Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 476: Walking leisurely

Three days later...

During these days, Han Feng has been in a high-frequency reconnaissance state.

Almost twice a day, Han Feng has to determine the location of the seventh-level zombies.

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And during these three days, Han Feng also built a combat laboratory, an ore refinery and a radar.

The morning of the fourth day...

"Luna, build the air command department. Confirm the construction!"

After this sentence was issued, Han Feng knew... After the main building was built, all the main buildings of the second base would be built. The rest is an instant upgrade!

"Okay, Captain Han, the main building - the air command department, is under construction. The estimated construction time is 24 hours, please wait..."

"Luna, turn on the radar scan! Confirm!"

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng replied in seconds.

"Okay, Captain Han, the radar is scanning, please wait..."

"Report to Captain Han, the radar scan is complete. The scan results found eight supply boxes."

"Report to Captain Han, the latest supply box is about 56 kilometers away from us."

Luna knew what Han Feng was going to ask next, so she explained without waiting for Han Feng to ask.

"56 kilometers?"

Hearing this distance, Han Feng was stunned...

The last "update", this guy was more than 60 kilometers away from him. After so long... he was less than 10 kilometers closer? !

Frowning, Han Feng took out a cigarette, lit one and thought... What is it waiting for? Waiting for the zombie army to gather...

"Luna! Summon four invader fighters! All ammunition replaced with slow-drop bombs!"

As soon as this guess came up, Han Feng immediately thought of a countermeasure!

In the mountains and fields, having "bombers" is better than using human sea tactics!

"Report to Captain Han, the Air Command will take another 23 hours and 50 minutes to complete. Please wait patiently..."


After being poured with a "cold water" by Luna, Han Feng realized that the Air Command was still under construction... He was too impatient!


After cursing, Han Feng scratched his head and thought about it...

Soon, Han Feng gritted his teeth and ordered, "Tanya, Natasha!! Prepare the Nighthawk transport plane and prepare to take off!"

Taking a puff of cigarette, Han Feng continued to order, "Luna, send two more SEALs, and all four transport planes will take off!"

On the way to the Nighthawk, Han Feng said, "By the way, let all the Terminators follow!"

"Okay, Captain Han.

Following Han Feng's order, Luna quickly arranged it...

"Da da da da da..."

Five minutes later, four Nighthawk helicopters slowly took off.

"Go directly to the level 7 zombies! Shoot him with a wave of snipers first! "

In mid-air, Han Feng pointed in the direction of the level 7 zombies and said, "Luna, for safety reasons, let all the soldiers of the second base come out to guard!"

"Okay, Captain Han."

"Da da da da da..."

After Luna finished speaking, the four transport planes in mid-air turned around and headed in the direction designated by Han Feng...

Inside the transport plane, Han Feng wore noise-isolating headphones, held a mad knife in his hand, and carefully watched every inch of land under him...

He had made up his mind that once he found a large-scale zombie group, he would jump off the transport plane without hesitation! Start the battle directly!!!

"Report to Captain Han, we have arrived at the last place where the level 7 zombies appeared. →"

More than ten minutes later, Luna's report sounded in Han Feng's mind.

"? ? ? "

After hearing this, Han Feng was a little puzzled... Along the way, let alone a large-scale zombie group... Not even a "lost" zombie was seen!

"Where are the level 7 zombies? "

Wondering, Han Feng asked Luna.

"Sorry, Captain Han... I don't know, the radar didn't detect it."


After thinking for a few seconds, Han Feng said, "Then turn on the scan again!"

"Report to Captain Han, the interval between two radar scans must not be less than twelve hours. In other words... within twelve hours after you use the radar scan, you cannot use it again..."

"What? !!! "

This is the first time Han Feng has heard Luna say this.

"Yes, Captain Han, you cannot use the radar scan again within twelve hours. Unless... unless you can reach a new location five hundred kilometers away. ”


Hearing Luna’s repeated answer, Han Feng wilted…

Not being able to use radar scanning for twelve hours…this is not good news.

Level 7 zombies have the function of “invisibility”, which means…during this period of time, as long as it does not show up, he will not be able to find it!

“Go back…”

During the few minutes of communicating with Luna, the four Nighthawk transport planes have circled in the air for several circles.

I haven’t seen the figure of the level 7 zombies for so long. If I don’t go back…I’m afraid I will fall into the trap of “luring the tiger away from the mountain”!

“Okay, Captain Han.”

After Luna finished speaking, the Nighthawk transport planes turned around one after another and returned to the second base…

“Luna, remember to tell me when the radar can be used normally.”

“Okay, Captain Han.”

On the way back, Han Feng did not forget to remind Luna…

More than ten minutes later, Han Feng arrived at the second base. Fortunately…during the time he was away, nothing happened. However…after this morning’s “messing around”, the time has come to noon.

After eating the self-heating military rations, Han Feng ordered a large group of troops to go to the surrounding mountains and forests to explore the surrounding mountains and forests.

Own? Haha... "The enemy is at hand", of course Han Feng is sitting at the base and does not dare to "run around" like he did a few days ago.

Staying in the base, Han Feng read the time, and the minutes passed by...

"Hey Luna, the last time the seventh-level zombies told me to have a truce... when was it? How long has it been?"

Holding a cigarette in his mouth, Han Feng suddenly remembered this question while watching the sun go westward.

"The report to the Korean team was made three months and one day ago."

! ! !

“Is it already three months already?!”

Standing up in surprise, Han Feng exclaimed.

"Yes, Team Korea, it's been more than three months."


After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng did not reply, but took out his mobile phone...


Staring, Han Feng read the date displayed on his phone...

"Shouldn't there be a few more days? Why..."

Holding his cell phone, Han Feng thought in a daze... It took three months to build the base. Construction of the base had already started before the level 7 zombies said they would cease the war! How could it be...

"I'm going!!"

As soon as he finished his last sentence, Han Feng reacted instantly! The base was indeed built "ahead of time", but...but these main buildings also took more than a week!

Let’s put it this way…three months! Just got over it!

"Report to the Korean team that the radar usage restrictions have been refreshed and can be used normally."

While Han Feng was thinking carefully, Luna's report sounded in his mind.

"Start scanning! Confirm!"

After hearing this, Han Feng immediately decided to turn on the radar!

As for the "miscellaneous things" in his mind, Han Feng also decided to think about it later.

"Okay Team Korea, the radar is scanning, please wait..."

"When this scan comes out... we must attack quickly! This guy... must not be far from me!!!" Before waiting for the scan results to come out, Han Feng said to himself...

"Reporting to the Korean team, the radar scan has been completed. The scan results found nine supply boxes. The supply boxes that appeared in the latest update are less than 20 kilometers away from us."

"Twenty kilometers! Not enough?! Impossible!"

Hearing the news, Han Feng was shocked! ! !

Twenty kilometers...

This distance, for a zombie as strong as the seventh level, is almost "face to face"!

Under the exclamation, Han Feng felt that this

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