Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 283: Continue to expand

  Chapter 283 Continuous Expansion

  In the bilateral peace talks held in Singapore in early June, the first peace talks broke down in just over ten minutes. This was only enough to introduce the members of the delegations of the two sides and the time to look at the negotiation text. It was really fast.

  Queensland and the Netherlands each fiercely accused each other of deliberately sabotaging the peace talks, offering unrealistic plans and asking for unreasonable prices, lacking sincerity in peace, and they are the initiators of sabotaging peace in the South Pacific and East Indies.

The response of the Queensland delegation was particularly violent. A few days later, the original 27-member negotiating delegation withdrew 19 people, leaving only Wu Mozhou and Tang Shaoyi as the chief and deputy negotiators, plus two Dutch translators and several security guards. There are only 8 people left in total, and the scale has shrunk by more than two-thirds.

  In order to avoid the real breakdown of the peace talks, representatives of the British and various missions that convened the mediation have participated in mediation and pressure, but Queensland's attitude is very resolute;

  The Netherlands has no sincerity in peaceful negotiations, which prevents the negotiations from proceeding, and must bear all serious consequences for this.

  After making hard words, the secretary general, Fan Zhongzhai, led a large number of negotiators to leave and returned directly to Australia by boat without mentioning it.

  As a result, the peace negotiations have reached a deadlock.

one week later

  June 10, 1882

  Borneo (Kalimantan Island)

  Machen Port, South Kalimantan

Port Macin is an important coastal port city in South Kalimantan. The city has a population of about 70,000. Among them, there are about 900 people of white Dutch descent. Most of them are plantation owners, colonial officials and their families. There are about 12,000 Chinese. The population is a local indigenous ethnic group.

  Facing the strong invasion of the Queensland army, the Dutch defenders assembled 380 white soldiers and 1,100 indigenous servants to build a fortress between the fortified houses and prepare to fight the enemy stubbornly.

Today, this originally peaceful and beautiful seaside port city is caught in the flames of war. Queensland warships gathered in the harbor, and a large number of Shangri-La division soldiers in military uniforms rushed into the city along the trestle bridge. Crisp gunfire sounded from time to time. There were more than a dozen places in the city. Smoke billowed from the fierce battle.

  Some of the strong Dutch fortresses that resisted fiercely were bombarded by warships, and the defenses quickly fell apart. Except for some Dutch defenders who fled quickly, the other defenders were killed or injured, and the rest were also taken prisoners obediently.

  In just over a day, he has completely occupied the city.

A Dutch-style three-story building in the city was requisitioned as a command headquarters. Soldiers with live ammunition stood guard at the door. Two defensive ramparts were piled up with sandbags. Each of them contained a hand-operated six-barreled heavy machine gun with a black hole muzzle. Pointing to the distant street, there is a solemn atmosphere.

  In the command post

  The commander of the division, Wei Chi Shou, looked at a group of young officers vigorously. Some military uniforms still had traces of battle smoke. They maintained high morale in continuous battles, showed a strong desire to fight, and showed the demeanor of a strong army in the region.


The garrison division of Shangri-La divided into two consecutive victories, destroying the city all the way, from Samarinda to the north, and successively captured the towns of Saipasu, Tanjong Pasay, Bangtan, Taragen, etc., and moved East Kalimantan Province. Large tracts of land in the north are included in the bag.

  Continuously conquered important cities and towns such as Balikpapan and Tanagrogo from Samarinda to the south, and occupied all the southern areas of East Kalimantan Province, achieving military occupation of the entire territory of East Kalimantan Province.

  In the battle, more than 6,000 enemy troops were killed, wounded and captured, of which about 1,370 were in the white colonial army, and the rest were indigenous servants.

   Now received an order from Shangfeng to extend the war to South Kalimantan...

  The military operation to occupy Machen Port is the beginning of a new round of expansion. It indicates that the Shangri-La Division will continue to march forward. Peace negotiations will not reach an agreement day by day, and the pace of war will not stop day by day.

The division commander, Wei Chi Shouzhuo, said loudly; "Brothers of the Shangri-La division, after a month of **** battles, we have fully occupied all the important towns in East Kalimantan, achieved effective rule of the region, and used thunder to fight back against the Netherlands. For the invaders' shameless infringement on Shangri-La Island, the commander-in-chief sent a message to encourage the whole division and soldiers to continue their efforts and use an iron fist to teach the Dutch severely..."

  The voice has not fallen

  The young officers shouted with enthusiasm and anger;

   "Long live the principal, vowed to uphold the dignity of the principal, and the territorial integrity of Shangri-La Island, and will never allow the Dutch to invade!"

  "Destroy the Dutch and occupy Borneo."

   "Long live the Earl of Queensland, I will follow it to the death, and I will never change my ambition."

   "I am willing to throw my head, and sprinkle my blood to open up territory for the principal, and fully occupy Borneo."


Resounding slogans are flooding the command center. These officers are young guards carefully trained by the principal. Most of them are under the age of 234. Most of them come from the "Young Eagle Project" school. Standard diehards, they are really screaming and aggressive when they go to war.

  The young officers are already passionate without incitement, and their desire to fight is extremely strong.

  The commander of the division, Wei Chi Shouzhuo, waited until the loud shouts were a little slower, and gestured to stop by pressing down with both hands. The shouts of the officers stopped abruptly, and he continued to speak;

  "Today, we occupied Port Macin, the first step to march into South Kalimantan Province. The next step is to occupy Matapura, 46 kilometers away, to consolidate our military occupation in the area.

  After this, the whole division will enter a one-month rest and reorganization. This is the good news I want to announce to you.

