Blooming America

Chapter 931: Human test (2)

Chapter 931

It's been a week since I came here.

And in this week's time, Andrew clearly felt the abnormal situation.

The treatment of my right leg has been going on all the time, and the place where my right leg used to be, is now unbearably itchy.

But on the other hand, Andrew was also clearly aware that his right leg gradually became more flexible!

Yes, my right leg has gradually become the same as before!

Andrew was extremely excited.

Therefore, when the doctor told Andrew that the experiment on his left leg might need to break the bones again, Andrew agreed without hesitation.

If you can restore your normal and healthy legs, what is the point of crying like this?

The treatment of the left leg actually recovered more quickly than Andrew had imagined!

Andrew's left leg also received the same treatment.

Andrew's left leg was injured more severely than his right leg, and it was also a great burden for Andrew when he walked.

Then, miraculously, the final recovery speed of the left leg was even faster than that of the right leg!

In another week, the left leg was completely healed after the cast!

According to the other party's notice, what Andrew will face next is the healing of his hand!

This is also what makes Andrew the most excited.

It's okay if my legs are disabled, but without my own hands, I can't do anything.

Andrew had had enough of the days of one hand, and the uncoordinated left hand was like a nightmare, torturing Andrew all the time.

Whenever he was using his left hand, Andrew would always think of his right hand-but there was nothing left there.

Then, Andrew would think of his nightmare during the Vietnam War.

The memory of that time, like a nightmare, entangled Andrew, making him tortured by the spirit all the time.

"The right hand has already reacted. It is probably caused by the repair protein entering the blood through the blood vessel, and then acting... But I am a little surprised, why this protein can shuttle through the body so easily?"

The researchers invited by Rockefeller were more puzzled than Hayflick.

At this time, Hayflick explained: "The protein we are studying is to comprehensively repair the human system, and this system can be easily and conveniently moved in the human body, which is our original intention... …"

Hayflick naturally didn't understand this matter, but in order to deal with the other party, Hayflick quickly got up. He didn't intend to study the repair protein thoroughly with the other party. When facing the most powerful consortium in the world, Hayflick also kept an eye on it.

"That's it... Then, are we going to continue the experiment next?" the other party asked again.

"Of course, the next experiment is also necessary."

Hayflick looked at the researcher named Clovey in front of him. If the other party hadn't come from Rockefeller, maybe he would have a deeper communication with the other party.

Unfortunately, the current identities of the two parties have determined that it is unlikely that there will be a deeper exchange between the two parties.

"In addition, there is also the medical history of that amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. We found that after a week of treatment, the physical condition of the other party has obviously improved, although we do not know this disease. What is the cause of the disease, but...According to our results, the current treatment situation is quite perfect. I am afraid that it only takes one month for the other party to heal."

Hayflick nodded.

This was not unexpected to Hayflick.

The opponent's body is restored to its best condition, which is something that only repair proteins can do.

"In addition, there is also about the sickle-shaped red blood cell anemia patient... This case may have some problems..."

Clovey said so.


"Yes, we found that the repair protein can only affect the red blood cell itself, but it cannot change the deeper content."

"Oh...? Let me see."

Hayflick took the other party's report.

Then Hayflick frowned.

An inherited disease with abnormal molecular structure of hemoglobin, the main symptom is anemia. The patient is weak, dizzy, short of breath, heart murmurs and increased pulse; the blood hemoglobin (hb) content is only half of that of normal people (15-16 grams per 100 ml of blood); the number of red blood cells is not only small but also abnormal; many of them are long and thin. A crescent-shaped red blood cell that looks like a sickle.

This is the symptom of sickle cell anemia.

The patients that Hayflick found were the moderately severe ones.

When blood is deoxygenated (does not carry oxygen), sickle-shaped cells increase greatly. This cell is extremely fragile and easily damaged, resulting in low blood hemoglobin levels. A more serious consequence is that the capillaries of certain organs are blocked by these long abnormal cells, which is the main reason for the early death of many sickle cell anemia patients. Sickle cell anemia is an inherited disease in which the hb mutant gene is received from both parents. Only get this abnormal gene from one parent, only about 1% of the red blood cells are sickle-shaped. Such people have only mild sickle-shaped red blood cell anemia symptoms, such as avoiding intense exercise or other states that make the circulatory system tense. A completely normal life.

