Bronze Dragon: Tyrant's Road to Conquest

Chapter 345 The Demon Hunting Capital

"What's going on here?"

The evil dragons that descended from the cracks in the sky did not attack the city, nor did they attack anyone. They just landed on the city's towers, churches, wealthy businessmen's mansions and other high-rise buildings.

Even so, the dragon power emanating from these huge, ferocious beasts still suppressed the entire city, and no one in the streets could continue their original activities.

Many people who get too close to dragons are even frightened to the point of fainting, or become incontinent. People who can stay conscious, even if they are pale, are considered rare brave people.

"Why are there so many evil dragons? Is the end coming?"


"Where's Archon Yaohui? Why didn't you stop these evil dragons? Why did you allow them to enter the city?"

Even under the majestic suppression of the dragons, the entire city was silent and no large-scale riots broke out, but the fear and panic had spread to everyone.

The red dragon is a symbol of destruction and death, the blue dragon represents sandstorms and thunder, the green dragon represents poison and plague, and the black dragon will bring death and decay... The emergence of the color dragons will bring disaster. They It is an ominous symbol.

No city would welcome the arrival of chromatic dragons unless they were locked in a magical iron cage or nailed to a copper pillar.

However, the descending dragons didn't care at all what the many people in the city thought. They even enjoyed the fear and awe in the eyes of these weak creatures who had been at peace for a long time.

If there wasn't a strong force that restrained their words and deeds, preventing them from releasing the evil nature contained in their blood, they would have started burning, killing and looting now.

But now, even if the color dragons that descend do nothing, the city's order has entered a state of collapse.

The vast majority of residents in the city do not know the specific identities of these colored dragons, because they only need to confirm that these evil dragons are different from their golden dragon archons and are evil dragons.

But there are also a few people who can recognize the specific identities of these colored dragons, especially the ten colored ancient dragons headed by them. After all, these dragons move around the Elmond continent all year round. As long as the words and deeds of ancient dragon-level existences are spread, , their legends and stories will be derived.

This also made this small group of people who knew enough information and were clear-headed enough to realize that the ruling class of Midgar had been replaced.

Because during the Golden Dragon's reign, the Color Dragon would never be allowed to enter any town, unless that town had fallen and had no value in saving it.

But even if I realize this, all I can feel is a sense of powerlessness, because there is nothing I can do.

The existence that even Gu Jinlong can't resist is something they can change. All they can do is to adapt or choose to move away. Judging from the current situation, it may not be that easy to leave this city. .

"That giant dragon should be the Storm Lord, Lord Punolando, the controller of thousands of colored dragons, the Bronze Dragon Lord, His Majesty Tyrell!"

However, not everyone is so desperate. Some people make bold guesses about the identity of the dragon that is entrenched at the highest point in the city and accepts the worship of all colored dragons.

Although this giant dragon is not consistent with the image depicted in the portraits and classics, judging from the color of its scales and the scene of the events taking place at this moment, it should be him.

Because apart from this special bronze dragon, there is no other dragon in the world of Kalros that can silently expel a golden dragon Archon and make so many colored dragons worship and surrender to it.

After guessing the identity of this noble dragon, many people felt inspired. No matter what, the bronze dragon who pursues order is infinitely better at holding power than the color dragon.

But one thing that is certain is that from now on, the vast land radiated with Midgar as the core of rule will usher in a new ruling order starting from today.

Survival of the fittest!

Unfortunately, only a small number of people who are knowledgeable enough and think clearly enough know that the future is not so hopeless, but the vast majority of people have been frightened by these exaggerated numbers and ferocious and ferocious colored dragons.

If there are no accidents, as long as the management is relaxed a little, Midgar's urban population will usher in an extremely exaggerated period of loss.

But Diril had anticipated this. He summoned the color dragon clan to come, just to confirm his dominance and at the same time to announce his return to the world. The gathering of ancient dragons would inevitably attract people from all over the world, and even other locations, and even gods. s concern.

