However, the biological information found on the envelope, especially the biological information found in the envelope, was not enough to be used as a clue.

I don’t know who sent this envelope to Lu Yanhe.

Chen Ziyan said: "Judging from the current situation, first of all, there is a high probability that it was done by one of your crazy fans, especially those fans who insisted on competing for you recently, but were rejected by you in the end. . Second, someone around you used this matter to send it here deliberately to release their inner malice toward you."

"In either case, it sounds pretty scary."

"Basically every artist has experienced this kind of thing. You don't have to worry too much. Just take it to heart and pay attention." Chen Ziyan said to Lu Yanhe, "Generally speaking, every popular artist will have one or two incidents. He is a very crazy fan. Chen Bige and Jiang Yuqian both appeared at events and were rushed to hug them while naked.”

Lu Yanhe looked at Chen Ziyan in shock.

He had never heard of this before.

Chen Ziyan: "Huang Kairen was even followed to his home by a female fan."

Lu Yanhe: "I'll go."

He was a little surprised, "Then why is Li Zhibai so popular? Why hasn't this happened before?"

He and Li Zhibai have been getting along day and night over the years. If there is anything, he will definitely know.

Chen Ziyan said: "You have always been in a group before, and you rarely go alone. Those crazy fans have no chance to make a move. Plus Li Zhibai... he probably rarely goes to school, right? I heard that he has postponed his graduation this year. , even if others want to do something, they can't find the opportunity. It is well known that you study at Zhenhua University. If you want to know the building number of your dormitory, just ask on your school forum. Difficult. Although this person sent the envelope directly to your dormitory, it seems that he knows you very well and is right next to you. "

Lu Yanhe nodded.


However, for the sake of safety, Lu Yanhe still lived back in Ziyuanqiao during this period.

Yan Liang joined the group again.

However, Li Zhibai is still there.

Now he has been making preparations. When Liu Bige is ready, the movie will start.

During this time, apart from some regular work, Li Zhibai spent most of his time studying the script.

Li Zhibai also invited He Shuyi, the acting teacher who taught Lu Yanhe before, to lead him to study the role bit by bit.

As soon as Lu Yanhe returned home, he became Li Zhibai's sparring partner.

Li Zhibai often catches Lu Yanhe to help him correct his lines after coming back.

Lu Yanhe couldn't help but say: "You are so diligent, I feel it is not your style anymore."

Li Zhibai: "Guanggun, don't ruin my reputation. Why am I not diligent?"

However, Li Zhibai himself felt guilty when he said this.

He knew that he usually did many things carelessly.

Li Zhibai himself didn't expect that he was so enthusiastic about acting.

But he was embarrassed to admit that he was very excited. This kind of mentality is just like how many people find it difficult to express what they really like. The more I like it, the more embarrassed I am to admit it.

Lu Yanhe saw this mentality of Li Zhibai but did not expose it.

"However, "River of Silence" is about to premiere. Why have you been so free recently and don't have to do publicity?" Li Zhibai was a little surprised.

Lu Yanhe said: "We discussed it and thought it would be better for me not to participate in promotions. Now I have a group of fans. They have been making trouble, you know?"

"Just because of your title?" Li Zhibai asked.

Lu Yanhe nodded.

"I'm really busy with my time." Li Zhibai complained, "You're doing this business in the film and television industry, which has created a mess. Isn't your recent relationship with Zeng Qiao quite awkward?"

"It's okay, but it's a little affected." Lu Yanhe also admitted frankly, "We should try our best not to let the relationship between us have twists and turns. However, I find it difficult to tolerate things like emotions 100%. With rational control, let’s wait for this storm to pass.”

The current situation is that some of Lu Yanhe's fans are crazily scolding Zeng Qiao, and some of Zeng Qiao's fans are crazily scolding Lu Yanhe.

Both of them were in an embarrassing situation, and even the promotion was stopped.

The show's producers only promoted it online, and neither of them showed up.

"Then the drama "River of Silence"..." Li Zhibai asked, "Will it be affected?"

"Maybe I will accept it." Lu Yanhe also felt helpless, "Many people are boycotting this drama. If they don't change Ichiban to me, they will continue to boycott it."

Li Zhibai: "I am really sick and panicked."

He clicked his tongue.

