At the end of a straight road in the wilderness, the rising red sun hangs high.

A luxurious 24-model Chrysler sedan rolled up dust and moved forward.

On the sedan, Logan's expression still had some residual shock.

Just now, this Wolverine saw Tiezhu transform into a three-meter-tall strong werewolf under Xu Wang's order.


Although Xu Wang called that form of Tiezhu a Husky Orc.

But in Logan's opinion, it was more like the legendary werewolf.

Although Logan was called Wolverine, he had never seen a werewolf with his own eyes.

No matter what.

This time, Husky was proud of Logan and Charles.

In this era, the combat effectiveness shown by Tiezhu is enough to ensure the safety of Charles and Caliban.

This made Logan feel a lot more at ease.

He also had some confidence in Xu Wang's plan.

Xu Wang has always been quite confident.

Although "Logan 3" is Fox's last movie about Wolverine.

But it is not like other series of movies, where the bosses are getting stronger and stronger.

On the contrary, "Logan 3" is more like a road movie and western movie with some superpower elements, and the proportion of superhero elements is very low.

Looking at all the movies in the X-Men series.

The villains in "Logan 3" can be said to be the worst.

Xu Wang even has the confidence that he can deal with the villains alone.

If there is no other intrusion in this world...

At this time, they are driving to the Statue of Liberty Motel.

There were no accidents along the way.

According to the map navigation on the car, they drove the car smoothly outside the motel.

Unfortunately, it was originally sunny, but it suddenly rained at this time.

The raindrops "crackled" on the car window glass.

Logan cursed the damn weather and turned on the wipers.

The wipers on the front windshield began to swing left and right, wiping off the rain marks on the glass.

While the wipers were shaking, a Mexican woman in a black coat walked out of the room in the motel in front.

She seemed not to notice the Chrysler sedan that was parking, and was walking out with a worried look on her face.

This person was Nurse Lopez who helped the little mutant escape from the genetic company.

She heard about Wolverine's whereabouts from her friends, and she went out to find Wolverine.

In her opinion, only legendary heroes like Wolverine could help Laura and the others.

But Nurse Gabriel Lopez never thought of it.

She hadn't found Wolverine yet.

But Wolverine had already come to her first.

"Hey! Nurse Lopez! Hey! Lopez!"

Nurse Lopez didn't pay too much attention to the luxury car next to her. She curled up and walked out in the rain.

After walking a few steps, she heard someone calling her from behind.

This made Lopez turn around in confusion.

Just as she turned around, she saw Xu Wang squeezed out of the co-pilot window of the Chrysler.

While climbing out, he greeted her.

Seeing this, Nurse Lopez felt even more confused.

In her memory, she didn't seem to know this person.

"Hello, ma'am."

Fortunately, Nurse Peroz didn't stay confused for too long.

The main driver's door next to her also opened at this time.

Logan stood behind the car and looked at her with a complicated look.

Lopez obviously didn't expect that the Logan she was looking for would appear in front of her like this.


"Yes, he is Wolverine. We know you need help, so we came."

Before Logan could speak, Xu Wang had already rushed to his side and patted his shoulder hard, looking like a good brother.

Nurse Lopez was stunned for a moment, ignoring Xu Wang and quickly squeezed to Logan's side: "Great! Wolverine! We need your help!"

"What about me? What about me? I'm also very good."

Xu Wang was madly showing his presence on the side, very dissatisfied with being ignored.

It was obviously his plan.

Lopez glanced at Xu Wang, and in Xu Wang's expectant eyes, he quickly turned his head to look at Logan, and said anxiously: "Let's go back to the room to talk."

Logan nodded.

It was still raining outside, and it was indeed not a good place to talk.

The three of them returned to the small hotel room where Lopez temporarily rented.

Logan's expression was very serious.

Lopez was nervous with some surprise.

Only Xu Wang was hit and looked depressed.

The room in the motel was not big.

The entrance was a single room.

There was a simple double bed, a bedside table and a table lamp.

There was a TV facing the double bed.

The bathroom was inside.

There was also a little girl in the room.

She looked about ten years old, with black hair and obvious vigilance and alertness in her eyes.

The little girl was sitting on the bed reading a comic book.

After discovering that two strangers suddenly appeared in the hotel room, she immediately hid in the corner vigilantly.

It was like a little wolf cub ready to bar its teeth to protect itself at any time.

Her name is Laura Kinney.

Her code name in the genetic company is X-23.

She is Logan's biological daughter.

After entering the room, Logan's eyes have been on Laura.

I just heard the story of "Wolverine 3" from Xu Wang yesterday.

Seeing Laura in the story again, Logan had many thoughts in his mind.

But facing the little girl, Logan didn't know what to say.

