Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 469: strange envelope

 A marketing account will pop up soon.

In this kind of matter that arouses huge public opinion and discussion, marketing accounts will never be absent.

Lu Yanhe did not expect that some of his fans would hold on to this matter and force Zeng Qiao to give up.

They didn't care at all about Lu Yanhe's stated attitude, and insisted on their own attitude. Under the banner of doing good for Lu Yanhe and fighting for Lu Yanhe's interests, they messed around desperately.

Lu Yanhe really felt uncomfortable at this moment.

This is not a deliberate attempt to smear his opponents, but his fans who truly like him.

Lu Yanhe couldn't understand why they could really ignore his real thoughts and feelings and self-righteously say something and do something on his behalf?

When Lu Yanhe himself felt that his career was soaring like a wind, this incident gave him a blow.

The worst thing is that Lu Yanhe doesn't even know how to solve this matter.

It is impossible for Lu Yanhe to speak out over and over again for this matter. The louder they became, the crazier those radical fans became, as if they were deliberately going against Lu Yanhe.

"Currently, we can only lower the temperature and treat it coldly." Chen Ziyan told Lu Yanhe.

"Yeah." Lu Yanhe nodded.

However, no one expected that Maxine would suddenly change the signature order of each of their promotional messages at this time.

Lu Yanhe's name appeared in front of Zeng Qiao's name.

For a time, this matter immediately became a hot search topic.

When Lu Yanhe's radical fans saw this scene, they also went to Icefield Video and the domestic "Silent River" official blog to question them, as if their battle had achieved a staged victory, wouldn't they change it?

Lu Yanhe took a deep breath, called Zhong Benzhuo, and asked why Maxine suddenly changed the order of signatures.

On the cusp of such a storm, Lu Yanhe did not think that Maxine's modifications were an unintentional coincidence.

Zhong Benshuo said directly: "Because on our Maxine platform, you are much more famous and have more fans than Zeng Qiao. This is for publicity reasons."

"Have you communicated with Director Chen Lingling and others about making such changes?"

"We at Maxine are the producers of this drama, and we can decide this matter ourselves." Zhong Benzhuo said, "Yan He, this matter is not harmful to you, so why should you mind it?"

"Mr. Zhong, I hope you can change the order of signatures back." Lu Yanhe felt tired. In the past few days, he had been having to face things that he didn't want to face, which made him feel very irritable. In the state, "When we originally filmed this drama, both me and Zeng Qiao signed a contract with the crew. Please follow the contract. Zeng Qiao is the first fan and I am the second fan. This is The terms are clearly written in the contract.”

Zhong Benshuo was confused and couldn't understand.

He asked: "Yan He, please do it to change the order of signatures. This is something that will benefit you without any harm. Why do you refuse?"

As for the contract... As long as Zeng Qiao doesn't pursue it, the contract doesn't mean anything. Based on the current situation of Lu Yanhe and Zeng Qiao, Zhong Benshuo does not think Zeng Qiao will pursue this matter. If we really get to the bottom of it, Zhong Benzhuo is confident that he can settle this matter.

Lu Yanhe said seriously: "Mr. Zhong, this is not a beneficial or harmful thing. We all work together to create a work. The process is not easy. If it is because I won several awards in the past two years, I will be more famous." , to ignore the previously signed contract and to overturn what had been agreed upon long ago is a matter of credibility. In addition, and more importantly, Zeng Qiao and I are also very good friends, and it is even more impossible for friends to do this. For this kind of thing, please change the order of our signatures.”

Lu Yanhe's attitude was firm.

Faced with his attitude, Zhong Benzhuo certainly didn't insist anymore.

So, after less than two hours of modification, the latest signature order released by Maxine returned to the way it was at the beginning.

Someone on the Internet asked why the order of signatures was changed again.

Zhong Benshuo's account responded directly: Lu Yanhe is a very humble actor. He took the initiative to contact us and asked us to change the order of signatures back to the previous one. We respect his opinion.

This reply directly caused Lu Yanhe's fans to break their defenses.


Lu Yanhe even saw someone scolding him in the comment area of ​​his Weibo: Mud cannot hold up a wall.

Lu Yanhe was very happy to see it.


"How are you?"

Probably because the momentum on the Internet was a bit loud, when Lu Yanhe returned to school, he met Miao Yue in the cafeteria, and Miao Yue asked with concern.

Lu Yanhe shook his head and said, "It's okay, I haven't been knocked down."

Miao Yue said with a smile: "I'm not worried about you being knocked down, but I am worried that your pressure will increase again. Isn't it more anxious because of this? Do you want to go for a check-up?"

Lu Yanhe was stunned for a moment when Miao Yue reminded him.

He had never thought about this before.


"Should it be okay? My previous anxiety mainly came from work. The pressure from public opinions on the Internet has never brought much mental anxiety to me." Lu Yanhe said.

Miao Yue: "Are you so strong? Why can't you care about those public opinions?"

