trustworthy and will not betray him again, they will inevitably have their own ideas on how to implement things, and they may even dare to turn their ideas into reality because of their friendly and close relationship with him.

If he really wants to implement the grand vision he once described to His Majesty the Dragon God Bahamut, he has to do everything himself.

"I can be your assistant."

"Go down and rest for a while first. When you are almost done resting, I will invite you back."

Tyrell could see what Jin Long was thinking, but there were some things that he would not compromise with anyone.

Under Diril's toughness, even the ancient golden dragon was helpless. When the strongest dragon clan made up its mind to do something, no one could stop it.

"Dirrell, we should have compassion and compassion for these weak short-lived species."

"I have never lacked mercy and mercy. The reason why I decided to revise the code is precisely because I am too kind. I cannot see my subjects suffering and crying when they are violated by lawless people."

Tyrell said with a serious face.

"What do you plan to amend the code to?"

Guderian couldn't help but ask.

"This will take time to discuss. Now, I need to do something more important."


"Let the intelligent races living on this land know that the emperor who rules them has awakened."

Tyrell smiled.



The moment Di Ruier's words fell, the sky suddenly trembled, accompanied by a roar a thousand times louder than thunder, and dark space cracks criss-crossed the sky.

The terrifying brute force tore open the space cracks one after another, and ferocious dragon heads poked out from the cracks. Bloodthirsty eyes stared greedily at the prosperous city.

hold head high--

The dragon wearing the Emperor's armor rose from the earth when the city fell into despair. He brought brilliant light and entrenched himself at the highest point of the city, shrouding Midgar with its majesty.

The moment this emperor-like dragon appeared, the terrifying dragons that emerged from the cracks in space flew out one after another, descended from the sky, and fell to the ground. Then, hundreds of dragons bowed their heads and prostrated, offering the highest respect to the noble emperor.

"That sounds like something to say!"

Dirrell accepted the worship of the ten colorful ancient dragons and many dragons of different ages with a natural expression, feeling very satisfied.

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