Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 468: Speechless fans

 The box office of "Rouge" reached about 52 million the next day, just shy of breaking 100 million. The data exceeded the predictions of major forecasting agencies and the industry's expectations.

"Paths of Glory" saw little change at the box office.

"Happy Days" also reversed the decline and achieved a daily box office of about 19 million.

Some media commented: "Looking at the declining box office, in fact, the box office results of the two days combined are not as good as the box office results of a normal commercial film during the holiday period."

Some media also commented: "It's been a long time since I've seen a literary film achieve such outstanding box office results in the market. It seems that these three literary films can all exceed 100 million."

Of course, there are also media outlets who wonder: "I don't understand, why didn't "Path of Glory" expand its screenings? If it was still conservative on the first day and unwilling to expand the screening range, after the first day, how could it still be shown on the second day? Only 7% of the films are scheduled? We communicated with the managers of major theaters, and they reported that it was not that they did not want to schedule the films, but that the distributors were only willing to do "small-scale" screenings and really missed a wave of box office receipts. Good times.”

There was a lot of buzz in the media.

The industry is more concerned about where the box office of these three literary films will end up.

Someone asked, will the box office performance of these three art films encourage more film companies to make art films?

Entertainment critic Guan Suchen responded directly to this question: It doesn't mean much. These three literary films all won awards at film festivals. "Rouge" and "Route to Glory" both have top directors or Starring movie stars has too much aura. Even if the box office is high, it will not increase the industry's interest in literary films. But it may increase the interest of movie stars in the industry in starring in artistic films, and perhaps this can reversely promote the establishment of artistic film projects.

On the third day, the daily box office of "Rouge Button" was still stable at just over 50 million. During the three-day holiday, the box office was close to 150 million. According to the results of the box office forecasting agency, the final box office of this movie may be 400 million.

The box office of "Happy Days" fell a lot on the third day, only 13 million, but after three days, it also had 45 million. For this low-cost movie with a production budget of only 800,000, it can be " To describe it, make money with blood. Moreover, director Yu Qin made the money all by herself—she basically made this movie with her own money.

Only "Path of Glory" had a daily box office of only around 17-18 million in the three days, mainly due to the limited film schedule. Counting previous screenings, the total box office was close to 60 million.

It was a box-office triumph for three arthouse films.

Almost every media outlet has adopted the slogan "Renaissance".

While fans of literary and artistic films feel excited and excited, the industry only sees it as a joke.

Because they all know that such a box office miracle is almost impossible to come by.

The premise is that you must first go to international film festivals and win an award, especially if the film has good reviews and can form a good reputation, and then get such an "exclusive schedule" in China without competition from commercial films. , can such a miracle be replicated.

However, no matter what, the box office is the box office, which is seen by the audience buying tickets one by one and entering the cinema.

Literary films have become popular in a less popular month like September.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, "Path of Glory" once again reduced the number of movie screenings and returned to its previous level.

This has once again put many moviegoers who wanted to see the movie into a frustrating situation of not being able to buy tickets.

Slowly, a voice of complaint appeared on the Internet:

—This was the first time I wanted to see a movie, but I couldn’t buy a ticket, not even the seats in the first or last row.

—Is "Path of Glory" engaging in hunger marketing?

—I don’t want to watch it. It’s so hard to buy tickets for a crappy movie.

However, no matter how loud the outside discussion is, "Path of Glory" sticks to its strategy, earning about 30,000 box office every day, steadily and slowly building the aesthetic image of the film "Path of Glory".

This strategy of "Road to Glory" has also left many people in the industry confused and confused.

Why does it have to be shown for such a long time?

Now that the market is so enthusiastic, why not expand the scale of screenings?

How long do we have to wait?

Is it necessary to wait until the National Day period so that it can compete with the National Day blockbusters?

Are you crazy?

Faced with these questioning voices, "Road to Glory" still does not respond in any way.

On September 17, Lu Yanhe and Zeng Qiao suddenly attended Maxine's drama promotion event for "Silent River" in Thailand, and officially announced the broadcast date of the drama: October 9.

Domestic audiences were shocked and asked why the first promotional event of this drama was not held in China but in Thailand.

Then I discovered that the investors in "River of Silence" were not domestic film and television production companies. It was a customized drama directed by Maxine and Chen Lingling.

It is not even scheduled to be released on any domestic video platform, and may not be broadcast domestically.

This shocked fans who had been anticipating the show for a long time.

