Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 851: Enter the wrong temple gate to worship the wrong Buddha

  Chapter 851 Entering the wrong temple gate to worship the wrong Buddha

The news of the Battle of Vladivostok spread immediately. The country of Fuso was like a doping shot. The whole country was jubilant. Diehards who shouted "Long live the emperor" gathered in Tokyo. The main party held a parade of more than 100,000 people. Celebrate this great victory over the white naval power.

  To tell the truth, this battle really boosts energy.

  Sweeping away the national sentiment that has been suppressed for a long time since the "Black Ship Incident", and rushing on the road from humble to arrogant, it will not take many years to become rampant and forget about it.

  A small country and a few people have a shallow background, and there is nothing more rampant than this.

The great battle that took place outside Vladivostok also shocked European and American countries. The strong should receive due respect. This made the world's powers look at Fusang with different eyes and regarded it as another power rising in the Western Pacific. .

  Li Fushou knows;

  Don’t look at the results of this naval battle that shocked the European and American worlds. In essence, due to the lack of humane factors, the results of this naval battle have shrunk greatly, almost 40%.

  Don’t say anything else

  After the Battle of Tsushima in the original history, the Second Pacific Fleet and Third Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy were annihilated. Six of the seven battleships were sunk and one battleship "Eagle" was captured.

Of the 35 cruisers and destroyers in Tsarist Russia, 23 were sunk, 6 were captured, and only 6 escaped. They were the flagship of the cruiser squadron Oleg, Aurora, Pearl and Diamond. The first three escaped. In the Port of Manila, only the "Diamond" cruiser and a destroyer escaped into the port of Vladivostok, which is terrible.

  The Fuso United Fleet lost only three torpedo boats, killing 117 people and wounding 583 people, which can be said to be insignificant.

  This was the most severely lost naval battle in the history of naval battles in the world, especially better than the Sino-Japanese naval battles and the Yellow Sea battles between Japan and Russia.

  Even the most imaginative military observers of European and American countries could not foresee the terrible defeat of the Tsarist Russian Navy.

  Since then, both Tsarist Russia and its successor naval power have been looked down upon. This is still the case more than 100 years later. The beginning was the great sea battle that shocked the world.

  While countries around the world are still digesting this astonishing news, Li Fushou’s vision through the times can see something different.

  Now history has turned a corner

  The Russian fleet suffered a terrible loss. The so-called rotten ship still had three-inch nails, and some belongings were left behind.

The battleship "Nicholas I" of the Russian fleet was seriously injured, and the "Admiral Apraksin", the "Admiral Senjavin" and the "Eagle" were slightly injured. They escaped into the port of Vladivostok. Dare to come out.

  After all, the entire army was not annihilated. Among the four battleships, the "Eagle" was a 13,500-ton "Borodino"-class battleship. It was a new ship that had just been launched. The damage was not serious, and its combat effectiveness could be restored as long as it was fully repaired.

  The other three battleships and 7 cruisers, as long as they are fully repaired, plus the original 3 cruisers and more than 10 destroyers in the Shanghai Canwei Port, are a sea force that cannot be underestimated.

  Holding such capital in his hands, how could Tsar Nicholas II willingly surrender?

This battle also awakened the upper-class ruling class of Tsarist Russia. They knew that the small Fusang country was not good for each other. Basically, it would not take the remaining naval power of the port of Vladivostok to come out and hit the stone. Only the deterrent force of the fleet exists.

  It is true that he cannot pose a serious threat to the Fusang United Fleet, but he is stuck in his heart like a thorn.

  You don’t see me

After the Great Battle of Vladivostok, most of the ships belonging to the Fuso United Fleet returned to port for rest, but still maintained two battleships, two cruisers with a lineup of more than 10 second-tier armored cruisers and more than 20 destroyers, and continued to block the port of Vladivostok .

  This naval force has already accounted for 60% of the Fusang Country’s combined fleet.

  It can be seen that the Japanese side dare not slack at all times, let alone let Nanshan go, and continue to maintain a tightly sealed lock on the port of Vladivostok.

  The huge fleet will go up the sea for a day, and it will cost nearly 100,000 yen in the naval budget. Over time, it can really drag down Fuso’s finances.

  From a strategic perspective, this is exactly the situation that the Ocean Empire would like to see. It is better to stand side by side in the Western Pacific than to fight for hegemony between the two powers.

  Easily letting the little devil free his hands, it is inevitable that he will look forward to his own self, and develop some unnecessary covetousness towards the South Pacific region.

  This is not to be afraid of it, but there is no need to be so troublesome.

  After this battle, Japan and Russia will inevitably be feuds of blood. The Ocean Empire Navy can choose a partner gracefully, exert strong pressure on the other party, and leverage strength to get twice the result with half the effort.

  Now every country in the world sees that the Russian fleet is paper tigers. It is pure mud that cannot support the wall. The backbone was broken during the Great Battle of Vladivostok. The breath of heart was broken, and it turned into something like a dog.

  Li Fushou was not without regret, but he was helpless.

He has done his best to help the Tsarist Russian fleet, just before ordering the imperial fleet to help Tsarist Russia fight this battle. The Tsarist Russian expeditionary fleet still loses so badly. It only sunk two Japanese cruisers and one destroyer, and it was not so ugly on the books.

  It may be that the blind cat met the dead mouse in the night battle, which really invited the sky.

  There is no naval heritage, and no naval heritage is something that can’t be used on the stage after all. It is pure hope to hope that the Tsarist Russian fleet will show off its power as if taking drugs and exert its usual 1,000% ability to defeat the little devil.

