Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 852: Slightly worse

   Chapter 852 is slightly worse

  Resuming the entire Russo-Japanese War, the battle for land forces will not be discussed for the time being. Only in terms of maritime hegemony, luck always runs through the Fuso United Fleet, as if the Amaterasu God blessed it, which is very magical.

On April 13, 1904, the Russian side suffered the biggest setback since the start of the Russo-Japanese War. Not long after taking office, the Russian Navy’s most outstanding general was recognized as the battleship "Petropavlovsk" on board by Lieutenant Admiral Makarov. The ship struck a mine and sank, and Lieutenant Admiral Makarov died unfortunately.

  This incident dealt a great blow to the Russian Pacific Fleet.

  Afterwards, in the Yellow Sea battle on August 10, the Russian fleet that broke through was intercepted by the main force of the Japanese joint fleet commanded by Togo on the surface of the Yellow Sea, and the Yellow Sea battle broke out.

During the    battle, a 305mm large-caliber artillery shell directly hit the command tower of the battleship "Prince". The succeeding commander, Major General Vyzoft, was shot to death. The command was lost and most of the Russian ships were deported back to Port Lushun.

In the battle of Vladivostok in the early morning of June 2, 1905, the flagship battleship "Duke Suvorov" on which the fleet commander Lieutenant General Roger Stevinsky was riding was hit hard by three rounds of gunfire from the Japanese ship. The entire fleet lost command for an hour and another 50 minutes. This is the most critical time to determine the victory or defeat.

  The failure of the Russian fleet has its inevitable and accidental factors.

It seems that there is an invisible mysterious force helping the Fusang people. Originally, after the Russian fleet broke through the Zongya Strait, the situation was very good, but the commander of the fleet, Lieutenant General Roger Stevinsky, made a faint move and led the huge fleet to bump into it. The Japanese fleet on the blockade.

  The tenacious historical inertia corrects errors in its own way, making people helpless.

  What is a single-handed blow-up, the mediocre and stupid Lieutenant General Roger Stevinsky interprets this very well.

Even if a small fleet is sent at night to lure the attention of Fuso people, the main force of the fleet rushes into the Vladivostok port from the other side under the cover of the night. This simple strategy can save more than 90% of the main fleet. At that time, Fuso will have a headache. Country.

Because the most threatening of the Fuso United Fleet is the three 15,000-ton Shikishima-class battleships (the Hatsose battleship has been sunk by thunder) and the two Fuji-class battleships. In the case of poor visibility at night, Gu One can not take care of the other, let alone the division of troops, which gives the Russian fleet a chance to defeat them.

  The level of the fleet under his leadership is not too high. Since he can't beat it, there is no need for a hard bar. Isn't that stupid?

  What is a pig teammate? This is it!

  June 27, 1905

  Under the strong mediation of the Ocean Empire, senior negotiators from Japan and Russia arrived in Brisbane and began to hold practical negotiations on ending the current Russo-Japanese War and restoring peace in the Far East.

  On the first day of the negotiation, the two sides broke up due to huge differences.

According to the custom of negotiations after the war in the West, the victorious party has the right to claim war compensation from the defeated party. From 70 million taels of silver to the 450 million taels of silver in the "Xin Chou Treaty" (including interest of approximately 900 million taels for a few 10 years), every time the Fusang devil can get his hands on it, and his brain is full of fat.

  This time is no exception. The Japanese negotiators entered the meeting arrogantly, and extremely unreasonably proposed 4 billion compensation, and issued a long list of demands for a large area of ​​territory and the interests of the three northeastern provinces. The result was directly rejected by Tsarist Russia.

  In the Daming Palace

"Your Majesty, you don't know... When the Russian negotiator flatly rejected all the unreasonable demands of the Japanese side, and resolutely left behind the hard words of "no rupee in reparation, no one will fight again", the face of the Japanese negotiator was green. "The Minister of Foreign Affairs Tang Zhaoyi couldn't help laughing very happily.

Li Fushou smiled gracefully, and gently knocked on the table and said; "These world powers do not have a good relationship, especially the old man in the north, who is poor, hard, and greedy, and wants to knock Tsarist Russia. It's not easy!"

   "Well... won the war but can't get the compensation, I guess Kataro's cabinet should have a headache, right?"

"So the lessons of the Russo-Japanese War are very profound. Launching a suitable war at the right time to maximize benefits is a profound knowledge. It must be considered from the perspective of world geopolitics and strategy. Based on his own likes and dislikes, Tsar Nicholas II is the most vivid example. I remember that there was a scar on his head that was chopped off by the Fusang Ronin, right?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, Tsar Nicholas II hates Fusang people from the heart. He and Kaiser Wilhelm II are the protagonists in Europe's promotion of the "yellow peril theory". Their goals are not only directed at the Ocean Empire, but also at Fusang. We have always maintained a high degree of vigilance in this regard."

  "These are two madmen, and they cannot be treated with normal thinking. For the sake of economic interests, they are seemingly false and unreasonable, so I won’t engage them in a quarrel for the time being."

