Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1955 The Second Curator!

"Looking back, it seems that we haven't eaten octopus meat for almost two years."

Gu Yu swallowed hard. She was referring to the most delicious food in the universe, Apostle Lotus's octopus meat. It was tender and elastic, and tasted extremely delicious. After one sip, it was as if the whole sea of ​​delicious food burst out of her mouth in an instant. open.

Even Chef Nozomi, who has superb cooking skills and is well-informed, seriously commented that if there is any food that can surpass the delicacies of heaven, octopus meat is the worthy number one.

This is also the only delicacy that the whole family will never forget. They think about it day and night and can't sleep.

But for Ye Lin, the taste of octopus meat can only be ranked second. The real first delicacy is justice and Natsu!

If I hadn't gotten too familiar with and had a friendship with Mr. Luo from the main dimension, I would have been too embarrassed to do anything. During the holidays, I would have to chop off tentacles and add extra meals to him.

Before coming, Saifupo and Tana also told him to bring extremely delicious octopus meat and reward him well.

"Wait a minute, Sophie."

Alice, who arrived at the west coast with the team, shouted anxiously, but Sophie, who had red eyes and wanted to eat octopus meat, didn't hear it at all.

She probably wouldn't care if she heard it, and just ignored it. She couldn't wait, feeling that she could hold Mr. Luo's tentacles and gnaw directly on the sashimi.

"Wait a minute... Unlike your main dimension, Lotus from the mirror dimension was immediately sealed by the GBL cult at a huge cost when he came to the Sky Curtain Beast a few years ago." Alice sighed worriedly. , worried that Sophie's recklessness would destroy her friendship with the GBL cult.

The GBL Cult guards the second spine as a restricted area, with believers patrolling and guarding it 24 hours a day and night. It is difficult for Sophie to escape surveillance and kill Apostle Lotus and obtain her share of the Darkness of the Beginning.

Sure enough, in less than five minutes, Sophie came back with a gloomy look on her face, constantly muttering, "Stupid humans~have no eyesight at all."

"I was stopped by the believers." Sophie pursed her lips in displeasure and said depressedly: "I said, I am an adventurer who came to destroy Apostle Lotus. Please stay away, I want to break the seal. , As a result, the believers not only refused to listen, but instead stared at me with eager eyes, as if they wanted to fight me desperately."

Sophie felt that her good intentions were being treated like a donkey, a stupid human being, and unreasonable.

"You didn't start a fight, Sophie, this is not like your previous character." Xiaoyu joked.

Everyone knows that Sophie is haunted by Lotus, and she is also a primal dragon with a straightforward temper and a bit of a fiery personality.

Now whoever dares to stop her from eating meat will be her life and death enemy.

She was able to resist the impulse and didn't just pull Lotus out and chop him up, which really surprised everyone.

"Oh, I am the noble primal dragon, and I have transcended the tyrannical and cruel Tyrannosaurus King." Sophie's depression felt a little better. She couldn't be in a hurry, and she couldn't eat the squid in a hurry.

Even if the sealed Lotus wakes up, he will definitely not be her opponent. With all his strength, he can chop off the tentacles with two or three swords and drink it.

But the apostles still have a certain level of foundation. They are not just salted fish ready to be slaughtered. They can jump a few times and splash in the water.

Therefore, if the believers did not evacuate, once a fierce fighting energy broke out between the two, even a single collision would definitely cause the casualties of many innocent believers, so she came back.

"Sophie, you have grown up." Mailu smiled sweetly and gently touched her sister's head.

Unexpectedly, my sister Sophie, who has always been irritable, would actually consider others.

This is a great ideological progress, and the old mother Nimer will definitely be happy for her when she finds out about it.

"Oh, that's right." Sophie, who had not eaten top-quality octopus meat and could only vent her resentment on beef thighs, chewed her mouth full of meat and said, "Guess who led someone to stop me resolutely?"

She didn't deliberately show off, and continued: "It's the second curator!"

Second curator?

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and then immediately turned to look at the curator who was as gentle and virtuous as their close sister.

It means two flowers on a branch. Like Selimin and Alice, the curator "Ishadula" has the same past but a different future.

"Well, compared with our curator, the second curator's figure is not as mature and charming, but he has the same gentle eyebrows, scholarly temperament, and a hint of subtlety and youthfulness hidden in his behavior, which means he is a virgin..."


The curator quickly reached out and covered Sophie's mouth, but it was still a step too late. Wei Wei gave her a helpless look, but you were very straightforward and said whatever you wanted.

Before she met the squad and Ye Lin, she felt that all her goals in life were to realize the ultimate wisdom - "Blue Truth" proposed by the prophet Leslie Beylance.

It is the conceptual truth wisdom that is born by integrating all the knowledge in the world.

But the curator later understood that the collection of knowledge is absolutely endless. Where the fire of wisdom burns, new knowledge is born every moment.

