Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1957 I am no longer confident

The young leader Ophelia has won the trust and respect of believers and people with her outstanding wisdom, kind heart, and calmness in dealing with horrific disasters.

But now, two mysterious prophecies appeared one after another, pointing to the horror of Apostle Lotus' imminent resurgence, which made the young leader's heart plummet, and her beautiful face became solemn.

How is it possible? That is the secret seal left by Lord Laisli. Will it really be broken by the evil octopus?

"This ancient paper hidden in a pocket jar is at least more than a thousand years old, or even longer!" The second curator was mature, charming, plump, and knowledgeable. He carefully studied the age contained in this ancient paper. years.

"It is not an exaggeration to say that ancient paper can be preserved so completely. It is a miracle. Many books excavated from the ruins of ancient buildings are either broken or stained with mildew, and a lot of important information has been lost."

After detailed research and speculation by the second curator, the batch of pocket jars and this ancient paper should all come from super-ancient civilization.

The specific time is long before the ancient Peruvian era, and it may be the human society of the era when the temple of the goddess of beauty Venus was built, and it is the ancient paper prophecy left by them.

The explorer Laisli, Grandpa Ophelia's grandfather, was the first to climb the Sky Veil Behemoth and discovered the ruins complex.

But in which era the ruins were built, and which force or country was responsible for the massive effort, has always been an unsolvable mystery. We only know that they worshiped Venus, the goddess of beauty, and were a super-ancient civilization with extraordinary wisdom.

Reluctantly judging from the pattern style and architectural style, Mohu speculates that it is probably the same era as the ancient Borodin Kingdom, or even older.

In other words, the existence of the giant sky-curtain beast itself is an unsolved puzzle.

Alice only glanced at the ancient paper and determined that it was a forgery by Ye Lin.

It is definitely not a prophecy preserved in a pocket jar by the humans who lived here thousands of years ago.

In terms of authenticity, currently, except for the holy book stele in the ancient ruins of Terra, the royal prophecy of Luke in Hebron, and the end time observed by Memet of the End of the Day, basically no one has the ability to observe it. A dimension thousands of years away.

Moreover, the content is described in such detail, even the detailed steps are shown to you, including the distinctive features of the red twin tails... Xiaodama's oracle has never been so outrageous.

The textual descriptions of the prophecies on the stone tablets have always been imitated by Huhu, and they are purely mystical statements.

Luke, the maker of the prophecy of the secret technique of the Hebron royal family, only kept dreaming that his tall and tall body suddenly became hunched and decayed, walking in the hazy darkness, extremely weak,

The specific time, specific place, and who the enemy was, were all unknown, which led to the old man being tricked by Held.

On the other hand, the last picture of the prophecy comic looks like a fairy-tale prince and princess - just like Mo Mei complained, there is no sense of ancient vicissitudes and majesty.

"By the way, why don't you ask the leaders of the Centaur tribe? They might know something about the ancient paper." The second curator's beautiful eyes lit up, and he had a new clue.

The Centaur tribe is a kind-hearted race that loves peace and nature. They have always lived in the tree spirit jungle of the giant beasts of the sky, and have nothing to do with the world.

The most incredible thing is that some members of the Centaur clan, especially the strongest clan leader, not only have the power to call thunder and lightning, but also have very mysterious astrology and can observe the future.

Therefore, it is very likely that the humans who lived here in ancient times mastered related divination techniques and left behind prophecies about the future.

Alice, who was silently watching, turned from laughing to stunned. Her beautiful and bright cheeks twitched slightly, full of weirdness.

They actually made up a piece of fake ancient paper based on some known conditions, and sorted out the logic very clearly.

"Lord Alice, what is the specific image of the savior in your prophecy, and when will he come?" The girl leader asked again, wanting to know more information.

"The future is like a fog, and I can only get a glimpse of it." Alice played the harp and sang fairy music. She was so beautiful, dignified and elegant that the two curators couldn't help but take a few more glances.

The girl leader Ophelia was silent and thought seriously. If Alice's prophecy was true and the evil octopus was about to break the seal, then the residents living here must be evacuated first.

