Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 282: Break it with force

  Chapter 282 Breaking Through with Force

  Red Fort, Queensland

"The **** hell, I wonder if we lost, or the soldiers in front are lying about the military situation? These nasty Dutchmen don't know which string is wrong, and they dare to make such an unbelievable request after defeat. Is this what you call businessman thinking?"

  Li Fushou shook the negotiation text on his hand, really a little bit dumbfounded. His heart was filled with anger and uncertainty, and the situation could change drastically at any time.

  On the sofa next to him was Professor Allen Johnson, a private policy adviser, and took a look at the Dutch negotiation text, with a disdainful smile on his mouth.

  "Look, this is the standard attribute of those Dutch merchants. The lion is asking for prices and paying the money on the spot. This will not be an easy peace negotiation." Professor Alan Johnson replied calmly.

   "If you lose on the battlefield, what does the Dutch rely on?"

Professor Alan Johnson shook his head, obviously disagreeing with Lord Earl's statement; "Hehe...If the peace agreement is not signed in one day, you can't win or lose by war. The Dutch still have a gamble that can come back at any time. It is not for them to accept the humiliation. The peace agreement is better than grit your teeth and continue to fight the war. The situation on the battlefield is ever-changing. The Dutch may not necessarily lose. The worst situation is the current situation. It cannot be broken again, so it is psychologically expected. Higher, after all, peace negotiations are a matter for both parties. As long as they grit their teeth and disagree, this is a tug-of-war."

   "It's ridiculous!"

   "Unfortunately, this is the reality. It is not easy to profit from the Dutch. Although they are now down, their bones are still very hard."

  Speaking of this, Alan Johnson shrugged helplessly and took the Cuban cigar that Li Fushou handed over. After cutting off the hood, Professor Allen Johnson took the initiative to light up the cigars of both of them, and enjoyed them face to face.

"Your Excellency Lord, as your personal policy adviser, I have to point out that you have also made a big mistake in this matter and conveyed the wrong message to the Dutch, which caused them to hold unrealistic Excessive desire."

   "Oh... Mr. Professor, what do you mean?"

   "Everything, noble Lord Lord." Alan Johnson seems to have a lot of grievances about sending a negotiating mission for not soliciting his own opinions;

  I’m still your private policy adviser anyway, and you don’t ask me for such a big thing, do you not regard me as a private policy adviser as a cadre?

This is really to blame Li Fushou, he did not take this casually appointed private policy adviser seriously at all. He was happy to consider the negotiation delegation to go to Singapore to win the victory of the war as soon as possible. He has forgotten Alan Johnson. Jiu Xiaoyun is out.

  Of course, I can’t say this, but I have to explain it a little bit, and then send out the appointment letter of the private policy consultant as soon as possible.

  The problem is that Li Fushou was appointed casually, but everyone below took it seriously.

  What a big person says is a law, but you can’t brag about drinking too much like ordinary people, and you will not be responsible for anything after you wake up.

  That won’t work, don’t bring people like that.

  The smell of the bitter woman was almost overflowing. Li Fushou couldn't help but laugh. He took a sip of Cuban cigar and let the strong and mellow tobacco smoke diffuse; "Professor Allen, this is indeed what I have done too hastily."

   A faint sentence soothed all the grievances in Alan Johnson's heart. He felt that his heart was well and his thoughts were clear. The 36,000 pores all over his body revealed a comfortable feeling. This feeling of being respected is really good.

  Ordinary people say it has no such effect, but this is what the honorable Earl of Queensland said, and the weight is very different.

  In an era when feudal monarchs were everywhere, all beings were unequal.

The Lord Earl with the noble blood of the ancient oriental royal family in front of him is undoubtedly the dominant feudal lord. Although the title is not as loud and dazzling as the top nobles such as the Grand Duke of Hessian, the Duke of Norfolk, and the King of Hanover, he still holds the real power and power. The huge economic power under his control is not inferior at all.

  Europeans look at the nobility from the perspective of family origin, territorial strength, and family glory in the past. This is very realistic.

  No matter how high the title of aristocratic aristocracy is, it’s useless. There are a lot of great aristocrats in Europe who hold the title of duke and do not have the land of the duchy.

