Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 284: Decisive victory

   Chapter 284

The peace bill proposed by Queensland is not to the Dutch people's humiliation of losing their power and humiliating the country. After being added to the flames by newspapers, the people in the Kingdom of the Netherlands are emotionally upset, and public opinion tends to stubbornly teach the greedy invaders. World War I.

  Anyone who dares to betray the interests of the kingdom is regarded as a traitor.

In view of the rapid attack momentum from Queensland, the Government House of the Dutch East Indies carried out a full-scale war mobilization. All white men between the ages of 18 and 45 were recruited in Borneo, North Kalimantan and Central Kaliman. The three provinces of Dan and West Kalimantan recruited a total of 4,400 white militiamen, mixed with the remaining 1,700 white colonial soldiers, and tens of thousands of indigenous servants, ready to fight to the death.

at the same time

The number of white militiamen mobilized on Java Island exceeds 27,000, and they are continuously being transported into Borneo through various means, preparing to fight a large-scale battle and reverse the current unfavorable war.

  There are many harbor towns between the two islands, and the points are wide-ranging. Without a clear goal, with only a dozen warships in the Queensland United Fleet, it is impossible to complete a complete blockade when the main force is restrained.

  Based on colonial operations that have been in business for many years, the Dutch East Indies Governor’s Mansion desperately launched a nationwide mobilization, mobilizing a huge militia force of more than 30,000 with a base of less than 200,000 white people.

  War clouds over Borneo

  All parties are vigorously transporting soldiers and supplies, intensively preparing for an unprecedented battle in order to defeat the enemy and win the initiative in the war.

  Shangri-La Island

  Moresby area, on the Erdaoliang position held by the Dutch army

After the first two dangerous passes of Lien Chan and Lienke, the Dutch landing army finally stopped in front of the defensive position. As the Moresby defense force gained a foothold and a large number of reinforcements arrived, the Dutch landing army was in the army. In the case of a large number of casualties, the follower was weak, and the fighter plane that captured the last dangerous pass had been lost, and was forced to switch to the stage of defensive confrontation.

  Therefore, the Dutch army built a large number of civil and wooden breast wall fortifications at the Erdaoling position to confront the defensive forces.

During   , small-scale battles continued, and large-scale battles never broke out.

  But today is different

Since the early hours of the morning, the artillery regiment of the Shangri-La Division has bombarded the Erdaoliang position with fierce artillery fire. The fire from the entire hilltop was soaring, the wood and rocks fell apart, and a large number of defensive parapets were fragmented and the corpses flew up along with the mud. The sky, the scene was a tragic scene.

  Continuous shelling caused serious casualties to the Dutch defenders. The remaining nine artillery pieces of the Dutch army were forced to fight back. The two sides launched a fierce artillery battle between you and me.

In the Lucky Bay interception naval battle more than 20 days ago, the Queensland Joint Fleet seized an ordnance-carrying ship and a cargo ship, of which the three-masted galleon was carrying 220 tons of artillery shells and 400,000 rounds of ammunition. In addition, there were 16 artillery pieces and 2500 bolt-action rifles.

The large-scale shelling launched today was based on these 16 German-made 95mm guns, plus eight Miss Australia artillery on the Toudaoliang position to form an assault gun group, which violently shelled the Erdaoliang position held by the Dutch defenders. , Blast it into a sea of ​​flames.

  Master Fritz has sufficient artillery ammunition and a strong lineup, so he can open up his arms and pour these original Dutch artillery shells on their own heads.

The shelling of you and me lasted for two hours. Five artillery pieces of the Dutch defenders were destroyed one after another. The remaining four artillery pieces were completely muted due to insufficient ammunition. They became a one-man show of the Shangri-La Division and continued to use fierce artillery fire. Bombard the Dutch positions.

  In the wide valley

  Thousands of soldiers are gathering, preparing to attack the Erdaoliang position guarded by the Dutch army and use their superior forces to crush the enemy.

