[New personal terminal detected...]

[Gene testing in progress...]

[Personal terminal matches DNA...Test passed...]

[Black box program loaded...]

[New users please read the instructions before use]

[Portable universal workshop, dedicated to serving you]

Looking at the lines of federal language appearing on the personal terminal screen, Xu Wang was also amazed.

I didn't expect it to be this kind of thing.

Since there is a matching manual to read, let's take a look.

Xu Wang turned the knob on the personal terminal and selected the manual file.

From top to bottom, he read it carefully.

I finally got a preliminary understanding of this universal workshop.

The manual is worthy of being a manual, with pictures and texts, which can be said to be understood by monkeys.

It is much more useful than his own golden finger.

At least people don't have to keep groping and guessing.

The function of the universal workshop, as the name suggests, is a portable workshop that can be carried with you.

Theoretically speaking, as long as you have [blueprint] and [materials], it can print out any item on the spot.

It is also very simple to obtain the [Blueprint].

The Universal Workshop has 3 basic functions.

1: Scan

2: Decomposition

3: Print

The scanning function is specifically used to record the blueprint.

Xu Wang experimented with it. After turning on the scanning function of the Universal Workshop, he pressed his left hand with the personal terminal on the bedside table next to him.

After the Universal Workshop was confirmed, it automatically started scanning.

A progress bar also appeared on the screen.

Depending on the scanned object, the speed of the progress bar reading is also different.

The craftsmanship of the wooden bedside table next to it is not complicated, and it did not take too much time to reach 50%.

Xu Wang deliberately raised his hand, and the scanning progress was interrupted.

This means that when the Universal Workshop is scanning, the hand with the personal terminal must be placed on the scanned object.

So Xu Wang put his hand on the bedside table again.

The 50% progress bar started moving again.

This shows that after the scan is interrupted, the progress bar will not return to zero, which is pretty good.

Soon, the progress bar was all finished.

A [blueprint] for a bedside table suddenly appeared in its personal terminal database.

There is only this one blueprint at present.

Xu Wang had read the manual of the Universal Workshop and had anticipated this situation.

The black box of the Universal Workshop must be used with a personal terminal.

Therefore, the [blueprint] it scanned will only be saved in each person's personal terminal.

It cannot inherit the [blueprint library] of the previous owner and can only be re-scanned and recorded.

Just like when the Universal Workshop came into the hands of Blood Fist, Blood Fist used his cracked version of the personal terminal to record the blueprint of the Drone X-01 assault rifle.

Then he used the materials in the plunderer camp to manufacture a large number of brand new Drone X-01.

At this time, Blood Fist's cracked version of the personal terminal was still lying in Xu Wang's subspace waist bag.

With a blueprint for a bedside table, Xu Wang can directly print out a bedside table exactly the same as the one in the blueprint by finding all the materials.

The materials needed to make a bedside table are also detailed in the blueprint, but they are just wood and a little metal.

Xu Wang tried to click it.

He found that there were no raw materials for the time being.

But he could [decompose] the items around him, such as the bed, bedside table, and chair. After obtaining the raw materials, he could use these raw materials to print the items in the blueprint.

So Xu Wang turned the knob again and selected the [decompose] function.

It was the same as the [scan] function.

He also needed to put his left hand on the object to be decomposed and wait for the progress bar to finish, and then the decomposition would be successful.

The only difference was that if he was interrupted during the progress bar, he had to start over again.

In this way, the decomposition function could not be used on a fierce battlefield.

In most cases, the enemy would not stand still and let people decompose it.

It is estimated that living creatures cannot be decomposed.

But it doesn't matter.

The Universal Workshop is originally an auxiliary prop, and he will not lack offensive means in the future, so he doesn't feel regretful.

Xu Wang pressed his left hand on the bedside table next to him.

As the progress bar filled up.

The bedside table that was originally in good condition was decomposed instantly.

Only the straight wood and a little bit of metal were left.

With these raw materials, Xu Wang chose the blueprint of the bedside table again and printed it.

The printing speed was quite fast.

Most of the raw materials on the ground disappeared, leaving only a little wood and even fewer metal fragments.

But next to Xu Wang, from nothing to something, in less than 3 seconds, like a 3D print, a bedside table exactly the same as before fell to the ground!

There was a light "bang" sound!

"Wow! This is really a good thing! Isn't this alchemy! You can even get some kickbacks!"

Xu Wang said, picking up the remaining wood and metal on the ground.

Then he carefully looked at the bedside table he had just printed.

It turned out to be exactly the same as before.

Even the previous scratches were preserved.

It seems that the reason why the drone assault rifle printed by Blood Fist is brand new is probably because the blueprint he scanned is also a brand new assault rifle.