   "Understood, Your Majesty, diplomatic work will be done around your instructions." Tang Zhaoyi replied respectfully.

  Well known

Compared with Fuso, Tsarist Russia is an out-and-out global power, with an extremely vast territory, three times its population, five times its army size, and 10 times its military expenditure, although it suffered losses on the front lines of the Russo-Japanese War. It is huge, but this has not shaken the foundation of the Czarist Russian Empire, and there is still a strong capital to continue to fight.

  The strength of the Czarist Russian Empire is mainly in the huge army, and 9% of the army’s strength is concentrated in Europe and the Caucasus region, and the elite army and warrior generals are also concentrated in this area.

The nickname "European Gendarmerie" is not for fun. Tsarist Russia has not stopped the pace of war in the past century. From the Anti-French Alliance, the Crimean War to the 10th Russian Industrial War, almost every huge war in Europe There is a figure of the Tsarist Empire, and there is no shortage of warrior generals and brave troops.

  The army in the Far East can only be said to be a second-line army.

  This Russo-Japanese War was far from the point where the bones were wounded, so Tsarist Russia had the confidence to flatly refuse the blackmail of the Fusang kid, and would rather invest the money in the armed forces than give it to the Fusang people.

On the other hand, Fusang Country, due to the relentless implementation of the "post-Jiawu War", military expenditure exceeded more than 50% of its fiscal expenditure, and a large number of foreign loans were borrowed to develop armaments. This war burdened it with a heavy financial burden and the country’s economy was facing collapse. Situation.

  If you continue to fight, the national economy will be overwhelmed, and it will be completely over.

   Therefore, Fusang is eager to extort a huge war indemnity from Tsarist Russia in order to alleviate the current critical financial situation and avoid serious economic losses.

  Unexpectedly, Tsarist Russia’s attitude was so tough, so I was really dumbfounded.

  The reason why Tsarist Russia is willing to sit down and talk about it is that the current frontline of the Russo-Japanese battlefield is rotten, and it is difficult to restore it.

On the other hand, the war triggered by Nicholas II’s arrogance was generally isolated in the international community. Not only did Britain and the United States stand on the side of Fuso, but the ally France also sat on the mountain and watched the battle, without sending a single soldier. Participate in the hegemony of the Far East.

  The powers of the world generally resent the attempt of the Tsarist Russian army to go south, and they are not too cold about the so-called "Yellow Russia Project."

  The public opinion of various countries in the world ridiculed Tsarist Russia. In addition, in 1905, a large-scale mass movement against oppression and exploitation broke out in Tsarist Russia, resulting in unstable military sentiment and social fluctuations, which severely affected the delivery of troops and materials to the Far Eastern front.

  If we really want to continue fighting, the frontline army of Tsarist Russia is severely lacking in weapons, ammunition and materials, and the military has become unsustainable. Under strong pressure, mutiny that no one wants to see may occur.

  Japan and Russia both have a hard-to-read scripture, so they can sit down and negotiate.

  The spacious and bright East Pavilion

Cabinet Prime Minister Fan Zhongzhai, Minister of Foreign Affairs Tang Zhaoyi, the new Minister of Finance Tian Shan, the former Minister of Economic Affairs ~ Director Hu Chaoshan, the Minister of the Admiralty Colonel He Fang, and the Minister of War Admiral Mo Rufeng (former Minister of the War Wei Chi Shouzhuo retired and entered Noble House), and General Li Shuanzhu, commander of the Imperial Guard, were all present to participate in this imperial meeting.

   After Li Fushougao took the first imperial case, he looked at his cabinet elites with satisfaction. This was Fan Zhongzhai’s second five-year term and the last term.

  According to the imperial constitution, the head of the cabinet can only serve for two consecutive terms. For each term of 5 years, the cabinet has the right to dissolve the parliament in advance and hold a general election.

  However, cabinet ministers are not restricted by this regulation. As long as the cabinet prime minister can see you, he can participate in multiple sessions of cabinet formation. If he fails, he can also enter the parliament and continue to participate in politics.

  The imperial regime basically draws on the strengths of the British and German families. It is neither as puppet as the German imperial parliament, nor as powerful as the lower house of the London parliament, and is subject to the power of the monarch.

"Your Majesty, the Minister believes that regardless of whether the negotiators of Japan and Russia can reach a formal armistice agreement, the situation in the Western Pacific has now become clear, forming a trilateral situation in which the empire and Japan, Russia, and the United Kingdom, France and Germany will compete in the Central Plains. "The Prime Minister, Lord Fan Zhongzhai, said this very seriously, and everyone present had no objection.

Li Fushou nodded slightly, and the bright light outlined his deep facial contours, making it even more majestic and majestic. He said in a faint voice; "Based on this, the cabinet must come up with a new East Asia policy, which is the unity of Russia and Germany. Suppress Fusang, or unite Japan and Britain to suppress Germany and Russia, or maintain friendly and neutrality like Citi, and strive for the greatest degree of diplomatic freedom. Which policy is more in line with our interests must be carefully implemented."

