Without further ado, Owen took Ciel, the Teutonic warriors, a few ninjas, healers, and a hundred soldiers and rushed towards the Devil's Horn Forest.

Considering that the situation was unclear, Owen did not go straight to the Goblin tribe, but chose Muzhai as his foothold.

Muzhai was originally used as a hiding place for Owen to hide troops. Later, due to its exposure and the increasing importance of the Goblin tribe, Muzhai was transformed into a transit station. After continuous expansion, Muzhai can now accommodate 200 people for long-term garrison. , and has a warehouse with considerable capacity to store magic horn tree blocks and food shipped from the Goblin tribe.

Thanks to the continuous felling in the past two years, not only has the wooden village become more solid and complete, but there is also a large open space around it as a buffer. Any incoming attackers cannot hide their traces. Therefore, the soldiers and civilians of the wooden village did not attack in the first wave. He suffered too much damage from the attack by the mutant creatures and retreated to the wooden village in time, killing many mutant creatures instead.

At present, the crossbowmen were patrolling the wooden wall, and the swordsmen were waiting in full formation. The mutated creatures with many casualties bullied the weak and chose to retreat. Therefore, Owen entered the wooden village without any trouble.

After entering Muzhai, Owen asked the healer to treat the injured with white fresh food, and then began to ask about the situation, which made him look unhappy.

It’s not that the situation is bad, it’s that you don’t know the situation.

Although the system's troops are loyal, they have very poor initiative. They seem to care about things that have nothing to do with them. The lower-level troops are more like this, and they only know how to obey orders rigidly.

All in all, it would be difficult for them to let them die and take care of things. What can Irving do?

Because there has never been a host in Mu Zhai, after the attack, they will only retreat to Mu Zhai as Owen said before. As for the more details, I don't know.

Helpless, Owen could only send out all the scouts in Muzhai to inquire about the situation. He couldn't just dive in without knowing anything.

Fortunately, according to the information brought back by the scouts, the current situation in the forest is not bad. After killing and injuring some mutated creatures, most of the remaining ones have regained their senses and are returning to their original lives, eating grass when they should and hunting when they should. , as for other effects, it would not be obvious in a short time, so Owen decided to set off for the Goblin tribe immediately.

The road between the Goblin tribe and the wooden village has not been completed yet, but a large number of trees have been cut down, so the carriage cannot go there, but walking is fine, which saves Owen a lot of worry.

Apart from two days of food and water, the group did not carry any extra supplies, because as long as they successfully entered the Goblin tribe, they would not be short of food and water. If not, of course, the lighter the burden when they turn around and escape, the better.

The scouts in Muzhai are very familiar with the forest. They serve as the eyes of the troops to explore the road ahead, while the long swordsmen and crossbowmen are responsible for attacking the mutated creatures encountered along the way. The Teutonic warriors sit in the middle, the ninjas hide in the dark, and the Charles guards Beside Irving, everything was in order.

I just don’t know if the time was too short, or if the fluctuations that caused the mutation were not as severe as imagined. Although I encountered some mutated animals and plants on the road, they were not as severe as imagined.

For example, the body size has become larger, and the claws have become sharper, more powerful, and faster. This allows mutant creatures to gain better survivability, but they cannot persist longer than ordinary animals under long swords and crossbows. This makes Owen's heart was somewhat relieved.

But when you get near the Goblin tribe, the mutation becomes a bit outrageous.

The originally tamed Devil Horned Goblin was affected by the mutation and became much larger in size. It had red eyes, black skin, sharp horns, and ferocious muscles. It looked like a ghost. At the same time, it lost most of its sanity, replaced by enhanced strength, and even He can defeat the long swordsman in two moves.

If equipped with weapons, after training, the mutated horned goblins may not be inferior to long swordsmen, but there is still a problem whether their little sense can allow them to master the use and training of weapons.

Even so, Owen is still very wary, because no one knows how many horned goblins there are in the horned forest, and how many horned goblins have mutated.

"Clean up and let the scouts pay attention to our rear and sides." Owen knows how cunning Goblins are. A low level of civilization does not mean they are fools. Trapping, luring, and hunting have become their instincts. If they face Goblins, If you dare to be careless in the forest, you will appear in their pot before long.

Owen's orders were executed perfectly, especially by the ninjas. They were proficient in lurking and assassination, and combined with the high-explosive breathing method, they were even more powerful. Most of the horned goblins did not know how they died until they died.

When Owen and the others came to the Goblin tribe, the fighting here was still going on. A large number of horned goblins tried to rush into the Goblin tribe, but the Goblin general obviously carried out his orders well and built the road. A large amount of wood was used to build wooden walls, resulting in the entire tribe being surrounded by logs several meters high, and a large number of arrow towers were built. Therefore, even if individual strength and quantity did not dominate, they could still persevere.

The reason why hundreds of devil-horned goblins gather here is because they know that the goblin tribe has weapons, food, and everything they need. Therefore, even if there are many casualties, they are still unwilling to leave, and they are constantly The monsters continued to mutate during the battle, and even more powerful horned goblins were faintly produced.

Now Owen discovered that there were some taller mutants with longer horns among this group of devil-horned goblins, which made him feel very ridiculous.

What feels ridiculous is not the appearance of mutants, but the appearance and looks of the horned goblins.

The horned goblins don't actually have horns, and their skin is not black. It's just that in order to adapt to the environment of the horned tree forest, they would smear the horned tree on their bodies since they were young, which can neutralize the stinging poison of the horned tree. Root juice.

This thick, dark sap is slightly toxic. Humans will definitely not be able to stand it and will suffer severe allergies or even death. However, goblins have adapted to this toxicity through their strong adaptability and rapid reproduction, and have gained the ability to live in the magic horn. The ability of the tree forest.

As for the horns on their heads, they are the thorns of the horned tree. The horned goblins will put a thorn of the horned tree on their heads when they reach adulthood, which means they have grown up. Therefore, the horned goblins are actually similar to Regular goblins aren't that much different.

Of course, this was all before, and now they have indeed turned into the appearance in front of them, with skin as black as ink, horns on their heads, and mouths full of fangs.

It's just that although the horned goblins have become stronger, they have also lost part of their sanity. In addition, there has never been a leader who can command all the horned goblins. With the soldiers scattered and fighting on their own, the battle situation has remained stalemate.

The Goblin soldiers who relied on the wooden stronghold and the arrow tower were not at a disadvantage. What's more, once the battle situation went unfavorable, the Goblin General would rush out with the Goblin Demon Sheep Cavalry to restore the disadvantage and sustain it in a short period of time.

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