Blooming America

Chapter 932: Catherine's vision: metal skeleton

Chapter 932 Catherine's Idea: Metal Skeleton

"The effect is so outstanding..."

Catherine looked at Hayflick's report to herself in amazement.

Sitting in her office, Catherine's thoughts have drifted out.

"Regenerating limbs and curing incurable diseases...Oh, my God, Kate, I really didn't expect that I was researching something like this!"

Jenny was sighing.

"Is the broken limb regenerate..."

Catherine suddenly thought of the kind of mechanical development in the original world.

"If it looks like this, isn't it just useless to say something like a body...?"

Catherine thought so, but felt something was wrong.

Own product positioning must be high-end and ultra-high-end, business of less than one million US dollars, no talk or talk...

So at a lower level, such a prosthesis is still necessary.

Actually speaking, Catherine feels that the technology tree in "Soul Reaction" is pretty good... Well, in fact, to a large extent, Catherine has borrowed from "Ghost in the Shell".

(Speaking of which, this script is still in my hands...well, when I find a suitable opportunity, I can take it out for filming. Let’s visit Japan and the United States together!)

"Jenny... do you think if machines can replace limbs?"

Catherine suddenly jumped out.

"Impossible!" Jenny said immediately.


The veto was so sharp?

"My mentor, Mr. House, has done relevant research a long time ago. At the beginning, what he studied was not artificial skin, but the use of substitutes to replace human skills, such as limbs. But this research has always There are many unresolved problems, and I am afraid we will not be able to solve them in a hundred years."

It doesn’t take a hundred years. After more than forty years, there are already relevant technology products...

"What about it?"

Jenny shook her head: "I think Mr. House should know more clearly. You can ask him about this."

House himself is in the Hive Lab, so this is not very difficult.

"Then if it's... uh... I mean, it just replaces part of the function? For example, let the human body and the machine grow together... how about this?"

"It's even more impossible, Kate, you are daydreaming... eh... wait... this seems to really work..."

Jenny suddenly thought of something.

"Um..." Catherine suddenly understood: "You mean, I...?"

"Yes, Kate, the protein on your body should be able to have similar effects." " None/pop-up/full text txt. I have also thought that since your protein can repair the body, if there is an obstruction. What will happen to this machine...Well, Kate, I think your idea is very good, maybe we will have a surprise if we continue to study it like this!"

Jenny seemed to find it interesting.

"If this is...really..."

Catherine scratched her head, this does require imagination.

For example, if a person's hand is broken, but a piece of metal bone is connected to the outside, what will happen when the protein is repaired next?

Will the skin and flesh grow along the metal bones, or will it simply stop, or will it grow deformed?

Catherine suddenly realized that this seemed to be a very interesting thing...

"By the way, Jenny, you said that Mr. House had done research on this, is it true?"

Catherine asked.

"Yes." Jenny nodded: "It should be said that artificial skin is also one of the subjects...Mr. House originally said that."

Catherine nodded.

"Then I should ask Mr. House."

This matter is returned to the experts.

So Catherine quickly came to the Hive Lab, and then asked Mr. House about the situation.

"Alternative limbs? Prosthetic limbs? I did research, and I have studied metal bones for a period of time, but I found that there are big problems in this, and this research has no meaning at all, and it can't achieve my original intention. So I’m now researching other things-well, such as artificial skin."

Although Mr. House has a name that is so impressive, he is not the House in the TV series "Doctor House" after all, so the other party also has doubts that he can't solve.

"In fact, after I studied for a long time, I discovered that our man-made objects are not as good as the creations of our own bodies. Therefore, in my opinion, our human bodies are a hundred times stronger than mechanical creations, as long as there is enough Time, we humans can accomplish anything! The potential of life cannot be summed up in one or two sentences. Just like the artificial skin I studied, the artificial skin I studied, my final thought is that this kind of skin can be metabolized by the human body. Because the skin of our human body is stronger than what we have researched in this way."

The explanation made Catherine a little confused.

Mr. House was not in a hurry, but continued to say: "Then, let's take the analogy of metal bones. In your opinion, how useful are metal bones?"


