Bronze Dragon: Tyrant's Road to Conquest

Chapter 343 Shadows are everywhere

"What do you want to do?"

The child with scales on his face looked at the older children blocking his way with vigilant eyes. They were humans, pure human beings.

"Why are you so nervous? Eddie, relax. These are my friends. They are a little curious about you, so they came to me."

The leader, a slightly muscular child, said with a smile.

"What are you curious about?"

As a child of mixed race, his eyes suddenly became more alert and even showed hostility.

"We heard that you are the child of a snake man. None of us have ever seen a snake man."

Another older child interjected. As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to pull the mixed-race child.

"I heard that besides your face, you also have scales all over your body. Take them off and let us see."

"Get away!"

The child, whose pupils were no different from those of ordinary humans, suddenly became extremely angry when he saw these children trying to pull him and take off his clothes. Along with his anger, his eyes It also turned into dark green vertical pupils.

This change immediately shocked several older children, but they just took a few steps back, then stopped and looked at each other, with angry looks on their faces.

"He is indeed a half-breed mongrel, as vulgar as a wild beast!"

"What do you say to this monster? Grab him, strip him naked, and throw him into the street!"

The two older children rushed forward and, relying on their physical strength, quickly suppressed the mixed-race child. Even though he struggled desperately, it was of no avail.

"Be careful. Look, his fangs are exposed. He is indeed a monster!"

"Don't be afraid, this guy's teeth just look scary, but they are actually not poisonous."

The older child who led his companions over said with a smile. He seemed to know everything about this mixed-race child who was being bullied.

"If you dare to bite us, I will go to Uncle Moore and use his iron pliers to pull out all your fangs."

The scales on his face became more real with anger, turning into tiny scales. The mixed-race child opened his mouth to make the person who bullied him pay the price. At this moment, he heard the threat.

With just a moment of hesitation and timidity, several older children tore off his clothes made of inferior fabric, leaving his thin white body exposed in the air.

"What? Didn't he say that there are snake scales all over his clothes? Doesn't he look much like us? Are you lying to us?"

A few suspicious eyes were cast on the older child who was leading the way. The child suddenly panicked, scratched his neck and began to argue.

"Who says I lied to you guys? I've told you a long time ago that this kid is a mixed-race mongrel, so many of his monster characteristics are not obvious at all.

It will only appear when there is strong stimulation. Look at his face, it looked like a tattoo just now, but now it has turned into scales! "

"That makes sense."

"So, how can we see the true form of this little monster?"

"Of course let him receive the strongest stimulation!"

A ferocious smile appeared on the face of an older child, with a ferocious look that was inappropriate for his age, like a little lemure in purgatory.

"Hit him! As long as he feels enough pain, he will show his truest appearance, and then you will know that I did not lie to you."

The suppressed mixed-race child listened in disbelief to the discussion of these older human children. A hot air suddenly exploded from his heart, from his neck to his shoulders, all the way down along the spine, with fine scales. suddenly emerged,

"Look, he's angry!"

"Aren't you afraid that I will report you to the paladin?"

The hybrid snake-man child struggled hard. At this time, he could only bring out the paladins who exuded holy light that his parents had described to him.

Because even if he manifested more and more racial characteristics belonging to the snake people, it did not change the situation that he was being bullied. The snake people were not a powerful race, not to mention that these human children were older than him. Much bigger.

"What does our human paladin have to do with a monster like you? Do you think anyone will pay attention to you if you complain to the paladin?"

The older children who were bullying and teasing the hybrid snake man said with a smile.

"That's right, don't say that a monster like you is not qualified to approach the noble paladin. Even if you report to the tribune, who will believe what a monster like you says?"

"Stop talking to the monster, be careful of being infected by him!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? You think I am a three-year-old child. How could I turn into such a monster if I touch it?"

"You don't know? There are a lot of parasites in snakes. The teacher has told me about them, but haven't you listened?"

"I almost fell asleep when I heard it, so I didn't pay attention."

Several older children were discussing for a while, and while they were laughing, their fists and kicks fell like raindrops on the child who was pushed to the ground by them and had his clothes stripped off.

Just as the older child said, under the stimulation of blood and pain, more and more characteristics of the snake people were revealed. In the end, the two legs of the mixed-race child were tightly together, There are actually signs of merging together and turning into a snake's tail.

"He is becoming more and more like a monster. Should we kill him?"

"Isn't this not good?"

"But we have beaten him like this. He will definitely hate us. At night, he may sneak into our house and eat us while we are sleeping!"


"This is a monster that has sneaked into the city. If we kill him, we will not violate the law!"


A strong gust of wind blew down from the sky, knocking the three older children who were planning to commit violence to the ground.

Another ray of gentle breeze swept up the ground, gently rolling up the hybrid snake-man child whose body was covered in bruises and with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"what happened?"

The children who were unable to resist and could only endure the violent beatings silently, and whose hearts were full of despair and powerlessness for the future, looked at the human children who were thrown to the ground with some confusion and could only groan as they fell, not understanding what was happening. What.

At this time, in the shadow under his feet, a substance like thick black oil surged up, and then transformed into more than a dozen shadow warriors wearing strong armor in the frightened eyes of several children.

These warriors all stood behind the scarred hybrid snake-man child. One of the warriors even picked up the clothes that had been torn off the ground, and then put them on the child gently.



The shadow warriors with dazzling golden light in their eyes frightened the three older children. They screamed and got up from the ground and wanted to run away, but unfortunately, their way was quickly blocked again.

Shadows are everywhere!

"The changes in Midgar over the years are beyond my expectations!"

