?Human King Temple. 35xs

The people of the major royal families in each avenue sat down on their knees in turn.

At this moment all looked at Chen Zheng sitting on the top futon.

Mo Xin beside Chen Zheng stood like a sword attendant.

It's just not a sword but a scarlet gun.

"I know your doubts and what you want to ask, and you will understand it after reading it."

Chen Zheng lifted his right hand and randomly shot a fairy light. The fairy light turned into a light curtain above the crowd, and ancient images appeared in the light curtain.


"Isn't that the original king who appeared before?"

"What's the situation"

Everyone only glanced at them, and their eyes widened, because there was a figure in the ancient image of the light curtain. That figure was the previous first-generation king, but it was different from the tall image just appeared before. The ancient image at this moment The first-generation king in China, like a evil spirit, is devouring souls.

Those creatures

More than a human race








There are creatures of all ethnic groups in the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands

What happened

The man in the ancient image is clearly an evil devil


The scene in the ancient image is inside a junction on the seabed

It seems that it is the ancient sea area east of the desert


The scene that made everyone more shocked appeared, the first-generation king who devoured the spirits of various races, suddenly became decent, sitting with a seat on his face, although there were piles of corpses around, it seemed that he did not exist in his eyes.


In what time did this happen

Why never heard

There is not even a clue

Is it possible that this murderer's ancestor forged


The ancestor of the murderer doesn't seem to need to forge

No need to fake

Because the absolute strength is there


Ancient images are shattered

"This old age wants to know what happened in what era"

Man Zun groaned.

Everyone heard it and nodded again and again, there were countless doubts in my heart at this moment, and I was desperate to know the answer at this moment.

"This should be what happened in the oldest time in the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands. You call it the early days of the sky. The scene just now was that the first generation king, the first demon king, the first **** emperor, the first witch emperor, the first spirit prince, etc. gathered in the desert. The sea area east of it, called the sea area at the beginning of the day, also known as the sea area of ​​reincarnation, but it was not passed down, or it was artificially erased.

Chen Zheng said lightly.

"The first-generation king, the first-generation demon-lord, the first-generation **** emperor, so the scene just now was that the first-generation king swallowed the other seven wilderness's first-generation masters."

The patriarch of the Qitian royal family trembled.

"Why is this, is it that there are some powerful instruments hidden in the sea at the beginning of the day"

Shen Sheng, the master of the King of People, asked.

"It's not that there is a powerful magic weapon hidden, but just a volume of the magic book. The first generation of kings refined the things on the magic book and wanted to break through the territory for the Dao ancestor. By the way, the magic book is not called the magic book. The book, the magic book is called the Eight Wastelands Kaitianjuan, and it should be the mystery of the supreme right way in the eyes of the first generation of kings."

Chen Zheng casually said.

"The Magic Book"

"The Eight Wastelands Open the Sky"


The voices of the people in the temple lay in ambush.

"How did the ancestors know that the first generation of Wang practiced the magic law of the devil, and how did they know what happened in the oldest time in these ancient wasteland"

The lord of the palace of the king of the people asked for a moment.

"I took Su Jinxiu to the sea of ​​reincarnation, and you might not believe it. The first-generation king himself left a **** stone and sealed it in the deepest part of the sea of ​​reincarnation. Maybe he wanted to keep it as a memorial, but he didn't want to be discovered. So the seal is there."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Isn't Su Jinxiu the First Valkyrie of Qitian Royal Family"

"Splendid Princess"

"People shortage first"

Everyone was surprised

"Su Jinxiu was the most powerful ancestor of our family, but it was a pity that he left the world to the abyss eight hundred years ago. To the utmost in his life and death, it turned out that the female Valkyrie could get the original achievements and got the guidance of the ancestors."

The patriarch of the Qitian royal family was very emotional.

"In this way, the ancestor actually knew that the first generation king was actually hiding in the temple of the king. Since he knew that the first generation king had become a demon, why did he not have that year?"

The Master of the King of the People thought about it and asked again.

"The Valkyrie is kinder."

Chen Zheng said lightly.


Everyone was stunned, and then they all understood that although the first generation of kings were enchanted, they actually did not destroy the human waste, nor did they make a lot of killings in the human waste. When the Valkyrie was in a shortage of human beings, he guarded the wilderness for more than a thousand years ago, and repelled the strong people of all races who coveted the human shortage. Therefore, in the eyes of the Valkyrie, although the first generation king was enchanted, it can be considered as a human shortage. The great contribution should be to ask the murderer ancestor to let go of the early generation king.


It’s just that the first generation king didn’t know.

He had escaped

Just now

The first generation king may have broken out because of the shocking change of the ancestral city

He thought he could control everything

Actually in the eyes of the murderer ancestor

"In fact, the first-generation king was also sealed, but I underestimated the secret method of the Eight Wastelands Kaitianjuan. The secret method does have some advantages. That thing comes from an abandoned nine days. It is no good for you to know it. You As long as you understand, although I am called the ancestor of the murderer, I am not a mass murderer."

Chen Zheng said lightly.


"I will understand"

"Thank you ancestors to resolve the crisis of shortage"

People from all the major royal families in the main hall of the hall ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Although I was curious about the abandoned nine days mentioned by Chen Zheng, I knew that there were some things I should not ask and worshiped Chen Zheng one by one.

"The gods outside the heavens came to the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands. The ancient land of the Eight Wastelands was upgraded to a level outside the realm. The spirits of the heaven and the earth recovered. The **** of the wild land couldn’t sit still, and the guys of the heavens couldn’t sit still. They all wanted to control the thunder and lightning. It's just that some things are already doomed."

Chen Zheng said with a smile again.


Everyone showed their thoughts.

"Will there be a battle involving Bahuang's various ethnic groups in the end?"

Manzun asked for a moment of silence.

"Look if the guys in Shenhuang and Tianyuan are strong enough."

Chen Zheng showed a smile instead of a smile.


What does this sentence mean

Why do you want to see if the creatures in the **** shortage and the sky are strong enough?

as far as I can tell

The creatures in the **** wasteland and the abyss should be the strongest

Everyone showed their doubts again, and did not understand the meaning of this sentence for a while, but after a few breathing time, Manzun and Master of the Palace of Lords understood, they knew what Chen Zheng meant.

This sentence means that if the gods of Shenhuang and the creatures in the abyss are not strong enough, their layout will be destroyed by the murderer’s ancestors. If they are strong enough, then they will have the opportunity to complete the layout, and it is possible to destroy the Eight Wastes All ethnic groups are involved


This is the ancestor who has absolute confidence in himself

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