"Why did it shrink so much?!"

As the synthesis furnace was turned on, Owen was shocked by the figure that came out of it.

It's not that the broad-minded lady has become soft and cute, but that the demon's armor has shrunk severely. It has changed from the cold and hard full-body heavy armor in the style of the demon king to the style worn by female characters in third-rate online games, where the smaller the area, the higher the defense. The limbs were fully covered in armor, but the body was eager to be solved by two horizontal and vertical bars. Owen, who had his eyes wide open, didn't know for a moment whether he should ask about the situation first or take a closer look.

No matter what, Owen's method still worked. Although the pupils turned yellow, two sheep horns grew on his head, a pair of bat wings not much bigger than chicken wings, and a thin heart-shaped tail. With his long tail, Del has indeed maintained his original sanity, but compared to his soft and gentle temperament before, now he is a little more greedy and longing for him. To put it simply, he is greedy for his body.

This is not surprising. Del's succubus bloodline did not disappear. Instead, it was suppressed and eroded by the power contained in the demon armor, and was forced to be loyal to Owen. However, the devil is not so easy to subdue. Although it cannot actively harm, it can passively There are many methods, and it just so happens that the succubus is very good at this.

"Can you still change back?!" Owen asked worriedly.

Although Dale's current appearance is indeed quite exciting, considering his thin body, the original version cannot even match it, let alone the enhanced version of the Abyss.

Owen decided to be cautious first and not rush for excitement. If he died after trying it, he would definitely be the most shameful time traveler to die.

"Master, it's okay~" Del reached out and grabbed the naughty little tail, slowly wrapped it around his middle finger, then pinched the tip of the peach-hearted tail that was still trying to struggle, hummed softly, and said with a little honey tail sound He said with a smile, which almost made Owen's heartbeat unbalanced as he almost laughed.

After Del changed back to his original appearance, the magical thing was that the armor also disappeared. You say it's magical or not, and Owen no longer had to search for any trace of his beloved Demon's armor in the abyss of the canyon.

But in the end, Owen still didn't escape the fate of trying, but at least he managed to come out alive, which made him cry with joy. The devil was indeed a devil, even if it was just blood, it was not something humans could bear.

When Owen was slumped on a chair in the hall, waiting for Dale to make the tonic soup, Maya also came. Her long burgundy hair floating against gravity and a pair of magical eyes made Owen understand her. It was also affected and became stronger.

But why did both of them become stronger, but he was so weak? Is this directed at him? !

Although he was aggrieved, Owen knew that the most important thing now was to find the source of the mutation and see if the territory was affected.

Unless the root cause of the mutation is solved, the trouble will never stop. Although Owen is weak, at least his brain is not affected, and he still knows the severity.

In fact, there is no need to guess at all, there must be something wrong with the ruins.

As expected, it didn't take long for the Goblin General to ask the owl to deliver the message.

"There is indeed something wrong with the ruins. The goblins touched something when they dug to the second level. As a result, a special wave broke out, causing the tribe's goblins to mutate, and even affecting the entire Devil's Horn Forest." Owen frowned. He said with raised eyebrows.

Hearing the news, Del, who had never cared about territory matters, looked confused. On the contrary, Maya's expression did not change, because since she learned about the ruins, she had made many related plans, including fighting against the monsters that emerged from the ruins. Monsters and undead, lifting curses and poisons, and even migration and escape plans.

Fortunately, the situation is not that bad. At least the territory has not been affected except for a few livestock mutations.

Moreover, the mutation is benign. The livestock become larger and stronger, which is very suitable for breeding and improving the genes of territorial livestock.

But everything must have a degree. For example, the Devil's Horn Forest has become the hardest hit area, because it is closest to the source of the mutation, causing a large number of animals and plants to mutate, some are benign, some are malignant, but no matter what kind, Mutations consume energy. When no one feeds them, in order to replenish energy, no matter what kind of creature they are, they are caught in a frenzy of foraging.

Herbivores are not that big of a deal, most of them gnaw on tree bark, but carnivores and horned goblins are in trouble.

The Goblin General was caught off guard at first. Now he has transferred all his troops and heavy puppets back to the tribe, relying on wooden walls for defense. It can still hold up in a short period of time, but it is difficult to say as time goes by.

Because the Goblin tribe was too close to the ruins that caused the mutation, the surrounding magic horn trees were affected and began to activate. Fortunately, the super farmland was even more unreasonable. Unless the magic horn tree could escape from the earth, no matter how mutated it would be, Only if the vitality is drained and turned into fuel.

However, although the Goblin tribe could still hold on, Owen could no longer sit still.

The Devil's Horn Forest is irreplaceable for the territory's current development. Whether it's wood, fuel or food, it all depends on what it provides, not to mention the mysterious ruins.

Owen could not continue to wait at the risk of losing control, so he immediately mobilized his troops and prepared to go to the Devil's Horn Tree Forest.

While Owen was busy mobilizing his troops, he somehow underestimated the mutation. In addition, neither Dale nor Maya were true legal professionals, so they ignored the problem of the spread range of the mutation.

For people, a journey of several months is already very far away, but for some fluctuations, it is just a blink of an eye.

Coupled with the vastness of the north, the fluctuations spread faster and wider. At least at the borders of the empire, the fluctuations caused by the mutation could still be clearly felt.

Although the source of the fluctuation cannot be determined, it has also attracted some people's attention further north in advance, leaving little time for Irving.

Owen, who didn't know it at this time, was preparing to send troops to clean up the hidden dangers of the ruins, but he didn't know that troubles were waiting for him behind.

Considering that the battle took place in the forest, Owen only mobilized the swordsmen and crossbowmen from the territory. They were more suitable for fighting in complex environments. As for the spearmen and spear throwers, they stayed in the territory.

Fifty swordsmen and fifty crossbowmen already accounted for half of the territory's troops. Worried that the chaos caused by the mutation would continue to expand, even if there were hidden methods, Owen still chose to send two hundred farmers into the barracks as supplementary troops. What kind of soldiers? We can no longer care about the proportion of people to the people, let’s get over the current difficulties first.

Of course, transferring so many farmers will greatly reduce the production and development speed of the territory, but compared to the chaos caused by the mutation, it is still worth it. Besides, the progress value has reached 30, and he can redeem it at any time, and then use the restored progress value to convert Serfs were not in a hurry to fill the vacancies created by the labor force.

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