  It seems that in the future, the Royal Oceanic Navy will still need to worry about it, hoping that the Qing Dynasty and Russia are unreliable and will rush to give others food.

  Cabinet Prime Minister Viscount Fan Zhongzhai, under the leadership of the royal secretary, entered the East Pavilion and respectfully greeted him; "We will see your majesty."

  "Brother Zhong Zhai, come, watch tea, sit down and talk."

   "Thank you, Your Majesty."

  Prime Minister Fan Zhongzhai sat down on the brocade stool and looked at His Majesty’s thoughtful face. He knew that the hottest topic at the moment was the Great Battle in Vladivostok in the Far East. It was truly shocking and disturbed the turmoil of the Asian structure.

  "Brother Nakasai, how do you see the current trend of the Russo-Japanese War in the Far East?"

  Unsurprisingly, Li Fushou really asked this question. The so-called one person counts the shortcomings, and everyone counts the chiefs. He wants to hear the opinions of the cabinet.

  Prime Minister Fan Zhongzhai bowed his hands and replied cautiously;

  "Return to your Majesty;

  The Cabinet recently discussed the matter, and listened to the special analysis reports of the Department of War and the Department of Navy, and basically reached a consensus.

  That is, after a year and a half of **** Russo-Japanese War, the situation is becoming increasingly clear. Now Japan not only occupies most of the advantages, but also has turned the advantage into an irreversible victory. It is extremely difficult for Tsarist Russia to come back and it is almost impossible.

  Now both sides are exhausted, and at the end of the force, they cannot penetrate Luzhen.

  It is a waste of life and money, which will not help the general situation, but will provoke even greater humiliation.

  Therefore, the cabinet ministers believe that this war should come to an end. "

"The hero sees the same thing, and I think so..." At this point, Li Fushou paused, took out a telegram in his hand and looked at it, then pushed forward along the table to signal the Prime Minister Fan Zhongzhai to look over; "This is an ocean-going telegram sent to me by Tsar Nicholas II. There is a sense of unwillingness between the lines. Today, Tsarist Russia is still increasing its troops to the Far East at a rate of 30,000 per month and wants to continue the war."

  "This...he wants to find support from the empire?" Prime Minister Fan Zhongzhai quickly browsed through it, and said with a surprised expression.

   "Ha ha ha... Nicholas II is not stupid. He will dominate the unfavorable situation in the Far East with a little devil in the future, hoping to persuade me to take this trip to the muddy waters, but also want to get blinded."


From both national and strategic perspectives, Tsar Nicholas II tried his best to state the shortcomings of the Fusang kid’s dominance of the Far East. He described himself as a messenger of justice and a pioneer against Fusang’s expansionism. He painted a beautiful picture of the Northeast. The tri-provincial union and the ruler together...

  Anyway, the three provinces of Northeast China are used as painting cakes to lure the Ocean Empire into the bait.

  Thousands of words eloquently confuse people.

This is not the delusion of Tsar Nicholas II, because after the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, the Ocean Empire once used the port of pastoral port to take down the elite forces of the Fuso United Fleet. It also bombarded Nagasaki and deterred Tokyo Bay by force. The Fusang people took away a large amount of war reparations, and also took away the Taiwan and Penghu area, and the response to the north and south of the Tsarist Empire made the little devil suffer a big loss.

  Now it is the time when the two sides are exhausted. The Ocean Empire army stepped in at this time, and it is bound to become the last straw to overwhelm the camel and instantly reverse the situation. The benefits of it are naturally self-evident.

  Unfortunately, it was Li Fushou that he was against. Li Fushou was a sage for the entire China land. He would not even interfere with the wealthy Southeastern provinces, let alone go to the Far East to compete with Japan and Russia.

  That’s why Li Fushou said that he wanted to be blind, something impossible at all.

"Brother Zhong Zhai, you negotiate with the envoys of the two sides through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to test the possibility of sitting down for peace talks, and then decide the next step." After Li Fushou gave a few words, he thought about it, and then went on; There should be no problem with Tsarist Russia. They can't fight without our support. Now the revolutionary riots in Tsarist Russia are surging, and the situation may get out of control. It is not Nicholas II's decision to fight or not to fight.

  Instead, the little devils have some trouble. Since the Meiji Restoration, they have always been very close to Citi, and international mediation may be more hopeful that whites will take action. This will look more face and show the glory of the victorious country.

  We can’t get used to him, and we’re going to beat him when it’s time to beat him.

  Just reveal the sealed telegram of Nicholas II to the little devil Fusang, let them consider it for themselves!

  If you can hold on, from Changchun, Harbin to Vladivostok, then Ocean Empire will be happy to see it happen, otherwise, just sit down and negotiate honestly, don't think too much about what you have.

  If the Far East is not lively, Ocean Empire doesn’t mind adding fire. "

  "Weichen abides by the decree." Fan Zhongzhai is an outstanding talent, who knows elegance by hearing the song.

  The Russo-Japanese War was almost fought to this extent. Even if the remaining disputes recurred, they were all small-scale frictions and battles. Both sides were unable to launch large-scale battles. It was purely a waste of time.

  The ability to hold talks under the auspices of the Ocean Empire and reach a truce decision can highlight Australia’s international status. On the one hand, it can take advantage of the source and maximize the benefits.

  If you want to come under pressure and pressure, there should be no problem, right?

  (End of this chapter)

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