Even if it’s Maxine’s drama, isn’t there any domestic video platform that can buy it?

At this time, Icefield Video belatedly announced that "Silent River" will be broadcast simultaneously on Icefield Video.


The car stopped in the parking lot of Icefield Video's company building.

At the elevator door, there were two staff members wearing work badges waiting to pick people up.

After the car parked, Wang Biao got out of the car first, opened the door, turned sideways and asked Lu Yanhe to get out of the car.

Lu Yanhe got out of the car wearing a casual suit and sunglasses, looking very stylish.

The company of Icefield Video is coming to visit today, so it’s time to show off your style.

Zou Dong also got out of the car and came to Lu Yanhe's side.

The staff member who came to receive him quickly came forward to greet him with a warm smile on his face.

"Teacher Lu, welcome to Icefield. I am Zhao Yurui, and I will take you upstairs."

"Hello." Lu Yanhe nodded politely, "Sorry for the trouble."

Zhao Yurui immediately shook his hand and said, "No trouble. My colleagues all wanted to take this job away from me, but I defended them firmly."

Zhao Yurui's words deepened his impression on Lu Yanhe.

"Thank you." Lu Yanhe thanked him.

I came to Icefield Video today to record some promotional materials for "River of Silence".

At the same time, Li Quansen, the person in charge of Icefield Video, also wanted to meet him.

Zhao Yurui took Lu Yanhe directly to the studio. Lu Yanhe first cooperated with the director of Icefield Video and completed the shooting of more than a dozen promotional materials.

The shooting lasted almost an hour.

After the filming, Zhao Yurui appeared again and took Lu Yanhe to Li Quansen's office.

"Mr. Li is already waiting for you in the office."

Lu Yanhe nodded and followed to Li Quansen's office.

This was not the first time Lu Yanhe met Li Quansen. He had met him on other occasions before, such as at a charity event not long ago. But Lu Yanhe had never chatted face-to-face with Li Quansen alone.

This time Li Quansen offered to meet with him, and Lu Yanhe readily agreed.

Unlike Lin Desheng of Northern Lights Video, Li Quansen is an older person with more legends in the industry.

If Northern Lights Video is the upstart, then Icefield Video is the legacy.

Icefield Video’s history goes back two decades. In the beginning, it was a film and television production company. Later, after acquiring four or five bankrupt film and television companies, it relied on its huge film library and the brutal growth of the Internet era to build a video website, which is now Icefield Video. After about 13 or 14 years, I went into the wild stage. Until the rise of online dramas, Icefield Video suddenly ushered in its popularity.

Whether it is Lin Desheng or Li Quansen, they are both people who have caught up with the trend of the times.

Therefore, it has gone through rounds of financing and burning money, and fought countless battles before it can occupy its current position in the current video platform matrix.

However, although the two companies currently occupy similar shares in the video platform, their industry positions are also similar. However, the reputations of Lin Desheng and Li Quansen in the industry are very different. The biggest difference is that Lin Desheng is not very active on the Internet. He is basically not a boss who likes to be active behind the scenes. But Li Quansen is the complete opposite. He is even more active than some celebrity artists and can be seen in various activities.

"Mr. Li." After Lu Yanhe entered Li Quansen's office, he took the initiative to call out and say hello.

Li Quansen immediately stood up and strode over with a warm and bright smile on his face. He was full of affinity and his smile did not give people any sense of hypocrisy.

"Yan He, congratulations." Li Quansen held Lu Yanhe's hand with both hands. He gave Lu Yanhe the feeling of a giant bear - of course, his body shape was also very similar to a bear, ""Rouge Button" and " "Path of Glory" was a huge success at the box office and won awards internationally. You are truly a young man full of miracles."

"Mr. Li, you praise me so much." Lu Yanhe said modestly, "A small achievement cannot be compared with a big platform like Icefield Video. You are a role model for me to learn from."

Li Quansen laughed loudly and said, "Sit down."

The two exchanged pleasantries.

Li Quansen said: "Actually, I have wanted to meet you for a long time, but the time has never happened. You see, your fate with our ice field has been long-standing, starting from the program "Young Days"."

The program "Young Days" has been broadcast on Icefield Video.

Of course, because this show is produced by Li Zhenzhen’s team and Icefield Video is just a broadcast platform and not involved in the production, Lu Yanhe and the others have not had much contact with Icefield Video.

At this time, it is very normal to build relationships and appear to be somewhat connected and close to each other.

