Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 853: The Brisbane Treaty

  Chapter 853 "Brisbane" Treaty

The layman's question raised by Hu Chaoshan is precisely what Admiral does not want to say. Now Europe is where the monsters are piled up. The Ocean Empire can dominate the Pacific with its existing naval power, but when it comes to the Atlantic, it must be ruled. Moment to be a man.

Take Britain, Germany, France and other powerful countries as examples. Now the 305mm main ship guns are slightly behind (especially the 40-caliber main guns, not the latest generation of 44-caliber 305mm main guns). The first-line battleships have 343mm and 356mm calibers. Giant artillery is the mainstream, and it has spent a huge amount of money to develop a 381 mm caliber cannon, leading the naval powers of other regions.

The 356mm caliber gun developed by Ocean Empire has been developed and is undergoing durability and other performance tests. It is expected that the technology will mature in 3 to 4 years, including the latest triple turret plan. This is an insurmountable step-by-step process. , Is also a process of technology accumulation.

  The caliber of the main gun is larger, so the propellant that can be loaded is more, the range is longer, and the power must be greater. This is a complementary logic.

  The larger the outer diameter of the projectile, the volume and weight of the projectile will increase.

A 305-mm shell is about 650-700 pounds, while a 343-mm shell weighs more than 1,000 pounds. A 356-mm shell often weighs 1,200 to 1,300 pounds, and has a range of easily more than 24 kilometers. The power is not the same. .

After the Russo-Japanese War, the artillery doctrine of large ships swept the world. Based on the experience and lessons of the battle in Vladivostok, the theory of full-caliber heavy artillery was highly valued. Britain, Germany and France have begun to develop a full-caliber heavy artillery battleship. Among them, the United Kingdom has the fastest speed.

in this aspect

  Ocean Empire has been conducting meticulous research and drawing specifications, and has come up with 7 design plans. Now, learning from the experience and lessons of the Great Battle of Vladivostok, the plan drawing is redesigned.

  Type 1 battleships are the most important weapons of the country, and there should be no margins. Being cautious and cautious is what you should do.

  In general, the Royal Ocean Empire Navy can be said to have reached the world-class level, and it is still far from the top level. It is not one or two artifacts that can make up for it.

  Ocean Empire has the big killer of radio rangefinders, and the United Kingdom also has cutting-edge secrets such as shooting calculators. It may be a little bit different in shooting accuracy, but it is far less than imagined.

  On the turbulent sea, the accurate positioning of the distance is only one aspect of the artillery bombardment technology, plus the training of the gun crew, the cooperation of various departments and a part of luck.

  The imperial meeting is mainly about the corresponding policies that the empire will adopt to face the new situation in the Far East, including relations with the Qing, Japan-Russia relations, diplomatic stances, and military preparations.

After discussing for a while, Dai Naritayama of the Ministry of Finance talked about a problem; “Fuso hopes to obtain financial support from the imperial side in the economic recovery after the war. Psychological preparation is nothing more than borrowing new debts to repay old debts, and to temporarily win a respite."

"I disagree. Your Majesty has always maintained a high level of vigilance against Fusang. His majesty is afraid of prestige but not virtuous, and has a cold temperament. He has emerged as one of the main forces in the Western Pacific region, posing a threat to the empire, and helping it to restore its national economy is equivalent to capital. The enemy, the wise can do nothing." Admiral Mo Rufeng took the lead in expressing his position. He viewed the problem purely from a military perspective.

  Hu Chaoshan obviously disagrees with his point of view, shook his head, and then clasped his fists in courtesy;

   "Your Majesty, Weichen disagrees with the military's judgment.

  Financial power is also an extension of national power. The United Kingdom and the United States have granted Fusang a large amount of bank loans. While obtaining economic benefits, it has also greatly increased its influence on Fusang society.

  The reason why Fusang people want to ask us is that they don’t want to put their eggs in a basket, and not because they cannot borrow money to develop the economy in countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States. These are completely two concepts.

  And a good opportunity for us to enter the financial market of Fusang Country.

As the victor of the Russo-Japanese War, the Fusang government not only completely colonized the Korean peninsula, but also entered the three northeastern provinces, and has a tendency to further expand to Manchuria and Mongolia. It also controls important places such as Lushun, Dalian and Jinzhou, separated by The Bohai Sea and the German occupation of the Jiaodong Peninsula face each other in a distance.

  There is no doubt that Fusang Country, as a high-quality lender, has considerable solvency and is worthy of the imperial financial sector.

  The Red River Valley metropolis will be built into an international financial center in the future. If you restrict yourself, how can you talk about development?

  As for the argument about being an enemy, in fact, it is completely nonsense.