   Conversely, even if the title of nobility is not that high but the strength is strong, it will be universally respected.

  Earl of Queensland is top in every aspect from family noble blood to territorial strength. Ascending to the heights, he can attract a large number of talented talents from Europe to gather under his command and willingly drive him.

  That’s right, the nobles are just so awesome.

The earl is undoubtedly a great noble. I think that at the beginning, King Henry II of England and his father were the Earl of Anjou in France. This suave earl often wears a gorse on the brim of his hat. Therefore, King Henry II of England The dynasty created was called "Anjou Dynasty" or "Gorse Dynasty".

Princess Wilhelmina, the youngest daughter of King William III of the Netherlands, is only two years old and has been revered as the prince of the kingdom. Once the old king goes wrong, he immediately succeeds to the throne and becomes the new queen of the Netherlands. It is generally accepted by the kingdom’s subjects and respected by European royal families. .

Although the son of Queensland Lord Queensland has not been born yet, in the mother's belly, he has been revered by all the forces in the Red River Valley as the young master. No one can take this noble status. Therefore, in this era, life is unequal. If you want a high starting point, you must Must be a reborn little expert.

   "Mr. Professor, please tell me more specifically, I'm listening."

  "Your Honorable Lord, please forgive me for my bluntness." Alan Johnson put down the cigar in his hand, stood up slightly and bowed his body to salute. This professor who has always been a poisonous tongue must have no good words to say below.

   "It's okay, just tell me." Li Fushou had full psychological expectations.

Obtained a verbal assurance, Professor Alan Johnson said bluntly; “You made too many mistakes in your decision-making, which fully exposed your extremely naivety and immaturity. Of course, the Dutch must grasp this and take a bite. As for whether you can eat it, that is another question.

  Eating one bite more is a profit. If you don’t eat it, you can’t lose much. It’s nothing more than a bit of saliva.

  First of all, you should not rush to agree to the Dutch peace negotiations.

  Instead, it should delay intentionally and show strong aggressive intentions, and at least complete the strategic goal of destroying the Dutch landing force on Shangri-La Island, and should not rush to agree to negotiations.

  Once the goal of destroying the Dutch landing forces is completed, Shangri-La Island will become a non-negotiable issue. The Dutch side respects and recognizes Lord Earl’s ownership of Shangri-La Island as a precondition for peace negotiations.

  If you don’t agree to this, there is no way to talk about peace negotiations.

  Rather than the current situation, the two sides are caught in a protracted wrangling, fighting for a little bit of territorial interests, and bringing the negotiation to a deadlock.

  Secondly, sending a negotiation team of up to 27 people can see your desire and urgency for peace. Both Wu Mozhou and Fan Zhongzhai are heavyweights in the Red River Valley. The Dutch cannot see unless they are blind. Obviously they are not.

The third point is that it is not appropriate for France, Germany, Spain, Belgium, etc. to participate in joint mediation. The people are talkative and have inconsistent interests. On the contrary, they cause great involvement in peace negotiations. The fewer foreign missions participating in mediation, the more good.

  Because of our superiority on the battlefield, we must at least show reluctance in our attitude, put forward requirements for the negotiation location and negotiation envoys, and put forward harsh negotiation preconditions.


  When we reluctantly accept the mediation plan, all parties involved in the mediation can feel our goodwill. This is not a big benefit. It can be respected and thanked by all parties to the mediation, and now they are all gone.

  The Dutch negotiating side will significantly lower their psychological expectations and will not make so many unbelievable demands. Seeing the wind is the most familiar trick that businessmen play.

Fourthly, we know that the military operations in Borneo are in full swing, oh... I want to interrupt here. I still know the relevant news from the newspaper. As your personal policy adviser, there is no one. The internal government reference is used to consider policy trends and put forward reasonable policy recommendations. This is simply deeply regrettable.

  Back to topic

  The military operation in Borneo is being carried out on a large scale, and the immigration plan is proceeding simultaneously. It is really difficult for me to understand. Why are we eager to negotiate at this time?

   Isn’t it better to push this time to next year or the next year?

Now that we have participated in the negotiation, why not raise the conditions more. There are Chinese immigrants everywhere in the East Indies. These are the ethnic interests that we need to take care of, such as Sumatra, Bali, Lanfang, and Malaysia. Tula, Sulawesi and even Java, why don’t we mention such a request?

