Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 296: Allied Base Vehicle

The Sixth Brigade was divided into two, and Han Feng and Tanya each took charge of a team and began a "fierce" "fierce fight."

"Haha! It's not a hit~ Just a little bit!!!" Han Feng used his speed superpower to avoid a snowball that Tanya was sure to hit, and then laughed and made a face.

"Wait for me!" Tanya pointed at Han Feng and shouted. She quickly bent down and picked up a handful of snowflakes from the ground. On the way to Han Feng, she squeezed her hands into a snowball.

"La la la la~ I can't fight, I can't fight~"

Hearing Han Feng's continued "provocation", Tanya, who refused to admit defeat, quickened her pace...


"Ouch! I'm making trouble with you..."


Seeing Tanya's winning expression, Han Feng had no choice but to activate his speed super power again.

At this time...in front of many red alert soldiers, two speeding black figures chased each other. The snowflakes rising behind them alone reached a height of more than two meters...


Seconds later, the chase ended in Tanya's victory.

"Huh! If you yell again, I'll bury you in the snow!" Tanya clapped her hands and turned around...

Covering the back of his head, Han Feng lay on the ground...his body twitched...

Propping up his body, Han Feng's eyes were red and he muttered, "Did this bitch... put rocks in the snowball?! Why does it hurt so much! Hiss..."

While rubbing the back of his head, Han Feng thought to himself...what if? Wrap the silver shuttle in the snowball?

The next second, Han Feng shook his head...

Suddenly, the corners of Han Feng's mouth turned up, and a "bad" idea burst out in his heart!

Immediately afterwards, Han Feng squatted on the ground and did not get up, and kept wrapping the snowball. He wrapped one and put it aside until dozens of snowballs were piled around him...

"Tanya! Die~! Hahahahahaha!!!" He raised his finger and pointed at Tanya not far away, Han Feng laughed loudly, and then imitated the characters in Naruto and said, "Snow Shield! The powerful snowball technique!"

In fact, he used his mind power to stir up all the snowballs and some snow on the ground.

In an instant, light snowflakes covered the battlefield... In a fairyland-like environment, dozens of snowballs attacked Tanya at the same time.

Afraid that Tanya would escape, Han Feng specially "taken care" of her and imprisoned her for a moment...

"Ta! Ta! Ta! Ta..."

But what Han Feng didn't expect was... the moment the confinement was lifted, Tanya actually pulled out her two guns and hit the flying snowball.

As you can imagine, all the snowballs were shot down by bullets, and none of them hit Tanya...

"Hey~ It's not fun at all~ I won't play anymore~" Han Feng said knowingly as he watched Tanya calmly retract her guns.

"If you say you don't want to play, then you won't play~" With a laugh, Tanya ordered, "All soldiers! Charge!"

Then, Tanya took the lead and used her twenty-five Red Police soldiers to charge at Han Feng!

Soon, this "rebellion" action forced Han Feng into the tent, and at the same time forced Han Feng to order the dismantling of the soldiers' "rebellion"...

This morning, Han Feng spent most of his time running around the construction plant.

After the snowball fight, he made a snowman, and after making the snowman, he "bullied and bullied" Tanya. Soon, the time came to noon...

"Gulu..." His stomach protested, and Han Feng felt hungry.

Covered in snow, Han Feng drove Tanya back to the zinc mine to prepare for lunch.

During the dinner, everyone chatted happily. The topics all revolved around today's snow, especially Huhu, who was so playful that she laughed the most.

After eating, Han Feng stayed in the zinc mine and took a nap.

When I woke up again, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

Taking out his mobile phone, Han Feng calculated the "completion" time of the base vehicle.

"There are still seven hours until ten o'clock..." After muttering, Han Feng put away his phone and drove to the construction plant to wait.

In the last seven hours, Han Feng took out his phone almost every ten minutes or asked Luna. I always feel that time passes "too slowly".

At nine-thirty in the evening, Han Feng ate two compressed biscuits and drank a bottle of water for dinner.

After leaving the tent, Han Feng walked to the base vehicle. Stopped an engineer and asked, "It's been a day and I haven't seen any progress on the base vehicle? Why isn't it good?"

"Reporting to the Korean team, the Allied base vehicle has actually been built now, but it will take some time to test the performance and test the circuit. It will be ready in about half an hour."

"Oh... that's okay~ you go and do your work~"

After letting the engineer go, Han Feng suddenly noticed that the four original furnaces at the four corners of the construction plant were missing.

How suddenly these large tools appeared in the first place, how suddenly they disappear now...

The bored Han Feng lit a cigarette, rubbed his hands, and counted down silently...

Half an hour later...

"Reporting to the Korean team, the Allied base vehicle has been built!" After a pause, Luna continued, "Congratulations to the Korean team! You have your own Allied base vehicle!"

"Yes!!! Oh ho~~~" He waved his fist excitedly towards the sky. Han Feng was so excited!

"Please ask the Korean team to enter the base vehicle now for acceptance inspection."

"Ah?" Luna's words made Han Feng confused... because according to known knowledge, only engineers can enter the base vehicle, so he...


Suddenly, the huge base vehicle opened a small door and lowered a ladder.

"Kick, kick, kick..." As he climbed up the ladder, Han Feng tried his best to calm down his excitement.

"Hello, Team Korea~" When Han Feng entered the base vehicle, Luna suddenly came from the passage inside the vehicle.

"You, you, you..." Pointing at Luna, Han Feng was sure that she was a "real entity"! Not a holographic projection.

"Hey, Captain Han, we finally meet~" After shaking hands with Han Feng elegantly, Luna continued, "Now, I am the main driver of this base vehicle. You can also call me "Captain". There are a total of fifty engineers in this base vehicle, cooperating with me to do all the mobilization work."

"Uh..." After listening to Luna, Han Feng realized... Why didn't he see these engineers? It turned out that they all entered the base vehicle as temporary "drivers"...


"Captain Han, ask." Seeing Han Feng hesitating, Luna reminded him.

"You just asked me to come up to inspect the base vehicle, and then what? Just stand here?"

"Haha~" Luna chuckled and said, "Captain Han, you can go down."


"Just now I asked you to come up because of the system's requirements. The newly built base vehicle must allow the commander to enter, and then you will be scanned, authenticated, authorized and other functions."

"Then let's start?" After hearing this, Han Feng spread his arms and said.

"It's over."


Seeing Han Feng didn't speak, Luna smiled and said, "After you go down, you must walk out of the wall. Remember, don't leave your belongings inside the wall."

"Yeah, then what?" At this time, Han Feng nodded and agreed like a primary school student.

"Then you give the order-to deploy the Allied base vehicle, that's it."

"That's it?"

"Yeah, that's it."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng nodded, then turned and walked out of the base vehicle.

When he came to the wall, Han Feng turned his eyes and found that there was nothing left.

When Han Feng walked out of the fence, he whispered, "Deploy the Allied base vehicle."



After waiting for a few seconds, Han Feng did not see the scene he had expected in his mind...


"I'm here."



"Hoohoo hoohoo...!!!"

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