Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 291: Return to Normal


The situation will not be temporarily relieved because of Han Feng's coma. Instead, the boulder will become more "violent" due to the disappearance of the telekinesis!

The Terminator's hands collapsed the moment Han Feng withdrew his telekinesis!

Due to the squeezing, the bionic tissue in the palm of the Terminator was squeezed into a "mud" state, and then flowed down the arms along with the bionic blood...

"Squeak... Squeak..."

In less than a second, the Terminator's body made a "screaming" sound like grinding teeth...

Then, the arms, legs, spine... were all deformed and twisted.

Even a body as strong as titanium steel could not withstand this boulder of more than ten meters and hundreds of tons...

Like a "nail", the Terminator slowly sank down. Soon, the Terminator's calf was pressed into the ground.


Suddenly! The one-star Grizzly tank three kilometers away fired!

"Swoosh!!!" With the sound of the wind, the tank gun warhead rushed straight to the last boulder!

"Bang! Boom!!!"

The boulder was accurately hit by the tank gun! At the point of impact, large pieces of rubble broke and fell off. But... the remaining half of the boulder was crushed by the momentum of the shells, and the crushing pressure was even greater than before!

"Bang! Bang Bang!"

In less than two seconds, the Terminator's two arms made a crisp breaking sound!

Without the fulcrum of his arms, the Terminator could only use his head to support the boulder! At the same time, he exerted force with his legs and stood firmly under the boulder!

"Bang! Bang Bang!"

At this time, the other two Grizzlies tanks also entered the attack range. In conjunction with the previous one-star Grizzlies tank, three shells were fired at the same time.

"Bang Bang Bang!"

The landing points of the three shells were distributed on three points of the boulder. With just one encounter, the boulder was instantly shattered! Differentiated into hundreds of pieces of rubble of different sizes.

It was no longer a spherical boulder, and it lost the advantages of its own weight and size. Finally, it turned into a "small hill" and stopped moving forward...

The Terminator was buried under this hill...

The rain continued to wash the earth. Han Feng was still unconscious in the same position as before.

As for what happened around him after he fell unconscious, Han Feng was unaware...

"Tap tap..."

Coming in the rain, Tanya picked up Han Feng on the ground. She dragged him to the multi-purpose infantry vehicle and then "went home"...


After an unknown amount of time, Han Feng, who was lying on the bed, uttered a mumbling sound and then opened his eyes hazily.

Looking at the ceiling, Han Feng felt sore and weak all over. His head also felt "empty", with occasional tingling pains...

"Cough cough..."

After coughing softly a few times, Han Feng heard footsteps. A few seconds later, Wei Yun entered the room from the door.

"Brother Han! You finally woke up!" After saying that, Wei Yun covered his mouth and cried.

"Hey? Why are you crying?" With a hoarse voice, Han Feng took his hand out of the quilt, but unexpectedly shook off the towel on his forehead when he turned over.

"Uh... um? Hot?" Picking up the towel from the pillow, Han Feng wondered... Why put a hot towel on my forehead?

Holding the towel, Han Feng's eyes were hazy... It wasn't until two seconds later that he reacted and realized whether he had a fever?

While thinking, Han Feng put the back of his hand on his forehead...

"Oh my!" Feeling the "hot" back of his hand, Han Feng cursed softly.

Before he could say anything, he saw Wei Yun coming over quickly, pulling out the towel in his hand, and then throwing it into the basin next to the bed to wash it. While cleaning, Wei Yun said, "Brother Han, you have been in a coma for two days and two nights. During your coma, your high fever went down for a while and then went up again..."


At this time, Han Feng wanted to say something, but he didn't know where to start...

"Fuck! Mudslide!" Suddenly! Han Feng suddenly remembered what he had experienced before he fell into a coma. After a loud scream, Han Feng struggled to get up from the bed, but unexpectedly his steps were unstable and he almost fell...

Wei Yun hurriedly supported Han Feng and quickly explained, "It's okay! Brother Han, be careful!"

"It's okay?" Han Feng asked, looking at Wei Yun who was close at hand.

"Well, it's okay. Except you are unconscious... and have a high fever."

"Huh..." Han Feng exhaled and slowly sat back on the bed, relaxing his mind.

"Luna, am I sick?" While Wei Yun was washing the towel, Han Feng asked Luna in his mind.

"Reporting to Captain Han, yes. Due to the double blow of your lack of mental strength and physical overdraft, and being in the rain for a long time, so..."

"Give me a quick recovery potion~" Han Feng interrupted Luna halfway through. In order to get better quickly, Han Feng didn't care about the 20,000 gold coins.

But... Luna's next answer made Han Feng dumbfounded.

"Reporting to Captain Han, the gene-quick recovery potion acts on the injured part of the human tissue to repair it, and it has no effect on treating diseases and restoring health."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng also figured out some meanings...

Yes, the role of the quick recovery potion is not to cure diseases... If it can be used for treatment, then there will be no zombie virus in the world?

"Alas..." Han Feng, who was "rejected", let out a melodious sigh...

Hearing Han Feng sigh, Wei Yun turned around and asked, "What's wrong, Brother Han? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"No~Nothing~" Han Feng laughed and lay down again...Looking at the ceiling, blinking his eyes, he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Luna, how is the Terminator Ghost?" Han Feng asked, recalling the second before he fainted.

"Report to Captain Han, the core components of the Terminator Ghost are not damaged. He refreshed his status a day ago."

"Oh...That's good."

Just after responding to Luna, Han Feng saw Wei Yun holding a towel folded into a long strip and putting it on his forehead.

"You lie down first, I'll go downstairs to get you some medicine." After saying this to Han Feng, Wei Yun turned and went downstairs.

"By the way, Luna, have we been to the city these two days?" Han Feng attaches great importance to the collection of construction materials.

"Report to Captain Han, the soldiers have been to the city to collect materials these two days. They are all led by Tanya, and the organization is the same as before, with two battalions following together."

After listening to Luna, Han Feng remembered that she had told him a few days ago that the main materials would be collected in the near future, and then asked, "So... the general materials for building the base vehicle have been collected?"

"Yes, and the construction progress of the Allied base vehicle has been completed by 35%. The remaining unfinished construction is expected to take about two months."

"Huh?!" After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng's eyes widened! Unbelievable!

"It's actually completed one-third?!!!" After exclaiming, Han Feng thought about it carefully... From the beginning of the construction of the base vehicle to now, it has been about a month... No wonder.

"Yes, Captain Han, after the electronic products in the city are recycled and rare metals are extracted, the construction of the base vehicle can be faster."

"Brother Han, the medicine is here~ Take it quickly."

As soon as Luna finished speaking, Wei Yun's voice sounded.

Seeing Wei Yun panting and holding the medicine, Han Feng propped himself up, took the cup and swallowed it obediently.

"Brother Han, are you hungry?" Seeing Han Feng drink the medicine, Wei Yun took down the cup and asked.

"No... I don't feel anything..."

"I haven't eaten for two days..." After a pause, Wei Yun continued, "Maybe you just woke up, so when you are hungry, call me... Forget it~ I'll go cook porridge now, so you don't have to wait when you are hungry."

Wei Yun finished speaking, without waiting for Han Feng to say

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