"You have cooperated with Northern Lights on so many projects at once. I am also depressed. Why don't we, Icefield Video, cooperate with you?" Li Quansen pretended to sigh and said, "You can't just cooperate with Northern Lights in the future. , We have such a deep fate, what they can give you, I can also give you. "

Lu Yanhe smiled and nodded. Of course, such words cannot be taken seriously.

"Okay, Mr. Li, we will definitely be able to cooperate if we have the opportunity in the future." Lu Yanhe said.

Li Quansen immediately asked: "Then do you have any projects that you are planning to do in the future? Just say, as long as our Icefield Video can help, we will definitely help."

Lu Yanhe smiled, "I haven't encountered any difficulties so far."


Thank you. Cooperation is a win-win situation. Help me? It's like I owe you a favor.

Lu Yanhe didn't care whether Li Quansen meant it or not, he just wouldn't take the issue anyway.

Li Quansen: "That's good. You haven't encountered any difficulties. That's the news I want to hear most."

Lu Yanhe almost couldn't help but take a deep breath on the spot.

Are you not afraid of being disgusting when you speak so directly?

Li Quansen said: "Actually, it's a pity. I heard before that you have two movie scripts in hand and you are looking for cooperation. Our Icefield Video Film business has not been established, and we cannot be of much help. Otherwise, why should I keep the copyright in my own hands? I respect creative talents like you very much. As long as we can reach an agreement on cooperation, we Icefield will always have the priority to renew the contract. I don’t need the copyright to be mine. Get it yourself.”

It sounds nice, but it doesn't mean anything. The key point of this paragraph is still "Our Icefield Video Film business has not been strengthened, and it cannot be of much help." No matter how nice the other words are, they are just a "talk without money" attitude. .


Lu Yanhe kept the smile on his face.

Li Quansen suddenly remembered something and asked: "But, I heard that you still have the copyrights to the movies "On the Road" and "Rouge Button"?"

"Yes." Lu Yanhe nodded.

Li Quansen: "Are you interested in adapting these two stories into TV series?"

"Ah?" Lu Yanhe was stunned.

Li Quansen: "Actually, these two stories are quite suitable to be turned into TV series. The movies are relatively small in size. If they are changed into TV series, more details can be shown."

Lu Yanhe immediately shook his head and said, "Sorry, Mr. Li, I have no idea of ​​adapting them into a TV series for the time being."

Li Quansen asked: "Why?"

Lu Yanhe said: "On the one hand, I already have a lot of projects on hand, and I don't have time to make a TV series version. On the other hand, I also feel that the stories these two stories actually want to tell have already been told in the movie. It’s very thorough, and there’s no new story that can be expanded upon if it’s adapted into a TV series version.”

Li Quansen said: "What if we buy the adaptation rights and we find the screenwriter to adapt it ourselves?"

"Ah?" Lu Yanhe was stunned.

Li Quansen said: "I know you are very busy. It is basically unrealistic to ask you to adapt the script, but these two stories are both very good stories. Especially for "People on the Road", I want to use the story of what happened. The concept of "Embarrassing Things on the Road" is to create a series of short dramas, each of which may only be eighty or ninety episodes long. It is not intended to be a comedy and to copy the story in the movie exactly. "Rouge Button" is to make some expansions on the current story. There are many things that can be expanded on such as the story of Hua in the brothel, as well as the things in the family of the Twelve Young Masters. The focus of the movie is all on the two of them. In fact, "There's plenty of room for expansion around both of them."

When Li Quansen said this, Lu Yanhe also reacted.

Li Quansen suddenly mentioned that he wanted to adapt it into a TV series. It was definitely not a whim, but he had already thought about how to change it, so he mentioned it to him.

In fact, whether a TV series is adapted into a movie or a movie is adapted into a TV series, it is not uncommon to modify the original plot but only use the name or the concept of the world view.

This is being done all over the world.

Lu Yanhe did not refuse immediately, but fell into deep thought.

If the two stories of "A Man on the Road" and "Rouge Button" can be continued, especially the latter, Lu Yanhe would be very willing to see it.

As Li Quansen said, "Rouge Button" is a story that focuses very much on the main plot. In fact, it can completely enrich the original work with many details. The most attractive aspect of this story is the ecstasy and spookiness revealed in the era of Ruhua and Twelve Young Masters. This movie presents a sense of atmosphere of that era that many movies with the same theme fail to achieve. of.