The tall and tall young man looked down at the crowded street and said calmly. His deep blue eyes were like a bottomless abyss, making people unable to understand and dare not go deep.

The white-haired old man sitting opposite the young man glanced at the young man in front of him, which he found difficult to fathom, and then quickly looked away.

"Over the years, I have devoted all my energy to this city. If there are no changes, it would be unreasonable."


Tyrell made a nasal sound that was neither light nor heavy, and then asked softly,

"I have never visited Midgar during the Ansel Kingdom. Is that city very similar to Midgar today?"

"It's completely different. In terms of city size, Midgar back then can't be compared with what it is now. But in terms of details, Midgar now can't be compared with the one before. This is a city that has just been built. The new city was founded less than 30 years ago, but Midgar in the Kingdom of Ansel has more than 500 years of time."

There was a hint of regret in Guderian's tone, and the white-haired old man he transformed had a look of reminiscence in his eyes.

"It's a pity that the city was destroyed by Carlos, the King of Blue Ting. In the subsequent war, it was completely destroyed."

"So, by building a new city on the site, do you want to recreate the Midgar in your memory?"

Tyrell glanced at the old golden dragon, and then turned his attention to the city at his feet.

"A replica? Of course not."

Guderian looked at the Bronze Dragon Lord who was still looking down at the city, and finally realized something was wrong.

"Why do you ask that?"

"I remember when I came to Midgar. Although the city was not as prosperous as it is now, it had a vitality that was not found in other places. At that time, humans were only one of the residents of this city, and they were not as prosperous as they are now. They are inconspicuous, but now, they have become the main body of this city and are excluding other humanoid races."

Tyrell glanced at an alley corner, where he could see several human children having a "friendly" exchange with a dwarf child.

There are countless similar scenes in every corner of this city. Although there are many scenes of humans and other humanoid races living in harmony, these cannot hide the fact.

Human beings, who have become the main residents of this city, either deliberately or unconsciously exclude all non-human races, dwarves, dwarfs, halflings, which are relatively better. After all, there is only a difference in height and body shape.

Similar to snakemen, satyrs, tauren, etc., humanoid races with special tissues and organs that humans do not have, are even more miserably excluded, and have almost no place in this city.

The only exception is probably the elves. These long-lived races, whose average quality is higher than that of short-lived races, receive preferential treatment in most human cities, and Midgar is no exception. .

Even though this city does not have clear legal provisions, because of the recognition of many human races, any white-skinned elf can receive super-national treatment in this city.

"Humanity's ability to reproduce is also outstanding among intelligent races. It is logical that humans will become the main residents of Midgar."

It seemed that he understood the source of Dirrell's dissatisfaction, so Guderian explained.

He doesn't think this has anything to do with it, because he has not interfered with the development of any race. The reason why Midgar's racial distribution ratio has become what it is today is all due to the efforts of the human race themselves.

"Is it!"

Di Ruier was noncommittal about the reasons given by Old Jinlong.

The metal dragons, especially the gold and silver dragons, have a considerable preference for the human race. The golden dragon claimed that Midgar has become a city dominated by humans. It has nothing to do with him. It is clearly a joke. Tyrell didn't say a word. Don't believe it.

However, this old golden dragon did not lie, perhaps because he subconsciously believed that all the preferential treatment and preference he gave to the human race were natural.

In fact, Tyrell does not resent the golden dragon's preference for humans, because he also likes the human race very much, but this does not mean that the humans under his rule have the privilege of arbitrarily oppressing other races.

Regarding the management measures of this ancient golden dragon on Elmond Continent, Tyrell has always simply inquired and has not intervened.

After all, it is a place waiting for war. Under the ravages of evil dragons and the devastation of war, the depopulated areas do not need to be managed too much. It is enough to let the survivors recuperate and live.

Now it seems that this area is almost fully cultivated. At the very least, the human race has recovered quite well. In this case, he can no longer just look at it. After all, it is the largest territory under his rule.

"Speaking of which, have you ever walked around the city?"

"You don't know how much government affairs I have to deal with every day. I have learned the art of splitting myself for this. But even so, I often feel that I don't have enough energy. I don't have time!"

These words were spoken sincerely. There was indeed a trace of lingering weariness in Old Jinlong's eyes. A serious and responsible manager must be very hardworking and troublesome. Even the body of an ancient dragon could not bear it.

"You can recruit some staff and auxiliary officers to help you handle government affairs. You are the governor of Midgar. You don't have to do everything yourself. You only need to decide the big development direction."

Tyrell smiled. Diligence is a good thing, but if you only know how to be diligent, problems can easily arise.

Dragons are born to be superior to all creatures and races, and they stand high enough. After becoming a ruler, they still stay away from the world, and their eyes stay on the mountains and floating clouds. This is really disappointing for the people who are ruled. Big mold.

"I have tried all the things you mentioned. Unfortunately, there are too few people who are qualified. Although humans are good, their lives are too short. Elves are suitable, but elves are too lazy and their work efficiency is too high. Too low…”

Guderian complained naggingly. He had established an administrative system with him as the core. In the early days, it made it easier for him to save a lot of effort. However, in less than ten years, this administrative system began to deteriorate. Get bloated.

Not only has it become bloated, but the work efficiency has also begun to become low, and the amount of money approved is always reduced inexplicably. Often the money is spent, but not much is done.

For Gu Jinlong, who had gathered great power into one body, he certainly could not tolerate being fooled like this, so he directly carried out a cleanup.

However, Gu Jinlong found somewhat helplessly that even if he carried out several rounds of major cleaning, as long as he dared to use short-lived species, the same problem would still appear again and again.

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