Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1780: coming! coming!

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"There are three hours left!"

"The Law of World Extinction says that when the last day of the deadline is black, the world will start to be wiped out, so in fact, there are three hours of total eradication, and at most one hour will be black!"

"That Chen Zu... I'm afraid it has already escaped!"

It's already dark!

There is less than one hour before the time limit of the World Extermination Law comes!

Most of the creatures in the land of killing began to become anxious!

Come on!

Is that Chen Zu still coming!

It wouldn't be scared away by the law of Heaven Smiting Devil Sect!

"Humph! Expect that Chen Zu, you think too much, that Chen Zu I know some of his things, his realm fell so badly, it is impossible to be the opponent of the Heaven Smiting Devil Sect, he dare not come!"

At this time!

With a cold hum!

The demons from the Demon Abyss turned into black awns one by one, and flew into the innocent and inanimate road leading to the land of killing. After counting the interest, the demon heads passed the innocent and inanimate road. In the land!

The weakest of these demon heads is also the ancestral realm.

"It's the only way out to surrender to the Heaven Smiting Devil Sect. Unfortunately, only a few of you guys can come in. As for the other guys, they all have to die!

The cold hum sounded again!

Outside the killing land, most of the creatures are silent, they can't refute, because they can't enter the killing land, and they can't escape this realm!

"Who is this guy?"

On the side of the colorless sea camp, the small bone frowned!

"Mo Yuan Devil Emperor, rarely appeared in the world. It used to be the old ancestral realm, but now it should be a half-track ancestral realm."

The Patriarch of the Flying Wing Demon hastily replied!

"Sister Bone doesn't need to be angry, the more you jump in this kind of color, the more miserable the end will be!"

Chu Hongyi said softly.

"I don't care about this kind of merchandise." Xiao Gu nodded lightly, opened his brows, and swept across the other major forces, secretly said to Chu Hongyi: "Chu Ya, the emperor of the Emperor Demon Mountain and Soul Valley" Lord Gu, both should have an unclear relationship with my master. I can see that both women have been unblocked by the master’s manipulation."

"Huh? Tuina? How can I not know what Uncle will do Tuina?"

Chu Hongyi showed the color of doubt, and the princess Sakura, who had no mischievous magic court, was also there. She also showed the color of doubt, but soon shook her head gently. At this moment, it should be concerned whether the father and the queen are still alive.

Thinking of her father and empress, her princess Sakura couldn't help but sigh. Are the father and empress really in the killing way?

"Chen Zu is here."

It was also at this time that the ding-dong cat sitting in the air with his eyes closed opened his eyes and said lightly.


come yet?

The creatures on the colorless sea heard the most clearly, and they looked subconsciously into the sky, and this look revealed a happy look!


It's really coming!


A star chaser!

Come across!

"Bone carving...shouldn't this servant be in the monstrous monastery? This servant is here, why didn't the elder geist come?"

The small bone glanced, and the doubt flashed through.

"This is the treasure ship?"

"Who is Chen Zu? The demon is obviously not. The bone shelf seems to be the husband of the female devil in the world's magic palace, so it is not. Then there are only the two young people. If the two young people, one is. ..... Jinxian? I’m not wrong in lying trough. That guy is actually Jinxian Xiuwei. What does this Xiulai come from? This Jinxian is definitely not Chen Zu, so Chen Zu should be this white-eyed... .. Hey? Wait a minute! How can this white-eyed youth dress like a disciple of Heaven Smiting Demons!"

"Are Chen Zu the golden fairy?"

Doubts sounded!

Although a few people came to know Chen Zheng, but most of the creatures in this world have never seen Chen Zheng, so a little analysis at this moment, it is concluded that the human race Jinxian on Xingcha should be Chen Zu, one by one.

"Chen Zu, Chen Zu, how dare you come, you can remember who I am!"


In the land of killing!

Moyuan Demon Emperor stared at Chen Zhengyi roaring!

"No impression."

On Xingcha, Chen Zheng glanced down with a faint glance and replied casually.

"You!" Moyuan Demon Emperor instantly angered: "Good! Good Chen Zu! Good Jin Zu Xiu Chen Zu! Huh! I have surrendered to Heaven Smiting Devil Sect, I want to see if your Chen Zu is against the sky today !"

"the host!"

"The Lord of Jiuyou Senluo City, Yin Wudao, visited Chen Zu!"

"The Commander of the Wrong Magic Court visits Chen Zu!"

"Emperor Demon Shanchan visits Chen Zu quietly!"

"Meier, the soul of Valley of Soul Valley, sees...Master!"

At this time!


Nine You Sen Luocheng Yinwudao!

No lord of the magic court!

Emperor Demon Emperor!

And Meier, the owner of Soul Valley!

Representing their respective forces of Taoism, they rose up, facing Chen Zheng in the air, and the small bones directly exposed the body in the air. Once the fully metalized dragon appeared, there was a terrorist terror released!

As for Meier, the owner of Soul Valley, she had to shout to see Chen Zu, but after hearing that Xiao Gu shouted to be the owner, she changed her mind to change the title, she also called the master!


"That golden fairy is really Chen Zu!"

"Lying trough! He turned out to be the owner of King Bone!"

Those creatures who have never seen Chen Zheng and do not know Chen Zheng, their eyes widened one by one at this moment, and they were all dumbfounded!


That human race Jinxian was really the so-called Chen Zu!

That human race Jinxian turned out to be the master of the colorless sea king!


The unparalleled Soul Valley Master also called that Golden Immortal Master!

"Huh! The colorless sea, Emperor Demon Mountain, Jiuyou Senluo City, Soul Valley, Wuwu Moting, it seems that you are obsessed with each other! You worship this guy, meaning you don't enter the land of killing the road Yes, but can this guy save you!"

Within the Dao Dao, Mo Yuan Devil Emperor sneered!


Out of the way!

Many people have recovered in an instant!

At the moment also hesitated!

Chen Zu in this golden fairyland!

He was afraid that he was not going to be slapped to death by a slap!

Although the Heaven Smiting Devil Sect has not yet appeared!

But even if you don't show up, there is a terrifying oppression!

Jinxian confronted the at least the fifth level of Taoist ancestors!

This is impossible to win!


Within the killing way!

Inside the Demon Hall of Heaven Smiting Demon Mountain!

"As long as it's not grandpa fighting Chen Zu."

Yin Suwan knew everything from the outside world and lowered her voice at the moment.

"Is this Chen Zu really so against the sky?"

The yin bone with closed eyes opened his eyes, and a pair of extremely dark magic pupils looked at Yin Suwan.

"Maybe... Elder Liusha will be spiked!"

Yin Suwan groaned, lowering her voice to the extreme back!


Yin Gu!


The angry dragon is also in the demon hall. At this moment, he dare not talk, and in the heart, Sister Suwan is the granddaughter of the sacred devil, so he dare to say that another big demon will be killed in seconds. Dare to say!

"This Zong Liusha Great Demon will fight Chen Zu, but before that, please invite Chen Zu into the land of killing the road and go through three levels first! After passing these three levels, you will be eligible to see the Quicksand Great Devil!"


A cold voice sounded!


Out of the way!

In the land of killing!

Almost all eyes are on Chen Zheng!

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