If it can be presented in a richer way, Lu Yanhe also thinks it would be great.

However, Lu Yanhe is also worried about whether the pearls and jade can be presented in a richer way.

Li Quansen saw Lu Yanhe's worries.

He said: "Although you don't have time to be the screenwriter yourself, I very much hope that you can serve as the artistic producer of the adapted drama and participate in the production of these two dramas. In this way, you can also personally control the quality."

Lu Yanhe was silent for two seconds and said to him: "Mr. Li, thank you for the invitation. I need to go back and think about this matter."

Li Quansen nodded to express his understanding, "No problem."


Lu Yanhe came out of the Icefield Video Company building and his cell phone suddenly rang.

It was Chen Ziyan's call.

"Sister Ziyan?"

Lu Yanhe originally thought that Chen Ziyan was calling to ask about his meeting with Li Quansen, but he didn't expect that what Chen Ziyan said was completely different.

"Schmidt Lawley from Green Valley Film Company in the United States contacted me." Chen Ziyan said, "He was determined to prepare for this year's awards season for "Path of Glory", and he proposed that he could perform PR awards for us at the same time. , but I hope we can sponsor part of the public relations funds.”

"Ah?" Lu Yanhe was surprised, "What's going on?"

"In the United States, it is allowed for them to conduct public relations for awards." Chen Ziyan said, "Furthermore, every year, companies that hope to win awards will spend tens of millions of public relations funds on public relations. This has become an industry. There are even PR companies in Hollywood that do this.”

Lu Yanhe had heard of it more or less, but he had never understood it in such detail.

In his simple understanding, awards should be objective and authoritative, rather than something that can be publicized.

Chen Ziyan said: "The public relations system of the American awards season has very strict allowed and disallowed behaviors. Bribery is absolutely not allowed. Don't get it wrong. This is how you understand it. How many movies are there every year? , everyone will definitely not watch every movie, and even many movies are unknown. At this time, professional public relations promoters are needed to push the movies to those who are qualified to vote and accept interviews on the program. , buying advertisements in major media, and even sending DVDs to the judges to explain the merits and artistic value of the film to influential people. These are the most common public relations methods, and they are accompanied by the three to four months of the awards season. Various receptions and activities.”

Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "Okay."

Chen Ziyan said: "I communicated with Star Entertainment, and they made it very clear that if you don't renew your contract with Star Entertainment, they will definitely not be willing to pay us the public relations expenses. What about your current situation? There is no need to renew the contract with Star Entertainment, so I’m here to ask for your opinion.”

"Give me a public relations performance award. Can I win it?"

"It's almost impossible." Chen Ziyan said, "Not to mention winning awards, it's hard to even get nominated for several influential awards. However, I think since "Road to Glory" is about to enter the awards season, we can indeed Take advantage of this situation. First, you can learn about the routines in public relations in advance and make some connections that need to be made this time. Second, you can let some North American filmmakers know you because you are in "Path of Glory". "The performance in it is indeed outstanding. Even if you don't get any nominations, you may be able to gain some fame if your performance can be seen by some influential media, film critics and even filmmakers."

Lu Yanhe asked: "Then I think we can give it a try."

Chen Ziyan hummed, and then said, "This public relations fund will come from our Linghe Film and Television Production Company."

Lu Yanhe said: "No, just use it from my personal account."

If the payment comes from Linghe Film and Television Production Company, Chen Ziyan, as another major shareholder, will also suffer losses - although Lu Yanhe believes that Chen Ziyan definitely doesn't care about this little money, because she is much richer than him.

But Lu Yanhe felt that since it was for his public relations and his management relationship was not with Linghe now, it was better to settle the accounts clearly.

Not leaving any conflicts in economic disputes is a principle that Lu Yanhe has established very early, and he would rather suffer some losses.

He has already earned more than many people. In this kind of economic situation, he would rather suffer some losses than let others suffer - don't let two people who have a good relationship become alienated because of some financial matters. It's not worth it.

Chen Ziyan didn't waste any time talking to Lu Yanhe about this matter.

Lu Yanhe took the initiative to propose that he would go out on his own, and that would be fine on his own.

Chen Ziyan didn't plan to take out much at once.

This time her goal is very clear, which is to test the waters first and see what the public relations system of the American awards season is like.

Prepare for the future.


The preparation of "Path of Glory" for the North American awards season has just been confirmed, and the pre-broadcast promotion of "Silent River" has begun with great fanfare.