The condition of the moderately severe patients selected by Hayflick and the others was a patient whose sickle-shaped red blood cells remained at a high level. The other party lived to this day and relied on the careful care of their family members.

The research results showed that when the repair protein was injected, the sickle-shaped cells almost disappeared, and the oxygen supply function of the other party's red blood cells was also brought to the extreme.

However, after the number of repair proteins began to decrease, sickle-shaped red blood cells began to proliferate. When the drug was completely stopped, the opponent's body also recovered the initial symptoms.

In other words, the repair protein cannot cure the symptoms of sickle cell anemia...

Sickle-shaped red blood cell anemia is a "molecular disease", that is, a disease caused by genetic changes in molecular structure, especially protein molecular structure. The glutamic acid at position 6 of the abnormal hemoglobin β chain is replaced by valine. This hydrophobic amino acid is just suitable for the "pocket" on the ef corner of the β chain of another hemoglobin molecule, which makes the two hemoglobin chains "lock" with each other, and finally together with other hemoglobin chains form an insoluble long cylindrical spiral fiber bundle, making The red blood cells twist into a sickle shape. As for why deoxygenated hemoglobin is sickle-shaped and oxygenated hemoglobin (oxygen-carrying) is not sickle-shaped, it can be simply explained as: in the oxygenated form, the rearrangement of hemoglobin subunits makes the β-chain pockets unable to accept adjacent hemoglobin molecules. .

With this unreasonable existence, the repair protein can smoothly complete it when repairing.

But the repair protein itself cannot repair defects in genes.

"In other words, the repair ability can reach the level of molecules, but it can't be modified by genes... Maybe you understand..."

Hayflick nodded.

"I need to take this medical record back to study."

The other party nodded: "Of course it's okay."

"By the way, what about the previous history of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis? How is his condition?"

"The other side's situation is also, at least during the treatment period, there was no such anemia. I guess that this disease should not be caused by a genetic defect. Even if it is a genetic defect, I guess this disease may have it., trigger conditions...oh, yes, I also found an interesting place."

Clovey suddenly took out two photos, in these two photos, are the appearance of the patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

"It seems that your medicine is really as effective as you said before. I was a little shocked at the beginning, but now, I have understood that we humans will face a huge change..."

At first glance, this should be a comparison of a person's appearance at the age of twenty and forty, or a comparison between a father and a son.

But Hayflick knew at this time that this is the photo of this patient two weeks ago and today's photo, and the younger photo was taken now!

"Although the other party is indeed young from the outside, in theory, the life span of the other party will not change much..."

Hayflick shook his head.

"We have to test for specific conditions. If the body functions can be restored, the person should be healthy before the cell reaches the limit of division."

Prolong your life.

Although it cannot be said to be immortal, but being able to double or even more than double one's life, who doesn't like such a good thing?

Moreover, the existence of this protein can also maintain the human body when the body is most vigorous. In other words, as long as there are conditions, they can maintain this state for more than 100 years!

Who would feel bad about such an embarrassing thing?

But Hayflick knew about the next thing, he would not be able to talk to these people in-depth, because in that case, the next problem he will face is not just his problem. In Hayflick’s view, his own conclusions are correct. The immortals that the earth cannot bear, the existence of these immortals, after all, violates the universal law of historical development.

Hmm... Hayflick was looking at philosophy recently.

"I think our next research should turn to the use of cheap methods to produce our repair proteins..." Clovi murmured.

"Yes, if it can be popularized in this world, that would be great..."

Although he opposes longevity, Hayflick is in favor of such a situation, because as far as nature is concerned, most situations are like this, and only human beings are an exception...


Five shifts today.

Well, it has been decided, to go beyond the world line, to play your own...


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