The singing and dancing in Ferrier town does not mean that the same is true for other northern lords' territories. After all, not every lord is beautiful and has someone behind him.

In fact, during this period alone, double digits of lords were replaced. I don’t know how many massacres occurred during this period, but few people knew about it.

But this cannot be hidden from interested people, especially Ferrier Town, a place where dragons and snakes gather from north to south. Therefore, Corens and the ninjas secretly or openly found out a lot of secret information, and sent it to Owen. inside.

Regarding the current cruel situation, Owen knew that it was bound to happen.

This is mainly because of the original decision of the empire, which resulted in the identity and inheritance of the northern nobles relying entirely on the seal of the northern nobles given by the empire. As long as you hold this seal, you can legitimately say that you are a northern noble. Otherwise, you will die. There, he is famous for not recognizing people but their seals.

Under this premise, although the Seal of the North has the function of bloodline authentication, as long as all the direct bloodlines of the opponent are killed, or the holder takes the initiative to transfer, the identity can be replaced. Therefore, it is difficult to prevent chaos in the North.

There is no doubt that this setting is completely prepared for the convenience of picking peaches in the future. Not only Owen, but also many Northland nobles are also well aware of this. Otherwise, they would not have done anything as soon as they heard about the establishment of the Second Northland Pioneer Group. So nervous.

But no one thought that this day would come so quickly. Not to mention that the peaches were ripe and the trees had not yet grown. They couldn't wait to start, making Owen, who was cheating, look embarrassed, let alone other northern nobles. .

In fact, if Owen is given enough time, it is not impossible to establish a country on his own in the North with the help of plug-ins. Unless the empire prepares for a founding war, everything will be fine, but it is a pity that he does not have this time.

Owen put away the letter and decided to go back and deal with it after completing the Goblin construction team. After all, this matter cannot be rushed. The only advantage of a vast land and sparse people is that even if you have all kinds of strategies, you still have to wait.

Owen built four of each of the three types of heavy puppets. The wood cutter opened the way in front, the heavy punch machine laid the foundation, and the powerful machine transported building materials, plus hundreds of horned goblin coolies and three hundred goblin migrant workers. The speed of road construction has increased by no means.

Seeing that the Goblin construction team had taken shape, Owen, who was full of things, had no intention of continuing to improve. After packing up, he returned to the territory with Ciel, who had been guarding him.

Construction sites are not done by humans. Even if he was only responsible for giving instructions, Owen still tanned a lot and his back became much stiffer.

Although tired, Owen still did not choose to go back to the castle and came to the center of the town.

As a lord's office, it is naturally the most luxurious. It is not only exquisitely decorated, but also fully equipped, including an ivory-white gold-rimmed bathtub and a gold showerhead.

First, I went to my luxurious office to take a shower, change my clothes and relax, and then I sat down relaxedly.

As soon as he sat down, Maya, who already knew him well, walked in with coffee and tea.

Putting the coffee into Owen's hand, Maya then walked behind him and used slender and strong fingers to help him relax his slightly stiff shoulders. At the same time, various words of praise were heard endlessly, allowing him to enjoy both physical and mental enjoyment at the same time. , She is truly a first-rate maid.

Maya has been paying attention to the heavy puppets made by Owen, and quickly assessed the role that the heavy puppets could play in the development of the territory.

The result made Maya very satisfied. With the heavy puppet, the cycle of all her previous plans was greatly shortened, and the materials reserved in the past could also be used freely.

Under her order, the half-collapsed walls of the castle have been almost cleared. The soil has been used to fill in the low-lying areas of the town, the stone bricks have been used to build important buildings in the town, and the stored wood can also be released for use.

The territory that was originally stagnant due to lack of materials is making great strides again. If it were not for the lack of commercial foundation and foreign population, Maya is confident that within three years, the territory will develop into a town that is not inferior to Ferrier, and within ten years, it will develop into a sizable town. The city was founded in his lifetime.

The salty Owen, who didn't know Maya's ambitions, was enjoying the other party's massage and compliments. Although he kept a reserved smile and said nothing, he was actually very proud of himself, but he couldn't show it directly because of his face. But when he saw After Maya placed the documents in front of him, her smile suddenly froze.

The achievements made during this period, the materials consumed, the focus of development, as well as the materials, manpower, and development plans needed for the next stage, Maya listed them in a clear table in front of Owen according to Owen's habit, but the thick The stack still shows that the workload is definitely not light.

It's not like reading a novel. It's done after reading it. Owen needs to remember every piece of data in his mind. After all, this is his territory. Even if he doesn't need to know everything in detail, he must at least have a general idea. Otherwise, how will he develop? territory.

So although a busy life is not what Owen wants, he would rather be a salty fish, especially when there is no shortage of food and drink, and there are beauties around, he would rather just lie down and lie down regardless.

But the problem is that he doesn't dare. Even though Goldfinger is powerful, he still has to use it to be effective. If his territory is destroyed and he is caught and chopped with a knife, what can he do even if he has Goldfinger? So even if he is impatient , he still picked up the document and read it again and again.

The good news is that the situation in the territory is not bad now. With the heavy puppets, the progress of various projects depends entirely on how many he makes.

In addition, the number of farmers in the territory now exceeds that of serfs, reaching an unprecedented 800.

Even though there are only 800 farmers, the farmers in the system are all versatile. They can farm land, move bricks, and can do everything. They are a force that cannot be ignored in any aspect.

Just think about how many migrant workers there are at the construction site of a community.

And just need to wait for a while, Owen can complete the transformation of all the remaining serfs, and then the labor force in the territory will be breakthrough again.

But not yet. Although I was busy making puppets during this period, due to the exchange of materials in advance, the progress value was not used for a long time, and a lot of it was accumulated.

The smaller the progress value, the faster the recovery, and the more progress value, the slower the recovery. Therefore, Owen rarely exchanges items with a progress value of more than ten. This is a rare opportunity. He plans to wait and exchange it for a high-value item after reaching thirty.

Anyway, there is no rush to transform the serfs in the territory. The road construction project in the Devil's Horn Forest is on track, and the problem of increasing the troop strength has also made progress. Now is a rare idle period, so Owen decided to accumulate the progress value to thirty in one go. But he hasn't figured out what to exchange for it yet.

In short, it must not be wasted, because he may not have so much patience to wait next time.

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