Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 854: good student

   Chapter 854 Good Student

  On September 5, 1905, Japan and Russia signed the "Brisbane Treaty" after 55 days of negotiations in the Ocean Empire Brisbane, which officially ended the Russo-Japanese War on the lands of the Far East.

  The war that took place in the Far East was large in scale, heavy losses, and extremely **** and brutal. It had a profound impact on the development of modern military in the 20th century.

  The 13 divisions of the Japanese Army were all engaged in the war. During the war, the Fuso Kingdom revised the enlistment order, and the age of service was extended from 32 to 37 years old, and the mobilization ability was approaching its limit.

When General Nogi Hitori returned to the country with the victory of the Third Army, General Nogi Hitori shed tears in the boat, and wrote a poem: "The emperor will conquer millions of captives, and the corpses will be attacked in the field. Ashamed, I see my elders and triumph today. A few people still."

  After returning home

  The emperor organized a triumphal ceremony for the army. At the welcoming meeting of Zhujie, Nogi Nogi's first sentence was: "I am not killing my brother and my father is Nogi Noki."

  As soon as this statement came out, people in the welcoming crowd burst into tears. Sad emotions permeated the Zhu Jie meeting, thinking of their loved ones who died in the distance.

  September 17

The Ocean Empire received a large order from the Tsarist Empire, including a 20,000-ton shipyard, a large shipyard with all the machinery and equipment and infrastructure, 120,000 tons of cement, 16,000 tons of steel bars and other logistical materials, including several 100,000 tons. Ten thousand woolen blankets, woolen coats, 20,000 tons of flour, 1,500 tons of various cans, 5,000 tents, various quilts, soldier belts and leather kettles, leather boots, etc. The contract totals 1.35 billion francs, worth about 67 million pounds , 135 million Jinyang.

  This super big contract includes the repair of 4 battleships, 11 cruisers and more destroyers, which is exactly like a reorganization, covering the army and the navy.

  As for why this super contract is priced in French francs, the reason is very simple. Tsar Nicholas II was extremely angry with the French allies watching the fire from the shore in this war, which seriously threatened the existence of the Franco-Russian alliance.

The Franco-Russian alliance is the cornerstone of France's confrontation with the German, Italian-Austrian tri-nation alliance in Europe, and there is absolutely no room for error. Therefore, the French held their noses to pay the bill for Tsarist Russia in order to obtain Tsar Nicholas II's money. understanding.

This is not a matter of the Ocean Empire. In order to fulfill this large order, we immediately organized a large-scale cargo fleet to go northward, and a large cargo fleet consisting of several hundred thousand tons of huge ships went northward one after another, bringing a huge amount of it. Supplies.

  This incident frightened the Fusang country. It not only lodged a serious protest to Russia and France, but also lodged a serious protest to the Ocean Empire, and united the United Kingdom and the United States to put pressure on it in an effort to disrupt this big business.

  As a result, the Ocean Empire did not have Britain and the United States at all.

  As for the Fuso Kingdom that jumped up and down, the Pacific Fleet brought together all the elite main battleships to form two powerful fleets consisting of 4 battleships and 10 cruisers, one along the South China Sea to the Yellow Sea, and northward through the Tsushima Strait.

A group along Taiwan, Ryukyu, and the Fusang Islands traveled north to the Pacific Ocean east and passed through the Soya Strait. The last two powerful fleets gathered in the waters north of the four northern islands and held large-scale live ammunition drills, which shocked the arrogant Fusang. country.

  After this incident, Fusang was silent, and the faces of Britain and the United States were slapped. There was nothing else to do except a complaint in the media.

  Relying on its strong strength as the foundation, the Ocean Empire's business between Japan and Russia is flourishing.

For Tsarist Russia, the Ocean Empire is the only supplier of large quantities of supplies in the Far East. Britain and Japan are both enemies. Citigroup is a potential enemy that fully supports the enemy, while the ally France has no industrial foundation in the French Indochina and cannot provide it. Materials needed.