With this universal workshop, Xu Wang will be able to do many things in the future.

Before, Xu Wang felt it was a pity that he could not bring items from other worlds back to the wasteland.

He had to use reinforcement every time to bring things.

It was a bit of a waste to use reinforcement for some small gadgets that were not worth much.

But now with the Universal Workshop, it is different.

Next time he encounters an item he likes, Xu Wang can scan it into a blueprint.

After returning to the wasteland, he can collect raw materials and print it out at any time.

The finished products printed by himself with wasteland materials must be considered as wasteland items.

There are no restrictions and can be taken through at will.

When he thought of this, Xu Wang was a little excited.

There are so many infinite worlds, and many items are quite functional and collectible!

Now he can make them himself.

For example, Iron Man's armor.

Green Goblin's flying skateboard.

Batman's Batmobile.

Even lightsabers, spaceships, and Gundams.

Although they will definitely take a long time to scan, once the [blueprint] is successfully drawn, they can be made at will if there are enough raw materials.

The Universal Workshop is worthy of being called a black box.

It's really a powerful black technology!

Xu Wang also noticed that because the Universal Workshop and the Subspace Waist Bag are bound to his personal terminal.

Therefore, the Universal Workshop can even directly decompose the items in the waist bag.

Just set the object to be decomposed.

Wait for it to run the progress bar automatically.

This is a very convenient combination function.

It's a pity that there is no way to scan the blueprint of the items in the waist bag.

Maybe the scanning function is more sophisticated than decomposition.

Xu Wang thought of something and pressed his left hand on his subspace waist bag again.

Want to see if he can scan the blueprint of the subspace waist bag.

It turned out that the progress bar actually appeared!

"Wow! It really works! This is black technology scanning black technology! Is the Universal Workshop so awesome?! Or is it related to my gold finger?"

Xu Wang paused the scanning of the subspace waist bag and opened the upper cover of the personal terminal, trying to take out the black box inside.

It turned out.

The black box that should be pluggable was actually welded inside.

It was completely integrated with his personal terminal and could not be separated.

Now Xu Wang was sure.

Indeed, his golden finger played a role again.

He regarded this black box as a part of his personal terminal and bound it completely.

"Well, this is good, anyway, the universal workshop is also a good thing."

With the blessing of flashing text, it is no wonder that it can even scan and draw blueprints for black technology such as the subspace waist bag.

Xu Wang was very happy.

He put his left hand on the subspace waist bag again, watching the progress bar move slowly at a snail's pace.

At this loading speed, Xu Wang seemed to have returned to his previous life and was using Baidu Netdisk to download files.

Sure enough, compared to a simple bedside table, the subspace waist bag takes a long time to scan!

I waited for the blueprint of the subspace waist bag to be scanned, and I didn't know how many days it would take.

Anyway, the progress bar will not be reset, so take your time.

The waist bag is always worn on the body, and the blueprint can be scanned in the morning and evening.

Xu Wang is not in a hurry.

So he put his left hand on the waist bag, pressed the button of the table lamp next to it with his right hand, covered the quilt, closed his eyes and went to sleep.

"Good night... Maka Maka..."

As he said, Xu Wang smiled and slowly fell asleep.

On the wilderness railroad one kilometer away, another freight train "rumbled" past!

The people living here have long been accustomed to this harsh noise.

But in the entire abandoned smelter, I am afraid that only Xu Wang and Tiezhu can sleep soundly.

Because of Xu Wang's arrival, Logan and the professor were full of various complicated thoughts and couldn't sleep at all.

Early the next morning.

As expected.

Xu Wang was the first person to wake up in the entire smelter.

As usual, if time permits, Xu Wang will practice martial arts in the morning and practice wild boxing.

This is the only martial arts Xu Wang knows at present.

Wild boxing is really wild, and must be practiced hard.

Xu Wang was still looking forward to using martial arts, like the protagonist in a kung fu movie, to defeat the enemy with one move after another, cool and handsome.

When Logan finally got up.

Xu Wang had been practicing martial arts for more than an hour.

As soon as Uncle Wolf went out, he saw Xu Wang sweating profusely, practicing the crotch kick!

The movements were standard, and the kicks were fast, accurate, and fierce!

Logan and Xu Wang had only known each other for one night, and he didn't know Xu Wang's specific strength.

But seeing him get up early in the morning and practice the moves so diligently.

Logan knew that this kid was indeed not an ordinary person.

"Are you practicing martial arts?"

Logan walked to the side and watched Xu Wang practice.

"Yes, authentic traditional Chinese martial arts, taught to me by a master."

Xu Wang said, and practiced several moves he had focused on practicing this morning.