"Probably because I have always felt that the voices on the Internet have no actual connection with my real life. Although they are annoying sometimes, that's it." Lu Yanhe is not pretending, he is real I think so.

Miao Yue was also familiar with Lu Yanhe's character and knew that he would not deliberately pretend to be an uncle in such matters.

"Have you been at school recently?" Lu Yanhe asked.

Miao Yue nodded, "Where are you if you're not in school?"

"Classes are over, I thought you would go to the set with Liu Bige."

"It's just that your classes are over. I still have two electives this semester, and I still have to write a graduation thesis." Miao Yue said this, and rolled her eyes at Lu Yanhe sadly, "Do you know that now you are all us? A thorn in the side of all the students?"

"Why?" When Lu Yanhe heard that he had become a thorn in the eyes of his classmates, he didn't know why and was confused.

Miao Yue: "Because you usually work so much, you can still complete your credits in advance and finish your graduation thesis in advance. Do you know how many teachers are using you as an example to spur us on?"

Lu Yanhe: "Uh..."

This was something he really didn't expect.

Miao Yue smiled and said, "Did you know? Some people even complained privately, saying that Professor Zhao must have written your thesis for you."


"In order to repay your life-saving grace, Professor Zhao helped you write your graduation thesis." Miao Yue said this with a sneer, "Some people are jealous of you, and they have already had opinions on you, knowing that Impossible, I still said it deliberately just to have fun with my words.”

When Lu Yanhe heard what she said, he guessed who was saying these things behind his back.

In Zhenhua, in their college, there was only one person who had such ill intentions towards him.

Ji Qianxing failed to confess her love to him at first.

Lu Yanhe curled his lips.

Miao Yue suddenly remembered something and said: "By the way, one more thing, is Icefield Video planning to buy the drama adaptation rights of "Rouge Button" from you?"

Lu Yanhe nodded, "Yes, how did you know? Not only this, but also "The Journey", they also want to adapt it into a TV series."

Miao Yue: "Someone came to me and wanted me to participate in the script adaptation work."

Lu Yanhe: "I haven't even agreed to give them the rights to adapt the series. How can they move so quickly?"

"They also said they are still negotiating with you about the adaptation copyright, but they didn't fool me." Miao Yue smiled.

"Do you want to do it?" Lu Yanhe asked.

"Rejected." Miao Yue said, "I am revising my new novel. I will not take any other work until the novel is finalized."

In this aspect, Miao Yue had the usual calmness of Zhenhua students. In Zhenhua, many students are actually very busy and working hard, but they don't have the anxiety and impulse of "I must seize this opportunity immediately" for some opportunities that look good. Everyone still has the confidence of being a Zhenhua student and will not rush to seize a seemingly good opportunity out of fear of missing out. Everyone firmly believes that they can still wait for better opportunities.

Lu Yanhe said: "With the current reputation of the movie "Rouge", adapting it into a TV series may be a bit stressful."

Miao Yue frowned and looked at Lu Yanhe sideways: "Are you trying to provoke me?"

Lu Yanhe quickly raised his hands to show his innocence. "I didn't have such an idea. It's just that we suddenly came to this point, so I said this." Lu Yanhe explained.

Miao Yue: "What you said makes me have the urge to prove myself next."

"Don't be impulsive." Lu Yanhe immediately crossed his hands and said, "I am not responsible."

"Are you irresponsible? The scumbag has spoken." Lin Miaomiao suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

She was wearing jeans and a light yellow jacket, with fluffy hair. She looked less student-like and more sophisticated and fashionable.

Of course, she looks good, no matter what style she is in.

"You scared me." Lu Yanhe was not exaggerating. Lin Miaomiao suddenly appeared behind him and spoke, which scared him so much that he jumped to the side.

Lin Miaomiao glanced at him with disgust.

"You are a celebrity artist, but I am so close to you, and you are not alert at all." She said, "If I were a negative fan, you would probably have been splashed with chicken blood by me by now."

"I'm not a ghost, why are you pouring my chicken blood?"

"In the eyes of your fans, you are not a ghost, are you still a human being? Sprinkle chicken blood on you to drive away evil spirits." Lin Miaomiao said, "You have been scolded by many of your fans online recently, don't you know it in your heart?"

Lu Yanhe: "..."

He was suddenly taught a lesson by Lin Miaomiao.

"This is a school, not a mixed-race place. Why do I need to be splashed with chicken blood?"

Lin Miaomiao: "Haha, do you know what happened to the pit that Wang Xiao fell into before?"

"What's going on?" Lin Miaomiao didn't say anything, and Lu Yanhe almost forgot about it.

Lin Miaomiao: "I found out recently that someone from outside sneaked in and dug the hole overnight."

"Sneak...sneak in?"

"That's right." Lin Miaomiao nodded, "Besides, before he voluntarily surrendered, no one at the school found out who dug this hole."

Lu Yanhe became more and more confused as he listened, "What do you mean? He was not found out and yet he surrendered on his own initiative? Did he admit it on his own initiative?"

