After processing the files that Maya brought, Owen was in the period of accumulating progress points. It was rare for Owen to have a leisurely time. He did nothing every day. He could sleep until he woke up naturally in the morning, read leisurely in the morning, enjoy delicious food at noon, and go there in the afternoon. On the green field of the greenhouse, I practiced the actual use of the expansion spell with Del. The sausages for the picnic were a little too small.

Occasionally, when he goes to reward Maya, he has to level a bowl of water. He is such a selfless man.

On this day, Owen was discussing magic spells with Dale in the greenhouse, when suddenly there was a strange fluctuation from the direction of the Devil's Horn Tree Forest.

Although Owen had fairly strong mental power and magic power, he only sensed a special wave coming from him, which was not as huge as the reaction of the two people with special blood.

Maya, who was handling official duties in the center of the town, suddenly groaned, covered her face with her hands involuntarily, and trembled all over, as if she was enduring something.

Owen is even worse. Due to the expansion curse, he has not yet escaped and is sweating all over.

The quill slipped from Maya's fingers onto the paper on the table. The ink flowing out of the quill instantly contaminated the beautiful cursive characters on the paper. But at this time, Maya couldn't care less. She covered it with both hands. Her face could only be seen through her fingers, her eyes closed and her face in pain.

Compared to Maya's painful expression, her long burgundy hair twisted and coiled around her like a snake as if it had gained life. The picture was very strange.

In the end, like a drowning person struggling to reach the water, Maya suddenly let go of her hands and gasped violently, while the paper in front of her gradually turned gray under her strange eyes.

Maya reached out and touched it in disbelief, and the thin paper instantly shattered into thin stone fragments.

"This is the eye of petrification?!" Maya knew that Owen had changed her bloodline, allowing her to not only get rid of the fate of rapid aging, but also gain youth and longevity. However, because of the T virus as a buffer and adhesive, the process of bloodline fusion She was very gentle, so she never changed much. Unexpectedly, her blood suddenly burst out under the unknown stimulation from the outside world, causing her to awaken the petrified eyes. She couldn't control it for a while, and her abilities began to overflow.

If the previous petrification ray was still magic, then the petrification eye was a talent. It was more effective, more powerful, and more likely to cause accidental damage. For this reason, Maya had to close her eyes and learn to control this newly awakened instinct.

While Maya tries to control her newly awakened instincts, Owen's face changes drastically, because as a witch, Dale has changed even more.

All the originally hidden blood vessels were activated, causing Del's snow-white and soft skin to gradually turn red, her muscles twitched, and her body temperature rose sharply.

The capital word DANGER hung over Owen's head, but in his panic, he accidentally grabbed a long, slender and round object next to him.

"Magic wand!" Owen was immediately overjoyed, as if grasping a life-saving straw, he found every opportunity and cast spells one after another to escape.

Owen, who was lucky enough to save himself, stretched out his hand to help Dale before he could rejoice. As a result, his hand was almost blistered. He even heard the sound of water boiling from the other person's body, which showed how high the temperature was.

However, he calmed down because he discovered that Del's life was not actually in danger, and the change was due to the activation of her bloodline.

Those with explicit bloodline are warlocks, and those with recessive bloodline are wizards. However, the two are not unchangeable, but it is difficult, especially for wizards.

Because of the inertia of magic power, it is very difficult for wizards to cast spells and they have to resort to various means, such as potions, crystal balls, rituals, etc., so they lack the ability to face the enemy head-on.

Many wizards try to change this, transforming from silent wizards into unrestrained warlocks.

But it is not easy to activate the bloodline, and there is a high chance of turning into a monster or madman in the process. Even if you are lucky enough to succeed, you will easily be targeted. As for what you are targeted for, it depends on the source of the bloodline.

Human blood is very ordinary. Although it has a high degree of fusion, it has no magic power. Even mages drive magic power through spiritual power to perform magic, so anyone who can awaken magic power has an inhuman part.

If it's a monster, it's fine. Although there will be some animal transformation, it will only take some time to adapt. But if the blood comes from a demon or an evil god, it will be troublesome. It is simply more terrifying than the tarsal maggots, and it is impossible to get rid of it.

After all, these non-human beings spread their own blood and power as bait. Every descendant and user is a position and coordinate for them, through which they can infect their own power, and finally achieve The purpose of entering the material world with the help of a clone, so the wizard's hidden bloodline is a kind of protection for himself.

Seeing Del starting to grow horns, bat wings, and a heart-shaped tail, Owen knew that her bloodline came from the devil, and she seemed to be a succubus.

Owen's face looked ugly. Although the succubus was known as a friend of warlocks, this could not change his nature as a demon.

As the most passionate and unrestrained demon in the abyss, succubi rarely use strong tactics, but are extremely good at using softness to overcome rigidity and siphon effects. I don’t know how many mages or warlocks have fallen into the bottomless abyss after summoning them and are unable to extricate themselves. They just fell silently. Under the opponent's anti-joint sheep's hooves, many tragic cases appeared that were so sexy that they could be read as a book, attracting countless latecomers to knowingly commit crimes.

Owen can't even compete with Del, let alone the epic and enhanced version of the succubus. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent Del's consciousness from being eroded by the succubus and turning into a witch with endless demands.

Pulling out his wand and casting a spell to levitate Del, Owen strode towards the secret room of the dungeon with her.

After sending Del into the synthesis furnace, Owen looked at the demon suit he had just ordered the slime maid to get, and hesitated again.

The solution to Del's problem is very simple. After all, the succubus itself is not a powerful demon, and it is a descendant of countless generations. If it is a mature mage or warlock, there are many ways to subdue it and turn it into a self-heating weapon.

But the problem is that Owen does not fall into this range. He is neither a mage nor a warlock, and is a beginner in the legal system. Therefore, his only way is to use the power of the system to suppress Del's own bloodline.

Theoretically, as long as the proportion of system power exceeds that of the succubus, the initiative will be in his hands and the crisis will naturally be resolved.

Thinking of this, Owen no longer hesitated and turned on the synthesis furnace directly.

This synthesis is not intended to combine Del and the equipment into a puppet monster, but to bind the two parties so that Del can directly borrow the power of the demon suit to suppress her own succubus bloodline and resurrected succubus will. But will it succeed? , Owen is not sure at all.

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