They were the crotch kick, double dragon playing with pearls, monkey stealing peaches, double peaks piercing the ears, throat and toe stepping.

Logan has lived for so long, although he usually fights like a beast.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't understand martial arts.

In fact, he has knowledge of martial arts from all over the world.

It can be seen that although Xu Wang's wild fist is very wild, he has really absorbed the essence of various Chinese martial arts.

If you can master it, the lethality in actual combat is also very strong.

Although Logan is old now.

But his eyesight is not bad.

It can be seen that Xu Wang at this time has probably reached the peak level of human beings in terms of strength and body coordination.

Although he has not surpassed humans.

But he has surpassed most ordinary people, even ordinary soldiers.

He has already become a top elite agent secretly trained by various countries.

If there is SHIELD in this world.

Logan should compare Xu Wang with excellent SHIELD agents.

It is just a little short of the level of Black Widow and Hawkeye, but not too much.

Xu Wang's daily training has come to an end for the time being.

He wiped the sweat from his head and looked at Logan next to him. He thought of something and suddenly his eyes lit up: "Uncle Wolf! You can be my sparring partner in the future, and teach me some combat skills by the way."

Although Logan is old.

But his many years of combat experience are all precious wealth!

Logan habitually refuses.

At this time, the iron door of the water tower room opened, and Charles rarely left the room.

His wheelchair appeared on the staircase platform, and the iron pillar pushed the wheelchair, and his feet stood behind and breathed.

Charles looked at Logan below and smiled: "Isn't this great? Logan. Just like you taught those children in the academy back then, you are a good teacher."

Professor X had spoken, so Logan no longer refused.

"Hi! Professor! Good morning! You look very energetic today!"

Xu Wang heard Charles' voice, turned around immediately, and waved his hands happily at the professor.

Seeing Xu Wang still so energetic, Charles also smiled.

"Everyone get up, do you want to have breakfast?"

Caliban was wrapped up tightly at this time, wearing sunglasses and a mask and walked out.

He couldn't be exposed to the sun, otherwise his skin would be burned quickly, so he had to wrap himself up during the day.

But at this time, Charles wanted to talk to Caliban.

His pupils suddenly widened!

He lost consciousness instantly, and lost the ability to recognize and act in the surrounding environment.

Sitting in a wheelchair, his muscles began to spasm uncontrollably, his limbs twitched and twisted!

This most powerful psychic in the world, when he was ill, his powerful mental power instantly radiated outward uncontrollably!

The entire abandoned smelter was instantly covered by Charles' mental power!

Xu Wang and others who were in it felt that a pair of big hands had clamped their brains for a while!

This made Xu Wang and Caliban unable to control their bodies anymore, and even unable to control their breathing.

They could only stay still in place, their bodies trembling slightly.

Not just people.

The iron pillars that were close at hand were also like this.

Its brain was trembling, and the whole dog still kept its front paws on the wheelchair handles, unable to move!

In the entire smelter, only Logan was immune to Charles' mental power because his skull was completely covered by adamantium metal.

Realizing that Charles was ill again.

He moved towards the stairs step by step with difficulty, as if he was stuck in a quagmire.

He walked up the stairs slowly again.

At the same time, he reached out and took out a syringe from his trouser pocket, intending to give Charles an injection when he got close!

Because Charles would have intermittent attacks, Logan also developed the habit of carrying special medicine with him.

It was finally used at this time.

He finally came to Charles.

Without saying a word, Logan raised the syringe and stabbed Charles in the chest.

As the special medicine was injected.

Charleston's condition was suppressed immediately.

The mental pressure as terrifying as the deep sea disappeared instantly!

Everyone in the audience fell to the ground one after another!

Everyone breathed in fresh air like people who were short of oxygen!

Only Xu Wang covered his mouth and nose with both hands.

His face was flushed.

This little clever guy was planning to suffocate himself to get the death reward.

After all, it was Charles who started it just now.

He was scared.

Therefore, even if the opponent's mental power had been withdrawn, he was still scared and forgot to breathe.

This is reasonable, right?

Xu Wang thought it was quite reasonable.

If he could really suffocate to death like this, he might really get Charles' death reward.

It's just a pity.

The human body's instinct is too strong.

It's not that Xu Wang can hold his breath just because he wants to.

In the end, with Caliban's eyes looking at him as if he was a lunatic, Xu Wang's face turned red, and he flopped on the ground for a long time like a fish on the shore.

Finally, he couldn't hold it anymore and inhaled a breath of air!

This breath of air made Xu Wang's lungs feel refreshed.

But Xu Wang's heart died.