When the drama "River of Silence" was being filmed, although it was said to be a two-male drama, Zeng Qiao was actually the main actor and Lu Yanhe was the secondary actor.

When all the official announcements were sorted with Zeng Qiao as the first fan and Lu Yanhe as the second fan, Lu Yanhe's fans were a little dissatisfied. They believe that Lu Yanhe's popularity has now surpassed that of Zeng Qiao. It's obviously a two-male drama, but why does the crew always focus on Zeng Qiao?

Lu Yanhe himself saw some fans making trouble on the official blog, and he responded directly:

—Don’t be ridiculous. Brother Qiao is the one who signed the contract as soon as he signed it. Isn’t it normal for me to play the second role for Brother Qiao? Don't fight over this kind of thing, okay? Everyone had a great time filming, and we have a good relationship. Don't let these unnecessary disputes affect the harmony of our crew.

Lu Yanhe's quick reply and his attitude shocked many people.

In the past few years, there have been a lot of fights for position. News like this happens almost every few months. Lu Yanhe was the first to reply directly and tell fans to stop making trouble.

The key is that Lu Yanhe's attitude is not hidden at all, he is very generous, and he even has a wave of good impressions, but some fans are not very satisfied.

They thought they were fighting for Lu Yanhe's rights, but why did Lu Yanhe jump out to criticize them?

Even if Lu Yanhe originally signed the contract as a second-tier player, now, with the status of Lu Yanhe and Zeng Qiao in the industry, is Zeng Qiao still worthy of sitting in the first-tier position?

Lu Yanhe didn't even want to pay attention to this statement.

Immediately, fans with this idea began to advocate a statement: The reason why Lu Yanhe had such an attitude was because of his personal relationship with Zeng Qiao. Lu Yanhe had to stand up and express his position. It was Zeng Qiao who used his personal relationship with Lu Yanhe. , embarrassing Lu Yanhe.

This statement is inherently unreliable and unreasonable, but some fans believe it and repost it, stating categorically that it must be the case.

Lu Yanhe almost couldn't help but reply, "If you have hypochondriasis, go to the hospital for treatment immediately," but he felt that this was a bit too much, so he held back.

At this time, the media suddenly published the news that "Deviation" starring Zeng Qiao had been purchased by HP for global exclusive broadcast rights after being delisted.

This media also knew Lu Yanhe’s role in it and said: According to reliable sources, the cooperation between "Deviation" and HP this time came from Lu Yanhe's matchmaking.

Soon, HP also announced that "Deviation" would be launched on October 12th.

"This work was indeed recommended to us by Lu Yanhe." The head of HP Asia Pacific admitted generously in an interview at a forum, "After our evaluation, we believe that "Deviation" is a film that can be played all over the world. A film that resonates with everyone.”

This was great, Lu Yanhe's fans who wanted Lu Yanhe to do something immediately straightened up their backs.

—You see, "Deviation" starring Zeng Qiao still needs Lu Yanhe to help sell it to HP to recoup the cost!

-Why is Zeng Qiao so cheeky? He just asked Lu Yanhe to help save the drama "Deviation", but he still had the nerve to continue asking Lu Yanhe to do a second job for him.

- Lu Yanhe is too miserable, he is too kind and always thinks about his friends, but do his so-called "friends" think about him?

These remarks made Lu Yanhe furious.

He and Zeng Qiao were originally on good terms with nothing going on, but now they were so instigated that they became a mess.

When Lu Yanhe was angry, Zeng Qiao sent him a message: Yan He, don't worry about what is said on the Internet, don't take it to heart, as long as the two of us know what's going on.

Lu Yanhe felt even more sorry.


At the same time, Maxine's Zhong Benzhuo was so angry that his mouth trembled at the news.

Lu Yanhe also recommended this work to him, and he also intends to buy it. After all, "River of Silence" starring Zeng Qiao and Lu Yanhe is broadcast on Maxine. If "River of Silence" is broadcast well, then "Deviation" can be borrowed from "River of Silence" The popularity of "River of Silence".

However, Tom White's bid was higher than his, and "Deviation" was snatched away by HP, and now it is deliberately released a few days after "Silent River" - the reason for the popularity is clear and obvious.

Zhong Benzhuo was very angry.

At this time, I saw that Zeng Qiao and Lu Yanhe were spread rumors and smeared by many fans because of some bad things.

Zhong Benzhuo suddenly had an idea. (End of chapter)

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