Therefore, in the space cracks where thousands of colorful dragons descended, there was pure white, even golden holy light shining, driving away the darkness, turning the criss-crossing terrifying cracks into sacred auroras floating in the sky. .

This glorious and sacred scene formed a great contrast with the doomsday scene just before the arrival of the ancient dragon. The change can be called a polar reversal, which made many people who stayed awake unable to react for a while, found it difficult to adapt, and even doubted whether they were... In a dream, after all, this scene happening in reality is a bit too bizarre.

But the mental pressure and the substantive oppression under the power of the ancient dragon convinced them that they were now in reality, but this reality was not as desperate as they imagined.

In the eyes of millions of expectant eyes, a being wearing sacred golden armor, holding a gun in one hand and a sword in the other, descended from the largest aurora in the sky. The holy and bright light stretched out from the six wings behind him, Spreading to the distant horizon, stretching for thousands of meters without end.

"That is, the savior of millions of innocent and desperate people, the Archangel of Hope, Angeles!"

"He is also the Holy Judge and the founder of the Demon Hunting City!"

With the arrival of the Seraphim Blood Angels, Midgar, which was originally filled with despair and panic, suddenly experienced an indescribable change. It was hope, expectation, and relaxation. The residents of Midgar were no longer so afraid, or perhaps Said that they firmly believe that they can be saved and protected by angels.

It has to be said that as humanoid creatures and angels with divine postures, it is easier to gain the recognition, admiration and worship of humanoid intelligent creatures than the huge metal dragons.

Gu Jinlong, who has the reputation of a glorious consul, has worked hard for this city for nearly half a century. Even if he becomes a human race and basically presides over government affairs in human form, he still has no sense of identity. Comparable to Blood Angel Angeles, who barely shows up in the city.

As for the Color Dragon Clan, there is no need to say more. Angeles is essentially doing the same thing as them, and there is no difference in essence. However, what the Color Dragon Clan faces when they come is fear, panic and suspicion, unlike the Saints. The Blood Angels were treated completely opposite.

Of course, the main reason for this is because of their respective races. In the long history, in many planes, and in the years, they have gradually accumulated a reputation, and one cannot blame others.


Under the gaze of everyone, facing countless expectant eyes, Saint Les, who is already the nemesis of evil and a symbol of hope, also lowered his head to the dragon entrenched at the top, with an expression of both respect and admiration. One scene, I don’t know how many people’s eyes were crushed.

"Your Excellency Angeles' father is actually a dragon?! How is this possible?"

"How is this impossible? Haven't you seen the portrait of Mr. Angeles? He has dragon horns and dragon scales on his body. He has such a distinct dragon bloodline? Isn't it obvious enough?"

"Didn't you say that those dragon-like characteristics were transformed from the weapons and equipment worn by Mr. Angeles?"

"Facts speak louder than words. The situation is very obvious now. The father of the Holy Judge is a dragon. Do you still have any doubts?"

"there is none left."

In the face of the facts, any quibble seems particularly ridiculous.

However, it no longer matters whether the archangel's father is a dragon. With the appearance of this angel, most of the atmosphere of fear and panic in the city has dissipated.

Because the demon-hunting angel Angeles has already proven his opposition to evil with the spear and sword in his hand, he will not let go of any evil creature that appears in his sight.

How could a dragon who had raised such a son and whom he respectfully called his father be an evil creature? He must also be the master of good deeds.

"Angeles, I have been watching you, and your words and deeds satisfy me very much."

Even if he just exists, Di Ruier is more eye-catching than the sun in the sky. He said, neither the gathering of ancient dragons nor the descending holy archangels can take away his brilliance. When he opened his mouth, the whole city was stunned. The city is listening.

The Holy Blood Angel Angeles was sent to the Elmond Continent by him. In the early stage, because he did not understand the situation, he assisted the ancient golden dragon Guderian in handling affairs. After he gradually became familiar with and understood the situation on the continent, this Holy Blood Angel The angels soon became independent and separated from Midgar.