But on the other hand, it's just two predictions, and no sign of terror has been seen yet. Who would believe it? It's so ridiculous.

And the most important thing is that there are not that many flying tools for residents to move.

"I will send people to strengthen patrols, and then suggest that they temporarily move to the outskirts of the temple, because we do not have enough Mogado and Dornier to evacuate people." Ophelia made a decision to take precautions before they happen.

Alice's prophecy in the Dark City shocked the world, and she would not make fun of her own reputation.

There are many city buildings, bustling and noisy, and the shops on both sides of the street are quite dazzling. Because the Sky Curtain Beast is now close to the former west coast, there are many Mogado taking off and approaching.

The Sky Veil Behemoth has soil and cultivated land, so it can be self-sufficient. At the same time, some places are also rich in some special and precious materials.

For example, the "dazzling crystals" and "evil crystals" on the elves of light and dark elements, including the vine roots that are native to the dryad jungle, are all hot-selling alchemy materials.

And the sky city that collapsed in the era of destruction was half suspended in the sky and half sunk in the sea of ​​​​the sky. The strange scenery attracted many adventurers, who used the giant sky-curtain beast as a temporary base.

Legend has it that the city hides the astonishing treasures of the Dragon King that are as rich as any country, as well as the world's unrivaled equipment and secret techniques, etc.

There are indeed some lucky people who have found some ancient cavalry armor and long swords. The materials are extraordinary and the magic power is still there. They can be worth thousands of gold.

Some lucky man-eating sharks also picked up some humans.

On the street, Ye Lin stands with a sword in his hand. His figure is tall and straight, like a jade tree facing the wind. His clothes are fresh and clean, and he is extraordinary handsome. The indifferent smile at the corner of his mouth makes it seem as if everything is nothing to me. The clear flow in the troubled world has an otherworldly temperament. .

He is also known as a soft-faced man in heaven. He is even more eye-catching on the street. Compared with the pedestrians passing by, he looks out of place, as if he stands out from the crowd and stands out from the forest.

However, the young leader, who lowered her head and was worried, walked very quickly and passed him by...


Ye Lin was stunned for a moment, and the steps he took calmly became stiff, something was wrong.

"Girl, did you drop this jewelry?" He could only call out to Ophelia, and spread out a beautiful golden crystal jewelry in his hand.

Ophelia came back to her senses and subconsciously touched her waist. Sure enough, her jewelry was missing. The little thing she liked very much was an item produced by Silver Village.

The crystals there can be seen everywhere and are of very good quality. After making a large number of deeply processed jewelry, they have been sold all over Arad.

"It's mine, thank you."

After taking over the ornament, the young leader gave a ladylike salute, paused on Ye Lin's face for a moment, and then continued to walk forward quickly.

"Hahahaha!" Secretly, Gu Yu held his belly and laughed like crazy. He was ignored by Ophelia twice, which obviously made this sugar cane less confident.

A small problem that neither he nor Alice noticed was that when the "Savior" arrived, the evil octopus had already revived.

So Ophelia, who was full of worries, did not consider this. Although this kind man was quite handsome, the savior had not yet come.

She had to re-prepare Lord Sli's sealing magic circle to seal the octopus monster again. She could not sit still and wait for an inexplicable savior.

Ye Lin helplessly showed his hands to them, feeling embarrassed.


He frowned slightly, then looked in the direction of the second vertebra, and noticed something strange.


The loud and shocking roar of filial piety shook thousands of miles across the sky and defeated the stretching clouds. It was like the endless anger of the world venting into the sky.

It was the giant beast of the sky that was wailing in pain and twisting its huge body.

The earth shook for a moment, and many people were stunned by the sound wave. Their ears bleed, and their hearing was difficult to recover for a long time. The swift-like Mogada also seemed to have lost its wings and fell straight down.

The young leader who had walked away also hurriedly covered her ears, but the wild beast shook its body, and the world seemed to be turned upside down. She saw many buildings collapsing and people panicking.

"Liao, do you still remember that there are several space-time fragments in the mirror dimension, also called different-dimensional fragments, which can provide the physical power needed for a transcendent to break through."

"What do you mean?"

"It seems like one is on the giant Sky Curtain Beast."

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