Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 69 What should I do if my biological mother gives birth to a sister?

The addition of the Goblin Timber Machine has greatly improved the efficiency of road construction in the forest. In addition, the Goblin General has been crazy about catching Demon Horned Goblins everywhere since the beginning of spring. At present, the number of unconverted Demon Horned Goblins has reached Several hundred people, driven by force and food, were working hard to clean up the bushes and snakes along the way.

The small machete is very handy for clearing bushes, and the snakes and insects that emerge are also a rare delicacy. The horned goblins worked very hard, and then they stepped aside in awe and looked at the two goblin wood-cutting machines. Entering the field with heavy steps.

The goblin driver wearing a tank hat pushed the control lever hard, and the heavy power backpack made a low buzzing sound. The chain saw that was powered on quickly spun and made a harsh roar, like a ferocious beast with its mouth full of teeth. Sharp fangs, trying to tear apart everything in sight.

Because combat issues were taken into consideration when making it, this one-meter-long chain saw is not only made of tough and shock-absorbing composite metal, it is also very thick. It is not a thin piece, but a widened and thickened weapon. After quenching, it looks like a shark tooth. The same saw teeth are assembled side by side, and driven by sufficient power, the air is torn apart, causing a harsh sound.

The noise that irritated the eardrums made the goblin driving the woodcutter even more excited. He quickly moved the joystick and aimed the terrifying chain sword at the trees in front of him to press down on it.

After the chain sword came into contact with the tree trunk, the sharp saw teeth polished the bark in an instant and tore the trunk to pieces. The wood chips were sprayed nearly ten meters away. This, together with the wide saw marks on the trunk, is perfect proof. Without the power of this weapon, if it is struck on a person, it will be gone in the blink of an eye.

After pinching the wet but hot sawdust scattered on the ground, Owen was grateful for his foresight in installing a nozzle for spraying water mist on the chain saw in advance.

The power of this chain saw is too great, the rotation speed is too fast, and it is easy to generate heat due to friction. This is fine for a short time, after all, trees contain moisture, but over time, the temperature of the chain saw rises rapidly, and the moisture contained in the trees may not be enough. use.

It’s much better to install a nozzle. At least you don’t have to worry about igniting the wood chips when used for a long time. You only need to add water regularly.

The chain saw moved horizontally, sawing through the tree in front of it with considerable efficiency, and then moved towards the next tree.

The fallen trees will be divided and transported away by the Goblin farmers with axes and saws. As for the tree roots, the Goblin farmers will first dig a hole. After the main roots are exposed, the thicker roots will be sawed off by a wood cutter. Release the power claw to grab the root of the tree, and finally start dragging. It often doesn't take long to clear a tree stump, and the efficiency is not increased at all.

With such high-intensity operation, various problems were quickly exposed in the wood-cutting machine. Owen immediately made improvements, and the Goblin wood-cutting machine gradually became perfect.

During the constant modifications, Owen determined the structure of the heavy puppet's main body. It may not be perfect yet, but nothing is 100% satisfactory. At least the heavy puppet he made is strong and durable enough, which is enough.

After finalizing the model, Owen began to expand the number of Goblin Timbersaws, and even produced targeted heavy punches for repairing roadbeds. The crawler claws were responsible for the heavy transportation, and the originally open cockpit was transformed into a closed one. Even if it is sent to the battlefield, it will not become a weakness.

As the technology matures, apart from some irreplaceable spiritual materials and torch tree stumps, a heavy puppet really doesn't consume much progress value. This is very in line with Owen's wishes, so it is designated as a self-created series of works and used as a basis. Basically form a construction brigade.

While Irving was busy, Collins learned important news from four mysterious people with a pained expression on his face.

His face kept changing. Although Kelunsi felt that as a smart man, he shouldn't get involved, but thinking about the cost of concealing this matter, and how he got the news from four mysterious people, he couldn't hide it at all, so he finally wrote a letter in his own hand. The letter was sent to the territory by the owl in the confusion.

"Two of you should pay attention to this matter at all times. If anything happens, notify me immediately." Now that the letter was written, Kelens, who had no choice but to take a deep breath, said to the four of them.

The leading chuunin nodded to him, then disappeared into the darkness without a trace, which Corens had long been accustomed to.

After pouring himself a glass of wine and taking a sip, Corens sighed. He never expected that the lord's mother would come up with such a big surprise, if it was considered a surprise to the lord.

In fact, at the speed of an owl, it didn't take long for Owen to receive this surprise.

After reading the letter, Owen's expression was quite wonderful, because he never thought that his father had died, but his mother could still give birth to a sister for him? !

The question is, does this sister have the same father and mother, or half-father?

Owen didn't know about this, and he didn't want to know. He had enough troubles, and coupled with his predecessor's mother's determination, he had no intention of saving this family relationship, even if there might be some unspeakable secrets in it.

This may be because he traveled through time relatively cleanly, or maybe it was because his predecessor left without worries. Owen did not feel the regret left by his predecessor or anything. He was unaffected in his heart and had nothing to do with his predecessor's mother and sister. Emotions are similar to those of strangers, so his reply to the letter only made people continue to pay attention to the matter, and pretended not to know.

"Although this matter is not glorious, there is no need to hide it. So why did the Hairui Chamber of Commerce hide this matter?" Owen put down the letter in his hand and began to think about it.

Although he decided to ignore the matter, the strangeness still aroused his curiosity.

Owen has never been able to figure out why his biological mother left in the first place, because since the Hai Rui Chamber of Commerce wanted to plot the territory of the Hydera family, it was completely unnecessary and unnecessary, because as long as she stayed in the territory, there would be too many Wherever you can manipulate people, even listening to politics behind the curtain is not difficult.

But his predecessor's mother resolutely chose to leave and gave birth to a daughter whose biological father was unknown, which made it difficult for Owen to understand.

A more reliable guess is that the mother of the predecessor was with someone outside and unexpectedly got pregnant, so she left in a hurry without even taking her predecessor with her because she was not good-looking.

The problem is that there are no people around the territory of the Hydera family. Apart from soldiers and serfs, where are the men?

"Could it be a guy like Code with thick eyebrows and big eyes?" Owen touched his chin and felt that he had solved the case. Only Code, an old handsome guy who had been in the Hydera family's territory at this time, matched the criteria.

However, Owen quickly retracted his mind and no longer thought about this matter, because it was meaningless, and instead thought about the information sent by Corens.

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