  Even if we don’t lend money to the Fuso Kingdom, and we have been imprisoned to the south of Ryukyu, it will not be able to affect the rise of Fuso Kingdom. This is the mighty tide of the world, which is not transferred by personal will.

  Fuso, plus the Korean Peninsula and the Northeast, has a population of more than 100 million. Such a large market has been abandoned. So how about building a world financial center? "

"Director Hu’s remarks are reasonable, and Weichen deeply agrees. Finance and trade complement each other. If there is no financial support, Fusang will not be able to buy imperial materials. And Citigroup products will flood in. In addition to cotton and rubber, we can provide Citigroup can provide products, which is a substantial competitive relationship, so I support financing." Minister of Economic Affairs Tianshan expressed his support.

  Admiral Li Shuanzhu, commander of the Royal Guards, said categorically; "I object, the ambition of the Japanese slaves is poisoning the Central Plains, and the desire is hard to fill, and there is no reason to help him develop."

  "Generals, military and economics are completely different fields, and we must look at them separately." Prime Minister Fan Zhongzhai stepped up to make a round, and after looking around for a week, he expressed his views;

  "Whether Japan, Russia, Britain, France and Germany, and even the empire itself, have their own interests in mainland China. From the perspective of their respective countries, this is beyond reproach.

  The so-called; flies do not bite seamless eggs.

  With the decaying rule of the Manchu and Qing dynasty, the corrupted government, and the almost rotten Eight Banners system, even the gods would not be able to save their lives, and there is no need to sink along with this big ship.

  Fools know that this land of China does not have a vigorous and complete revolution, it is impossible to replace the old and rebirth.

  If stuck here

  I can’t do this, and I can’t touch that. Then the empire needs to develop, the Fusang 100 million people market does not want to fight, and the 450 million people market of the Qing Dynasty does not fight, then how many people are there in the world?

  The military really excludes the Fusang people, so after suppressing the Fusang people, will Tsarist Russia continue to expand in northern China?

  What should we do then, do we fight another land war with the power of the empire?

  Ten thousand steps back, even if Japan and Russia are repelled by the power of the empire, the remaining power is blank. Others are not jealous. What about Britain, Germany, and France?

  Are we going to be the enemy of the whole world?

  Generals, getting along with people saves the emergency but not the poor. Even brothers cannot carry the family burden of poor relatives on their shoulders. There is never such a reason.

  The same is true when countries get along with each other. The military field is only one aspect of the empire, and it can never affect the economic development policy of the empire. His Majesty has taught us many times that we need to be hard-working in order to strike iron.

  Only when the empire is strong can it feed back the army and forge an invincible iron armored division.

  If you don’t have money, your army doesn’t want to buy any tanks, and the navy doesn’t want to build a new class of battleship. The existing scale will be greatly reduced, so you can do it yourself! "

  At the end, Prime Minister Fan Zhongzhai threatened, and several military leaders looked at each other, and they stopped talking.

  This dead old man is so bad that he threatened us with the military budget?

  Well, let me give in and don’t breathe with you.

Li Fushou saw that the cabinet ministers had reached a consensus and nodded. "Okay, since it has been decided, we should formulate a policy and issue some relevant regulations as soon as possible. My request is to vigorously support the export of wool textiles, rubber food and other light industries. , Strictly control the export of metallurgy, chemical industry, shipbuilding, machine tool equipment and technology. In principle, only export products and not export technology. This must be strictly controlled."

   "Your Majesty Shengming, ministers and others will never dare to take a step beyond the thunder pond."

   "That's good. The next topic is East Asian foreign policy. Cabinet ministers are free to say what they want. One person counts the shortcomings and three counts the lengths!"

  As Li Fushou said, all the ministers laughed together, and the East Pavilion was warm and warm, and the monarch and the ministers had a close relationship.


  The residence of the Japanese high-level negotiating delegation

  The small Japanese delegation leader Komura Komura stood at the window of the hotel, looking at the bustling Brisbane metropolis and the endless traffic on the streets, with a look of envy and admiration in his eyes.

Sighed; "It's really a prosperous and prosperous scene. If you don't come here in person, it is difficult to understand the strength of the ocean empire. Since the Meiji Restoration, the Fuso Kingdom has generally respected Western culture and technology. Everyone said that Western countries are good. ."

  Deputy Commander Koping Kogoro bowed humbly and said; “Hi, Komura-kun’s vision is really admirable. The Ocean Empire really occupies a good place. Unfortunately, after the Great Fusang Empire realized it, these Chinese were in vain.”

"Yo Xi, Gao Pingjun's words hit the nail on the head, and I feel the same. I blame the group of idiot pigs and rats in the upper empire for short-sightedness, only knowing that they were fighting with the old Tsarist Russians in the cold north, and did not see this fertile piece of Australia at all. The chosen place is really embarrassing!"

