The tattered 24-model extended Chrysler sedan drove back to the abandoned smelter.

Caliban, who had been waiting here for a long time, saw the car coming back and quickly pushed the iron door open.

After the car drove in, he pulled the door back and closed it.

Then Caliban, who was wrapped tightly all over his body, chased the car all the way and stopped.

Seeing Logan coming down from above, Caliban noticed the gunshot wound on Logan's shoulder and immediately became worried: "How did you get into this?"

Although Caliban knew that they would have a conflict with the Yaklai Gene Company.

But he didn't expect that this conflict would come so quickly.

After all, in their original plan, it was not difficult to pick up two people.

Logan did not answer Caliban's question.

Xu Wang, who was sitting in the passenger seat on the other side, staggered out of the car: "Maybe this is because the plan cannot keep up with the changes."

Caliban was attracted by Xu Wang's voice, turned his head, and was immediately shocked!

This one is even more heavyweight!

Blood all over his body!

It was just that the shelter uniform had been automatically repaired, which caused Caliban to not see Xu Wang's wound.

But looking at his shaky walk, it was estimated that his condition would definitely not be good!

"How are you?!"

Caliban took two steps forward and raised his hands.

He looked like he was going to help Xu Wang, but he didn't know where to start.

Xu Wang grinned.

Blood flowed from his mouth, and his teeth were all red.

"It's okay! It's a minor injury. Just drink more boiled water."

Xu Wang didn't care about his injuries, but Nurse Lopez who got off the car next didn't think so.

Although she was not a doctor, she was a medical worker after all.

When she was in the car, she had always been concerned about Xu Wang and Logan's injuries.

She supported Xu Wang and immediately said: "Do you have any physical therapy supplies at home? We have to treat the injuries immediately."

Lopez said this to Caliban.

Caliban nodded immediately: "Yes! Come with me!"

"Help! Someone come! Someone is trying to kill me!"

When Xu Wang heard the conversation between the two, he was immediately unhappy.

He struggled immediately regardless of the two's support.

Logan just stood there, and he also thought that Xu Wang needed treatment.

Therefore, he had no intention of helping Xu Wang at all.

Xu Wang was still shouting there: "There is no time for treatment now, I'm really fine! People from the company will be here soon, you have to hide as planned!"

Hearing Xu Wang say this, Caliban hesitated a little.

It was indeed as Xu Wang said, they were entangled here, wasting time, and when the enemy came later, it would be bad.

When the situation was a bit stalemate, a husky came out of the factory pushing a wheelchair.

It was Tiezhu and Professor Charles.

Charles' wheelchair was actually electric and could move without being pushed.

But Tiezhu liked to push it for fun, so Charles just let it go.

Although Charles' superpowers have become weaker and weaker due to long-term consumption of genetically modified food from Ackle Genetics.

But there is no problem in communicating with animals with simpler thoughts.

In the original plot of the movie, Charles used his weakened telepathic ability to control the fleeing horse back to the kind farmer.

"Caliban, listen to Xu Wang and act according to the plan. What we have to do now is to hide and not affect their battle."

Charles put his hands on the handrail and looked at Caliban calmly.

Caliban was still a little hesitant.

Charles said again: "Believe in them, this is an opportunity we have fought for."

As he said that, Charles was a little old, looking at the little girl in the distance, he could only subconsciously squint his eyes: "Laura, we have been waiting for you, come here, come here."

At this time, Charles looked like an old grandfather calling his granddaughter.

After getting off the car, Laura stood there without moving.

Until Charles spoke, she walked towards Charles.

When passing by Xu Wang and Logan, she looked back at them.

Logan still had no expression on his face.

Xu Wang smiled and waved to Laura.

Laura turned back and walked quickly towards Professor Charles.

This little girl's fighting ability is actually not weak. She can even be ranked in the top three in the entire "Logan 3".

But Xu Wang and Logan are not dead yet.

The adults are still alive, so there is no need for a little girl like her to go to the battlefield.

Nurse Lopez is obviously the one who knows the situation the least among all the people present.

She still insists on letting Xu Wang receive treatment.

But Charles has spoken.

Caliban can only quickly pull Lopez away.

None of them are combatants.

Staying here is useless except for getting in the way.

There is an independent basement in the workshop.

They have to hide down there until the battle is over.

The only intersection in the basement is guarded by Tiezhu.

If you want to hurt Charles and others, you must first defeat the tyrant Tiezhu.

I hope those mercenaries will not be scared after seeing Tiezhu's transformation.

The old, weak and sick are all gone.

Xu Wang and Logan were the only ones left in the huge abandoned smelter.

Logan looked quite serious.

Because he didn't know what Xu Wang had in mind.

Judging from their apparent strength.

Now he and Xu Wang were no match for the Arklay Gene Company.

