Blooming America

Chapter 930: Human test (1)

Chapter 930

"They agreed? Oh, great..."

Hayflick nodded.

Rockefeller...No, to be precise, it should be the Rockefeller board. They are very interested in this miraculous drug. They promised to help Umbrella Company conduct clinical trials, and even they want to participate in related research, but these are all Was rejected by Catherine.

At first Hayflick was still a little worried.

Who is the other party?


But the other party actually agreed to his own request at this time!

He certainly did not know that Catherine now has 30 billion gold. Unless the gold market is turbulent, this 30 billion gold is equivalent to 30 billion U.S. dollars, and it is cash.

Note that these can be regarded as working capital, and even Rockefeller, they want to prepare this 30 billion working capital, it is impossible to do it without ten and a half months.

Yes, Rockefeller has money, but this does not mean that they have cash in their hands. The concepts of cash and total assets are completely different.

When Catherine took a loan back then, it took a month for the other party to get all the money in place, which has explained everything.

Of course, Rockefeller also has a lot of cash reserves, but at this time the United States is still dominated by manufacturing, so a lot of capital is actually real estate, such as factory buildings, brands, and so on.

This is completely different from the future Apple, which has a cash reserve of 200 billion.

If Catherine's 30 billion funds were profits obtained through the company's channels, Rockefeller would probably shy away from herself at this time. Such profitability would be too cruel.

But they also knew that Catherine's money came from speculation and could not be repeated again and again.

"Rockefeller will help us arrange clinical trials. This can also be kept confidential enough and will not be leaked out."

In fact, the people who knew about this matter were not bad. Even Rockefeller, the means and ways Catherine told them was to directly find their board of directors, instead of announcing their plans.

"Then the rest will be left to you."

Catherine said so, and then returned to her office.

And Hayflick here also began to prepare.

Perhaps Americans do things slowly, but when they are concerned about their own interests, they are also quick to act.

Rockefeller will soon be ready for clinical trials.

And Hayflick also got a reply from "John Smith" at this time.

After receiving this reply, Hayflick further strengthened his belief in his heart. For such a great Mr. John Smith who wants to contribute to society and mankind, Hayflick is very grateful and admired. ...Well, fortunately he didn't know that the character itself was just fabricated...


Andrew is a veteran who participated in the Vietnam War.

However, at the end of his service, Andrew was suddenly attacked in Vietnam.

——A bomb was placed in a child's basket, and Andrew was successfully attacked by the opponent. He lost his right hand forever, and his thigh was permanently disabled.

After that, Andrew returned to the United States.

As usual, Andrew woke up from his sleep.

He opened his door and walked over from the container.

This cheap container is where Andrew now lives.

Losing his right hand and leaving his legs with disabilities, Andrew lost the ability to work forever, and the Americans have always treated veterans maliciously.

The capitalists look down on them, the government despises them, and the anti-war despise them.

Now that the status of black people is gradually improving, Andrew even lowers his head in front of black people.

After leaving the house, Andrew did not go to the supermarket with food coupons as usual to select carefully. Instead, he took a taxi and took the backpack he put together last night and left this one himself. A place where I have lived for two years.

——Andrew participated in a human experiment.

The other party told himself that this experiment could help him return to normal, heal his legs, and even resurrect his broken right hand!

And Andrew doesn't have to pay a penny for this, and he can even get his own salary.

Although the other party also told himself that "there are unpredictable consequences in the experiment", for Andrew, what could be worse than now?

Let the storm come harder!

So when doing the experiment, Andrew did not hesitate to agree to the other party, and afterwards, Andrew's life will be completely isolated from the outside world-until the end of the experiment, he may return to normal life.

All the way from Los Angeles to Eureka, the researchers who led him have been waiting there.

"Mr. Andrew, since you have come here, this has already explained your choice, so in the next experiment, I also hope you are mentally prepared."

Although the other researcher didn't know exactly what the experiment was going on, but seeing such a secret action, he guessed that there would be no good things in it.

At this time, when they discovered that the poor volunteer was a disabled person, they felt compassion in their hearts.

"It's impossible for my destiny to get worse, but I know that my life will most likely change because of this."

At the thought of the next experiment, Andrew was a little nervous.

But at this time, Andrew had no other choice.

But when he thought of his arms and legs returning to normal, Andrew was agitated.

Although Andrew does not use crutches, it is very ugly when Andrew walks. Because of the injury of his left leg, he is basically dragged while walking, while the condition of his right leg is better. It's also very ugly, and every day when it's windy and rainy, the pain in the legs hurts. Every winter, Andrew has survived like this alive.

