Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 290: Boulder Crisis

The mud was mixed with rocks, trees and other objects of varying sizes, sweeping down and coming towards us.

If the zombie frenzy was frightening, at least there was still a chance to fight. But... facing this natural disaster, Han Feng actually felt powerless.


The whole earth began to tremble, like an earthquake. And in the mountains, it seemed as if hundreds of trains were whistling at the same time.

"Luna, ten... ten! Ten walls!" Han Feng tried his best to stabilize his trembling body, and pointed to the direction of the mudslide and continued, "Every fifty meters... No! Build a wall every twenty-five meters!"

"Okay, Captain Han, the wall is being built, please wait..."

After speaking, ten walls appeared instantly, blocking the mountain and the construction plant and the temporary residence of the survivors.

A total of thirteen walls. Each wall is six kilometers long... and the price is the "evaporation" of nearly 80,000 gold coins.

Looking at the "densely packed" fence that looked like a speed bump, Han Feng felt relieved.

"Luna, now... can we block the impact of the mudslide?!"

"Report to Captain Han, there is a certain probability of blocking..."

After listening, Han Feng was silent... Luna did not give an accurate probability, but only said that there was a certain probability... Haha, in other words, the probability is very low!

At this time, even if Han Feng still wanted to build a fence, it would not be realistic. Because the distance from the foot of the mountain to the construction plant was not far, there was really no place to build a "speed bump"...

Gritting his teeth, Han Feng stood in the rain, thinking that he still had telekinesis! And he... was the last speed bump!

"Report to Captain Han, the mudslide is about to hit the first line of defense. The estimated time is one minute later..."

"Fifty seconds..."

"Thirty seconds..."

Looking at the landslide that "collapsed" half of the mountain, Han Feng kept taking deep breaths and adjusted his body to the most suitable state for outputting telekinesis.

"Ten, nine, eight..."

"Two, one."

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The countdown ended, and the mudslide "closely contacted" the first wall! I saw several huge rocks slamming into the wall!

With just one encounter, several large holes were smashed in the first wall!

"Fuck!!!" Seeing this scene, Han Feng was shocked!

I didn't expect that the wall with a single square meter of maximum defense of five tank guns could not even withstand one second! Just "sacrificed" like this? !

"Report to the Han team, the mudslide is about to hit the second line of defense." This time, Luna did not give an exact time for the report... because as soon as she finished speaking, the mudslide had already touched the second wall...

"Boom!!! Boom boom!..."

The boulder continued to crush the second wall... Such a defense could not even slow it down.


Seeing the second wall "sacrificed", Han Feng swallowed his saliva and rubbed his eyes subconsciously.

"Boom boom boom..."

At this time, Han Feng, who had just put down his hand, watched the boulder easily crush the third line of defense, and felt the vibration under his feet getting stronger and stronger.

"Can I really stop such a boulder..." In a trance, Han Feng lost all confidence in himself...

Unfortunately, the boulder will not change its attack route because of Han Feng's mood. Four or five round stones collided with each other and continued to dive towards the construction plant.

The fourth, fifth, sixth...until these boulders broke through the sixth wall, the speed began to ease. But...at this speed, breaking through all the walls is still "easy".

Suddenly, Han Feng understood...understood what Luna said a few minutes ago "there is a certain probability of blocking"...

Looking at the unstoppable rock, Han Feng's face twitched a few times...

But the wall is not useless. Except for these four or five boulders that can't be blocked, most of the other small stones and flowing mud and tree trunks are blocked.

"Huh..." Taking a deep breath, Han Feng stared at the rolling boulder with his eyes wide open, letting the rain drip without blinking!

Soon, the eighth line of defense was crushed. It was only a matter of time before the remaining four walls were destroyed.

Han Feng estimated that the four boulders were less than 150 meters away from him. At this distance, it should not be too mentally exhausting to use telekinesis...

Turning his head to look at the construction plant behind him, Han Feng smiled gently...

"Today... I will protect you no matter what." Moving his lips, Han Feng's voice was so low that only he could hear it.

Turning his head, Han Feng looked at the boulder that was about to roll over, and whispered, "Do you want to go over? Then roll over my body!"

"Telekinesis! Give it to me!! Start!!!" The tiger's eyes glared! Han Feng's veins popped all over his body!

When he finished speaking this word by word, the ten silver shuttles on Han Feng's waist cut through his shirt and soared into the sky! !

"Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!!!"

The silver shuttles flying between heaven and earth made bursts of golden sounds! This golden sound shattered the raindrops around them!

Under the control of telekinesis, Han Feng pointed his sword at the four boulders in front of him and said, "Break them for me!!!"

"Swoosh! Swoosh!"

The ten silver shuttles split into two and swooped down from the sky! They pierced two of the boulders!

"Ding Ding Ding! Ding Ding!"


After the threaded ends of the five silver shuttles pierced into the boulders, they began to spin wildly!

At the point of contact between the two, the surface of the boulder began to fall off. Large chunks of gravel flew and scattered!

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

At this time... the four boulders have already destroyed the eleventh wall...

"Ugh... Ah! Shatter!!!!" With red eyes, Han Feng roared, and then burst out his mental power!



Suddenly! Two muffled sounds came!

The two boulders drilled by the silver shuttle broke from the middle!

The boulder lost its shape advantage and finally stopped at the twelfth line of defense...



There are still two prototype boulders that crushed the twelfth line of defense. Rolling towards the last wall, and the offensive is still going on!

"Tap, tap, tap..."

Just then, Han Feng's ears caught the sound of running...

Following the direction of the sound, Han Feng saw that the person coming was Tanya!

Tanya ran on the last wall and rushed quickly in the direction of the rolling boulder.

When the distance between the two was less than fifty meters, Tanya waved her right hand! A black thing shot towards the boulder.

After throwing out the black object, Tanya jumped off the wall. After rolling several times in the mud to relieve the impact, Tanya quickly moved towards the wall and shouted to Han Feng, "Avoid!!!"


At this time, Han Feng knew what Tanya had thrown just now... It was C.4! ! !

After yelling, Han Feng quickly lay on the ground and "dumped" his head as hard as he could! He didn't care about the cold rain and the dirty mud on the ground...

"Boom! Boom!!!"

In an instant, the explosion was deafening! Debris was splashed everywhere!

After the explosion, Han Feng didn't have time to think too much and got up directly from the ground! Because... there was still one last boulder to deal with!

But fortunately, the shock wave just now caused the boulder's rolling route to deviate a little. Although it was also rolling towards the construction plant, at least it was not "right in the middle"...

"Silver shuttle! Give it to me..."


It seemed that there was no time... Before Han Feng finished shouting "Start", the boulder had already destroyed the last line of defense...

Looking at the boulder rolling towards him 30 meters away, Han Feng almost bit his teeth!

Without any hesitation! Han Feng moved more than ten meters away, avoiding the path that the boulder must pass through, and shouted "Start!

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