"Well, he doesn't even want to dig this hole, he just wants to dig some soil in our Zhenhua and plant trees back there." Lin Miaomiao waved his hand, "Don't look at me with such weird eyes, each of us When I hear this story, I find it unbelievable and absurd, but it is the truth.”

Lu Yanhe: "Then what do you want to explain when you tell me this story now?"

"I want to explain to you that this world is so big and full of wonders and wonders will appear. Don't think that there won't be people throwing chicken blood at you in Zhenhua," Lin Miaomiao said.

Lu Yanhe: "..."


When Lu Yanhe received a very thick envelope in the dormitory office downstairs, he took it to the dormitory and opened it, and found that there was a stack of his photos inside. He typed a mark on each photo with a red pen. Big cross. At this moment, Lu Yanhe was not only filled with passion and confusion, but also shocked. At the same time, he took the time to add: Lin Miaomiao is really a crow's mouth.

After Mao Jiayang finished drying his clothes, he came in from the balcony and saw Lu Yanhe standing in front of his desk, looking at a bunch of things in a daze. He was stunned and confused in a rare way. He approached and called Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe came back to his senses and looked at Mao Jiayang.


"What's wrong with you?" Mao Jiayang asked.

Lu Yanhe came back to his senses, "Oh, it's okay, I received a... strange envelope. Yes, I have to make a call."

He picked up his cell phone and called Chen Ziyan.

Mao Jiayang looked closer and his eyes widened instantly.

"Holy crap! Who sent this to you?" Mao Jiayang asked in disbelief when he saw the photos with big crosses scattered on the table.

He reached for it.

"Don't touch it!" Lu Yanhe immediately stopped him and said, "There may be fingerprints on it."

Mao Jiayang reacted, nodded, and took his hand back.

Lu Yanhe briefly explained to Chen Ziyan what happened.

When Chen Ziyan heard this, she immediately became serious and said, "Wait for me, I'll be here right away."

Lu Yanhe hummed.

After Lu Yanhe hung up the phone, Mao Jiayang hurriedly asked: "What's going on?"

Lu Yanhe shook his head, "I don't know what's going on now."

"This package... did you get it back from the express delivery point? Who sent it to you? Have you read it?"

"No, I didn't get it from the courier point, but from the dormitory manager's office downstairs." Lu Yanhe said, "When I came back, the dormitory manager stopped me and said he had my envelope."

When Mao Jiayang heard this, he immediately said: "Then I will go to the dormitory to ask."

After a while, Mao Jiayang came up.

"The dormitory manager said he didn't know who sent it. It was sent from the school mailroom along with a bunch of postcards and envelopes."

Lu Yanhe was a little surprised: "Mail room?"

"Yes." Mao Jiayang nodded, "Basically no matter which express delivery service is available now, it is basically delivered to the delivery point. Only the postal service has a separate line. It will be delivered to the school's mailroom and then distributed according to the building."

Lu Yanhe suddenly realized and asked: "So, this is sent by the postal service?"

Mao Jiayang said: "Well, although in this era, few people send letters anymore, this line has always been maintained. If someone puts an envelope in the mailbox, it can still be delivered to the designated location."

Lu Yanhe suddenly realized.

"But who would send you such a threatening thing and know your dormitory building number." Mao Jiayang was very doubtful.

Lu Yanhe also understood his doubts.

Although he was a little confused now, he also knew that the person who did such a thing, the person who could deliver this envelope to him, was definitely not joking with him or playing a prank.

Lin Miaomiao's words not long ago still ring in her ears.

—You have been scolded by many of your fans online recently, don’t you know?

It is not someone who harbors a certain amount of hatred towards Lu Yanhe who would not be able to do such a thing.


Chen Ziyan came to the school with others.

Not alone.

Moreover, the battle is not small.

Several people followed her, wearing black masks. As soon as they entered the door, they looked like agents in a movie. They opened the toolbox in their hands, put on gloves, and put the photos and envelopes on Lu Yanhe's desk into transparent plastics. Bag.

Lu Yanhe and Mao Jiayang stood aside in surprise the whole time, watching the scene happening in front of them.

Chen Ziyan asked: "Besides this envelope, is there anything else?"

Lu Yanhe shook his head.

Chen Ziyan looked at Mao Jiayang.

"Please keep this matter secret for the time being and don't tell others." Chen Ziyan said to Mao Jiayang, "Otherwise, it will easily lead to imitation by some people."

Mao Jiayang nodded and said yes, "I will definitely not reveal a word."

Lu Yanhe asked Chen Ziyan: "Sister Ziyan, how should we handle this matter?"

"Let's see if we can find any clues first." Chen Ziyan said, "It doesn't make much sense to call the police at this time. I have already hired a professional team to help us investigate. Don't reveal this matter until there is progress. It is just a People, once this kind of thing spreads, some people may imitate this behavior.” (End of Chapter)

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