The forces assembled in the   valley were the 2nd Regiment and 3rd Regiment 2 Battalions that served as the first wave of frontal assaults, with a total of more than 4,500 soldiers.

  Among them, the second regiment is a super-large establishment strengthening regiment. Most of the more than 3,400 people in the regiment are newly enlisted militiamen. They will attack first under the leadership of the regiment commander Zhao Jiaxiong.

The   3 regiment is the main force of the Shangri-La Division. It has the most veterans who have experienced **** battles. It was established on the basis of the old team of the entire division. The second battalion will then be used as a fortifying force to fight and break the enemy's position in one fell swoop.

"Deputy Li Ying, in order to conquer the battlefield, the division has spent a lot of money and smashed it all out. Let's fight side by side this time to win the hilltop position in one fell swoop. Brother, I will show you the reality of the enemy in front. It's up to you whether you can break through the hilltop position." The second regiment commander Zhao Jiaxiong watched the soldiers gather into an attack formation with a solemn expression.

  "Please rest assured Zhao Tuanzuo, the principal supervises the battle. All the officers and soldiers of our second battalion will advance or retreat, and they are bound to plant the battle flag on the enemy's position." Li Shuanzhu replied sonorously.

  He silently turned his head and glanced at the Toudaoliang position. There, the principal Li Fushou came to the front line to cheer for the officers and soldiers, which gave him infinite strength and felt passionate in his heart.

Zhao Jiaxiong solemnly stretched out his hand to hold Li Shuanzhu, deputy commander of the second battalion, and shook it vigorously. At that time, I will trouble your main team to help us clean up the battlefield, hahahaha... On this good opportunity to make contributions, there is no reason why you and my passionate men should not work hard."

   After finishing speaking, Zhao Jiaxiong looked at the rear with hot eyes, Lord Earl is watching the battle on the front line at this moment, and the Second Regiment must not lose the chain at this critical moment.

  Full mobilization had been carried out before the war, and all officers and soldiers of the whole regiment took a sigh of relief and intended to break through the enemy's position in one fell swoop.

   "Zhao Tuanzuo, then I hereby wish the second regiment to break through the enemy's base and make achievements in the first battle. At any time, the third regiment and the second battalion need to be on standby at any time." Li Shuanzhu replied with a military salute.

   "Okay, that's it."

  The second regiment commander Zhao Jiaxiong solemnly responded to the military salute, turned and walked towards the fully assembled troops, standing in front of the team and said loudly;

"Brothers of the Second Regiment, Lord Earl is watching our battle. This is the supreme glory of the entire regiment. Today, our Second Regiment takes the lead, and we have to play with the power and dominance of the 2nd regiment. Who dares to dilute me at this time? Regrettably, the guns of the supervising team don't recognize people, and they resolutely enforce battlefield discipline and kill without mercy.

  The starting gun of the general offense is fired

The second regiment presses on, the order of attack is the third battalion, the first battalion and the second battalion. After the general offensive is launched, only forwards are allowed, and no retreats are allowed. The brothers are all passionate men. The ancestors were humiliated.

  The position of the Dutch ghosts was battered by our artillery fire. Taking this good opportunity to attack and occupy the position in one fell swoop, I, Zhao Jiaxiong, personally asked the brothers for credit and rewards.

  After the offensive order is issued, there will be advances and no retreats. Those who hesitate will kill without mercy, those who confuse the military will kill without mercy, and those who escape from battle will kill without mercy. I, Zhao Jiaxiong, recognize that you can be ruthless in military law, and don't make mistakes.

   Rush up to me to kill all the Dutch ghosts. It’s now time to make contributions.

   His head dropped a bowl and a big scar. After 20 years, my grandfather will be a hero again, and there is no one in my second group.

  Now listen to my orders, the target enemy position... move forward! "

   give an order

  The military band played a sonorous battle march, swords and guns were like forests, soldiers lined up in a neat line, stepping through the mottled mud and rice fields, marching forward indefinitely.

