Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1660: Is the first generation king true or false?

?and so!

The demo just mentioned how to use Haotian Shenyu is really just a demonstration!

This legendary taboo really wants to wipe out the North Moon Royal Family.

"Ancestor is invincible!"

Manzun recovered, and shouted at the moment!


The people of the major royal families of all major roads stunned for a moment when they heard this shout. It didn't respond for a while, because after all, Manzun was one of the ancestors of the three major roads nowadays!

Strong as a respectable man!

Did you even slap it like this?

Nothing to say!

Really nothing to say!

"The position of the Lord of Human Wastes does not necessarily require the blood of the four royal families. Any one of you who wants to be the Lord of Human Wastes, you can try Wang Gulai."

On the altar of the King of Kings, Chen Zheng's eyes swept across the avenues.


"It's too difficult, too difficult"

"I don't want that destiny, let the four royals fight for the kingship."

The people of all avenues shook their heads after groaning. They are not iron-and-hank. They have all reached this stage. How could they not understand that Chen Zheng is the king who wants Chen Huang to be a man. Originally some disciples of Taoism, such as the Son of the King of the People, used to be quite reckless and used to be honest.

"Is there no one? Since this is the case, then Chen Huang will be seated in the position of the Lord of Human Famine."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

"Everything complies with the ancestral law!"

Manzun responded again!


The Kuiku ancestors of the Eight Wild Ancient Gates and others, could not help but sigh in their hearts at this moment, as strong as the venerable ancestors also became so low profile in front of this murderous ancestor. With Daozu sitting in town.


The legendary taboo came back!

It seems that it is still possible to suppress the Eight Famines!

Is this destiny!

"Choosing the King? Why don't you wake me up?"


A light voice came from the temple of King Ren!


Who is this?

Everyone stared at the past with astonishment, and looked at the entrance of the Temple of Human King with surprise. At first glance, they didn't see any figure in the past, only saw the golden light shining, that golden light is the imperial spirit of the imperial power!

this is!

Emperor Dao Long Qi opened his way!


Is there a human king who retreated in the temple of the human king?

This imperial aura!

There is more than one big realm than the imperial dragon spirit released by the ancestors of the northern moon royal family!


In the golden light!

A figure came out!

White robe!

No embellishment!

Without any decoration!

It should have been unpretentious!

But the man exuded an inexplicable price!

Who is this person!

Why haven't I seen it before!


How does this person feel a bit like the statue of the first-generation king in the temple of the human king!


Is this the king of the first generation!

King of the first generation of human waste!

is it possible!

The first generation of the king of human waste is not from the four royal families!

It is said that the first-generation patriarchs of the four royal families are generals of the first-generation king!

Because the first generation king did not leave blood heirs!

So later the four royal families divided the shortage of people!

"The first-generation king is the first-generation king. This must be the first-generation king. It turns out that the first-generation king is still alive. It turns out that the first-generation king has been sleeping in the temple of the king, but I did not notice it! , Meet the first generation king!"

The deputy hall master of the airman king's palace showed a very excited color, and standing in front of the temple of the person king's temple was a worship!

"The Lord of the Palace of Kings of People meets the King of the first generation!"

The Lord of the King's Palace thought for a moment, then looked solemnly and bowed to the figure!


Manzun frowned. 35xs


The rest of the Daoist royal family are also hesitant at the moment. To be honest, I really didn't expect to suddenly kill a first-generation king. Although he can't determine his identity, it's not too far away.

right now!

The ancestor of the murderer wants to choose Chen Huang, the royal family of the Chen family, as the master of the desert!

But the first generation king appeared!

Listening to his tone seems to intervene in this matter!

If the murderer's ancestors face the first generation king!

How to choose for yourself and others!

"How come I don't know that there is a murderer ancestor out of this man's barrenness, you don't seem to be a barren soul, or even a barren old land creature, do you want an outsider to control the people's barren native souls?"


The figure in front of the Temple of the King of People was staring at Chen Zheng on the altar of the King of People!

On the bar!

This is on the bar!

Everyone held their breath in an instant!

The next fear is that there will be a terrifying battle!

This first-generation king is stronger than the three ancestors!


The ground Chu string was startled, and then there was light again in the double pupils. He admired Chen Zheng very much. Like a believer, he wanted to see Chen Zheng's power and wanted to see Chen Zheng's more powerful power!


Ancestor of the murderer!

How would you deal with this first-generation king!

"Don't know and don't need to know."


On the altar!

Chen Zheng smiled with a faint smile and responded to the figure in front of the Temple of Human King!


No need to know?

What is the answer?

Everyone was shocked!


The figure in front of the Temple of the People King raised his eyebrows, but he smiled again at the next moment. At this moment, his hands fell behind him, and he seemed to be saying to Chen Zheng, what can you do to make it out!

"Mo Xin."

Chen Zheng shouted casually.


Mo Xin's heart grasped the skill, and he made a move, and the blood-mans sharp weapon appeared!


"That is!"

"Was the trough the legendary weapon that killed the ancient wasteland!"


All over!


Suddenly weirdly jumped in the hearts of the Lord of the Hall of Lords and Vice Lord of the Hall of Lords!


Bloody flash!

Suddenly penetrated the figure in front of the temple of King Ren!


The figure widened its eyes and whistled away when it wanted to say something. The golden light was quite Unfortunately, the people are gone!


In front of the Temple of King Ren!

There is only a scarlet gun!

Aboriginal city!


Almost everyone's mind is blank!

"In the future, Chen Huang will be the master of human shortage. Whoever has doubts in his heart can come to the Temple of Human King."

Chen Zheng said lightly that he took Mo Xin to fly down to the King's Altar and landed in front of the King's Temple. He paused for a moment before stepping into the King's Temple. Mo Xin received the blood-mansual sharp gun and entered the temple of the human king.



"What the **** is going on?"

At this time the crowd recovered and their faces were filled with surprise and doubt.

"Into the Temple of the King of Man."

Man Zun whispered and plundered into the temple.

"Ah? Yes!"

Ku Kui's ancestor recovered, and quickly followed.

Chen Huang fell from the sky and took Chen Conglong, Chen Luoluo and other Chen family children into the temple. The Qitian royal family, Dongyu royal family, and the rest of the Taoist people also entered the temple one after another.

"Is that the Lord of the Palace just now that it is really the first king?"

The Vice-President of the People's Palace asked with trembling.


The Lord of the King of the People's Palace responded with a deep voice, and took a deep breath into the King of the King's Temple. The Vice Lord of the Hall of Masters shivered again and followed his teeth. The rest of the elder sons waited and thought, and then entered the temple.

In fact, not only the deputy hall master doubted, but also those creatures in the ancestral city of the man, at this moment, also wondered whether the first generation king was true or false!

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