But if this experiment is really successful... Andrew has already predicted his good life in the future.

"Okay, then come with us!"

Both parties entered the school district from Eureka, and then from the school district to the laboratory.

Of course, this is not a honeycomb, but a laboratory chosen by Rockefeller. The laboratory has been emptied. This is a place dedicated to human testing and human testing.

While the other party was preparing, the directors of Rockefeller also obtained enough machines through their own channels.

These equipment used in medical experiments, these most advanced instruments in the world, were placed in this laboratory just a few days ago.

After entering the laboratory, the experiment did not start immediately.

At this time, the other party let Andrew rest for a day, and asked the other party to wash his body clean.

Then the next day, a biologist named Hayflick walked over with the researchers.

But the next thing is not their turn.

Under the arrangement of the experts hired by Rockefeller, the other party conducted a comprehensive physical examination for Andrew, and then recorded all the detailed physical data.

At this time, Hayflick came over and told the other party about the entire experiment process.

"We will give priority to the treatment of your right leg. During the experiment, please trust us, our experiment will not cause any harm to your body..."

Hayflick has not been idle for this period of time. Although the experiment has only started now, in the past, Hayflick has done the cell material under the influence of sub-proteins. At least this thing is absolutely non-toxic. Yes, it is certain.

So in the next experiment, Hayflick didn't think it would affect the opponent's body.

"We will inject the medicine into the affected area of ​​your right leg, and then observe your body every day. During this period, we will fix your legs, so during this time, you will be lying on the bed."

Hayflick talked about the matter endlessly, and then left for the convenience.

At this time, Andrew felt a little uncomfortable.

When he came here, Andrew had actually made a lot of determination, but after he came here, he found that this experiment seemed... simpler than he thought?

But Andrew also discovered that he is not the only one who is undergoing the experiment here. There are other experimenters in this place, but it seems that the laboratory has no plan to meet them, or even avoid them. Meet.

On the other side, Hayflick and researchers from Rockefeller are discussing.

"I am sure of the effect of protein repair, but if we correct each other’s current situation, the effect may be slower. In my opinion, the best way to repair the other’s leg bones should be Interrupt, and then inject the repair protein into the wound position, which will be more conducive to recovery. About 70% of the time can be saved. So we will temporarily perform general treatment on the other party’s right leg. After that, we will be in the other party’s With consent, use another therapy..."

At this moment Hayflick was pointing at the X-ray of Andrew's leg bones and talking.

The repair protein is the name Hayflick gave to this sub-protein.

"Although I still think this kind of drug is a little unbelievable, you are the leader in this experiment, and I listen to you."

The other party does not actually believe in such a magical device. Although they may have quietly verified the results of the experiment with wounds, they still do not believe that there is such a magical thing in the world.

(That's because you didn't see that the liver cells that were obviously adherent grew into the liver...)

Hayflick smiled bitterly in his heart.

"Repair protein will act on the organic matter in contact with it, but it is difficult to involve the existence of bones, and it is not easy for this protein to penetrate bone cells..."

Hayflick said his own opinion.

"As for the other party's arm, shall we also carry out the resurrection experiment at the end as planned?"

Hayflick replied: "Yes, because according to my estimation, the number of repair proteins needed here is the most, and I am not sure whether the repair proteins have any effect on such residual limbs... so I added this The arrangement is at the end. In this case, this experiment will not affect some of our previous experiments."

Having said this, Hayflick took out another person's medical record.

"These experiments can start immediately..."

He took out several reports. At this time, Hayflick had three medical records left, and these three points of information were also the existence that Hayflick thought needed the most attention.

"This patient has motor neuron disease. The cause of this disease is unknown, but we still believe that the repair protein can have an effect on this disease. So in the next experiment, we will let the other party receive a lot of repairs through the needle. The treatment of protein, repairs the protein to enter the blood circulatory system of the other party, and then play a role..."

To be honest, Hayflick is not sure about this. The reason for doing so is only because of the above requirements and Hayflick's own curiosity about this protein.

Motor neuron disease is a group of chronic progressive degenerative diseases that damage the anterior horn of the spinal cord, the motor nucleus of the pontine cranial nerve and the pyramidal tract. Symptoms such as muscle atrophy and muscle weakness are the most common. Such as: slurred speech, difficulty swallowing, difficulty moving, breathing difficulty, etc. Finally, the patient died of inability to breathe while consciously. So this kind of patient is also called "gradual freezing person."

