Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 297: Flu

"Sorry, Captain Han, you can only know the specific situation after it is built.♦♦  ♦♦"

"Uh..." Rubbing his forehead, Han Feng hesitated and said, "Then follow the order! Build the power station first!"

"Report to Captain Han, the construction cost of the physical building - the power station is 100,000 gold coins, and the construction time is 24 hours."

"I..." ✪

Hearing this "huge" construction fee, Han Feng was stunned.

"How much?!" Until now, Han Feng still couldn't believe it, and suspected that he had heard it wrong.

"Report to Captain Han, the construction of a physical building - a power station requires 100,000 gold coins."


After three seconds of freezing in the air, Han Feng gritted his teeth and squeezed out a word, "Build!"

"Okay, Captain Han, the physical building - the power station is being prepared for construction. Please ask Captain Han to specify the construction location."

After a pause, Luna continued, "The location of the selected physical power station must not be less than 500 square meters and the height must not be less than 100 meters."

"Uh..." After listening, Han Feng raised his hand and began to look for a place that met Luna's requirements...

A few seconds later, Han Feng pointed to an empty space next to the Allied base and said, "Luna, do you think this place is okay?"

"Report to Captain Han, this area meets the construction requirements. Are you sure to build it? If you are sure, the power station will not be able to move."

"Sure! Build it!"

"Okay, Captain Han, the physical building - the power station is under construction, please wait..."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng stared at that place. His eyes shone with curiosity, wondering how the power station was built.



The expected building was not built, but all the soldiers of the Sixth Battalion, each holding an ordnance shovel, came stepping on the snow.

"Report to Captain Han, the Red Alert soldiers must clean the foundation before they can build."

"Oh...Okay." Han Feng said in a lost tone, turned around and took out a cigarette and lit it.

"Hoo...Hoo..." A gust of wind, mixed with some broken snowflakes blew.

"Eh~ It's so cold!!" Shivering, Han Feng raised his legs and walked towards the tent.

What Han Feng didn't expect was that the coal stove in the tent was turned off at this time...Without the heating equipment, the tent was a few degrees colder than outside!

"I don't feel it during the day...It's really cold at night!!!" Rubbing his hands, Han Feng really felt 'It's not cold when it snows, but it's cold when the snow melts'...

"It would be great if Liu Zhe was here." Han Feng murmured while fiddling with coal.

Yes, if there is a "fire man" around, even in the coldest weather, you can feel the heat.

When the fire started, the warmth slowly dispelled the cold.

"Ah... ha." Han Feng yawned, took out his mobile phone, and saw that it was already past eleven o'clock.

Pulling open the small window of the tent, Han Feng saw that the soldiers of the Sixth Battalion were still clearing obstacles in the open space with their bare hands.

"Luna, it's so cold today, and the tents where the Sixth Battalion sleeps have no heating equipment..."

"Report to Captain Han, you don't have to worry about this. After the cleaning mission is completed, they will enter the Allied Base to rest."

After listening to Luna, Han Feng widened his eyes and asked curiously, "Can people still live in the base?!"

"Report to Captain Han, the Allied Base has a total of 25 driving and control positions. There are 100 independent lounges in the living warehouse, as well as restaurants, bathrooms, and other areas. A total of up to 200 people can enter at the same time."

"No way... the functions are so complete?!"

In Han Feng's cognition, the base is the base. It is the most important building and the source of everything. Instead of a "hotel"...

"This design is also to allow the Allied base to have the ability to protect itself, so as not to fall into a passive position when facing the enemy."

"Oh...I see." Responding to Luna, Han Feng remembered the game of Red Alert. After destroying the base, an engineer and several American soldiers will appear...I guess this is the reason~

After finishing the conversation with Luna, Han Feng sat on the bed and took off his coat and shoes. Looking at Tanya on the bed opposite, Han Feng said, "Go to bed early, good night~"

After speaking, Han Feng lay down hurriedly without waiting for Tanya to reply, and covered the quilt with his back to Tanya...

"Good night, tsk..." After a few seconds, Tanya's voice came from behind Han Feng...

The next morning, Han Feng woke up from the warm quilt.

Feeling the warmth of the fire, Han Feng knew that Tanya must have gotten up in the middle of the night to add carbon. Otherwise, the carbon last night would definitely not last until now.

Lifting the quilt and turning around, Han Feng saw that Tanya's bed was empty.

The neat white sheets and the quilt folded into a "tofu block" indicate that Tanya has been awake for some time.

Glancing around, Han Feng did not find Tanya's presence.

After getting up and dressing, Han Feng found bottled water and washed up.

Walking outside, a cold wind blew in his face.

"Oh my god!!! It's cold!" Rubbing his hands, Han Feng walked towards the Allied base.


Because it was too dark last night, Han Feng did not see the full picture of the base, but now...

Staring at this steel "castle", Han Feng subconsciously opened his mouth and did not close it for a long time...

"This is too big..." Looking at the huge mechanical arm, several huge warehouses, and the "living area" tens of meters high, Han Feng exclaimed again and again.

Turning his eyes, Han Feng saw that a "prototype" of a power station had been built next to the Allied base.

"Hiss, hiss."

There was no one on the huge pedestal, but golden light flashed. Amid the sound of leakage, some objects appeared, connected, and combined "out of thin air"...

"Luna, who is building the power station?" Han Feng approached the power station with his arms folded. After not finding any "construction workers", he asked Luna in confusion.

"Report to the Han team, no one is building the power station." After a pause, Luna continued to explain, "Because the Allied base vehicle has been built, it has a powerful key technology. Therefore, in the future main buildings, they are all fully automated, and engineers do not need to do it themselves."

"Oh..." Han Feng, who didn't quite understand, asked again, "What about the materials? Where do the construction materials come from?"

"No construction materials are needed."

"Ah?! Why?"

"Because the construction materials you see are all produced by the base. And the base does not need gold coins to produce materials."

After listening to Luna's explanation, Han Feng scratched the back of his head, then nodded, and said nothing more.

After a few seconds, Han Feng thought of Tanya and asked, "Luna, where is Tanya?"

"Captain Han, Tanya and the Terminator Ghost are both in the base."

"Okay~ Let them stay~ I'll go back to eat first~" As he spoke, Han Feng turned and walked towards the multi-purpose infantry vehicle.

"Captain Han, there is a restaurant in the base. If you want to eat, you can come up to eat?"

Hearing this, Han Feng's steps slowed down, but after a few seconds, Han Feng decided to go back. Thinking of telling everyone the good news that the base construction is completed.

"Oh, by the way, Luna, now the base... can others be approached?" Thinking of the previous question, Han Feng asked.

"Report to Captain Han, yes."

"Then can other people enter the base?"

"Also, Captain Han."

"That's good~ I'll go first~~" After confirming, Han Feng got into the multi-purpose infantry vehicle and turned around and walked towards the zinc mine.

Three minutes later, Han Feng parked the car in front of the zinc mine's color steel house.

After getting off the car, Han Feng glanced around... There was no one else except the Red Alert soldiers on duty.

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