   "Your Majesty Shengming, after the minister returns, he will immediately convene the cabinet to discuss targeted countermeasures."

   "Well, we have no territorial ambitions for the Northern Shenzhou. What we are most concerned about is immigration and trade interests. This is the foundation of the empire. Whoever dares to create problems for us in this regard is the enemy of the empire."

   "The ministers understand and must act in accordance with the will."

   "Brother He, this time the Fusang National Fleet released a big firework bomb, which produced an incredible battle loss ratio. What do you want to say about this?"

   Hearing your Majesty’s question, Admiral He Fang immediately stood up and respectfully bowed, Li Fushou gently waved his hand, asking him not to sit down and answer.

  Admiral He Fang apparently has carefully studied the Great Battle of Vladivostok with Japan and Russia, so he was confident about this question and replied in a deep voice;

   "Enlighten Your Majesty;

  Fuso United Fleet did show superb artillery in this naval battle. Its rigorous training and high-level ship-handling skills are impressive, but nothing more.

  In many sand table exercises held after the war, the main lineup consisting of 5 battleships and 6 cutting-edge cruisers of the Fuso United Fleet, played against the same naval forces of our side, and achieved 9 wins and 1 draw.

   After lowering the hit rate by 30% and magnifying the fault tolerance rate by 30%, the result of the sand table deduction was obtained.


The Imperial Navy is superior to Japan in terms of ship handling, artillery and navigation skills, not to mention that we control the radio rangefinder's big killer, and completely crush our opponents in terms of shooting accuracy. "The gun must hit" effect.

  Speaking politely

If Admiral Togo Heihachiro dared to make a big U-turn in front of our fleet, it would be tantamount to self-destruction.

  Deduced results based on the sand table

  When the two sides are 12 nautical miles apart, the Japanese fleet will perform a large-turn maneuver in front of the formation, which will be devastated within 20 minutes, with a probability of more than 70%.

  When the two sides are 10 nautical miles apart, the probability exceeds 90%.

   When the distance is within 8 nautical miles, 100% will be devastated, and accidents are impossible.

  For example, in the Japanese-Russian naval battle, the Japanese fleet made a big turn at a distance of 6 to 7 nautical miles. With the terrible artillery skills of the Tsarist Russian fleet, it was completely unable to seize the chance of a fatal blow.

And this possibility does not exist in the Imperial Navy. Our training is to place the enemy at a distance of 15 nautical miles for long-range strikes. At this distance, the Fuso Navy fleet cannot cause harm to us, but we can. Relying on the advantage of speed to keep the distance, use the method of "flying a kite" to annihilate the opponents one by one.

   Confidence comes from advanced equipment, long-term rigorous training, brave and fearless army soul and radio rangefinder as a big killer.

The technical level of the main guns of the Japanese and Russian armies is similar. The Japanese "Shikishima" class battleship uses the British second-class 12-inch main gun technology, which is a 12-inch 40-caliber Model 1895 main gun, which is exported by the British Armstrong Company. The main equipment is more powerful than the old 12-inch 30-diameter Model 1877.

Due to the generalization of ammunition, both the new and the old guns use 331.7 kilograms of shells. However, due to the increased barrel length and the use of new propellants, the ejection speed of the gun has been greatly increased. Progress.

The muzzle velocity of the shells launched by the Model 1877 is only 580 m/s, while the Model 1895 can reach 792 m/s.

  Such a high muzzle velocity also greatly increases the range of the projectile. When the main guns of the Shikishima-class battleships are fired at a maximum elevation angle of 15 degrees, the maximum range can reach approximately 14,000 meters.

  The old-fashioned warship using Model 1877, but still can’t reach the range of 10,000 meters, shows the leap in performance.

  In order to speed up the feeding speed, a new electric hoist is installed in the turret, so the firing speed is faster than that of previous warships.

  For the Fuso United Fleet, it is the most powerful 12-inch twin-mounted main gun they can obtain.

  However, compared with the 44-caliber twin-mounted 305mm main guns of our "Metropolis" class battleships, the performance of this main gun is one generation behind.

  When fired at a maximum elevation angle of 16.5 degrees, the shell has a muzzle velocity of 922 meters per second and a range of 18 kilometers, which is far ahead of the opponent.

And our Metropolitan-class battleship has an average speed of 22 knots per hour, which is far ahead of Japan’s 18 knots. Coupled with the blessing of the radio rangefinder artifact, the Japanese can be proud of their alliance every minute. The fleet was crushed into slag. "

  After finishing speaking, Admiral He Fang looked at the cabinet ministers around him proudly, with a bright smile on his face.

   "Well... what if a fleet of the same size confronts the Royal Navy?" Lord Hu Chaoshan asked again, immortal.

Admiral He Fang’s face suddenly became very exciting, he hesitated and replied; “The British navy’s single-ship firepower is far better than ours, with long range and great power, and artillery training is at the top level in the world. We are in armored defense. It has an advantage in terms of speed, uh...probably slightly worse."

  (End of this chapter)

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