However, the pathogenesis of this disease is still unclear. It is more common than onset after middle age, and there are more men than women. The onset is insidious and the progress is slow. Patients often have comorbidities. Although many studies have put forward the hypotheses that lentiviral infection, immune function abnormalities, genetic factors, heavy metal poisoning, nutritional and metabolic disorders, and environmental factors cause disease, they have not been confirmed.

With this disease, it can basically be said to be sentenced to death.

The patient and experimenter that Hayflick got was with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which is one of the motor neuron diseases.

And in history, Hawking also got this disease, but he did not die, but lived a miraculous 40 years-this is indeed a miracle, an irrefutable miracle.

But for others, it's different. To get this disease is equivalent to hearing the call of death.

At this moment, Hayflick and his party approached us.

Then, the experiment began.

(No matter what the other party’s disease is, but as long as the body is abnormal, it should not be a problem for the repair protein... Because repair protein is to restore the body to the best state, so the disease should be cured... The trouble is this Kind of...)

After Hayflick finished speaking, he took out another medical record.

Then when he saw the medical record, Hayflick frowned.

-Lupus erythematosus syndrome.

Lupus erythematosus syndrome is an autoimmune disease.

This type of autoimmune disease refers to a disease caused by the body's immune response to self-antigens, resulting in damage to its own tissues.

Many diseases have been listed as autoimmune diseases one after another. It is worth mentioning that the existence of autoantibodies and autoimmune diseases are not two equivalent concepts. Autoantibodies can exist in normal people without autoimmune diseases, especially the elderly. Such as anti-thyroglobulin, thyroid epithelial cells, parietal cells, nuclear dna antibodies and so on.

Sometimes, damaged or antigenic changed tissues can stimulate the production of autoantibodies. For example, when myocardial ischemia, necrotic myocardium can lead to the formation of anti-myocardial autoantibodies, but this antibody has no pathogenic effect and is secondary immune response.

This kind of disease originating from one's own body is the most troublesome, because it belongs to the "recognition error" of the white blood cells in the cell itself, and regards oneself as an enemy.

If the repair protein also sees itself as an enemy, then the next treatment is likely to be fatal!

So at this time, Hayflick was also a little nervous.

"I think this test should be adjusted later. Although our experiment is very good, I think the risk is still too great for this experiment."

"How big can it be?"

The other party has also seen the evaluation report of the repair protein, but the other party is not clear about the more detailed content.

"——The most extreme prediction is death. There is no need for too many drugs. If our repair protein is also identified incorrectly, it will only take five minutes to completely kill the patient. The repair protein only needs to follow When blood enters the nervous system and brain, it can easily disintegrate the other's brain tissue, so we need to be cautious for this kind of patient."

"As for the following medical history of sickle red blood cells, we only need to keep injecting the repair protein as before..."

The sickle red blood cell is not a fatal medical record, but the red blood cells in the blood of this kind of person are not round, but sickle-shaped, so they are often anemia, and a little carelessness may lead to death, but it is much better than before.

The red blood cells change shape due to the abnormal polymerization of sickle-type hemoglobin, so that they lose the ability to carry oxygen. This process can damage the cell membranes of red blood cells and block them in blood vessels. This makes the downstream tissues unable to obtain oxygen, which can lead to ischemia and infarction. This is a chronic disease, and patients generally live well, but there will be periodic pain from time to time. The average life expectancy of patients will therefore be reduced to forty years.

This disease is common in areas where malaria was or is still common-because sickle-shaped hemoprotein can help patients immune from malaria, which is a good thing for each other-especially in sub-Saharan Africa and their descendants They. Because of this place, malaria is the most serious.

But in any case, sickle-type red blood cell disease can occur in any skin color and any race.

In Hayflick's view, this congenital disease also has very important reference and research value.

If it is to restore the cell to its best condition, but at the beginning, the cell is like this, what will be the result?

Compared with these intractable diseases, similar to cancer and other symptoms, in Hayflick’s view, they are not so good. Although cancer is an incurable disease, in Hayflick’s view, repair protein is the nature of the other person. The nemesis, this disease is not an opponent of repair protein at all.

After explaining the matter, Hayflick picked up the plan. This was the report he made at the beginning. Hayflick was thinking about what step the current magic repair protein can do... …


Today I am preparing for my internship next week. I bought two power supplies so that I can code words on the train.

Well, a two-in-one chapter.

Finally, touch Xiaochai all night, pay attention to your body~


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