Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1663: Revisit

?A few days later.

Renhuang City.

A vast atmosphere rose to the sky.

"Congratulations to Chen Huangren's promotion to Taoist Realm!"

"Congratulations Daoyou!"

"Congratulations to the King!"

People's ancestral city instantly boils!

"Unfortunately the master is not in the desert"

Shen Wang nodded faintly on the altar, and then moved his eyes to the northwest direction, which was the direction of the ancient wasteland of the Eight Wastelands.


Nanmeng fairy lake.

"Business is not easy to do. Spiritual wasteland is a **** wasteland in the northwest, witch wasteland in the northeast, and corpse wasteland in the southwest. It is simply a hostile enemy. Our human race and the spirit race are fairly good, so this southern dream fairy lake is still peaceful. It’s just that although there is no war here, the Ling clan doesn’t trust our human clan anymore. I’m ready to go back to the barren, and this business can’t go on. Young people, I still have some stocks here, and the good Nanmenghu Lingzhu, If you like it and buy it for a beloved girl, although the monk has always been in the face of beauty, this Nanmeng Lake Pearl is a pure natural non-toxic and no sequelae. It is the first choice for women."

There is a market by the lake, and an old man is selling Lingzhu at the moment.

"Although Lingzhu is good, it is unfortunately not good enough."

Chen Zheng looked at Nanmeng Xianling Lake and smiled slightly.

"Huh? This Nanmeng Lake Pearl is recognized as the first resident in the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands. I bought these spirit beads directly from the Shuiling family. Each one is carefully selected and is among the top grades. The top grade, if it is not good enough, the old man can't think of anything that can exceed the old man's spirit beads! Now the Lingzhai of the Shuiling family is not open to our human race. The stock on the old man's hand is already a gem. Young people miss this opportunity I'm afraid it will be difficult to buy Lingzhu in the future!"

The old man was a little displeased when he heard it. 35xs

"Er and other human races, all get out in ten breaths, otherwise kill it!"



In the hall at the end of the market, a person was suddenly blasted out, and then a figure came out. Those who are not the water spirits, but the fire spirits!

"The people of the Huo Ling family have passed over and this is over. The business is completely unfinished. The Shui Ling family hasn't rushed, the Huo Ling family has passed over to chase people! The young man will soon follow me, stay here Going down, evacuate here with me within ten breaths!"

The old man froze for a moment, then sighed a long time, reminding Chen Zheng to leave while storing the goods in the Xuya space. In addition to the elders, other races in the market have also hurriedly packed up, and more than 90% of them left in just a few hours of interest.



In front of the main hall!

The leader of the fire spirits counts down!




In an instant!

In this fair!

There are only two human races of Chen Zheng and the old man!

"Lying trough! Young people, you still want to see the scenery. If you don't go, you will be killed. Don't look at the scenery. The scenery is beautiful and lifeless is important. Life is important!"

The old man was shocked and hurried to urge Chen Zheng. Seeing that Chen Zheng did not move at all, he would take Chen Zheng away when raising his hand to Chen Zheng.

Just this catch!

But failed to catch!

Chen Zheng stepped out in one step!

It landed on a light boat on the lake water dozens of steps before the market!


The old man was surprised!

This kid seems to be enchanted!


Fire Spirit Clan!

Water Spirit tribe!

A look!

All stared at that light boat!

Although the Water Spirit tribe did not rush people, although they were suddenly sent to the Fire Spirit tribe, it was a little annoying to forcefully drive out the Human tribe, but at the moment, seeing a young human tribe as if he did not hear the warning of the Fire Spirit tribe, he flew into the light boat. Going up to see the scenery, they are also a little surprised!

This child!

This human race young man!

He really didn't hear it!

Still deliberately!

Isn't he afraid at all!

"court death!"

"This kid!"

"Tired of it!"

The people of the Fire Spirit family looked cold for a moment!

"The tenth breathing time is up. This humanoid kid and the old man are **** damn! A few of you will go over and get the kid first!"

A fierce flash in the eyes of the leader!


As soon as the old man shivered, he dared not move at this moment!




Several fire spirits turned into flames and rushed towards the light boat on the lake!



Haven't rushed to the light boat yet!

Only within ten steps!

Suddenly there was a splash of water!

The real fire released by those Fire Spirit tribes was wiped out at once!


What happened?


"This kid"

"It's not this kid, it's the Shui Ling tribe!"

The fire spirits who had been extinguished by the real fire retreated back to the shore, and their faces were all iron blue, and they stared at the side to watch the water spirit people!

"Huh! We didn't do it at all, and didn't cast the spell. Can't you, the Fire Spirit family, perceive it! Don't arbitrarily plant blame and marry, our Water Spirit family is not like your Fire Spirit family!"

A Shui Ling clan girl was immediately upset when she heard it, and glared at the Fire Clan!


"Fire Lord!"

"This kid seems weird!"

Several of the Fire Spirit tribes whose real fire was extinguished looked down, and looked at the leader. The real fire was extinguished, which was equivalent to the loss of mana. At this moment, they are no different from mortals. 35xs

"Did the trough be a descendant of a certain strong cross?"

The old man blinked, looking at Chen Zheng on that light boat at that moment, and if no one was looking at the scenery beside Chen Zheng, he smiled from time to time. He said that there must be a powerful defensive weapon on this kid. The Fire Spirit tribes are here!

I seem to be saved!

"Wacky? How strange can a human Xuanxian be, even if you are Xuanxian Dzogchen, even if you have Golden Immortal combat power, why is my Huo Piao also a Golden Immortal peak half-walker, and you still can't take you kid! It's a rule, don't listen to the warning, then let me fire you on the road!"

The leader hummed, one raised his hand, and a real fire hit!

"Be careful!"

The old man shouted subconsciously!


The little girl of the Shui Ling family also shouted subconsciously, but the woman around her covered her mouth, meaning that some things should not be mixed, don’t mix! What's more, it's just a human monk, although the water spirit family and the fire spirit family are somewhat different, how can they all be the spirit family!


Seeing that real fire rushed towards the light boat!

Suddenly a splash of water splashed!

Not only extinguished that real fire!

Also poured the lead!

Its real fire was instantly extinguished!

In an instant!

No mana!

Become a waste!


The people of the Fire Spirit family were retreated, staring at Chen Zheng on the light boat! As for the flames, at the moment it was like a chicken, and it was staring at Chen Zheng!


This market is silent!

"Hey, what are you looking at, is it so beautiful!"

The little girl of the Shui Ling tribe broke away from the woman next to her, and her eyes were full of curiosity. She shouted at Chen Zheng!


The woman beside her was shocked and gave the little girl a warning look!

"Look what."

Chen Zheng turned around.

Everyone on the shore stared at Chen Zheng!

"Yeah, what do you see?"

The little girl of the Shui Ling clan nodded her head and asked again.

"I met two spirit snakes here, one green snake and one white snake. I was thinking about revisiting my old place today. Is there a chance to encounter two more spirit snakes."

Chen Zheng smiled and answered the little girl.


Revisit the old place?

Ever encountered two spirit snakes here?

Everyone is a little ignorant!



The woman next to the little girl suddenly remembered something!

A face full of charm still instantly filled with panic!

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