Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1662: Mysterious woman's origin

? All major roads. 35xs

The major royalty.

One after another.

In the end, there were only the people of Chen Huang Chen's family and those of the Qitian royal family Su.

"Haotian Divine Feather, you Qitian Royal Family, take it back."

Chen Zheng casually threw Haotian Shenyu to the patriarch of the Qitian royal family.

"Ah, this Su Liuxuan thanks the ancestor" Qitian royal patriarch showed excitement, took Haotian Shenyu to pay a deep respect to Chen Zheng, and the rest of the Qitian royal family also quickly worshiped Chen Zheng. After a week of worship, Patriarch Qitian bowed his head again and said, "The younger generation has a question. The younger generation wants to know the goddess of war, is she still alive?"

"Alive, it should not be long before you can see it."

Chen Zheng nodded.

"This is so good, just be alive and be alive"

The Qitian royal family and all the children were ecstatic, and they paid a deep worship to Chen Zheng before exiting the temple with their heads down.

"the host."

At this time Chen Huang spoke, as if to say something.

"Your sister is either in Tian Yuan, or was taken out of the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands."

Chen Zheng knew what Chen Huang wanted to ask, and nodded.


Chen Huang returned to the spot with one gift.

"Although the shortage of human resources is going to outperform the territorial realm of the heavens, it is a pity that there are not enough details, and the ancient land of Bahuang is only a spare tire."

Chen Zheng thought of something and shook his head gently.

Spare tire

Chen Huang, Chen Conglong, and Chen Luoluo showed doubtful colors. Except for Chen Huang, the other Chen family children all migrated from the Great Universe Realm. The futuristic earth, so there is also a saying of spare tires on Fan Yunxing. They know what the meaning of spare tires is, but they are just wondering what exactly is the spare tire in the ancient land.

"Taiwan's spare tire."

Chen Zheng said another sentence.


Chen Huang and others instantly showed their surprise

Eight Wilderness

It turned out to be Hongmeng's spare tire

This seems to be completely invisible


Although Taishangtian is the most famous and the most famous one in the world

It seems that there is no ancestor other than the owner of Zixiao Palace, right?

Apart from the status, will the current strength of the Eight Wastelands be stronger than the sky?

"I went to the ancient city of Yanhuang Yan and asked me to wash my sword in the coming years. Today I came to the ancestral city of Huangzu, called the reincarnation in the reincarnation of the sea to wash my sword. I had to go to Linghuang to wash my sword with fate. . But before you go to Linghuang, you have to get something."

Chen Zheng smiled again.


Chen Huang asked subconsciously.

"Eight Wasteland Stone."

Chen Zheng said four words.

"Boundary Stone"

Chen Huang and others were stunned.

"Eight Wilderness Stones are not as good as the beginning of the day, if you want to resume cultivation."

Chen Huang's doubts sounded, and a sound sounded out of thin air.


Chen Huang stared at the past in shock

He appears to be the ancestor of the peak

In fact, returning to the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands, Yuanshen has entered the level of half-walk ancestor

It is absolutely Taoist figures who can conceal his perception

"I am not malicious."

The voice sounded again, and then a figure emerged. Chen Huang and others glanced, all showing amazement, not because it was a woman, after all, it was a woman from the first voice, but because of this Woman seems to have no face


Have face

Just no facial features



But so strong

This woman is definitely a terrible Taoist

This is the coming of Linghuang

Still coming

Or mysterious witch

For a time


At the moment, Mo Xin also frowned slightly next to Chen Zheng. At the moment when the woman appeared, the blood in her body suddenly became very manic. If it was not forcibly suppressed, she had already killed the woman with a **** gun.

"The murderer's ancestor has a destiny with the Valkyrie. I also have a destiny with the Valkyrie. This time I came to see the ancestor, it was a gift."

The woman smiled, although there were no facial features, but she could hear it from her voice. I saw the woman's bloodless right hand lifted up, and a stone box appeared at random.

Chen Huang and others saw this stone box, and they were suddenly shocked, because they felt a mammoth and immense force. The things sealed in the stone box were absolutely amazing.

"A source at the beginning of the day, given to the ancestors, not for anything else, just for a good relationship. The ancestor should not know my name yet. My name is Jing Nu, purifying the world."

The woman's voice sounded, and she exited the temple as soon as the voice fell. There was no exclamation outside. It seemed that no one outside found such a woman at all.


Chen Huang, Chen Conglong and Chen Luoluo all looked to Chen Zheng.

"Jing Nu's purifying the earth's Jing really happened to be in line with the girl of Chen Nu."

Chen Zheng smiled, grabbed the stone box, and then shattered the stone box at once. An immense force poured out in a flash. He instantly swallowed this magnificent force with a mouthful of mouth.



Failed to break the mirror

Is still the level of mystery

Under Chen Huang's perception

Chen Zheng's mana has reached the extreme of Xuanxian


Logically speaking

Devoured this mysterious origin

It should be able to break through


"As soon as my mana is restored to the level of the golden fairy, I can almost kill the Taoist ancestors of the third realm. This is a hurdle. It is not so easy to cross, but it is also fast."

Chen Zheng smiled, grabbed the air in the middle of the temple of King Ren, and saw a flash of divine light. A compass-like stone with an ancient imprint appeared on the The ancient imprints have different colors, no more than just eight colors, and it seems to correspond to the eight largest tribes in the Eight Wastelands.

Boundary stone

Eight Wastelands

This should be the eight wasteland stone

Chen Huang instantly guessed the origin of the stone


Chen Zheng grabbed the boundary stone, the boundary stone burst, and instantly two powerful forces poured into Chen Zheng's body


Still failed


Chen Huang opened his mouth and did not know what to say at the moment. It can only be concealed in the heart, the main body is too special, the power of the original fairy spirit needed is too large, but it may also be because of this. Although the master only has Xuan Xian Xiu under perception, he can already grasp the lowland at will. Daozu

of course

Mana is nothing

The strongest master is still the flesh

The master's flesh seems to be a huge world

As if it were a complete universe

Enough to be invincible

The only regret is that there is not enough mana to drive the flesh


This world

Whether it is Daozu

The era overlord

I’m afraid it’s not possible to hold a trick under the master


How I hope the owner can recover to the peak

Slap down

Daozu died a lot

Raise your hand at will

Death King

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