Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1956: Is this how you use

Alice was in disbelief. She thought for a time that her eyesight had made a mistake. How could Master Held appear here? Wasn't she missing?

Believers of the GBL religion all have uniforms of the same style, with long sleeves and long skirts, and exquisite masks. They are only slightly different in color and pattern. The giant sky-curtain beasts are used to traveling thousands of meters in the sky. The climate is very cool, and there are still clouds at night. It's a bit cold, so the uniforms tend to be more autumnal.

This also made Alice unaware of Lord Held's appearance at first glance. She was only thinking about telling the girl about the prophecy and the shameless boasting of a certain sugar cane.

But that slightly gloomy aura, like the eyes peering into everything in the dark, and the shady attributes, are absolutely unmistakable. Lord Held is actually also in the Arad continent, the giant beast of the sky.

What was her purpose? Was she here for herself, Lotus, or Ye Lin? Was it intentional or a coincidence that she found her trace? Alice frowned and was briefly lost in thought.

"I'm sorry, Miss Alice. It's impossible for me to open the devil's seal and release a horrific disaster just because of your personal words. Moreover, our seal is very strong. Even if it takes another hundred years, Lotus will rot. If it falls, there won't be any problems." The young leader interrupted her thoughts, her beautiful face with a little baby fat was full of determination and radiance at the moment.

Although she has heard about Alice's prophecy and divination ability for a long time, she is well-known in Arad, especially when the Dark City was besieged by the resurrected dead. Before the Venus Arrival incident, Alice had issued a prophetic warning, which shocked Arad. .

Now the Dark City regards this beautiful and refined bard as a guest, and I heard that she also has a close relationship with Queen Meia.

But the Sky Curtain Monster is different from the Dark City. With the help of sunlight, the harsh environment with little water, and the demon that was sealed at a huge cost, she can never unseal it just because of an inexplicable prophecy. It is too ridiculous and rash, she can't The sacrifices of previous believers were wasted to verify an unknown.

The young leader was generous, and she took the initiative to invite: "Ophelia has also admired the name of the fortune teller for a long time, and has always wanted to communicate with you..."

The implication was that she wanted to know more details about the prophecy. She had indeed suddenly felt uneasy recently, and she always felt that something was wrong.

The reason why she was able to successfully seal Apostle Lotus was because her ancestor Leslie Bayern Lance left a prophecy book that recorded the characteristics and weaknesses of Apostle Lotus, so she was very interested in "prophecies" and other things. Ability is still relatively trusted and admired.

Alice was startled, then realized later that her beautiful eyes were shining, she was really a beautiful and smart leader.

If Ophelia admitted the results of her divination on the spot, it would undoubtedly have a huge negative impact on the GBL cult and residents who had only settled down for a few years, causing panic and a series of accidents.

Because of the Age of Destruction, the GBL religion took in many homeless people on the west coast. Now they are gradually living a normal life here, which is very peaceful.

So no matter what, Ophelia had to bite the seal first, give the believers and residents confidence, and then discuss in detail in private how true the prophecy was.

And from the perspective of the young leader, she really doesn't think there is anything wrong with the seal. It is the legacy left by Lord Laisli, the sealing magic circle.

"Then I'll excuse you~" Alice nodded and smiled, holding the magic harp in her arms, her steps were graceful, and her fragrance was charming.

It has been nearly nine years since the Era of Destruction broke out. The Heavenly Curtain Behemoth has turned into a large-scale city with people coming and going, and the sounds of hawking are also coming and going.

This big guy is bigger than the underage Antoun, and its broad back is about the same area as the Miranda Plain, which is amazing at the biological level.

It has no transcendent combat power, and its sense of oppression comes entirely from its terrifying size.

"Mogados have already begun to take off." Ye Lin looked at the newly built harbor. The Mogados were like a flock of swallows that were frightened away. Whenever they approached the west coast, New Dark City, Dia Cape, etc. Every time there is a place, there will be Mogada coming and going.

exDornier also took off and mixed in among the flying equipment as usual. During a short break, Ye Lin lay on the bar and wrote and drew, with a focused and serious expression.

He knew that Alice was unlikely to gain trust easily, and would only leave a little impression on the girl leader.