Lu Yanhe: "Oh, forget it, don't sigh after me. I hope this rumor will pass away soon."

Li Zhibai: "No, I just suddenly thought of myself. Although the situation is not as serious as yours, I am the same. Basically, everyone who works with me will be attacked by some of my fans. I am quite embarrassed. But it doesn’t work. There are always some people who say that I don’t stand up and guide my fans. To be honest, if my fans listen to me so easily, then I’m talking nonsense. , do something extreme."

"However, no matter what, I must state my position clearly and tell everyone that I do not support those actions, and I do not think their actions are right." Lu Yanhe said firmly.

Li Zhibai: "Are you really not worried about fans losing their followers at all?"

"Well, the problem is, I don't think this is my problem." Lu Yanhe hesitated, "If you really want to take off your fandom, just take it off. I have been working hard to practice my own values, and I have also been I am working hard to improve my professional skills, film every scene well, and do every job well. If I have to be like a puppet in their hearts, obeying their instructions to play a perfect idol, then I'm sorry, I will Cut off those strings, I am not a puppet."

Li Zhibai stared at Lu Yanhe with his eyes wide open.

Lu Yanhe: "Your eyes are shining like light bulbs. What are you doing?"

Li Zhibai: "I want to quote you."


"Send it to my fans." Li Zhibai said, "You are so right. Why should they ask me to play a perfect idol? I have not been catering to their likes since the first day of my debut. Playing a character, now they start to dictate whether they like it or not.”

Lu Yanhe: "Don't intensify the conflict."

"You just said that we must clearly state our attitude."

"That doesn't mean you should directly confront them."

As soon as Lu Yanhe finished speaking, his cell phone suddenly buzzed and vibrated.

Several people messaged him at the same time.

Including Chen Ziyan.

Lu Yanhe picked up his phone and looked at it.

The news surprised him.

It turned out that one of his fan clubs issued a statement, saying that if Lu Yanhe and his team persisted in refusing to fight for their legitimate rights and ignored the efforts of the fans, they would disband the fan club in three days and would no longer fight for it. Conduct publicity activities for any of Lu Yanhe’s works.

Lu Yanhe took a deep breath.

The message Chen Ziyan sent was: Don’t respond blindly, wait for my news.

Lu Yanhe handed the phone to Li Zhibai.

Li Zhibai was confused and asked, "What are you doing?"

"You can check the news first." Lu Yanhe said, "Don't give me your phone, otherwise I won't be able to bear it."

Li Zhibai: "What can't you bear?"

"I can't help but criticize people."

Li Zhibai laughed loudly, "Who was still educating me just now, telling me not to intensify conflicts and not to insult others casually."

He lowered his head and looked at the messages on Lu Yanhe's phone.

He was suddenly startled.

"What the hell! What kind of attitude do they have!" Li Zhibai was instantly angry, "If they want to disband, they will disband. What a **** threat!"

Lu Yanhe: "...disband, just disband."

"I'm really convinced. They threaten you with disbanding the support club and you have to listen to them? Damn it, even Zhou Ping'an doesn't dare to threaten me like that." Li Zhibai got angry and said, "They think you rely on their strength to succeed. Have you gotten to where you are today?”

Lu Yanhe: "Don't let me control myself and not respond. You can't. Control your temper."

Li Zhibai: "...Okay."


The statement from Lu Yanhe's fan club caused a stir on the entire Internet.

This news can be seen on the hot searches on various platforms.

This is the first time Lu Yanhe has encountered such a large-scale fan "threat to lose followers". Before this, compared with fans of other celebrity artists, Lu Yanhe's fans had always been quieter, more low-key, and less likely to cause trouble.

When this incident came up, no one expected that it would suddenly evolve into such a torn situation because of the "River of Silence" issue.

Fans "forced the palace".

In the industry, Lu Yanhe's attitude has actually been praised by many people.

There are really not many actors who are as clear-cut as he is against "fighting for positions" and "retiring from positions".

And in his current position, it is of great significance to be able to do this clearly.

They didn't expect that Lu Yanhe's fans would have such strong opinions on this matter.

The menacing "forced uterus" made other people in the entertainment industry a little stunned and surprised. We haven't seen anything like this for a long time.

How will Lu Yanhe respond?

