Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 474: The Second Base is Completed

"Is there anything unusual?"

Han Feng asked Natasha while he ate the self-heating rations. ♦♦  ඏ☆


"Well... pay more attention recently..."

After listening, Han Feng thought for a while and said, "If there are not enough snipers, you can call them yourself."


After the two finished talking, they stopped talking and started eating.

At night...

After patrolling the area around the second base, Han Feng returned to the tent.

Lying on the bed, Han Feng closed his eyes and thought.

For unknown threats, Han Feng always felt like a thorn in his back...

"Damn level 7 zombies... what are you going to do..."

Before going to bed, Han Feng muttered something...

The next morning, Han Feng got up early.

After a simple wash, Han Feng began to "squat" for possible dangers.

At this time, the construction of the second base had completely entered the final stage of power supply and testing.

Time passed in a flash, and as the sun moved down, a day passed like this.

"Luna, how long will it take for the second base to be completed?"

Under the night sky, Han Feng stood in front of the second Allied base vehicle and asked.

"Report to Captain Han, there are still seven hours and twenty-one minutes before the base vehicle is put into use."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng took out his mobile phone and saw that the current time was exactly 0:00.

"Tomorrow morning at 7:30... I know."

After speaking, Han Feng put the phone in his pocket.

"Natasha, tonight... everyone is on alert!"

At this last moment, Han Feng does not allow any mistakes!

"Yes! Captain Han!"

After Natasha responded, she led more than a dozen snipers to climb the nearby high ground. Through the sniper scope, the environment around the base was scouted from a distance.

"Luna, the police dogs should not rest tonight, send them all out! Expand the detection range to 50 kilometers!"

"Okay, Captain Han."

After that, ten police dogs ran out of the camp and ran into the mountains...

After giving all this, Han Feng thought for a while and continued, "Luna, notify all the soldiers in the hotel to rush here."

When saying this, Han Feng also thought about summoning soldiers on the spot. But... the living space is full, even if they are summoned, where to live is also a problem. And if you want to summon, it must be in units of hundreds. It is impossible to summon three or two soldiers, right?

But if the soldiers in the East City Hotel are transferred, the situation will be different.

The second base is only a dozen kilometers away from East City. At this distance, the soldiers can quickly provide support. And after the battle, they can go back to East City to rest and live...

"Okay, Captain Han, the soldiers in the hotel are preparing to set off, and the first batch of Red Alert soldiers are expected to arrive in half an hour."

"Don't worry, let them pay attention to safety on the road."

"Yes, Captain Han!"

After talking to Luna, Han Feng took out a cigarette and lit one.

"Hiss... Huh..."

Han Feng took a deep breath and calmed his excited heartbeat.

An hour later, hundreds of Red Alert soldiers came to the second base.

Under Han Feng's arrangement, the soldiers surrounded the second base.

According to this defense, even if ten powerful level 6 zombies came in person, they would definitely not get any benefits!

Looking up at the dark sky, and then looking down at the heavily defended armed forces, Han Feng's brows finally relaxed a little.

An hour later...

"Natasha, how is it? Have you found anything?"

Han Feng would definitely repeat questions like this all night.

"Report to Captain Han, there is no discovery for the time being."


After Natasha finished speaking, Han Feng exhaled a breath of foul air and threw the cigarette butt in his hand.

On the ground... Dozens of cigarette butts were scattered at Han Feng's feet, foreshadowing his inner uneasiness at this moment...

A few hours later...

In the east, a ray of light suddenly rose from the dark night...

Gazing at the dawn, Han Feng pursed his lips, wondering what he was thinking.

"Luna, how long will it take to finish the base?"

"Report to Captain Han, the second Allied base vehicle has the last hour."

"The last hour..."

Frowning, Han Feng muttered again, "Did I... guess wrong?"

Maintaining a suspicious look, Han Feng said to Luna, "Luna, turn on the radar scan and confirm."

"Okay, Captain Han, the radar is scanning, please wait..."

Two seconds later, Luna concluded, "Report to Captain Han, the radar scan is over, and the scan results found a supply box."


Hearing the "long-lost" supply box, Han Feng's eyes widened instantly! At this moment, even the slight fatigue in Han Feng's eyes disappeared.

"Where is it?! Give me the location!"

Han Feng instructed with his fists clenched while shifting his attention to the system.

"Report to Captain Han, the supply box is to your west. The location is about 318 kilometers away from you."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng also "rushed" to the radar display screen.

"More than 300 kilometers?"

Han Feng pouted and said in a daze...

300 kilometers, such a long distance...it seems that he is definitely not a troublemaker.

With confusion, Han Feng said nothing and silently exited the system.

Now it seems that the second base is at least safe.

This may...be a blessing in disguise.

The next second, Han Feng suddenly remembered something! Capture the "important information" that flashed through your mind!

What does it mean to find a supply crate? !

It means danger!

So what counts as dangerous? Level six zombies...or level seven zombies!

Can this supply box... represent the location of level seven zombies? Or...is the gs virus beginning to become active?

After thinking about it for a second, Han Feng felt that he had lost sight of the latter.

With a radius of 500 kilometers and such a vast area, it is impossible for there to be only one level six zombie that has regained its full strength!

But to be on the safe side, Han Feng still asked Luna and said, "Luna, test the GS virus in my body to see if there are any abnormalities."

"Okay Team Korea, the system is doing a preliminary test on you..."

After waiting quietly for a few seconds, Luna said, "Report to Team Han that the GS virus in your body is still dormant and no abnormalities have been found."

"Haha...I knew..."

With Luna's evidence, Han Feng basically concluded that the level seven zombies were three hundred kilometers away from him!

"Luna, divide all the Red Alert soldiers into two groups and take turns on duty."

Since the danger was far away, Han Feng relaxed his guard a little. Especially since everyone stayed up all night with themselves, they must be extremely exhausted.

"Okay, Team Korea."

After a shout of agreement, half of the red police soldiers guarding the perimeter withdrew and went to the camp to rest and adjust.

A few minutes later...

Looking up at the early sunshine, Han Feng noticed that the nearest hillside to the second base was the side of Liu Meng's grave.

Without hesitation, Han Feng briefly checked the weapons and equipment before running towards the hillside.

Sitting on the rocks on the top of the mountain, Han Feng silently smoked a cigarette and stared at the base vehicle in front of him...

A few minutes ago, Han Feng took a special look at Liu Meng's empty grave. No surprises...the tomb is still empty.

"Report to the Korean team that the second allied base vehicle has been constructed and can be put into use. Please give instructions."

Suddenly, Luna's voice sounded in Han Feng's mind!

"Has it been built?!!!"

Upon hearing the news, Han Feng stood up and exclaimed.

"Yes, the Korean team, the second Allied base vehicle has been built and can be put into use."

Listening to Luna's repeated answer, Han Feng raised his head and looked at the sun...

At this moment, the sky is already bright. Look at the phone again, seven twenty-five...

"Expand the Second Allied Base Vehicle!"

Without hesitation, Han Feng immediately gave the order!

"Bang...chi! Huh..."

Accompanied by loud noises and flying dust...

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