Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 850: Different

   Chapter 850

  On the sea

The battleship "Duke Suvorov" billowed with flames, and was hit hard by just two rounds of artillery fire. A minute later, the third round of Japanese artillery fired again and exploded on the giant steel ship that was launched just last year. Several huge fireballs were opened.

In the fierce ravages of Japanese artillery fire, the battleship "Duke Suvorov" was bombed with smoke billowing, and the flames soared to the sky. The entire hull of the ship rushed to one side crookedly, and it was more than 400 meters away from the battle line. , Twirling and moving away.

The fool also noticed that the flagship "Duke Suvorov" has been scrapped. Not only the power has been lost, but the direction is also uncontrollable. The left side freeboard is tilted due to the massive influx of sea water, and 5 sideboards are 76 mm rapid fire. The cannon was covered by waves and had completely lost its ability to fire.

  At this time at night

  The outer harbor of Vladivostok has a wave height of 9 meters and a wind speed of 50 knots. The weather is harsh on the western Pacific coast, but it is just normal in the storm-ridden Atlantic Ocean.

  As a battleship designed for ocean-going use, it should be able to overcome such severe weather and continue to fight.

The battleship "Duke Suvorov" was directly destroyed by three rounds of artillery. The main and secondary guns could not be fired because of a large amount of water. The water surface is more than 20 meters high, completely finished.

  Here, we have to talk about the design flaws of the "Borodino" class battleships, which belong to the defects in the tires.

The Borodino-class battleships are five first-class battleships, which are the first mass-built new battleships of the Tsarist Empire. Its design drawings are derived from the battleship "Prince" built by France for Tsarist Russia and the "Sofin" used by the French. The design of the battleship No. 3 is the same, and the differences are not much different.

  The freeboard of the French battleship "Sofin" is very high, but due to the inward inclination of the bow, the seaworthiness is not good, that is to say, the waves on the deck are serious.

  It is said that sometimes when the side of the ship is hit by triangular waves, the waves can even wash up to the top of the superstructure.

   at this point

The "Metropolis" class battleship of the British Ocean Empire faces the open ocean. In order to adapt to the harsh sea conditions, it adopts a high freeboard and a large-angle bow design, which can well suppress the waves on the bow. Much better than the French.

In order to lower the center of gravity of the hull, the French designers improved the shape of the long bow of the battleship "Sofin", eliminating the weight of half of the deck. The loss of freeboard had a serious impact on the seaworthiness. Tsarist Russia" The Borodino-class battleship also inherited this shortcoming.

The problem is

  Russia is not the same as France. The main force of the French navy is in the basically calm Mediterranean Sea. It is relatively long and short with Germany, Italy, Austro-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire. Russia faces a vast ocean.

After the "Borodino class" battleship copied the design of the stable center of gravity at the expense of the French at the expense of freeboard, the design was also disturbed by the size and capacity of the dry dock of Lushun Port, and the hull became narrower and shorter. , Had a serious impact on the artillery layout.

  Lvshun Dockyard is only 14,000 tons, so the "Borodino-class" battleship can only be built up to 13,500 tons, which is a deadly indicator that cannot be broken. Otherwise, once the ship needs to enter the dock, it can only go south to Manila Port for maintenance.

  The Russians not only lowered the height of the rear deck, they also reduced the thickness of the main armor belt.

The   7.5-inch side armor belt is actually not intended by the Russians. Although the armor strength has been leapfrogged due to the use of new materials and technology, it has not yet been able to reach the point where it can be guaranteed with such a thickness.

  The original design was to install 10-inch-thick side armor on the "Borodino", but this expectation was still dashed due to tonnage. After reducing the thickness of the main armor belt by 2.5 inches and greatly reducing its coverage area, the side armor belt is only 1.83 meters above the waterline.

  The design of "Borodino" has allowed it to barely squeeze into the already small dock in Lushun. This modification has laid deep hidden dangers for its fate.

  After the second round of fierce shelling by the Japanese army, a large amount of seawater poured into the port side of the battleship "Duke Suvorov", and the side armor belt, which was only 1.83 meters above the waterline, was submerged and became an underwater armor belt.

In the third round of artillery strikes, the Japanese 305mm artillery shells exploded near the ship. The maximum water pressure instantly tore the unarmored left hull, forming a 17-meter-long gap, which eventually caused the port side. The five 76mm secondary guns on the side were all submerged in the sea, losing the final resistance.

  In more than 4 minutes, the Fusang combined fleet fired three rounds of shelling, which severely damaged the flagship battleship "Duke Suvorov". The Russian fleet fired two rounds of shelling one after another, but nothing was done.

  The Japanese army then concentrated its fourth round of artillery fire on the battleship "Borodino" and launched a fierce bombardment on it.

  The rumble of cannons made this dark night full of killing and blood.

After the Fuso United Fleet seized the T-head, it took advantage of its higher speed and sideboard to be able to give full play to its firepower, madly pouring firepower on the Tsarist Russian warships that entered the battle line, and slightly injured the "Borodino". After the battleship, it focused on fire and attacked the flagship of the second battle team "Osliavia", which was hit by six Japanese battleships and suffered heavy losses.

   sank about 1 hour and 45 minutes after the start of the battle. Of the 900 officers and soldiers on the ship, only more than 300 survived.

   Lost his command and feared the fierce blows of the Japanese battleships. The Russian battleships that had entered the battle line had already been scattered in formation, and the fired shells were scattered and without aim, and could not cause fatal damage to the opponent.