If the girl leader really believed the prophecy casually and opened the seal of Lotus, then it would be necessary for Ophelia to touch Nimer together.

"Boss, what are you writing?" Mo Mei came over with a smile, leaned on his back and looked over. A strand of gentle hair rubbed against his ear, and she stuffed a piece of apple into his mouth.

It's even rarer than the evolution of a stone bone beast... The boss also has his moments of eloquence.

"Some, um, prophecies... I think I can be a cartoonist." Ye Lin showed her his new drawings, a piece of rice paper with a soft texture, and several paintings with quite fine skills and clean lines. neat.

The first picture shows a huge octopus dancing wildly with twisted tentacles. It has an ugly appearance. It is covered by a stone tower. Nearby are small fallen humans. The style of clothing is the style of GBL believers.

In the second painting, a girl with twin ponytails raised her hands and formed a huge magic circle with the believers behind her. The blue light shone and sealed the terrifying octopus monster.

Mo Mei tapped her chin lightly, and she probably guessed what was going on. Sure enough, the following plot was about peace in all directions, people living and working in peace and contentment, and then one day, the evil octopus monster suddenly woke up and blew away the stone tower and seals on his body. , controlling the giant sky-curtain beast to break into the ocean.

The city behind the Sky Curtain Beast was completely submerged in the sea. Countless people were struggling to survive, terrified. The evil octopus monster became bigger than the Sky Curtain Beast, and its demonic energy was overwhelming and terrifying.

At this critical moment, a majestic figure descended from the sky, its whole body shining with brilliant light. Compared with the evil octopus monster, its body was not very eye-catching, but it was like the majesty of a god.

He defeated the evil octopus monster with a sword... In the last scene of the comic, Mo Mei looked strangely and pointed her finger, "Boss, this is your real purpose."

At dusk in the evening, a man and a woman cuddled side by side. The atmosphere was very warm and romantic, and it felt like a fairy tale where the prince rescued the princess and lived happily.

And as if she was afraid that others would not know who this girl was, she specially painted a pair of red double ponytails in the most exquisite and distinctive way.

"It's all to gain trust and save innocent lives." Ye Lin felt guilty, thinking that he was mixed with personal goods.

"I want to marry the beautiful girl leader Ophelia home. The bride price is one hundred thousand believers." Mo Mei blew the brand new picture on the paper, looked at it carefully, and said suspiciously: "This content is similar to Sister Alice's. The prophecy is no different, and it lacks a sense of time. Should we use parchments?"

The paper was too new, the lines were still wet, and it had no ancient charm at all.

"The sheepskin is gone, but there is a fox~" Ye Lin glanced at the little cloud fox lying down and dozing with Xiao Chu, feeling very comfortable and harmonious.

It came here on its own initiative, not kidnapped. Its fur is soft and soft, and unlike other foxes, it smells very good.

Yunhu, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly felt a tremor all over his body, almost exploding his hair, thinking that it was the evil girl coming over to expose him again.

"Arad's historical research shows that there was a very mature papermaking technology before 2000 in the New Calendar." The curator smiled. Although the parchment scrolls have a sense of age, they are too old.

"Well, I'm going to secretly put this prophecy comic in an ancient building of the GBL religion." Ye Lin took out a bronze pocket watch. There was no specific time scale inside, only some special symbols that he couldn't understand.

A profound scene happened in front of everyone's eyes. This brand-new rice paper for calligraphy and painting quickly took on the feel of an ancient era. It was yellowed, rough, and the lines were somewhat dull.

He has mastered the preliminary power of time.

The eldest lady passed by and after reading his comic masterpiece, she did not complain about the content. On the other hand, she said: "Two-tenths of time, the origin of the time and space lords, the power that all the gods long for, you can take it now." Come and make a fake antique, Messi and Fogba will probably die in peace."

"Don't you also often chop watermelons with Lei Woding? Things are just for use." Ye Lin folded the paper carefully, then disappeared inside Dornier and placed it inside an ancient building.

Later, a believer "happens" to pass by and trigger a certain mechanism, discovering this prophetic comic, and all the links are perfect.


"Master Cult Leader."

The second curator frowned, worried, took out a piece of yellowed paper from his sleeve, and said: "In the Venus ruins complex, a believer accidentally discovered some pocket jars, and found something from one of the pocket jars. this."

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