Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1779: All beings wait for 1 person!

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Someone yelled!

Turn into a magical man and escape!




In an instant!

Except for the white-eyed youths, almost all the disciples of Heaven Smiting Devil Sect went away!


Suddenly, those magic mansions disappeared silently!


The white-eyed youth perceives the disappearance of those breaths, and his complexion sinks a bit, staring at Chen Zheng now!

"From now on you will call Qi Wudao."

Chen Zheng lightly glanced at the white-eyed young man, then he wiped the hanging cage with ease, and the hanging cage was instantly destroyed, and the bone carving was released.

"Hey!" Gu Dadiao smiled and landed in front of the Gazebo. He stood next to Chen Zheng and looked at the white-eyed youth: "You are lucky, got the name given by Chen Zu, and the name Qiwudao is indeed better than The Jiu Wudao you read before is much smoother!"


The demon glanced at the white-eyed young man. Although he was a little curious about why Chen Zu left this white-eyed young man, he knew that there was a reason, so he didn't ask. He turned his head and looked at the self-proclaimed Gazebo.

"This... this mother-in-law did not say anything before, rushed to the sky to fight with people, and was seriously injured after returning. I have a special physique. Ordinary people can’t kill me, so this mother-in-law is self-proclaimed. When I was in the palace, I sneaked out and wanted to see who actually hurt her. I didn’t expect the sudden change in this realm, the Heaven Smiting Demon Mountain fell into this world, and the demons of the Heaven Smiting Demon Sect from outside the world are indeed powerful. , Dispatching disciples alone can almost win all the major lines in this realm. If Chen Zu is not here, even if the wound is healed, it might not be the opponents of the demons of the Heaven Smiting Devil Sect. Now the Heaven Smiting Devil Sect moved the mountain gates to the killing road The real goal should be the things in the land of killing, but I don’t know what is in the land of killing."

Bone Eagle also turned around, looking at the World Demon Palace with a whisper.

"Is it okay to ask this guy?"

With a move in the demon's heart, his little hand pointed at the white-eyed youth. If this kid doesn't say anything, just search for the soul.


The bone carving was stunned for a moment, and looked at the white-eyed youth again.

"I will not betray..."

The white-eyed youth said with a deep voice, but as soon as he spoke, there was a black light to kill!


Black light turned into a decree!

"Huh? What kind of stuff is this? War Book? The devil of the Heaven Smiting Devil Sect is fighting the book of Chen Zu? It seems that it is not as simple as the War Book, but that all the creatures in this world are going to kill the land and let the souls in this world go Watching the battle! What does this mean, did Yin Suwan and Nuron reveal the news, so Heaven Smiting Devil Sect got this out?"

The demon glanced at the dharma and frowned.

"War book... This is not like a war book, it is more like a... a kind of declaration, let the souls of this world go to the land of the Tao, and punish Chen in the face of the spirits of this world. Zu... It seems... it seems that Chen Zu is regarded as a sacrifice!"

Bone carvings glanced, and his brows were wrinkled.

"..." The white-eyed youth glanced at the decree, and his brows were also frowned. After thinking for a while, he still said: "The elder Zongmen already knows your existence. There should be a great holy demon fighting with you. The so-called great holy demon, at the very least, cultivated the five-fold Taoist pagoda, which means that the fifth ancestor Taoist practiced."

"Five-way Tower? Huh! This is also worthy of being called the Great Saint Demon. The old things of your Heaven Smiting Devil Sect are really narcissistic!"

The devil snorted.

"Chen Zu..."

The bone carving looked at Chen Zheng.

"Now that you are all clear, go see the Great Sacred Devil of Heaven Smiting Devil Sect."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

"Mo Yuan...Isn't it really going? The Heaven Smiting Devil Sect's annihilation law is still a few days away. How can it be enough? Although Chen Zu said that the level of Mo Yuan is not enough to see, it still contains a Strength, one more strength."

The devil thought for a moment.

"The critical period when the world is awakening, Mo Yuan will not go. Wait for the world to pass the critical period and go directly to the land of killing."

Chen Zheng said softly.

"Awakening...if this mother-in-law wakes up again..."

The bone carving was stunned for a moment, and then there was fear in his eyes.


The demon was also stunned for a while. It was actually curious as to which tribe the witch was in the world, because when the witch was brought to this world by Chen Zheng more than two thousand years ago, she was a little girl with yellow hair, but less than a thousand In 1949, the little girl Huang Mao became the ultimate witch who suppressed all avenues in the world.

"Which... After this awakening, will it become a little more beautiful..."

Bone Carving asked in a whisper.


Chen Zheng smiled.


The Bone Carving smiled bitterly, and the secret female demon head is now eight feet long and eight feet in waist, although it has been said that it will look better, but it has not changed. After this awakening, won't it become the normal length of 16 feet waist 16 feet.


Hope it!

I hope this maid looks better!

I can accept a bit psychologically!


One day passed.

A lot of souls have already come before the path of innocence and lifelessness.

"Who is that Chen Zu in the end, actually let the Heaven Smiting Devil Sect come out with a second law purpose, and let all the living creatures come to watch the battle!"

"This... will it be a conspiracy of Heaven Smiting Devil Sect, to gather all the souls in this world, so as to kill it once!"

"There should be no need for this... The great demons of Heaven Smiting Devil Sect are really going to destroy the world, there is no need to gather the souls at all... I am just worried that I am not even a golden fairy, I can't go there There is no way to live, there is no way to kill the road, and you still have to wait for the deadline of the World Extermination Law."

"Ah! I hope this Chen Zu can be more powerful, let us see a glimmer of hope!"

Two days passed.

The spirits of Jiu You Sen Luo City came almost all, the city owner Yin Wudao, and his master, suffering and true Taoists, also came, and now occupied a party waiting for Chen Zu to come.

Three days later.

The people who did not have a delusion came, as did the dead corpses.

Four days later.

The king of colorless sea bones brought the flying wing demons and the colorless sea tribes.

Five days later.

Soul Valley Lord took all the creatures in Soul Valley out of Soul Valley and came to this land of killing. Along with them are Emperor Demon Emperor, Youxuan Xie Emperor, and Emperor Demon Emperor.

After six days.

The demon in Demon Abyss also came.

And there are two days before the last day of the time of annihilation.

Time flies!

There is one last day before the deadline of the World Extermination Law comes!

The races with a little name in this world basically come!

At this moment outside the land!

Densely packed creatures gathered!

It can be said that all beings in this world are waiting for one person!


All kinds of whispers sounded!

"No... already escaped?"

"That Chen Zu... will it be scared..."

"Will he come again..."

"It doesn't matter whether you come or not. UU reads Anyway, I don't want it anymore. The Heaven Smiting Devil Sect is too strong. The Chen Zu has never heard of it. Perhaps it is a Taoist ancestor, but it is just a Taoist ancestor who takes what Heaven Smiting Devil Sect Fight."


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