Catherine began to remember the situation in "Ghost in the Shell" in her mind, and at the same time Catherine also thought of the inspiration she got in "Soul Reaction".

"I think our metal bones should be able to make people play super long strength, super speed, make people taller, faster, and stronger."

Mr. House was also taken aback when he heard Catherine's words, but he soon understood.

"Your idea is very good, but I want to tell you-although human bones have many limitations, they have unparalleled strength in terms of adaptability. First of all, the density of bones is less than that of metal. The weight of bones affects energy consumption. It’s very important. The density of the human body is about the same as that of water. If you change to metal, people will have a lot of resistance when they are useful... Well, I have also read Miss Edson’s "Soul Response". The idea of ​​"is really good, Miss Edson is also aware of the factor of human density."

Catherine nodded, she knew this very well.

"Secondly, biomaterials have properties that engineering materials do not have-self-repair. Broken bones will self-heal. Our bones are often damaged by various cyclic loads in daily life, forming small cracks and growing. If these If the crack is not repaired, then we will collapse in just a few years."

But Catherine proposed the opposite at this time: "If we are metal bones, this repair process is not necessary. According to the information I know, the fatigue strength of titanium alloys is 500mpa, which means that the bones can withstand stress during the entire life cycle. It is more than 5 times higher than that. When the metal bone is impacted, it will bend, but it will not break, and it will return to its original shape. If the memory alloy is used, the effect is even better."

"Indeed--but what you didn't notice is...maintenance costs, metal and bones are not the same, without human maintenance, the consequences of this may be quite terrible..."

Catherine frowned.

This point has been neglected by myself.

Indeed, maintenance costs.

Most of the man-made objects need to be maintained, the more sophisticated the instrument, the more so, the human body is no exception.

"The following is the third point. The Google bone of our human body has a unique combination of properties. It has relatively high strength, but has a low Young's modulus, about 15gpa. Synthetic has a Young's modulus of 15gpa. The material is possible, but the strength is difficult to reach the level of bone. Low modulus and high strength means that-the stress-strain curve has a larger area, which means that a large amount of energy will be absorbed when strain occurs. Below the yield point Stress produces elastic strain energy. This energy can be stored and released with a small loss. This is important for dynamic environments. When we are walking, especially when running, energy is stored and then released. Stress above the yield point is generated The energy is absorbed but cannot be released. This is useful in the case of impact fracture. Therefore, it is important to have a larger area under the stress-strain curve. And the metal material is obviously not suitable... Of course, what will be similar in the future If it’s an alloy, that’s okay."

"This is physics..."

Catherine, who was hit, spit out.

"I originally wanted to learn physics..."

Mr. House replied humorously.

"In terms of material evolution, nature is relatively conservative. All biological materials are fiber composite materials. These materials are synthesized from proteins and polysaccharides, and are reinforced by calcium and silicon-based composite ceramics. However, we cannot see calcium alone. The material of the metal."

"Two billion years ago, hard materials did not appear in nature. About 500 million years ago, hard materials appeared through deposition. Bone was very soft when it was first formed. It is composed of collagen and gradually hardens after a few months. Thanks to the deposition of hydroxyapatite. How biological cells do this is not clear to us. This is a miracle of nature, and it is equally impossible for us humans to do this..."

"This is biology..."

Catherine continued to complain.

"Medicine and biology are interlinked."


Catherine bent forward in frustration.

"Is it really impossible?!"

My Ghost in the Shell!

"If it is hard to do, it is not impossible... Well, but what you said about titanium alloys is completely impossible. Titanium alloy bones cannot be tested on living humans. Even if they are successfully implanted, they will interact with each other. Human cells produce side you can come up with a suitable product, it is impossible for our titanium alloys to achieve these...By the way, the federal government also values ​​titanium alloys, you Even if it can be done now, it is not that simple to make it bigger."

"I'll write more about you, Mr. House, but I won't give up so simply."

The more uncomfortable Catherine's lift was, the more Catherine wanted to come up with something at this time.

(The human body is a great being, but...I have time...)

Catherine curled her lips. The human body is the greatest masterpiece of nature, but the machine is the most proud work of human beings...

People always think of ways.

(Big deal with money...)


The second one, roar, there are three more~


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