  Commander in chief..."

   said this sentence, all the officers stood at attention with their legs together, their waists upright, waiting for the commander, Wei Chi Shouzhuo, to announce the order.

   “In view of the serious lack of sincerity in peace, the Dutch side’s request for the separation of China’s inherent territory directly led to the breakdown of peace negotiations, and we must bear serious and unshirkable responsibility for this.

   Therefore, the commander-in-chief decided to fight back against the arrogance of the Dutch side with an iron-and-blooded attitude, further expand the occupation of various regions in Borneo, and use an iron fist to fight back against the enemy's provocations.

  Due to the prolonged and normalized war, in order to cope with the current situation, we have decided to reorganize and reorganize your department. The order is as follows;

  The original Shangri-La Division 1 Regiment, Artillery Regiment 1 Battalion, Heavy Regiment and Division Headquarters were expanded to "Kalimantan 1st Division". The original unit designation was removed, and insufficient personnel were selected from the militia. This is hereby ordered.

  Zi appointed Yu Chi Shouzhuo as the Borneo military commander and the commander of the Kalimantan First Division, the deputy commander Li Baihu also served as the commander of the regiment, the deputy commander Huo Xiaohu concurrently served as the second regiment commander, and Zhou Dachu as the third regiment commander.

  The former Shangri-La Division 2nd Regiment, Artillery Regiment 2nd Battalion, Guard Battalion and Division Headquarters were expanded to "Kalimantan 2nd Division". The original unit designation was removed, and insufficient personnel were selected from the militia. This is hereby ordered.

  I hereby appointed Liu Shan as the commander of the second division of Kalimantan and the commander of either regiment, deputy commander Koch concurrently as the second regiment commander, and Hu Zhengzhong as the third regiment commander.

  In addition, report on the reorganization of the troops stationed on Shangri-La Island;

  Using the 3rd Regiment of the former Shangri-La Division and the 3rd Battalion of the Artillery Regiment as the team, it was upgraded to the Shangri-La garrison division. We hereby appoint Fritz as the commander-in-chief of Shangri-La's military and the commander of the garrison, and the deputy commander Mo Rufeng also serves as the third regiment commander (the third regiment is the main regiment), one regiment commander Qi Feng, and the second regiment commander Zhao Jiaxiong.

   Hereby order!

  The order is issued and executed immediately, and I hope you will fight bravely, continue to work hard, set up a model of iron-blooded soldiers, and make new achievements for our Chinese immigrants to expand the living space.

  This order! "

After the    order was read out, there was cheers in the command headquarters. After the large-scale expansion of the troops, all the young officers present were added to the ranks. Naturally, they were excited and full of fighting spirit.

  This large-scale expansion is a change in response to the actual situation on the battlefield.

  On the battlefield of Shangri-La Island, the Moresby area became the focus of contention. After the Third Garrison absorbed 4 militia regiments, the scale expanded to a staggering 13,000 people. This was an act of tacit approval by the headquarters.

  The task of completely destroying the Dutch landing forces is overwhelming. In order to launch a large-scale counterattack, it is imperative to twist all military forces into a single rope, allowing the troops to grow rapidly in the **** battle.

  In the face of a powerful enemy, it is imperative that the third garrison is upgraded and adapted to the Shangri-La garrison.

The former Shangri-La division commander Wei Chi Shouzhuo led the first regiment, second regiment and artillery regiment to land in Samarinda Port. With the assistance of more than 10,000 militiamen, they expanded rapidly and fully occupied East Kalimantan Province and were heading for South Kalimantan. Provincial advance.

  The two regiments and the more than 4,500 troops of the division cannot occupy a wider area. In order to cope with the changes in the current situation and the long-term military needs of stationing in Borneo, the reorganization of the troops is imperative.

  After this round of expansion

  According to the standard of a full division of 6,500 people, the entire Borneo will have two main divisions with a total of 13,000 people, integrating experienced militias to quickly form combat effectiveness.

  To this end, Australia will send 170 retired veterans and 820 young grassroots officers who graduated from the Young Eagle School to further strengthen the control of the new forces in order to form combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

  The main towns in South Kalimantan are Matapura and Machen. The occupation of these two important towns means the occupation of South Kalimantan and a small half of the entire Dutch Borneo.

  Choosing to reorganize troops at this time is an old-fashioned and prudent approach.

  Borneo (Kalimantan Island) has a total area of ​​about 743,300 square kilometers and is the third largest island in the world. It has a tropical jungle climate with an average annual temperature of 24 to 25 degrees and rainfall of about 1,700 mm.

  Today's Borneo belongs to four major forces;

  Among these, the largest power is Sarawak, Sabah and Brunei in British Malaya, collectively known as the "Three States of North Borneo", or "Sabon Sa" for short, with a total area of ​​196,500 square kilometers.

  The second largest power is Lanfang Country in the northwest region, covering an area of ​​less than 30,000 square kilometers. It is the only country left by the Chinese in the Nanyang region today.

  The largest force is the Dutch Kalimantan area, covering an area of ​​509,000 square kilometers, divided into five provinces: North Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, and West Kalimantan.

  Of course, this was the situation before April 1, 1882.

  After the Queensland forces landed in Samarinda, East Kalimantan and South Kalimantan fell into the pockets of Li Fushou successively, forming the fourth largest force in Borneo.

  Cut off a large piece of colony from the hands of the Dutch, it really hurt their hearts, and slowly stabilized the rule of the occupied area, and it is also the meaning of the question to prevent their dogs from jumping over the wall.

  (End of this chapter)

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