He silently loosened his hand covering his mouth and nose, and a tear of humiliation passed from the corner of his eye.

He couldn't do it!

He couldn't do it at all!

It's too difficult to suffocate yourself to death!

"Hey! Boy! Are you okay!"

Logan first checked Charles' condition.

He found that he was the same as before, just a little absent-minded, so he paid attention to the conditions of others.

Caliban looked scared.

Tiezhu was frightened, as if he had seen a ghost. He suddenly rushed into the water tower and ran away.

He barked loudly from time to time, as if he was arguing with someone who didn't exist.

Only Xu Wang's attempt to suffocate himself made Logan confused.

He couldn't understand his behavior just now.

"It's okay, I'm just a little sad. My telepathic ability has left me."

Xu Wang lay on the ground with his face up, looking sad.

Fortunately, he is an optimist.

He didn't feel sad for long, and jumped up again, ran up the stairs of the water tower, hugged Logan, and checked Professor X's condition.

Logan reluctantly shook off Xu Wang who was touching his chest muscles, pushed Charles' wheelchair, and sent him into the water tower.

Charles seemed to wake up at this time.

He realized that he had just lost control again, and the 90-year-old man was full of self-blame and regret.

Charles turned his head and looked at Logan and Xu Wang who followed him in. His lips trembled, as if he wanted to say something.

Xu Wang came to Charles first and said cheerfully: "Professor, you are indeed very energetic. I just praised you for your spirit, and you are really very energetic!"

Charles was interrupted by Xu Wang, and looked at the young man in front of him who had walked through the gates of hell but didn't care.

As if he remembered the situation where his superpowers were out of control just now, Charles stared at Xu Wang and said: "You are really a special child. There is a hole in your head."

"Ah, this! I know about the brain hole. Carrie told me."

Xu Wang patted his head.

Charles nodded and continued: "Your spirit and body are very close. Psychics can't really control you or read your mind. This is the first time I've seen someone like you."

"It's just like a human-shaped Magneto helmet."

"I've never seen such an indestructible soul!"

This is the metaphor Charles can think of.


This is the first time Xu Wang has heard of this.

But since it came from Professor X, it should be true.

In order to ensure that he can be resurrected in full condition, this should be a hidden mechanism of his body.

Just like injecting the T virus, you will not be infected, but will get attribute points strengthened.

"This is good news."

Xu Wang nodded happily.

If the professor didn't lie to him, he wouldn't have to worry about being read and controlled by others in the future.

He couldn't move just now, it was purely Charles' mental pressure.

That was an attack, not really controlling Xu Wang's mind.

Charles' superpowers at this time were not as good as before.

In the case of illness, it is naturally impossible to achieve such detailed mind control.

Xu Wang squatted beside Charles' wheelchair, patted his hand, and smiled: "You told me a good news, I will tell you a good news too!"

"If my plan with Uncle Wolf succeeds later, your disease will most likely be cured, and you won't have to worry about losing control and hurting others in the future."

"Uncle Wolf's body can also be restored to its previous state, but I'm not sure if it can last long, so I have to experiment."


"That's great!"

Hearing this, Charles and Logan were very surprised!

They were both happy for each other.

Logan grabbed Xu Wang's shoulders tightly with both hands, staring at Xu Wang with a pair of eyes, with a very complicated expression.

Surprise, hope, and a little panic.

Charles next to him is worthy of being Professor X, and he quickly calmed down, just looking at Xu Wang and Logan with a smile.

Xu Wang nodded and said, "Of course it's true, just follow our plan yesterday and start the action."

"Use this place as a trap to attract those guys, and then everything will be fine."

Logan was much more positive than yesterday this time. Seeing a glimmer of hope, he seemed to have found a little bit of Wolverine's blood.

But Logan soon thought of Charles and Caliban again.

Although he is old, he can still fight.

But Charles and Caliban can't do it.

They are even weaker than ordinary people.

Once they fight, they are likely to be in danger.

But Logan can't think of any other place to put the professor for the time being.

Peter Parker?

No, Peter probably doesn't want to see the professor again.

If the two of them really meet, if the professor is reminded of what happened a few years ago, he is afraid that the professor will not be able to accept the blow.

Fortunately, Xu Wang knew what Logan was hesitating about, and he immediately said: "Don't worry, Uncle Wolf, we still have a general here! It is stronger than you and me now!"

"With it protecting the professor and Caliban, there will be absolutely no problem."


Logan and Charles were a little surprised and surprised when they heard it.

Xu Wang smiled, turned around suddenly, and pointed at the iron pillar with both hands: "Show yourself! Little baby!"

Thanks to the book friend [Book Friend 20220731133438406] for the reward of 100 starting coins, thank you!

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