When they first met, Laura didn't have much good feelings for Logan.

In her opinion.

This uncle had a cold face and gave people a very fierce feeling!

She didn't even want to talk.

"She is Laura, my... my daughter."

Nurse Lopez didn't know that Logan had known the future, and for the purpose of protection, she concealed part of the truth.

She looked at Logan and asked earnestly: "We need your help to send us to the north, Canada, I can give you 50,000."

As he said, Lopez rummaged through the bedside table next to him, and took out a bundle of thick paper bags from it and handed it to Logan.

"Here are 20,000. When we reach the destination, my friend will pay the remaining 30,000."

In the original work.

Logan, who was short of money, was moved by the money and agreed to escort Laura to the north.

But his action was still a step late.

The kind-hearted nurse Lopez was killed by the security guards of the genetic company who came to her house.

At this time, the whole truth of the matter had been learned from Xu Wang.

Logan naturally could not accept the money.

He just wanted to know about Laura's current situation.

Wolverine was not a person who liked to beat around the bush.

He asked directly about the Acre Gene Company and their so-called experiments.

Nurse Lopez didn't expect Logan to know so much.

While feeling surprised, she didn't hide it. The two sat aside and talked.

Xu Wang didn't intervene in the conversation between the adults.

Because he was ignored by Lopez, he came to Laura in a depressed mood and complained to the child: "Believe it or not, I am also very powerful."

Little Laura retracted her gaze and stared at the strange adult in front of her.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Xu Wang. You can call me brother. We are a family from now on. Do you have anything you like?"

"According to our tradition, when we meet children from relatives' families for the first time, we always give them gifts."

Xu Wang squatted in front of Laura, thinking about what he had on him, and finally found that he didn't seem to have anything suitable as a gift.

So Xu Wang said again: "Okay, I don't have any gifts to give you. Then see if you have anything to give me?"

Hearing this, Laura looked down at the X-Men comic book in her hand.

After hesitating for a while, she handed the comic book to Xu Wang.

"Thank you."

Xu Wang took the comic book and flipped through it in his hand for a while.

The blueprint was quickly scanned.

He stood up, walked to the side, and picked up a magazine.

The magazine was decomposed and reprinted in Xu Wang's hands.

So, the second X-Men comic appeared in Xu Wang's hands.

"Here, a gift for you. If you want anything in the future, just tell me, I will pick up garbage to support you."

Xu Wang smiled and patted his chest.

Laura looked at the two identical comic books in front of her, and finally showed a shocked expression on her face!

At this time, Laura finally felt a little like a child.

Holding two comic books in her arms, Laura looked up at the stranger in front of her who seemed a little smart and a little stupid.

Suddenly, I felt that this guy seemed to be a pretty good person.

"Laura, let's go, Mr. Wolverine agreed to help us."

At this time, Nurse Lopez seemed to have finished talking to Logan, and she turned around and greeted Laura with some surprise.

Laura listened to Lopez very much.

After all, she was also brought up by Lopez.

If it weren't for the nurses who desperately protected the little mutants in the laboratory to escape, Laura might have been destroyed by the company.

The two people didn't have many personal belongings.

So each person could set off with a bag on his back.

It was just that the group had just walked out of the motel.

Logan was the first to notice that the atmosphere was a little wrong.

"Get in the car!"

Logan suddenly spoke and ran towards the car parked at the door.

He quickly opened the rear door and pushed Lopez and Laura into the car.

Before the car door could be closed, Logan opened the driver's door again.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

At this moment, several gunshots rang out!

The bullets hit the driver's door and Logan's feet.

Xu Wang was also running towards the car, but he still had time to look around.

I don't know when, several gunmen have been ambushed on the roof of the motel.

There are also many fully armed mercenaries on guard around the motel!

This group of people are obviously from the genetic company.

I didn't expect them to come so quickly!

The first few shots were obviously warning shots.

But seeing Logan ignore the warning, he opened the car door and got in the car.

This group of mercenaries no longer held back, and they immediately opened fire with automatic rifles!

"Da Da Da!"

"Da Da Da!"

"Da Da Da!"

The sound of popping beans rang around the motel in an instant.

A series of bullets sparked on the car!

The car window glass was soon shattered by bullets.

Laura in the back seat of the car quickly threw Nurse Peroz to the ground and protected her with her body.

To prevent the nurse from being hit by a stray bullet.


Logan screamed.

He was shot in the left shoulder.

But he didn't stop. While turning the key to start the ignition, he yelled for Xu Wang to get in the car.

"I'm already in the car!"

Xu Wang did get on the bus.

He jumped onto the roof of the car with a single swoop and used biostatic electricity to fix himself on the roof.

Two drone assault rifles instantly appeared in his hands.