In the entertainment industry, no star, not even a top star, can forcefully say that he does not need fans and cut himself off from them directly.

Let alone Lu Yanhe, even Shang Yongzhou and Chen Bige would not be able to say this.

Fans are the bread and butter of celebrities - this is not just a saying, it is true.


The new episode of "Young Days" is broadcast.

Lu Yanhe posted his promotional photos as usual, seemingly without any influence or interference.

There are a lot of content questioning him on his Weibo.

Lu Yanhe just pretended not to see it. However, the voices questioning him became more and more intense.

Chen Ziyan said: "Now there must be someone who has seen this situation, got out of the situation, and organized and encouraged your fans to cause trouble behind the scenes."

Lu Yanhe asked: "Then we just won't respond?"

"Not responding is a kind of response. It's not just a non-response, it's business as usual." Chen Ziyan said, "The broadcast of "Young Days" is an attitude. After the show is broadcast, I have arranged several questions about you. Hot searches will appear, all focusing on your performance in the show.”

Lu Yanhe immediately understood Chen Ziyan's arrangement, "You want me to seem unaffected, right?"

"Yes." Chen Ziyan nodded, "That's it, respond directly. Your response will always be used by some people, and then fermented to make articles that are not our intention. It is better to use this attitude to explain the problem. Wait until "The Silence of Silence" After "River" is aired, we will see how this drama performs. If it airs well, then the so-called farce of them not supporting you will automatically end. Whether they support you or not will not affect your grades. If it doesn't air well, there's a reason. It's just the impact of this incident. Of course, judging from the current data, no matter how big the online public opinion is, there are still many people who don't speak out online who are very interested in this drama. At present, the number of people who want to watch and subscribe to it on Icefield Video has exceeded 3 million, and it is still a highly anticipated hit. "

Lu Yanhe nodded.

"On this matter, you just have to stick to one attitude. Fans who will use various reasons to threaten you to quit your fandom, you believe are not your real fans, they are just trolls." Chen Ziyan said, "You can't be angry. Saying anything like you don't need fans, you don't care about fans, and if you lose fans, you will lose fans, etc. This will make many fans who were not involved in this matter feel sad, even if you have a reason to say so, even if you say it afterwards To make matters worse, your words are not directed at them. You must show your attitude that you value your fans at all times, but you are not willing to be threatened by someone who loves you enough to try to control you. You are a human being, not a puppet. "

Lu Yanhe completely understood Chen Ziyan's thinking on this matter.

"Okay, I understand." Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "Sister Ziyan, thank you." Under Chen Ziyan's arrangement, the latest episode of "Young Days" was broadcast, and Lu Yanhe was on three hot searches in succession.

Entries are arranged in advance.

At the same time, another news arranged by Chen Ziyan also spread through the marketing account: the movie "Path of Glory" starring Lu Yanhe will be released in the United States and hit the awards season. The person in charge of the American distribution company Green Valley said that Lu Yanhe's role in the movie His performance was outstanding and he will be nominated for the Best Supporting Actor award.

This is the award.

Another marketing account released news: The number of reservations for "Silent River" at Maxine exceeded expectations. Maxine is discussing the production of the second season with the director team of Chen Lingling and plans to invite the original cast to return.

This is the work.

A fashion blogger with millions of followers released news: It is said that Lu Yanhe shot the covers of two first-tier Italian fashion magazines during the Venice International Film Festival, both of which were paid for by Lu Yanhe's endorsement brand Math.

This is influence in other areas.

News one after another was sent out one after another, conveying a signal: no matter how violent the commotion online was, and no matter how violent the fans were, Lu Yanhe's work would not be affected in any way.

In fact, no one thought that this matter would affect Lu Yanhe.

At most, it just made him a little embarrassed during this period.

However, there are always people who daydream.

For example, Chen Ziliang.

He was a little gloating and asked, "After Lu Yanhe made such a fuss, will his fans decrease a lot?"

Chen Ziliang's manager Yan Wei looked at his almost innocent gloating expression and sighed silently in his heart.

In the past two years, Chen Ziliang can be described as "unfavorable".

Nothing works, it seems like all the good luck in the years since debut has been used up.

Yan Wei said: "Lu Yanhe may have fewer fans, but it will have almost no impact on him."