The professional mercenary force alone is enough for them to eat a pot.

What's more, Logan hasn't forgotten what Xu Wang said about X-24.

Same as Charles.

Logan's self-healing factor was also greatly weakened due to his long-term consumption of genetically modified food from Ackley Gene Company.

The weakened self-healing factor not only makes Logan's self-healing ability worse than before.

It even broke the balance between the self-healing factors in the body and the Adamant metal skeleton.

You know, Adamant metal itself has some metal toxicity.

Fortunately in his heyday, these toxic effects could be completely offset by Logan's self-healing factor.

But as Logan's self-healing ability decreased, Adamantium began to poison Logan's body.

This is why Logan is so weak now.

All I can say is that Logan knows his body better than anyone else.

Logan is not afraid of death, he is just afraid that no one will take care of Charles after he dies.

Now there is the variable of Xu Wang.

Logan, who is not a coward, does not lack the courage to swing his claws again.


Staring at the dust raised in the distance due to the movement of the motorcade.

With a serious face, Logan once again showed off his six Edelman claws!

There was one stuck yesterday, and Logan checked it at night.

Because the self-healing ability has deteriorated, the movement of the bones has been affected by congestion.

Just force it out.

Logan was ready to fight head-on with his opponent.

At this moment, Xu Wang stuffed a drone assault rifle, a freedom rifle and a freedom revolver into his arms.

Although Wolverine is a bit awkward with guns.

But now is the time to capitalize on our strengths and avoid our weaknesses.

Wolverine's self-healing ability is not as good as before, so he should try to suffer as few injuries as possible.

Don't forget it.

Uncle Wolf is not only powerful with his claws.

He fought in two world wars and worked as a mercenary for a long time.

He is not weak in the use of firearms.

In other words, quite strong.

Logan looked a little silent as he looked at the pile of unseen weapons in his arms.

But he quickly retracted his claws and armed himself with firearms.

The Free Rifle can be used for short range sniping.

Wearing reading glasses and holding a rifle in hand, we ran to the water tower to find the commanding heights.

Xu Wangze stood with his hands on his hips and a detonation button in the other hand, waiting for the arrival of the mercenaries.

For a big company like them, once the target person is identified.

It will be much easier to find it again.


Even though Xu Wang and the others were missing from the streets of El Paso.

At this time, I quickly regrouped and found this place.

The iron door of the smelting plant was violently knocked open!

Armed pickup trucks pulled up one after another.

A group of heavily armed mercenaries jumped out of the car instantly.

They were on alert with guns drawn.

The leader is still Donald Pierce.

This guy doesn't have much ability, but he's very good at showing off.

Everyone was fully armed, but he was wearing a windbreaker and didn't even have a weapon.

He swaggered up to Xu Wang.

"That guy who was spinning silk before was you, right? Could it be that you are Spider-Man? But I heard that the old guy is seventy years old."

Donald said, looking at Xu Wang who was covered in blood and shaking, and then said: "Come with us, we are here just for you and a little girl, she should be here too, right?"

Xu Wang looked at his mechanical right hand: "I'm very curious, can you still guide this hand? Is it too intrusive?"

Donald's face darkened.

He finally figured out that the kid in front of him was the kind of person who couldn't get enough of it!

What he hated most in his life was people who wouldn't let him show off.

"It seems you have to learn how to speak human language the hard way."

Donald stepped back and waved forward.

The surrounding mercenaries aimed their guns at Xu Wang.

Xu Wang smiled and raised his hands, letting everyone present clearly see what he was holding.

Those are two remote control buttons!

The button is still quite conspicuously red.

At this time, Xu Wang's thumbs were pressing on the button.

In the current situation, anyone with a sound mind can see what Xu Wang is doing.

Looking at Xu Wang's confident look, everyone present became nervous.

"I have buried TNT explosives underground in the smelting plant! As soon as I release the button, the entire smelting plant, including you, will be blown up to the sky!"

Xu Wang laughed loudly as he spoke: "I didn't expect you to be so stupid. I just used a little trick and you fell into the trap!"

Looking at the mercenaries surrounding him, they looked ready to make a move.

Xu Wang opened his arms and twisted his body, with a proud smile on his face: "Can others do it? Hahaha!"

Donald was breaking out in a cold sweat at this time.

Admittedly, he really didn't expect Xu Wang to play this trick.

Logically speaking, this kind of strategy that deliberately leads people into a trap is actually easy to see through.

It can only be said that Donald was indeed too careless and underestimated Xu Wang and the others.

After all, Logan is just a ride-hailing driver now.

He has very few superpowers and is not threatening at all!

Seeing that Xu Wang looked like he was about to die together, some mercenaries were already planning to retreat.

They all come out to work.