Thank God, before he traveled this time, he picked up a lot of good things at Blood Fist's camp.


The gunmen on the roof fired at the vehicle, and Xu Wang also fired back without showing any signs of weakness!

Just a gun.

Anyway, he is not afraid of death, whoever is a coward is his grandson!

"Get down! Get down!"

Sure enough, when Xu Wang's bullet swept past.

After one death and one injury occurred, the remaining soldiers immediately chose to lie down to temporarily avoid the bullets.

Logan listened to the movements on the roof of the car and knew what Xu Wang was doing now.

The vehicle started quickly and headed outside!

He shouted: "Boy! Come in quickly!"

Logan was worried that Xu Wang stood too conspicuously on the roof of the car, which would easily catch fire.

"Don't worry about me, you can drive safely!"

Xu Wang said, laughing and starting to shoot at the surrounding troops on the ground of the motel!

He was like the on-board automatic machine gun of a Chrysler sedan, constantly firing bullets at the mercenaries behind him.

However, when dual-wielding weapons and moving quickly, his accuracy was really poor.

At most, it functions as a fire suppressor.

But that's enough.

Logan's car had already driven onto the road and was heading towards the abandoned smelting plant.

"Hahaha! Come on! Come and shoot me!"

Xu Wang, holding assault rifles in both hands, stood on the roof of the car and swaggered across the street.

Suddenly, the passers-by around him looked on in surprise.

As the 24 Chrysler passed by.

Another armed pickup truck followed closely behind.

There were even dark heavy machine guns in the back compartments of those pickup trucks.

"Da da da da da!"

The heavy machine gun relatively close to the car has begun to fire!

This thing is much more powerful than the assault rifle in Xu Wang's hand.

Even the car under his feet couldn't take too many shots.

So Xu Wang quickly put away the two drones and fired spider silk balls at the pickup truck chasing behind him!

Those spider silk balls were shot out like bullets!

In mid-air, it suddenly stretched and bloomed, quickly turning into huge spider webs with a diameter of three to five meters!

Xu Wang's current physique is 17 points.

The toughness and stickiness of biological spider silk are no longer comparable to those before.

Obviously the pursuers behind him didn't even think that Xu Wang had this trick!

The pickup truck at the front was instantly shrouded in Xu Wang's spider silk!

The mercenary manning the heavy machine gun in the bed of the pickup truck was also tied up!

Looking at the spider silk, it only slightly slowed down the speed of the pickup truck.

Soon, due to the huge output power of the car engine, the spider silk stuck to the ground was torn off!

But that doesn't make any difference.

Xu Wang didn't want to use spider silk to stick the pickup truck in place.

He just wanted to wrap the car glass with cobwebs to completely block the pursuers' sight!

In this regard, Xu Wang has been quite successful!

Because the leading pickup truck lost its vision, the vehicle instantly hit the side of the road!

Finally, amidst the screams of passers-by, he ran into a flower shop!

It startled a slightly fat 70-year-old man with a beer belly inside!

"Sorry! Sorry! They are all from Yakley Gene Company! You go to them to compensate! Attention! It's Yakley Gene Company! Yakley Gene Company! Yakley Gene Company!"

Xu Wang was afraid that no one would hear the culprit's name, so he stood on the roof of the car and shouted it at the top of his lungs!

Make sure pedestrians along the way can hear you.

The Chrysler sedan followed the main road and headed out of the city.

As Logan drove all the way, Xu Wang stood on the roof of the car and shouted all the way.

"We at Yakley Gene Company can do whatever we want! We use heavy machine guns in the city just for fun!"

"The boss of our Yakley Gene Company is still a lolita! He likes to party on a certain island the most!"

"Yakley Gene Company recycles the blood of AIDS patients at a high price! We promise to return the poisonous blood to the public!"

"Does anyone hate the bums on the street? Sell them to our Akelai Gene Company!"

"Celebrate the great sales of genetically modified food produced by Yakley Gene Company! All of America eats genetically modified foods! Genetic defects in the body of the entire United States! We can sell great medicines again!"

“Our Yakley Gene Company wins twice, it’s a win-win situation!”

The more Xu Wang shouted, the happier he became.

However, the pickup truck behind him couldn't catch up with Xu Wang.

After all, Xu Wang didn't stop shooting spider webs.

As cars passed by, the street almost turned into a hole in the wind.

Xu Wang felt like his body had been hollowed out by such a large-scale spray of spider silk at once.

Biological spider silk needs to be produced automatically by Xu Wang's body.

If you don't exercise restraint, you'll get fired at every turn, and you'll get fired at every turn.

Not only will your body be weak and your feet weak, but the spider silk that will eventually be ejected will not be so white.

On the contrary, it is somewhat transparent.

This proves that its concentration is insufficient.

