Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 289: Mudslide

At about five in the morning of the next day...



"Ah!" Han Feng was awakened by the thunder and sat up suddenly from the bed! In the dim room, Han Feng looked around in fear until he confirmed that there was no danger.

Rubbing his face with both hands, Han Feng was no longer sleepy at this time...

After waking up, Han Feng contacted Luna in his mind and said, "Luna, is it raining?"

"Report to Captain Han, yes, today's weather is heavy rain turning into moderate rain, and the wind force is level 4." Responding to Han Feng, Luna reported today's weather conditions.

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng got up from the bed, walked to the window and opened the curtains.

"Hualala... Hualala..."

Looking at the "crackling" rain outside, Han Feng was stunned...

Because Han Feng is located in the north, the number of rains throughout the year is pitiful, especially such heavy rain...

"I haven't seen such heavy rain for a long time..." Staring at the gray sky, Han Feng suddenly felt very comfortable.

After watching for a while, Han Feng ordered, "Luna, strengthen patrols today, and let all the Grizzly tanks and armored vehicles go around the mine. If zombies attack, we can respond in time."

"Okay, Captain Han."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng walked back to the bed. He took out a cigarette and lit it, listening to the sound of rain while smoking...

"It's raining today... Doesn't that mean I can't go anywhere?" Han Feng muttered to himself, thinking about what he could do in the mine today.

As he thought about it, Han Feng felt sleepy again, so he simply put out the cigarette and took a "nap"~

When lying down, Han Feng also specifically told Luna, "By the way, Luna, tell Wei Yun~ You don't need to call me for breakfast today~ Just say I'm not hungry~"

"Okay, Captain Han, I know."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng closed his eyes and fell asleep...

When Han Feng woke up again, it was already past eleven o'clock in the afternoon.

"Oh my god! What a sleep!" Putting down the phone, Han Feng rubbed his forehead, and then got out of bed to wash.

While washing, Han Feng could still hear the dense rain outside. I thought that the rain today was probably "held back" for a long time...

"Luna, what happened this morning?" Putting down the towel, Han Feng was more concerned about whether the zombies had "sneak attacks" in this weather.

"Report to Captain Han, everything is normal at all posts, there is no abnormality."

"That's good, let the soldiers on the post continue to be alert."

"Okay, Captain Han."

After talking to Luna, Han Feng went downstairs to the restaurant, just in time for today's lunch.

In the dim room, eating hot "canned vegetables", this made everyone have an indescribable feeling. Very comfortable... and also very reassuring.

After lunch, Wei Yun, Wei Peng and Guo Yongxing cleaned up in the kitchen. Han Feng, Liu Rui and Liu Zhe smoked and watched the rain.

The heavy rain lasted until 1pm, when it turned into moderate rain...

Looking at the "lake" in the low-lying area downstairs, Han Feng frowned and asked Luna, "Luna, when will the rain stop? It's almost "flooding" the first floor!"

"Report to Captain Han, the system predicts that it will turn into light rain in three hours. It will continue until the evening before it stops..."

"Oh my god? It can rain for a whole day?!"

"Yes, Captain Han, to be precise... it's seventeen hours."

After that, Han Feng looked worried... thinking it was too abnormal. This is not the south, how can a rain last so long? And the rainfall is so huge, it doesn't fit the climate of the north at all...

"Alas... Isn't there a lack of abnormal things this year?~" Shaking his head, Han Feng said self-deprecatingly and went back to the bedroom.

To be honest, Han Feng, who has been busy all the time, suddenly had a day off and didn't know what he could do...

This boring state lasted until four o'clock in the afternoon...

"Emergency report! Emergency report! According to the system detection, there is a risk of landslide on the north side of the mine! The probability of occurrence is 46%!"

"Emergency report! Emergency report! According to the system detection, there is a risk of landslide on the north side of the mine! The probability of occurrence is 46%!"

"Emergency report! Emergency report! According to..."

After four o'clock, Han Feng's "drowsy" head suddenly heard Luna's three consecutive emergency warnings!

"Eject" to get up, Han Feng asked while putting on his shoes, "Landslide?! What impact will it have on us if it happens?!"

"Report to Captain Han, the construction plant is at the foot of the northern mountain of the mine, and the temporary residence of the survivors is not far from the construction plant. Once a landslide occurs, it will cause mudslides... The construction plant is bound to be destroyed, and the survivors' residences will not be spared, but in terms of the degree of damage, the temporary residences of the survivors will be less."

Listening to Luna's report and prediction, Han Feng quickened his pace downstairs.

In the moderate rain, Han Feng rushed outside and ran to the multi-purpose infantry vehicle parked downstairs.

Getting into the car, Han Feng started the vehicle and drove towards the construction plant.


Because the rain softened the soil road, the multi-purpose infantry vehicle was like "drunk", swaying on the muddy road.

It took Han Feng ten minutes to reach the construction plant instead of the original five-minute journey.

After parking the car at the entrance of the construction plant, Han Feng casually held a piece of clothing over his head and got out of the car. Standing in the rain, Han Feng looked at the mountain where a landslide might occur...

Feeling the cold rain, Han Feng gritted his teeth and asked, "Luna, what is the probability of a landslide happening now?!"

"Report to Captain Han, the probability of landslide has increased from 46% to 52%."

"The probability has increased by 6% so quickly?!" Han Feng asked in disbelief, and then continued, "Let the system predict! How can we prevent it!"

"Report to Captain Han... Landslides can only be prevented. In a situation like this... I'm sorry, the system has no effective measures to prevent landslides."

"Damn!" After hearing what Luna said, Han Feng threw the clothes on his head to the ground. After yelling, he became even more panicked...

"Luna, let the system calculate... If a landslide really occurs... What will happen to the construction plant? What about the temporary residence of the survivors?!"

When asking this question, Han Feng kept praying in his heart, hoping that this time it was a small landslide... instead of the imagined "torrent"!

A few seconds later, the system finished calculating, and Luna reported, "Report to Captain Han, once a landslide occurs, the destructive power of the "avalanche" mudslide is enough to destroy the entire construction plant, and the temporary residence of the survivors will be razed to the ground."

In the rain... Han Feng closed his eyes in despair...

When a disaster occurs, people can run... But how can the construction plant run without legs? ! The construction materials that were collected with great difficulty were destroyed just like this? !

Opening his eyes, Han Feng let the rain hit him randomly. He stayed quietly in the same place, but his eyes were fixed on the mountain...

At this time... the signal towers and telephone poles standing on the mountain have tilted a little...


Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Han Feng's clenched fists became colder and colder...

"Bang! Bang!"

Suddenly, several muffled sounds of breaking came from the air! Even Han Feng, who was standing on the ground, could clearly feel a slight tremor!

"It's over, it's over..." Han Feng kept repeating these three words, and at the same time, he contacted Luna in his mind and asked Luna to send Red Alert soldiers to guide the survivors to evacuate the temporary residence.

With his teeth clenched, Han Feng kept thinking, struggling between the idea of ​​running and staying... Until Han Feng saw the wall surrounding the construction plant, Han Feng's eyes lit up!

"Yes!!!" Slapping his thigh, Han Feng contacted Luna and said, "Luna! Build a wall where the mountain is fragile and collapsed!!!"

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