Tsarist Russia regards itself as a Catholic protector, and can use this as an excuse to extend its hand into the territory of the Ottoman Empire to protect all Catholics, including Bulgarians, Armenians, the Caucasus and Yugoslavia, and even go to war for this. Grab actual benefits.

As Chinese immigrants of the same language, same kind and blood, the distinguished Earl of Queensland can also appear as the protector of overseas Chinese, thereby asserting his legitimate rights and interests. This will not only greatly increase your prestige, but also allow you to intervene in East India at any time. The legitimate reason for the islands issue is to express concern about the rights of Chinese immigrants. This stands at the commanding heights of morality and justice. Why not seize such a powerful weapon?

  If you don’t think of it, you can consult. I think this is a very valuable quality.

  You don’t know anything, you go to negotiations with silly enthusiasm, don’t you fool anyone? "

  With some profound words, Li Fushou's face was slightly red, and Tai Te Liangdi was embarrassed.

how to say?

  Immature and immature, and improper considerations are all euphemisms. To put it mildly, it is silly...

   "Cough cough..." Li Fushou coughed twice to ease his embarrassment. He didn't have the consciousness of doing it on his own to play politics. Let's go to sleep!

He said sincerely; "Professor Allen, thank you very much for your outspoken words. I will definitely ask you for advice before introducing major policies. Oh... By the way, you will get comprehensive political, economic and military aspects. For reference of the inside information, just pay attention to confidentiality, cough cough... Then what strategy do you think we should adopt in the next step to protect our interests to the greatest extent?"

   "It's very simple. Find the answer from history." Alan Johnson fully felt the respect, and his heart was as comfortable as eating popsicles for three or nine days, and the tone of his speech became euphemistic;

"Your Honorable Lord, you are the most outstanding young leader I have ever seen. Due to inexperience, some small flaws in the negotiation are completely ignored. Due to the absolute military advantage, we control the negotiation initiative. How to negotiate? Whenever we negotiate and what conditions we propose, the initiative is entirely in our hands. The Dutch will beat him severely when they play tricks with us. He can't take care of himself when he is playing tricks, and he will naturally submit to it when the time comes."

   "Well, yes, what do you say about finding the answer from history?" Li Fushou asked modestly.

"Since the three Anglo-Dutch wars, the Dutch have been interrupted in their hands and feet in the world, and their national strength has declined sharply. In the past 200 years, they have suffered a lot of defeats on the battlefield and have been reduced to a small and insignificant role with a rich history. Precedents can be used for reference. According to the rich experience of the British, it is to beat him directly, and then talk again after the beat. If he is not honest, continue to beat him. When his mother doesn’t recognize him, he will drag him to the negotiating table and continue to talk. Naturally, we will achieve what we want. Peace agreement."

  Speaking of this, Alan Johnson showed a smug smirk at the corner of his mouth, and did not feel any guilt for betraying the Dutch.

   No matter how cunning you are, I can only break it.

  In the final analysis, strength is the foundation. I may be inferior to you for playing tricks, but if you are not honest, I will beat you and make you doubt life.

   "What are you looking at?"

   "Look at you?"

   "Hey...this kid is not honest." He caught "Boom" for a while, and then threw it away and asked; "What else are you looking at?"

   "I just watched, can you kill me?" (in all kinds of dissatisfaction)

   "Okay... There is a kind." After catching "Boom", it was another violent beating, and then he threw it away and asked; "What's the matter...Isn't you looking at it?"

   "I (vomiting blood) and I (vomiting blood)... Brother is ruthless next hand, okay... Today, unless you kill me..." (continues to vomit blood)

"Ya has a hard mouth. If you are in a good mood today, I will do it for you." Caught "Boom" again and beaten up again, causing incontinence, and then abandoned and asked; "Why... unhappy? "

  "Brother...Brother...Don't fight, you will kill you if you fight again, you are the Lord...whatever you say" (Continuing to vomit blood)

  Well, what Li Fushou discussed with Professor Alan Johnson is probably the same. The method is crude and simple, but the effect must be very good.

  (End of this chapter)

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