Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1778: I'm really not bragging!

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"The stage is big!"

"It depends on how much you have the ability to show off!"

"If you don't backhand, you will be gone!"

There is endless ridicule!

"The stage is big... can this stage be called big."

In front of the World Demon Palace, Chen Zheng swept through the hundreds of Heaven Smiting Demon Sect disciples, basically all glanced at it. When scanning the white-eyed youth, he glanced a few more times. Come on!


Purple pupils sneer!


Someone drinks cold!



Nothing happened!

Purple pole magic pupil supernatural power hits Chen Zheng body!

Except Zimang, it lighted up!

There is nothing else!


Young Zitong, young white-eyed, and hundreds of other disciples from Heaven Smiting Devil Sect were all silent at this moment!


The bone carving in the prison cage smiled, and now he was sitting in the cage, looking at Zitong Youth with a meaningful expression.

"It's weak." Chen Zheng in front of the World Demon Palace shook his head lightly between the silence of the demons of Heaven Smiting Devil Sect, and then smiled lightly: "The stage has been set up for you, but your performance has begun. If any one of them can hurt me, I will tell him a supreme secret."


What do you mean!

Is this Jinxianxiu guy so crazy!


Suddenly angry!

The pupils of Zitong and other disciples from Heaven Smiting Devil were furious!


Only the white-eyed young man named Jiu Wudao showed his thoughts. In fact, he secretly mobilized the power of the **** pupil. He wanted to see what is special about this human race Jinxian in front of him, but did not find any. abnormal!



The dark-eyed youth secretly said!

This is too weird!

And when the man glanced at himself just now!

Seems to see through yourself!

I even saw something I didn't know!

This person!

This human race golden fairy called Chen Zu by that bone shelf!

What the **** is he?

"My Lord rises and falls!"


Zitong Youth opened his mouth!



As soon as these four words were shouted, their flesh soared, and instantly turned into a ten thousand feet of devil. He lifted a big foot and stepped on it in front of the Gazebo Palace where Chen Zheng is located!

"Go to hell!"

This dislike!

The power of killing surges wildly!

This dislike!

It seems that the ancestors of Dao Zu already have power!

"it is good!"

"Brother Yuan is good!"

"Destroy this kid!"

The rest of the disciples saw this scene and shouted one by one!

It's big!

Brother Yuan, this is really big!

Before Ziji's magic pupil was fully opened, it was not considered to be big!

That's just a partial expansion!

Now it's really big!

At this moment, Brother Yuan already has the power of Taoist ancestors!

No matter how weird the golden fairy of that human race could not be, Daozu's opponent!



Horrible crackling sounded!

what's the situation?

The Heaven Smiting Demon Sect disciples haven’t reacted yet, and a very strange scene has been reflected in the double pupils, that is, the feet of the magnificent demon body transformed by the purple pupil have not fallen above the monstrous magic palace, and the magnificent demon body will be broken. Now!


Turned into ashes!

And the young pupil of Zitong is gone!

At this moment only Yuanshen is left!


What happened?

This **** is too weird!

That human race Jinxian didn't shoot at all!

Is it the demon!

Or the witch head in the world's magic palace has revived!


The World Demon Palace is still self-styled!

The witch was not awake at all!

Is it!

What special means did that human race Jinxian use to destroy Brother Yuan's vast demon body!

is it possible!

These disciples widened their eyes!


In the cage, the bone carving has changed to a sitting position. It is not a sitting position, but it is not sitting at all. At this moment, with one hand on his head, he is lying on the side of the cage, and he still looks at the Zitong Youth Yuan with a meaningful look. God.

"The stage has been set up for you, but you are too weak." Chen Zheng shook his head gently in front of the Gazebo Palace and said to look at the white-eyed young man with his gaze: "What's your name."


What do you mean?

Why did this guy suddenly ask Brother Jiu Wudao!

Could it be!

This guy took a fancy to the eyes of Brother Jiu Wudao!

It's impossible!

What the bone shelf said is true!

This Jinxian Xiuwei guy really has almost all the pupils in the world!


This seems impossible!

Even if it is outside the realm, I have never heard of any terrible creature, which has all the gods in the world!

"Nine no way!"

The white-eyed youth answered three words!

"Nine Wudao... This name is not very easy to pronounce. In the future, you will call it Qiwudao."

Chen Zheng chuckled.


The white-eyed youth opened his mouth and didn't know what to say for a while, but when he heard the three words Qi Wudao, his mind seemed to flash with aura of light, as if there was something more, just chaos.


"He changed the name of Brother Jiu Wudao to Qi Wudao..."

"This... it seems... Qi Wudao is a bit smoother than Jiu Wudao..."

The disciples of Heaven Smiting Demons froze for a moment, and then whispered one by one.



Purple pupil youth roar!

"Fuck you, what do you think of us, who do you think you are, **** Chen Zu, can you suppress me, but can you suppress the Great Sacred Devil of Heaven Smiting Devil Sect! Didn't that bone rack blow you all the **** pupils, you Instead, take it out and see!"


Zitong Youth is crazy!

"It seems that you have no strength to perform, and I am too lazy to waste time, let you see."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly, and said that when the double pupils changed, they instantly changed to black and white, and then to the blood pupils. The blood pupils became golden pupils, and the golden pupils became purple pupils again!


Zitong Youth Yuanshen is silly!

Hundreds of disciples who were surrounded by the Heaven Smiting Devil Sect in front of the World Demon Palace are also stupid!

The youth in white is also stupid!

And Chen Zheng's double pupils continue to change!

White pupil!

The star-like **** pupil!

Sun and Moon!


This rapid change made disciples of Heaven Smiting Devil Sect not dare to blink, and stared at Chen Zheng in shock, after Chen Zheng's double pupils became colorful, Chen Zheng's double pupils became nothing!

Outright nothingness!


this moment!

Not only the disciples of Heaven Smiting Devil Sect, but the bone carving and the demon also showed horror, because looking at the imaginary double pupils, they felt like they would be swallowed up by one more glance at their Yuanshen!

"This stage is too small."

Chen Zheng's double pupils returned to normal, and shook his head Zitong Youth Yuanshen opened his mouth and suddenly opened, and then the bright purple mansions lit up, and Zitong Youth Yuanshen broke!

Dao Xin is broken!

This is a broken heart!



The rest are silent!

The white-eyed youth is also silent!

"Hey, I said I never boast, you don’t believe one by one, do you believe it now? How can I say that sentence, I can’t remember it, you young people, I said before that I built a stage Let Chen Zu perform, you want to watch the show high, but Chen Zu reveals a little bit of means, and you will be autistic. Alas, let me tell you how!

The Bone Carving came back to God, his eyes swept across the crowd, and a sigh!

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