Even if you spend a lifetime, you can only pick up a handful of tiny water drops.

It just so happened that the team wanted to use the EX Dornier as a means of transportation and needed a skilled driver. The curator followed the team out of the GBL religion and became a glorious adventurer who likes to make false accounts. secretary.

Every day, he uses various excuses and means to get money from his boss to fill his own private coffers.

"Director, why don't you pretend to be the second director and ward off the believers patrolling the second spine? Give me ten minutes...five minutes, and I can chop it up. Let's eat dumplings stuffed with octopus tonight. ." Sophie kept thinking about it, octopus meat, octopus meat~ her soul almost flew away.

"I guess not." Ye Lin covered the sun with his hands, looked up at the big guy flying freely in the sky, and said: "Rotus's mental power has been almost integrated with the giant beast of the sky. If you kill it presumptuously, it will be like passing by. It will be very troublesome to cut down the giant beast of Heavenly Curtain."

In other words, the seal of the GBL cult has almost expired, and the apostle Lotus is about to wake up and control the giant sky beast to detonate a terrible disaster and set off a second round of terrifying spiritual domination.

Of course, it just sounds a bit troublesome. Even if he doesn't take action, Mavis, who is proficient in death, can easily cut through the connection between each other's souls and save the giant beast of the sky.

"Why don't you let me go first." Alice's slender and white fingertips gently brushed Mariette, and the music she played was like the sound of a clear spring.

She can use her status as a well-known fortune teller on the mainland to tell the GBL cult that a savior is coming to save the world, and can eliminate Lotus once and for all.

It should be possible to gain the trust of Leader Ophelia.

"It's a pity that I have a pure friendship with the leader Ophelia from the main dimension. Otherwise, it would be much more convenient now~" Ye Lin muttered in a low voice, as if he was sorry, but the curator heard it and rewarded him. A charming eye roll.

The leader of the main dimension is stubborn and busy recruiting followers every day. He has no time to spend time with you and love your children.

Moreover, the leader of the Raiders is very particular. If you give her a rose, she will definitely not like it as much as if you win her a follower.

If you recruit ten people into the religion, the leader will definitely look at you highly. If you have one hundred people, you will be the leader's confidant. If you have ten thousand people, the leader's position will be yours. If you have one hundred thousand, the leader will also be yours.


"Hello Ophelia, I am Alice the Bard, and I sing about the future."

Alice has a light smile and is generous. Her elegant and refined appearance, curvy figure, and the ethereal temperament of a poet make her a beautiful sight, attracting the curious eyes of many believers.

"Welcome, the GBL religion opens its arms to all those who know it, but I don't know that you are here unexpectedly. Do you need our help?" The beautiful girl leader Ophelia is also curious, how could this mysterious bard suddenly appear? Arrive at the Heavenly Curtain Behemoth.

She was busy dealing with the sudden incident just now, and the believers panicked and informed that a girl with wings on her back suddenly came to the vicinity of the second spine, shouting that she wanted to kill the apostle, but then mysteriously flew away.

Compared with Ophelia, who is a bit "simple and rustic" in the main dimension, the leader of the mirror dimension has been in the position of "leader" for a longer time, and his temperament has been cultivated more deeply.

The characteristics of the red twintails have not changed much, but the delicate and beautiful face is rounder, with cherry lips and a beautiful nose, bright eyes and white teeth. The black uniform that symbolizes the identity of the leader is made of expensive fabrics, and the cuffs and hems have very delicate brocade patterns.

Although the style of the uniform was relatively loose and did not fit closely to outline her skin, it still could not cover her undulating and proud curves. Her chest was full and the fat reached her shoulders. The scale was astonishing.

At a young age, she has green eyebrows, red lips and white teeth, but if you look closely, she has an alluring and charming temperament.

"Marilett played a piece of music about the future~"

"Appreciate further details."

Ophelia was even more surprised when she heard this. This mysterious magic piano is a symbol of the fortune teller Alice. Whenever the strings are plucked, there will definitely be instructions about the future.

Moreover, the predictions of divination have always been accurate, and even the royal family of the Dark Elves and the nobles of Dros believe in them.

Combined with the reports from the believers just now, there was an unexpected visitor. Could it be that Ophelia was very smart and immediately deduced the key clues from the limited information.

"The magic piano is playing, and the sleeping overlord is about to wake up. He who controls thousands of weapons will dominate everything he sees! Like the majestic man of the gods, handsome and unrestrained, the jade tree is in the wind..."

Alice's pretty face twitched and her words were jerky, almost revealing her secret.

The cheeky compliment that followed was what Ye Linfei asked her to say. Praising her a lot can leave an impression on Ophelia as a clean and handsome savior.

After finally finishing the divination she had made up, Alice breathed a sigh of relief and waited for Ophelia's response. Out of the corner of her eye, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a figure wrapped in a black robe, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. .

I couldn't see the face, but the smell was familiar.

"Lord Held?!"

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