  "Your Excellency is reasonable. Such a good place, I really hope that one day will belong to the Great Fusang Empire."

"This is very difficult. The Ocean Empire is extremely wary of Fusang people and has never allowed Fusang immigrants to settle down. I saw only a few Fusang people on the streets of Brisbane. I chatted with them and stayed here for the longest time. It has been more than 20 years and still has not obtained a legal ID card. He is a half-black and half-white black household. He is often blackmailed by the local police, and his life is very difficult!" Komura's brows were very tight and his face appeared. Deeply worried, it is obvious that he is extremely dissatisfied with the situation of Japanese immigrants.

  The deputy head of the delegation, Kopira Kogoro suppressed the smile on his face, and then solemnly said; “Bigger, the Embassy of the Great Fusang Empire in Australia should all commit suicide in order to thank the people.”

  "They can't be blamed entirely on them, and the imperial support is not enough!"

  "Komura-kun, this time the empire is carrying the invincible aura of the battle in Vladivostok. Prime Minister Katsutaro should be asked to authorize negotiations with the Ocean Empire and urge him to give proper treatment to Japanese immigrants in order to maintain friendly relations between the two countries."

  "No, no, Mr. Gao Ping, the main purpose of your mission to Australia this time is to negotiate an armistice agreement with Tsarist Russia, and don’t make things happen."

  Speaking of this topic

Komura Komura's brows furrowed deeper, and the super tough attitude of the Czarist Russian negotiators made the Japanese delegation extremely difficult.

  I haven’t wiped my **** clean, how can I worry about taking care of the Japanese immigrants?

The smoke of the Russo-Japanese War has dissipated, and the army has paid a huge price of 100,000 casualties and won the war. However, the negotiating delegation was unable to get the huge war compensation it deserved at the negotiating table. Said it is a country thief.

  This is not only a serious malfeasance by a high-level Japanese delegation, but also involves the inaction of Katsura's cabinet. Once the news becomes clear, Katsura's cabinet will inevitably suffer from Wanfu's criticism, and the probability of over 80% will be overwhelming.

  After more than three months of diplomatic tug-of-war, the extremely tough attitude of Tsarist Russia has not changed at all. The war indemnity is not a ruble, but in other rights, the Tsarist delegation can make appropriate concessions.

  Among them, there are mainly 5 clauses, namely;

  (1); The Tsarist Empire recognizes that Fusang enjoys political, economic and military privileges in North Korea, and Russia must not interfere.

  (2); Tsarist Russia will transfer the concession rights and ancillary privileges of Lushunkou and Dalian Bay acquired from the Manchus to Fusang.

  (3); Russia will transfer the obtained Guonanman-Manchurian Railway and branch roads, rights of interest, coal mines, etc., to Fusang free of charge.

  (4); Tsarist Russia ceded Sakhalin to Fuso south of 50 degrees north latitude, and agreed to the Japanese people to operate fisheries in the Fuso, Okhotsk, and Bering Seas along the coast of Russia.

  (5) Japan and Russia stationed road guard teams along their respective railway lines, with no more than 15 troops per kilometer.


There are many other relevant clauses, but they are all about the foreign nationals and the trade arrangements between the two countries. The main ones are the above 5 clauses, which are equivalent to exchanging the immediate benefits of North Korea and the Qing Dynasty, including the concessions of Lushun Port and Dalian Bay. With respect to railway property rights and so on, the only loss for Tsarist Russia is probably half of the territory of Sakhalin, which does not involve the war indemnities urgently needed by Fusang.

  How can such an armistice treaty satisfy the people of Fusang Country who are waiting to be fed?

  The problem is that you want it, but Tsarist Russia has to be willing to give it!

  The attitude of Tsar Nicholas II is very clear. It is this treaty. If you are willing to sign, you will sign, and if you don’t want to sign, you will continue to fight.

Tsarist Russia’s Lao Maozi is really tough. Against the surging waves of domestic riots, he continued to increase his troops to the Far East. In the past three months, he has increased his troops by 53,000 troops, bringing great impact to the Japanese army of the South Manchurian Headquarters on the northeast front. pressure.

The military’s telegrams urging the peace talks one after another. The situation on the Far Eastern front may deteriorate at any time. Maybe Tsarist Russia will launch a large-scale counterattack as soon as its head is drawn. Therefore, Marshal Dashanyan has jumped in a hurry, and the order must be before mid-September. Reach an agreement, otherwise Quante will be over.

  There is no way, a small country and a few people cannot sustain the huge consumption of long-term wars.

  (End of this chapter)

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