Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 295: Snow


At the critical moment, the sniper lying on the base vehicle opened fire!


In the burning state, the body of the level five zombie that was hit was obviously stunned! There was even a tendency to retreat in his steps.


At this time, Han Feng could vaguely hear the unique roar of the Sabretooth Tiger armored vehicle engine!

"Hold on a little longer...!"

"Buzz...boom! Huhu...!!"

As soon as Han Feng finished talking to himself, a "line of fire" composed of bullets passed through the dark night and focused on a level five zombie!

No need to guess, it’s the Terminator’s “long-range” fire support!

Gently tilting his head, Han Feng looked along the line of fire... his jaw was almost stunned!

Ten Saber-toothed Tiger armored vehicles were galloping in sight, the roar and the sound of sand and dust mixed together!

At this time, Han Feng suddenly remembered. I just ordered all the magnetic blast infantry to come over...and Han Feng has forty magnetic blast infantry! ! !

Because the magnetic blast infantry were wearing thick and heavy armor, there was not enough space for a Sabretooth Tiger armored vehicle to carry eight people... so they all drove over.

His eyes continued to look towards the zinc mine and the temporary residence of the survivors...

Sure enough, without the magnetic blast infantry who continued to release electric current, both places fell into darkness due to lack of electricity.

"Forty magnetic blast infantry... enough to kill you two many times!" Han Feng straightened his chest and continued to imprison the two level five zombies without losing his power of thought.

Tens of seconds later, all the Terminator's Gatling bullets were fired. At this time, the "reinforcements" just arrived at the gate of the construction plant!

Everything is just right...

Ten Sabretooth Tiger armored vehicles were lined up in a line, and forty magnetic blast infantrymen and Ghost Tanya quickly got out of the vehicle, leaving only ten American soldiers as drivers still sitting in the driving seat, waiting for new orders.

"Leave it to you..." Han Feng finished speaking in a voice so small that only he could hear it, and instantly withdrew his mental power.

Without the blessing of mental power, the imprisonment of mind power also became invalid in the next moment.

Two level five zombies who had lost their restraints, their bodies stretched out. After they stabilized their bodies, they glanced at the construction plant, picked up their feet and continued running!

Holding his knees with both hands, Han Feng reluctantly raised his head. He didn't want to miss this "electrotherapy" feast, nor did he want to miss the death scene of level five zombies...

"Bah...bah, bah..."

A row of magnetic blast infantry stood outside the entrance of the construction plant. The portable Tesla coil on their right arm began to flash blue arcs at the port! And made bursts of ear-grinding electric sounds.

"Hey! Hey!" The closer the level five zombies are to the magnetic blast infantry, the stronger the electric sound of the magnetic blast infantry will be!

finally! When there were still more than ten meters left between the two, the magnetic blast infantry "opened fire"!

"Boom! Boom boom!"

"Boom! Bang!!!"

Dozens of powerful currents, like countless tentacles, surrounded these two "fire men"!

As the voltage continued to increase, a closed spherical electric prison began to appear around the two "burning men"!

Looking at the two shining light groups not far away, Han Feng was stunned... because he felt that every hair on his body began to "levitate"...

Even though they were nearly a hundred meters apart, I could still smell the "rust" smell in the air! And not only could he smell it with his nose, but Han Feng could also taste a hint of "rust" in his mouth!

Han Feng, who had learned a little bit about electric current, knew that he was now in a high voltage area. →At the same time, Han Feng also warned himself desperately not to move... As long as one foot is raised, it must not be dropped!

Once the circuit is closed...at only 36 volts, you can take your own life...

Not wanting to be "buried" with these two level five zombies, Han Feng could only stand there obediently.



Sudden! Seventy or eighty meters away, two level five zombies suddenly "exploded"! The violent current and the rapid shock wave actually extinguished the flames burning on them!

"This..." He raised his hand and pointed at the location of the explosion. Han Feng couldn't believe it, "Is this the end?!"

In Han Feng's understanding, two level five zombies would be "roasted" into "human beings" by high pressure. Even if you are electrocuted, you should never explode...

"Uh...hehe..." Han Feng slowly put down his hand and laughed angrily a few times.




Several crisp sounds came from Han Feng!

After the battle was over, Han Feng, who thought everything was fine, accidentally touched his body with his hand... The powerful static electricity was triggered, causing these movements.

"Ah! Ah! It hurts!"

The more he moves, the more static electricity is released, and the more painful it is for Han Feng... The more painful it is, the more Han Feng moves, and the more static electricity is released...

Finally, after a few seconds, Han Feng forcibly stabilized his flailing arms and squatted on the ground with a huff...

Slowly placing his hands on the ground, Han Feng silently recited five, four, three, two, one...

Han Feng wanted to conduct his own voltage to the earth in this way.

When the countdown ended, Han Feng's "standing" hair and fine hairs returned to "calm" and no longer "standing guard".

"Luna, has the voltage in my body returned to normal?" Raising his hand, Han Feng still did not dare to "act rashly", so he had to ask Luna for her opinion first.

"Report to the Korean team that the voltage in your body is three times higher than the normal value. But don't worry, after some time, the voltage in your body will return to normal."

"Huh... that's good..."

After saying that, Han Feng straightened up and walked towards the entrance of the construction plant.

"Oh my gosh! Terminator Ghost!!!" When Han Feng walked in front of the magnetic infantry, Han Feng suddenly remembered that the Terminator was most afraid of "electrical" attacks!

I was almost electrocuted when I was standing a hundred meters away! Then the ghost standing behind the magnetic infantry, wouldn't it be...

"Report to Captain Han, there are silver conductive points on the boots of the Terminator Ghost, which will conduct the current of its own load to the earth. And the bionic skin of the Terminator also has a certain insulation effect, so the Terminator is fine."

"Then Tanya..."

"Report to Captain Han, Tanya also led the Red Alert soldiers to climb up the insulating wall at the first time."

"Heh~" With a chuckle, Han Feng could see it... He was the only one who was "accidentally injured"~

But Han Feng was still very grateful. Originally thought that he had to hold back two level 5 zombies for five minutes, but he didn't expect Tanya and the others to act so quickly! They rushed over in less than two minutes!

After solving the fatal threat, Han Feng's brain began to feel a little pain.

However, compared with the previous pain, this pain was just like "steaming a sauna"~

After looking around at everyone, Han Feng thought for a while and ordered, "Tanya and Terminator Ghost, you two stay for a while."

"All the other magnetic storm infantry will go to their respective posts and continue to generate electricity in turns. Go~"

"Yes! Captain Han!"

After receiving the order, the forty magnetic storm infantry spoke in a muffled voice.

After watching the ten saber-toothed tiger armored vehicles leave, Han Feng led the two into the tent.

Sitting on the bed, Han Feng casually said, "Don't be restrained, there is a camp bed in the corner... I can't do it... I have to sleep for a while..."

Just like that... With Tanya's face full of black lines, Han Feng fell asleep...

The next morning, Han Feng woke up from his dream...

"Huh? What are you doing lighting the stove?" After lifting the quilt, Han Feng felt a little hot. Turning around, I saw a coal-burning stove in the center of the tent emitting high temperatures.

"I'm just worried that you'll be cold~" At this time, sitting on another bed,

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