If you don't control yourself, you won't even be able to ejaculate.

Xu Wang felt that he should rest now.

The huge web of cobwebs that filled the entire street behind him was enough to block the path of the pursuers.

In fact, this is exactly the case.

After several pickup trucks hit the spider web in succession, they lost their vision.

The following vehicles could no longer move forward.

On one of the pickup trucks, a 30-year-old man with short blond hair had a gloomy face.

He was the captain of this operation and the head of the security department of the genetic company, Donald Pierce.

Originally thought it was just a simple job that could be easily accomplished.

Unexpectedly, during the arrest operation, they encountered an unexpected person like Xu Wang!

That guy is too cruel!

Using spider silk to stop their actions is nothing.

Even if a few mercenaries are lost, it is nothing.

In this operation, the most lethal thing is Xu Wang's damn mouth!

Not only did he shout out the name of the Yaklai Gene Company.

He even kept making up stories to discredit the Yaklai Gene Company!

This made Donald's face black as the bottom of a pot!

Especially when he saw the passers-by around holding their mobile phones and constantly recording, and pointing at their pickup trucks.

Obviously, the conspicuous bag that did not follow the common sense has attracted the attention of many people.

It is estimated that his shouting along the way was recorded by passers-by.

It is now 2029.

Everyone has a mobile phone.

The Internet is so developed.

There are also famous short video platforms, which allow everyone to become a potential hot spot maker.

Especially the short video APP of a certain Eastern country, they can't control the spread of the video content at all!

Donald is very angry now.

He is not angry about Xu Wang's malicious editing of them.

He is angry that Xu Wang actually said everything they did!

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!"

Donald waved his right hand, which was a mechanical prosthesis.

It was not as powerful as the Winter Soldier's prosthesis, but in anger, it smashed the car door next to it!

"Hu——! Hu——! Hu——!"

Donald exhaled heavily, trying to calm his emotions.

But at this moment.

The phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated.

Donald's face changed immediately!

He knew that it must be the boss of the company who called.

I guess someone has already started uploading short videos, and the people in the company probably know what happened here.

He took out his phone and looked at the caller on the screen.

Donald's pupils shrank immediately!

It was not the boss's call, the caller's name was Cassandra Nova Xavier!

This looks like just an ordinary name.

But to Donald, it is a million times more terrifying than the devil!

If possible, he would rather receive a call from his boss.

"Buzz! Buzz!"

The phone vibrated in the palm of his hand.

Donald woke up suddenly and hurriedly answered the phone.

Don't dare to delay for a moment!


On the other side, the Chrysler sedan that rushed out of the city finally got stable.

It was just after a short chase and gunfight.

This originally luxurious car inevitably had many bullet holes.

It seemed to have just crossed the battlefield and became tattered.

But in any case, they were at least temporarily safe.


The passenger door opened and closed.

Xu Wang crawled into the car like a big spider.

"You're injured!"

While driving, Logan turned his head and glanced at Xu Wang next to him.

Although his expression and tone were still so cold, Xu Wang could feel his concern.

After being reminded by Logan.

Xu Wang realized that he was indeed injured.

And there was more than one.

There were gunshot wounds all over his body.

Fortunately, there were not many places where he was directly shot, most of them just grazed the skin.

But even so, Xu Wang was covered in blood at this time.

He looked miserable.

"It should be because of the adrenaline just now, I didn't feel anything, but now I feel pain, hiss... It really hurts."

Xu Wang looked down at his wound.

The shelter uniform has begun to heal itself.

But he himself does not have such a strong self-healing ability.

With his current physique, this level of injury, if he slowly recovers, it will probably take 2 to 4 weeks to heal.

Although there are two healing needles in his waist bag, which can instantly heal his injuries.

But Xu Wang is reluctant to use them.

Healing needles are good things. Anyway, he can be resurrected after death, so it is better to save the good things.

Xu Wang is like this when playing games.

He is reluctant to use the good things he has collected along the way.

He will use the worst things if he can.

He always thinks that he can use them when he fights the boss in the future.

In the end, he didn't use them until he passed the level, which was very abstract.

But when thinking of the healing needles, Xu Wang suddenly thought that he didn't seem to have drawn the blueprint of the healing needles.

He didn't know what raw materials were needed to print the healing needles.

If he could get them, he would not lack healing needles in the future.


And a delicious bar that can last a day!

That thing must also be added to the blueprint!

Xu Wang's thoughts were instantly diverted.

But he didn't know that the Wolverine replica X-24 he had been thinking about had already set off.

Please vote for the monthly ticket!

Please vote for the monthly ticket!

There are so few monthly tickets recently.

In addition, thanks to the book friend [Ao Xiaobai] for the reward of 100 Qidian coins!

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