What kind of fate are you playing with?

No one wanted to put their lives in the hands of a madman like Xu Wang.

"Don't even move!"

When Xu Wang saw someone retreating around him, he immediately yelled: "If anyone moves again, I'm going to detonate a bomb!"

Everyone was shocked.

They didn't dare to move again.


Xu Wang suddenly laughed again, as if he was a lunatic.

After he finished laughing, he casually threw the two remote control buttons on the ground!

Just like throwing away garbage, it was thrown away quite lightly.

Ke Xuwang's sudden movement frightened everyone present!

Because that means Xu Wang has released the button.

The TNT bomb buried underground is about to explode!

For a time, the entire smelting plant was in chaos!

Some people turned around and ran away.

Some people fell down on the ground.

Someone else raised his gun towards Xu Wang with red eyes.

Xu Wang was not idle either.

When he lost the remote control button, two drone assault rifles appeared in his hands.

At such a close distance, you don’t even need to aim specifically, just shoot in a circle around you!

"Da da da da da!"

Gunshots suddenly exploded!

Several people who were close were shot and fell instantly.

Especially Donald.

The pretender who had no ability but loved to show off was shot hard by Xu Wang!

Although he reacted quickly and used several people around him as human shields.

However, his waist, abdomen and legs were still hit by bullets, and he immediately fell to the ground.

At the same time, Logan on the water tower also started shooting.

He focused on some dangerous targets and pulled the trigger again and again!

The sudden attack caused the mercenary team to lose several members in an instant!

At this time, several seconds had passed since Xu Wang lost the remote control button.

No matter how stupid everyone is, they all realize that something is wrong!

What about the explosion? !

What about TNT bombs? !

Why is there nothing? !

"Faq! We've been fooled!"

A wise man discovered the truth of the matter and shouted out in the team.

Donald covered his wound and lay on the ground, looking at Xu Wang in disbelief: "You are actually lying to us!"

Xu Wang was even more unbelievable than them!

"Did you just find out?! I thought you were all playing with me! Where can I find so many TNT explosives!"


When Donald heard this, he almost spit out a mouthful of blood!

They were actually fooled!

He couldn't accept this fact at all!

"Kill him for me! Don't leave any..."

Donald pointed at Xu Wang and roared in anger.


Before the man could finish his words, Xu Wang had already pulled the trigger again.

Blow the head off this guy who talks a lot!

At the same time, the surrounding mercenaries also shot at Xu Wang!

Compared to Donald, these people were even more angry after being deceived!

"Da da da da da!"

Under a burst of concentrated fire.

Xu Wang suddenly summoned the Wujiang Sword and waved the sword very handsomely on the spot!

Split, point, stab, tease, hang, pierce, and sweep!

Xu Wang can even perform backflips, side flips and slashes on the spot!

Then he danced the long sword in his hand into a big windmill!

That's a lot of bells and whistles!

Logan, who was on the water tower, was a little frightened when he saw Xu Wang being set on fire.

Now looking at Xu Wang's lively appearance, I felt a lot more at ease.

"I didn't expect that his swordsmanship was pretty good, and he could split bullets and protect himself!"

Logan commented without stopping.

Still shooting to kill the mercenaries below.

The mercenaries seemed to be shocked by Xu Wang's performance!

In their era, there were no more superhuman beings.

At this time, watching Xu Wangjian chop bullets, the "ding-ding-ding-ding-ding" sound was awe-inspiring!

The mercenaries are also ordinary people.

When encountering this kind of thing, I felt a little panicked.

Someone emptied the magazine without realizing it, and still kept his finger on the trigger.

Gradually, the gunfire became less and less.

Even Logan paused shooting to change the magazine.


A mercenary looked at Xu Wang standing in front of him and swallowed in fear.

"What kind of monster is this! You won't die even if you do this!"

A little behind the team, some people were in disbelief.

"How on earth is he able to chop bullets with his sword? Does he have super powers?"

Others wondered how Xu Wang did it.

Xu Wang grinned: "Actually, I was blocking the bullet for fun. I didn't block the bullet at all. Haha! I must have fooled you again!"

As he spoke, Xu Wang rolled his eyes, fell backwards, stuck out his tongue, and died happily...

The scene was somewhat silent for a moment...

The mercenaries looked at the peaceful body on the ground, and their expressions were a little tense!

Today's action is simply a joke in their career!

They were fooled by this guy! Twice in a row!


"Shit! Shit!"

"This man must be fucking sick!"

Someone got so angry that they came forward with a gun and fired at Xu Wang's body again!

Xu Wang's body was continuously pierced by bullets, as if he was electrocuted, and he began to break dance.

During this period, a piece of white paper that Xu Wang had prepared in advance fell out of his pocket.

A mercenary picked it up curiously.