He uses the spear and sword in his hand to hunt down evil spirits. His figure will appear at any time in cities that have been invaded by evil spirits from the abyss, hell, or even the outer interface.

Precisely because he is always on the front line of the fight against evil, and because his growing strength allows him to save the city most of the time, he is given the name of hope, and countless people have been saved. From then on, he began to worship his existence.

His tenacious will to fight evil day by day for decades and never give in, and because of his outstanding character of never enjoying himself and resisting all temptations, he gradually gained a number of followers behind him.

Among these followers are paladins who admire his character, hill dwarf kings who admire his strength, high elves and human dignitaries who are obsessed with his perfect appearance, and there are also gods from the heaven who admire his words and deeds.

Even though Angeles has repeatedly stated that he does not need followers, the number of followers behind him is increasing, and the number of strong men willing to obey his orders is also increasing day by day.

Even an arrogant Angeles could not ignore this expanding power. So, after persuasion by some of his followers and some thinking of his own, Angeles established a demon-hunting capital—— A city whose goal is to hunt evil.

After the demon-hunting capital was established, Angeles' power began to expand at a speed that he had never expected. He himself became a banner against evil, and there was a faint tendency to turn into faith. .

Everything that Angeles has experienced has been paid attention to by Tyrell, and his growth and development have made Tyrell feel quite gratified.

It is precisely for this reason that before Di Ruier woke up, he communicated with the World Tree and threw his descendants to an alien plane for training.

The biggest fear in everything is comparison. His "eldest son" has performed so well, and his every word and deed is exemplary and impeccable, while the other two sons who are closer to him are either calculating or domineering. How can he tolerate this?

"Father, you finally woke up. These are what I should do."

In Angeles, the heroic and masculine face that even the most outstanding artist could not carve out half of the charm showed a hint of excitement that was rarely seen in others.

"You did the right thing, then you should get the corresponding reward. This is my responsibility as your father."

Tyrell stretched out his dragon claws.


There was hesitation in Angeles' eyes. He knew what his father was going to do to him, but he didn't want his father to do this.

"come over!"

Tyrell's tone became a little more severe,

"Do you want to disobey me in public?"

"Of course not, I just don't want to..."

Angeles wanted to explain, but faced Dirrell's unquestionable gaze, he finally had no choice but to slowly fly in front of Dirrell, keeping his height a head lower than Dirrell.

"This is the award you deserve, don't feel any burden because of it!"

Under the attention of many curious eyes, Tyrell's dragon claw gently touched the center of Angeles' eyebrows. Suddenly, a bright light that darkened everything emerged, making people feel palpitated and at the same time excited. The majestic power of folding emerges.

"This is?!"

Among the crowd, Gu Jinlong, who was silently paying attention to the development of the situation, showed an expression of emotion on his face, but soon, his expression became unbelievable, as if he couldn't believe it.

As that ray of light poured into the body of the Blood Angel, the existence that had turned into a flag and a symbol became even more brilliant, and every part of his body was shining.

Pieces of gilt dragon scales emerged from under Angeles' skin, and then quickly connected with each other. On top of the dragon scales, there was a thicker layer of dragon armor with a shining metallic texture, symbolizing the power of thunder and storm. Divine patterns spread on the dragon scale armor... and infinite vitality bursts out of the angel's body.

The power it possesses is already well-known in the Elmond Continent. Even in several other continents, there is the legendary Blood Angel Angeles, whose power is increasing dramatically at this moment.

The rapidly increasing power was beyond the archangel's control in a very short period of time. The dissipated power easily stirred up the celestial phenomena and caused the earth to rumble.

The sky became dark at a speed visible to the naked eye. Dragons and snakes evolved from thunder roared between the clouds. The storm turned into giant beasts roaring. The mountains swayed and the earth trembled. The uncontrollable legendary power made Mead The city of Gard is shaking.

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