"There are fewer fans, but it has almost no impact on him?" Chen Ziliang looked at his agent in disbelief, as if his agent was deceiving him.

Yan Wei: "Because Lu Yanhe has never been an artist who relies on fans to gain a foothold. His biggest strength is not his fans, but his popularity and popularity with the public."

When Yan Wei said these words, he was also very depressed.

If this were not the case, a successful artist like Lu Yanhe would have been copied over and over again by many brokerage companies to find out how many "little Lu Yanhe" he had grown up with.

Chen Ziliang's gloating mood was greatly affected.

Yan Wei said: "Ziliang, don't look at Lu Yanhe now. We have to find a way first and then create a good work again so that everyone can accept you."

Chen Ziliang: "You think I don't want to? I'm even planning to act in a literary film, but isn't it director Yu Qin who refuses to film it?"

Yan Wei thought to himself, it's not because you are disliked by Ning Xiulian.

"I've signed you up for an acting training class, and you'll go to class once a week." Yan Wei said.

Chen Ziliang immediately frowned.

"That's not necessary, right? I'm already busy enough at ordinary times, and you want me to go to a training class?"

"Do you still want to continue acting and get scolded?" Yan Wei asked.

Chen Ziliang: "I was scolded for my acting, so you can't blame me. I didn't come from a professional background. Even if I go to an acting training class now, will my acting skills not be scolded?"

Yan Wei: "If you don't get promoted, won't you be scolded all the time?"

Chen Ziliang frowned and said nothing.

After a while, he said: "Can't you hire an acting teacher alone? It would be too shameful for you to ask me to go to class with others."

Yan Wei sighed inwardly.

Chen Ziliang is really lucky. He has never experienced the dormant period, nor has he experienced the suffering of working hard from the bottom.

Even though its reputation is now frustrated, it still has great fame and popularity. If he could, he could still make some bad movies, participate in some fast-food activities, and make money easily. Not to mention, he also has the support of Ruyi Pictures. Even though his acting skills are just like that and he has been ridiculed for who knows how long, he still has challenges with Confucian Pictures' projects.

Yan Wei wants to make Chen Ziliang realize the importance of business capabilities. He always felt that Chen Ziliang just didn't understand because he had too little experience. But after a few times, Yan Wei felt that it wasn't that Chen Ziliang didn't understand the importance of business ability, it was just that he didn't want to endure hardship, let alone spend effort and effort. He won the support of fans before, but he won it too easily, and he didn't even think that he needed to work hard to win the favor of others.

However, this is a paradoxical world.

There are many hard-working and talented people who cannot succeed and are not liked by others. But many idiots who don't work hard and are full of empty stomachs can be packaged and managed into a highly popular idol.

Even artists like Lu Yanhe, who have no shortcomings in the eyes of their managers, are now in such trouble.

It makes no sense, is completely at a loss, has no explanation, and can only accept it. This is a paradoxical world where no matter what happens, it is not surprising.


Under the "anticipation of everyone", "River of Silence" was launched.

It is an online drama, not a TV series. It is not broadcast on a TV station, so there is no such thing as ratings.

During this period of time, the drama "River of Silence" has also attracted quite a lot of attention due to the turmoil between Lu Yanhe and his fans.

It is a new work directed by Chen Lingling, and it also stars two popular actors, Zeng Qiao and Lu Yanhe. Judging from the configuration, as long as the quality of this drama passes the standard, it will not be a hit. At most, it has a bad reputation, but its popularity and data are definitely not bad.

As for this drama, just after the first episode was aired, there were as many as eight pre-title ads, which is enough to show how optimistic advertisers are about this drama.

This also presents a situation where it seems that no matter how loud the fans who are dissatisfied with Lu Yanhe's position are, it will not affect the broadcast of the show.


On the night of the broadcast, Lu Yanhe and Li Zhibai watched the premiere together at Ziyuanqiao's house.

They turned on the projector and sat in the living room to watch.

The first episode will be aired online at 8pm.

It will be broadcast at 8pm on Friday night. It seems to focus on a "prime time" concept, but it is actually to coincide with the launch time of Maxine.

Maxine went online an hour ago. At this time, everyone was able to watch the first episode and the first wave of audience comments came out.

Icefield Video is obviously very optimistic about the reputation and audience quality of the drama "Silent River", and wants to use Maxine's broadcast performance to build momentum.