  The Far Eastern Territory wants to recover quickly. Instead of transporting materials from the European part of Tsarist Russia, it is better to obtain it from the Ocean Empire. On the contrary, it is cheaper and more affordable, and the supply is guaranteed, with high quality and low price.

  The port of Vladivostok needs to build a strong fortress group, build an unbreakable tortoise shell, and build a 20,000-ton dock to repair the warships of the Pacific Fleet trapped in the port and restore combat effectiveness. This is all a top priority.

  The failure of the Russo-Japanese War made Tsar Nicholas II extremely unwilling.

The gains and losses of Port Lushun all the year round are even more painful to the Tsarist Empire. It means that Tsar Nicholas II’s ambitious "Yellow Russia Project" went bankrupt. This is nothing short of aggression. The sexual Tsarist Russia is still sad.

   Therefore, the ink on the "Brisbane Treaty" is still wet, and Tsarist Russia has set off a new wave of rearming.

This was an event that had not happened before in history. It was like a big knife hanging from the head. It was far from the time when Ma Fang Nanshan, which greatly aggravated the financial burden of Fusang, and had to continue to maintain thirteen. The army division's armaments did not dare to relax at all.

  In the original history

After the Russo-Japanese War, the Fuso Army and the Navy carried out major layoffs. Taking advantage of the high spirits of the victorious country, they turned their energy into the process of industrialization, and realized the rapid economic development of the Fuso country. The distance between advanced countries will lay a solid foundation for the next round of military expansion.

But now it’s different. Although military expenditures have been reduced from 55% to 32% of total fiscal expenditures, they still account for 1/3 of the total, in order to maintain a relatively high number and combat effectiveness of the army and navy, which can avoid affecting economic development. .

  Reflected in the economic field, that is, borrowing large loans to maintain the enthusiasm of economic development, inevitably losing part of the equity.

  Only from the Ocean Empire, it borrowed a huge loan of up to 270 million Jinyang, and the annual interest paid exceeded tens of millions of Jinyang.

  With financial support, a huge amount of Ocean Empire commodities flooded into the Fuso country market, which further suppressed Fuso country’s industrial development while strongly boosting the overall economy of the Ocean Empire, reflecting the tremendous power of the financial strategy.

  In the context of the strong side, there has never been fairness at all.

  The huge loans provided by Ocean Empire can only be used to import Ocean Empire products. I want to use this money to import Citigroup products. I really want to be blinded.

The Fuso people are not stupid. They used the Ocean Empire loan to build four 30,000-ton-class docks in Tokyo Bay, Kure Port, Maizuru and Nagasaki Port respectively, and introduced relevant shipyard equipment to develop their own shipbuilding industry.

  In this field, the Ocean Empire simply cannot restrict the development of Fuso's shipbuilding industry.

  You are not willing to give it. The United Kingdom, the United States, France, and Italy are willing to give it. Not only do you give equipment to technology and return talents, how can you limit it?

  In the original time and space

Before the Russo-Japanese War, Fuso Kingdom had only the ability to build destroyers below 1,000 tons. After just 10 years of rapid development, by the time of World War I, it had the world's top shipbuilding industry and was able to design and build world-class battleships by itself.

  At the beginning of the rise of a country, all kinds of talents exploded. Smart Fusang people are not inferior to the Chinese. The successful path that the Ocean Empire has traversed has been thoroughly studied by Fusang people and cited as reference.

Fusang is arguably the best student in urban management, cars driving on the right, traffic police, municipal management, accountability system, and anti-corruption system. Even the city slogans are all over the streets and alleys, all of which have been learned authentically. .

  Even if the Kingdom of Ryukyu and the Kingdom of Yue are bundled together, there is no comprehensive knowledge of Fusang Guoxue. They are thoroughly learned and comprehensive.

  So, Fusang is the best student.

  (End of this chapter)

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