  On the dark sea

   Fusang third and fourth teams and the Russian cruiser squad fought a melee. During the battle, 3 Fusang cruisers were hit hard, and several Russian auxiliary ships were sunk.

  The sea route is chaotic, the gunfire is filled with smoke, and the guns are rumbling, it is almost a pot of porridge, and the two sides have begun a big scuffle.

The fifth and sixth Fuso teams then went into battle. Soon after, the Russian cruiser "Svetlana" was sunk. Another old cruiser "Donskoy" stubbornly resisted the siege of the 6 Fuso cruisers and attacked. Two of them were injured, "Naniwa" and "Otowa", and they were finally beaten and sunk by the opponent.

  In a melee

  The battleship "Eagle" ventured close to the flagship "Duke Suvorov" floating on the sea, rescued the fleet commander Lieutenant General Roger Stevinsky and dozens of others, and then evaded the intensive artillery fire from the Japanese ship.

  Seriously wounded, Lieutenant General Roger Stevinsky issued an order to "break through the siege of each ship" before he fell into a coma. This order saved many warships.

  At this time, the battleship "Alexander III", which was increasingly devastated by fire, sank and all its crew members were killed.

Ten minutes later, the "Borodino" ammunition depot was hit by the Japanese "Fuji". The ammunition depot was destroyed and caused a violent explosion of the boiler. The high fireball blasted into the sky for more than 100 meters, and the warship immediately It sank and sank into the icy seabed in just a few minutes. Only one officer and soldier of the entire ship was rescued.

  The flagship "Duke Suvorov" floating tenaciously on the sea was still shelled by the Japanese. The Japanese destroyer fired torpedoes and finally sank the "Duke Suvorov". 20 people survived on the ship.

No matter how fierce the Japanese artillery fire, how precise, after all, this sea battle broke out at night when the line of sight was poor, and the heavy smoke of gunfire was filled with fire. In addition, the main force of the Japanese was only 4 battleships and 6 cruisers, with 305 mm main ship guns. Limited, it is impossible to intercept all enemy ships.

  "Nicholas I", "Admiral Apraksin", "Admiral Senjavin", and "Eagle" and other 4 battleships fled into the port of Vladivostok by night,

, "Sissoy-Veliki", "Admiral Nasimov", "Navarin", "Admiral Ushakov", and the old armored cruiser "Monomah" also took advantage of the chaos to stand out. Enter the port of Vladivostok.

  "Diamond", "Emerald" cruiser and some destroyers also entered the port of Vladivostok in the early hours of the morning.

  As of June 2nd at 7:15 in the morning

The six-hour tragic melee at sea finally came to an end. In this battle, the battleship of the Russian expeditionary fleet lost more than half of the battleships, the flagship "Duke Suvorov", "Borodino", and "Alexander III" battleship. The battle was sunk successively, "Nicholas I" was seriously injured, "Admiral Apraksin", "Admiral Xeniavin" and "Eagle" and other three battleships were slightly injured.

Seven battleships, three were sunk in battle, one was seriously injured, and the remaining three were all with varying degrees of injuries. There was no dock for repairing battleships in the port of Vladivostok, and the dock at Port Lushun, which was able to repair battleships, had fallen into the hands of the Japanese. .

  This means that the strength of the fleet cannot be recovered, just like a wounded beast, it can only hide in the port of Vladivostok.

In this battle, 16 Russian warships were sunk, 7 were captured, 4 were detained by neutral countries, and 11 were returned to Hong Kong. A total of 170,000 tons of ships were lost, 2,730 people were killed, and 1,106 were captured; the Japanese lost only two cruisers. , A destroyer, 3 torpedo boats, 525 people killed and 413 injured.

  Fusang has achieved an unprecedented victory, and the whole country is jubilant.

With the brilliant results of the Vladivostok naval battle, the Fusang National Navy has since stepped into the ranks of the world's naval powers, and has been unanimously recognized by European and American powers. It ranks only behind the Royal Navy of the Ocean Empire, behind Britain, Germany, France, and the ocean, living in the world. In fifth place, the ranking is still ahead of the Citi National Navy.

  The Russian army was beaten back to its original shape by this battle, and was ridiculed by powers from all over the world. It detonated large-scale civil unrest in the country several times, and for a while caused St. Petersburg to be burnt.

  Mainland Australia

  Daming Palace

  Li Fushou was holding this Far East report, but his face showed an elusive look. The corners of his mouth were slightly curved, as if he thought of something funny?

  For nothing else, it is that the loss on this battle report has been very different in history, and it still retains some bones and blood for the Tsarist Russian Navy.

  Originally in history

  In the Battle of Tsushima Strait, 38 Russian warships were sunk 21, 7 were captured, 6 were detained by neutral countries, and 3 were returned to port. The loss of ships totaled 270,000 tons, 4,830 people were killed, and 6,106 were captured.

  After this battle

  The elite of the Russian navy was almost annihilated. Since then, it has been sluggish, and it has not been relieved until the Second World War. In the past few decades, there has been no Russian navy in the world's oceans.

  The Japanese army lost only 3 torpedo boats, less than 300 tons, and killed 117 people and injured 583 people.

  Comparing the two figures is really interesting. So will the subsequent development be different from the original history?

Tsar Nicholas II had a hard-headed temper. Just look at his performance in World War I. He always wanted to go to the dark one by one. Just like a gambling ghost, as long as he has a little bit of capital, he must Will not give up easily.

  If this is the case, then the little devil should have a headache.

  (End of this chapter)

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