Li Zhibai came over with a plate of braised chicken wings and lotus root slices, sat down cross-legged, and said to Lu Yanhe: "You are really awesome. Another weekly drama, with only eight episodes, it was completed in one month."

Lu Yanhe: "What's so great about this."

"It's a short drama and a weekly broadcast. Up to now, you are the only one in China who can make this format into a big hit drama." Li Zhibai said, "Now there are many platforms and companies doing it. There are very few short plays of this kind that can actually be made and made profitable. Advertisements cannot be sold at a high price. Actors' remuneration is still high. The broadcast time is short. Weekly broadcasts cannot sustain the number of broadcasts. Many viewers will give up halfway. Drama...Anyway, you are the only one who can really make this kind of drama a big hit. This is what Lin Suyang told me."

Lu Yanhe: "Sister Ziyan didn't even tell me."

"There's no need to tell you." Li Zhibai clicked his tongue twice, "That's awesome."

Lu Yanhe glanced at him sideways and said, "I'm not very nervous. You don't have to comfort me and encourage me in every way."

Li Zhibai: "...You are thinking too much. I don't have such thoughts."


At eight o'clock, "River of Silence" was launched on time.


Suspense crime dramas have always been a popular drama theme, especially in recent years.

Some people even say that they almost vomit after watching this type of drama in the past few years.

Because there are too many.

Despite this, there are still a large number of fans of the genre, waiting for the show to be released on time.

Chen Lingling herself is a very experienced director.

At the beginning of the series, Lu Yanhe appeared.

The ordinary person he plays starts an ordinary day, advancing the character quickly and quickly, and then, at the fifteenth minute of the first episode, the story enters the main line.

Lu Yanhe heard about a murder case from his colleagues, and everyone was panicked. On the one hand, Lu Yanhe was a little surprised by the news, but on the other hand, because it was just news and did not really happen to him, he could still eat the buns in his hand normally.

Just when everyone was talking about it, suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps.

Several police officers led by Zeng Qiao appeared.

When they took out their IDs and asked Lu Yanhe to come with them, everyone showed expressions of disbelief.

So does Lu Yanhe himself.

Although the police did not say that he was a suspect, but he suddenly appeared at this time, no one would think that he had nothing to do with the case.

He stood there, stunned for a long time. When the police were about to take him away, he suddenly seemed to react and questioned them fiercely, asking them why they wanted to take him away. His reactions of anger, excitement, and disbelief ignited the first climax of the play.

At this time, everyone was looking at him.

The policeman's eyes were silent, scrutinizing and complicated.

The eyes of my colleagues were confused, stunned and frightened.

Everyone's eyes solidified into a silent, moving oil painting at this moment.

From this moment, Lu Yanhe in the play begins his eternal destiny as a criminal suspect.

Zeng Qiao emphasized that they only investigated that Lu Yanhe might be related to this case, so they asked Lu Yanhe to come with him.

Zeng Qiao reassured him that he could come back after understanding the situation.

Later, Lu Yanhe was taken away and some communication was conducted.

This scene is very long. The lines in the script alone are more than ten pages. If it were shot like this, it would definitely be boring and boring. Chen Lingling also captured many of the recalling contents into pictures.

As a result, the scene became a scene that constantly appeared in the form of memories as Lu Yanhe narrated it.

Zeng Qiao and Lu Yanhe asked and answered questions.

In the last twenty minutes of the first episode, why Lu Yanhe became a suspect was outlined in front of the audience through the questions and answers and reminiscences between the two people.

At the end of the first episode, Lu Yanhe stopped cooperating with the investigation and was sent out by Zeng Qiao.

Lu Yanhe could still see his doubts about Zeng Qiao in his eyes.

Lu Yanhe gritted his teeth expressionlessly.

When Lu Yanhe returned to the company, he found that every colleague looked at him with confusion and a little nervousness that they might not even realize.

The first episode ends at this point.

"It's good to watch." Li Zhibai said immediately, "This drama will be a hit."

He asked again: "Are you the murderer?"

Li Zhibai looked at Lu Yanhe seriously and asked.

Lu Yanhe: "Follow the drama yourself, I won't spoil it."

"It's too much for our relationship." (End of Chapter)

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