Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 475: Slowly Approaching

"As long as it's okay... As long as it's okay..."

Knowing that there were no abnormalities in both bases, Han Feng helped his messy hair and said.

"Okay~ You should wash up first, Captain Han. I'm just here to report to you."

After that, Tanya stood up and left.

After watching Tanya leave, Han Feng looked back again and discovered that there was a self-heating military ration and a glass of milk on the table behind Tanya...

After washing briefly, Han Feng ate the military rations in a hurry.

After the meal, Han Feng wiped his mouth and walked out of the tent.

As soon as he came outside, Han Feng was dumbfounded...

It's... why is it dark? !

"I'm going to...sleep because I'm jetlagged..."

After finishing speaking in a daze, Han Feng walked towards the base not far away...

"Luna, turn on radar scanning."

In order to investigate the movements of level seven zombies on a large scale, Han Feng ordered.

"Report to the Korean team that the radar is scanning the surrounding area..."

"Confirm, scan it."

Hearing Luna's familiar question, Han Feng interrupted.

"Okay Team Korea, the radar is scanning, please wait..."

After two seconds passed, Luna continued, "Report to the Korean team that the radar scan is over. The scan results found two supply boxes."


Luna's words made Han Feng a little confused...

"Report to the Korean team that the first supply box was one that was scanned but not collected yesterday."

"Oh...where's the second one? How far away is it from me?"

After hearing this, Han Feng also reacted and said.

"Report to the Korean team, the location of the latest supply box is approximately 247 kilometers away from you.

"It's approaching me?!"

After a little calculation in his mind, Han Feng discovered that this "threat" was fifty kilometers closer than yesterday...!


Pursing his lips, Han Feng turned his attention to the system and came to the radar display...

Staring at the display screen with squinted eyes, Han Feng thought to himself... As expected!

In the radar, two supply boxes were in a straight line, approaching the second base!

In one day, fifty kilometers were shortened. If we continue at this rate... Level 7 zombies will arrive here in a few days...

With a few gentle nods, Han Feng indicated that he understood...

After logging out of the system, Han Feng lit a cigarette and sat quietly on the wall looking at the dark night...

An hour later, Han Feng came down from the fence and walked straight into the tent.

Although he had just woken up not long ago... Han Feng had to adjust his already disordered biological clock in time!

Lying on the bed, Han Feng set the alarm for the next day, then closed his eyes and went to sleep...

Because he had slept all day, Han Feng was tossing and turning and had difficulty falling asleep.

I don’t know how long it took...

"Tick tock..."

"Tick tock..."


Hearing the sound of dripping water coming from around him, Han Feng glanced around, trying to find the source of the sound.

"It's getting foggy?"

When Zhou was surrounded by white mist, Han Feng said something subconsciously.


In a daze, a familiar girl's voice came into his ears... But even though Han Feng tried to listen carefully, he still couldn't discern the content of this sentence.

"Are you really...me..."

The sound got closer and closer, and the sound Han Feng heard became more and more "sound".

"Who is speaking?!"

Keep scanning the white fog around him, Han Feng found that there was nothing... It seemed that he was walking in the thick fog on the edge of the desert.

"Do you really want to kill...me..."

At this time, the female voice sounded leisurely again.

"It's you!"

Hearing this, Han Feng was shocked all over!

It's the mysterious girl! ! !

"Are you really going to kill me?"

Suddenly, the white figure of a mysterious girl came out of the thick fog.


"Are you really going to kill me?"

Han Feng was about to say something when the mysterious girl interrupted him and asked again.


The next moment, the mysterious girl was covered in blood. The originally normal pace also became staggering.

"Why did you let me go? I'm so cold..."

The pure face was dripping with blood. Even so, Han Feng could still see deep reluctance in her eyes.


At this moment, Han Feng suddenly forgot everything. Frowning, "I" didn't finish this sentence for a long time.

"I'm so cold... so cold..."

Before his eyes, the mysterious girl had arrived in front of Han Feng.

While talking, the mysterious girl reached out her bright red hands and slowly extended them to Han Feng's cheeks...

"Ring ring ring!"

"Ring ring ring!"


Suddenly, a ringtone brought Han Feng back to reality! It was the alarm on Han Feng's cell phone that was set in advance last night.

After sitting up in shock from the camp bed, Han Feng took a deep breath and kept scanning his surroundings.


Touching his chest gently, Han Feng said to himself...

"Reporting to the Korean team, the second Allied base and the main building - the barracks have been completed."

"Deng Deng Deng Deng..."

While Han Feng was calming down, Luna reported the news that the barracks was completed.

But as soon as Luna finished speaking, the sound of power outage sounded one after another.

"What's going on? What's wrong?!"

At this moment, Han Feng asked almost subconsciously.

"Report to the Korean team that due to insufficient power, the Second Allied Base was temporarily paralyzed."

"Low power?!"

After repeating Luna's words with a frown, Han Feng suddenly reacted and slapped his still dull forehead, saying "Oh my god!"

Before, whether it was in the game or the zinc mine... the power station was a building that had to be built first!

This time... I forgot about the lack of electricity in order to save trouble!

"Quick! Build a power station!"

Without hesitation, Han Feng gave the order directly.

"Report to Captain Han, it takes 10,000 gold coins to build a physical building - the power station. Please confirm the construction."

"Confirm, build."

"Okay, Captain Han, the physical building - the power station is under construction. The estimated construction time is 24 hours, please wait..."


After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng breathed a sigh of relief...

But the next second, Han Feng's heart tightened again!

The base has no electricity...that means all defensive weapons are temporarily "ineffective"!

Light prism tower, magnetic storm coil, sentry gun...

Thinking of this, Han Feng didn't bother to tidy up his clothes, picked up his shoes and rushed out of the tent.

"Sure enough..."

Looking at the "motionless" light prism towers at the four corners of the base, Han Feng said to himself.

"Luna, start scanning, confirm."

Now, before the power station is built... the base can be said to be the "most dangerous" period.

Without power supply, except for the walls and machine gun bunkers that can still be used normally... everything else has become "decoration"!

If zombies attack on a large scale tonight...

So, in order to ensure relative safety, Han Feng must first determine the location of the level 7 zombies.

"Okay, Captain Han, the radar is scanning, please wait..."

Two seconds later, Luna paused and continued, "Report to Captain Han, the radar scan is complete. The scan results found three supply boxes."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng did not ask any more questions, but immediately shifted his attention to the system...

On the radar display, the three supply boxes appeared in a straight line...straightly "pointing" to the location of the second base!

"Luna... How far is the new supply box from us?!"

Staring at the display, Han Feng asked without looking back.

"Report to Captain Han, the latest supply box is 210 kilometers away from us."


Han Feng frowned and roughly calculated that...the level 7 zombies had shortened the distance by another 37 kilometers overnight...

"There are still more than 200 kilometers..."

After saying that, Han Feng shifted his attention away from the system.

Opening his eyes, Han Feng glanced at the periphery of the wall.

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