  At the head beam position, in a strong fortification

  From here, overlooking the gentle valley between the two mountain beams, the soldiers of the brigade lined up in a neat line, the march of battle played by the military band conveyed a solemn atmosphere, and the rumble of guns outlined the picture of the war.

  Li Fushou stood in the command post and observed through the lookout, his face was full of seriousness; "It was the 2nd regiment who attacked first, right?"

"Yes, Lord Earl, we are one regiment and two regiments are new regiments. Each regiment has about 3,400 people. Only the third regiment is our old foundation. Many veterans have strong combat effectiveness. I put the third regiment and two battalions. With the general reserve team in hand, you can win the victory in one fell swoop when it is important." The division commander Fritz replied respectfully.

   "Is there any news about mercenaries?"

"Returning to Lord Earl, the German Lieutenant Colonel Schmeichel took the initiative to release two of our captives, expressing that the mercenaries are willing to lay down their weapons and surrender in the battle while we ensure the safety of the captives’ personal lives and property. A war that will inevitably fail has lost confidence and is unwilling to continue to be cannon fodder."

   "Well, how much strength does the mercenary force have now?"

"Return to Lord Earl, the mercenaries are mainly three musket battalions headed by the Royal Overijssel Volunteer Barracks. During the half-year war, we have learned the power of the old European mercenaries, and they are also the targets of our focus. The losses in this battle were heavy. After two supplements, they recovered to more than 1,200 men, occupying one-third of the current strength of the Dutch army, but the combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of ordinary Dutch soldiers."

"It's not surprising that mercenaries are animals born for war, chasing the smell of money and death. In order to reduce our casualties, we can agree to their terms. This is a good thing." Li Fushou nodded calmly and said to Fu Commander Ritz expressed his appreciation for the response, and paused for a while and asked; "What is the specific combat plan?"

   "Lord Earl, let me report, right?" Deputy Commander Mo Rufeng stood up and replied.

   "Yes." Li Fushou nodded and agreed.

  Deputy Commander Mo Rufeng respected the military salute and replied methodically;

  "Return to Lord Earl;

  Our Shangri-La division formulated this general attack plan with a decisive attitude.

  Due to the limitation of the topography of the area, a mountain beam is separated from the valley, the forest is dense, and the ravines are very steep in vertical and horizontal directions.

   Therefore, the total attack this time is a frontal attack, with a key breakthrough.

Our division prepared a large amount of artillery and ammunition for this general attack. The shelling began at 6:00 in the morning. The heavy shelling destroyed a large number of enemy fortifications, effectively killed its personnel, and suppressed the Dutch artillery counterattack, with fierce artillery fire. Repeatedly sort out the enemy's positions to open a path for the offensive troops.

  The total attack time is nine ten ten.

  The first to launch the offensive were all the officers and soldiers of the Second Regiment and the Second Battalion of the Third Regiment. The First Regiment and the Third Regiment acted as reserve teams. Depending on the battlefield conditions, they would attack the enemy’s position at any cost.

The    division plans to launch a frontal assault with the advantage of heavy troops, test the weak points of the enemy’s defense, and send powerful troops to try to overcome them in one fell swoop.

  The second battalion of the third regiment is a killer weapon, depending on the situation, the enemy's weak point of defense.

  If the attack is unsuccessful, it is planned to carry out another artillery coverage bombardment. The cover forces launch two rounds of attacks or even multiple rounds of attacks, striving for a decisive victory while striving to injure a large number of the enemy’s vital forces. "

  There are no tricks in this battle plan, and there is no roundabout attack space in the battlefield environment. It is directly attacked by artillery fire for one round, then another round for another attack, until the enemy’s tortoise shell is broken.

  Besides, there is no other good way.

  The mercenaries do surrender in battle, but you don’t need to consider this aspect when setting the battle plan. Everything is considered according to the most difficult situation.

If the troops cannot attack, the mercenaries will not necessarily surrender.

  There has never been a certain number of this thing. Putting the hope on the enemy and even inserting a knife from behind, it is better to wash and sleep, don’t be too whimsical.

  (End of this chapter)

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