I discovered that it was a hand-drawn picture of Tom Cat’s lower body leaking.

There is another paragraph below.

[While watching Tom and Jerry, I have always been curious about whether a person's drinking water will leak like Tom's after being shot through by a bullet. Can you ask the kind person who beat me to death to grant my wish? 】

After reading these words, the mercenary's face turned red with anger!

He didn't find it interesting, he just felt that this man would be ashamed of himself even after he died.

So he threw away the letter, raised his gun towards Xu Wang and pulled the trigger to vent his anger!


At this time, the gunshots of the Freedom Rifle rang out again!

The mercenary who raised the gun was shot in the head and fell to the ground!

The surrounding mercenaries also looked for bunkers and fired back at Logan on the water tower!

Only Xu Wang's soul was still floating on the corpse of the mercenary who read the letter.

He angrily beat the mercenary's body with his soul fist.

He really wanted to try to be like Tom Cat.

This guy actually didn't fulfill his dead man's last wish.

It's so heartless!

After Xu Wang finished venting, he saw that Logan was being suppressed and beaten by the mercenaries.

But it is not life-threatening at the moment.

In addition, X-24 has not yet appeared, so he will not be resurrected yet.

The spirit Xu Wang hung in the air with his legs crossed, checking his death reward this time.

The flashing text made it clear.

This time he died in a mercenary fire involving 16 people.

It was the first time he was killed by so many people at the same time. Xu Wang was looking forward to what kind of death reward he could give himself.

[Death reward: Focused fire enhancement*16]

"Wow! He looks very strong!"

Xu Wang couldn't wait to check the detailed description.

[Concentrated fire enhancement: Requires perception enhancement bit, only effective for automatic assault rifles. When using an assault rifle, summon a rifle shadow of the same attribute to attack together. For every five points of improvement in perception attribute, a rifle shadow will be added! 】

[The shadow’s existence time is determined based on basic perception attributes. 】

[Each point of perception can summon a phantom for 1 second. 】

[The next summons will be restored over time. 】

Good guy!

It’s really just a way to gather fire!

This enhanced introduction made Xu Wang happy!

When attacking with an assault rifle, you can summon phantoms of the same attributes to attack together, which is already powerful enough.

At this time, Xu Wang has 16 set fire enhancements.

According to past experience.

The 16 concentrated fire enhancements added together can provide Xu Wang with 16 phantoms.

Coupled with the 2 phantoms of his 13-point perception attribute at this time.

This can summon 18 rifle phantoms at the same time!

Although the 13-second summoning time is a bit short, in a battle, these 13-second summons are enough to turn the tide of the battle.

If Xu Wang could only summon one or two rifle shadows, he would definitely save this [Concentrated Fire Enhancement] for later.

But the number he can summon now is 18.

Then you have to taste it!

Then get a powerful assault rifle that has been strengthened by death, and the damage of concentrated fire can be even higher!

Xu Wang did not ignore the words "Summon the shadow of a rifle with the same attribute".


Xu Wang's soul was floating in the air, looking at the newly obtained death reward with joy.

The door of the only transport truck at the rear was opened.

A young strong man with a short beard and a black vest who looked exactly like Logan jumped out of the car!

He is X-24!

A clone of Wolverine Logan.

The latest artificial weapon developed by Yakley Gene Company!

He is also the most powerful character in "Wolverine 3".

He's pretty much a weaker version of Wolverine.

He also has super strength, exaggerated self-healing ability, and a pair of classic Edman claws.

Just as a copy.

Only his claws are covered in Adamantium.

It's not like Rogan is covered all over.

After all, the self-healing ability of the replica is far inferior to that of Logan at his peak.

There is no way to accept such a big project as injecting Adamant metal into the whole body.

Having said that.

But now X-24 is the person with the strongest self-healing ability in the world.

Xu Wang still had to find him if he wanted to get the strengthening of his self-healing factor.

It must also be because the actions of Donald and the mercenaries were temporarily blocked.

The Yakley Gene Company behind them couldn't sit still, so they released their latest weapon.

That being the case.

Xu Wang stopped lying dead.

Confirm resurrection.

Including his life, he still has three chances to be resurrected in this world.

Logan is gunning with the mercenaries.

But after all, he was only one person, and he was inevitably shot many times.

But the results he was able to achieve were getting less and less.

He couldn't poke his head in to fight back.

Once he makes a move, he will immediately be under fire.

And Logan was also very worried about Xu Wang's situation at this time.

After all, Xu Wang looked like he was already dead no matter how he looked at it.

He didn't remember that Xu Wang also had the ability to heal himself.

Just then.

Xu Wang, who was still lying dead, suddenly stood up like a carp!

Logan's spirit suddenly lifted!

Good boy!

You are actually alive!

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