Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 286: Stubborn

A gust of breeze blew in through the opened window, making Han Feng feel a little chill...

Coming to the window, Han Feng looked down.

There was no trace of blood at an altitude of tens of meters. It was obvious that the mother's body should have left without any damage.

Turning around, Han Feng squatted on the ground and began to study the series of footprints.

According to visual inspection, this is probably a footprint of thirty-six to thirty-seven yards. Based on the location and size of the footprints, there is no doubt that they are female.

While slowly getting up, Han Feng said to Luna, "Luna, check these footprints and take notes."

"Okay, Team Korea."

Just after Luna finished responding, Han Feng continued, "Luna, among the known people, who fits this size?"

"Report to Team Han, in the system identification database, the people who match this code are Wei Yun and Lin Lan." As soon as Luna said this, Han Feng's pupils shrank to the size of a pinhead in an instant!

yes! And Lin Lan! How could she be forgotten? !

Once upon a time, Lin Lan was the most powerful fighting force in this "team"! Whether it's grappling, fighting, shooting, etc., it's all a matter of course.

But... I don't know what caused Lin Lan to become like this.

Han Feng, who was deep in thought, looked at the footprints next to his feet again, his expression a little troubled...

Could it be that... Lin Lan was controlled by the mother's body?

Thinking of this, Han Feng closed his eyes in pain. Because he really couldn't imagine himself and Lin Lan facing each other with swords, nor could he accept the disaster of his former comrades becoming tomorrow's enemies.

After a few seconds, Han Feng gathered his emotions and walked downstairs. At the same time, he said, "Let's go! Go to the next place!"

With a large force, Han Feng and his party came to the cinema yesterday.

"Everyone get out of the car and be on alert!" As before, Han Feng ordered the red police soldiers to "clear the area."

After opening the car door and getting out of the car, Han Feng then ordered, "Tanya, Ghost, James, follow me."

In order to enter the cinema today, Han Feng specially prepared several flashlights.

Entering the dark corridor of the cinema again, Han Feng took a deep breath... After dispelling most of his fear, Han Feng stepped in.

Entering the auditorium No. 8, Han Feng looked at the three heads in front of the curtain...

"James, Tanya, you two search for clues, and the ghost stays with me." After saying that, Han Feng knelt down and gently turned one of the heads.

Even though this man was dead, Han Feng could still feel the masculine aura of a soldier from his appearance.

Looking at the face carefully, Han Feng discovered a problem...that is, this person's face was "calm" and he seemed not to be frightened before his death.

Looking down, Han Feng saw the "smooth" incision on the man's neck.

Putting down the flashlight, Han Feng reached out and touched the edge of the wound, then said to himself, "It's quite similar to the damage caused by silver wings..."

After observing, Han Feng picked up the other two. Like the one just now, there are no other new discoveries.

Helpless, Han Feng put down his head and picked up the flashlight. When he was about to get up, he saw James and Tanya walking towards him together.

"Did you find anything?" Han Feng asked subconsciously as he looked at the two people getting closer and closer. ♦♦  ♦♦

But what surprised Han Feng was that James and Tanya both passed him by and walked away from him without even looking at him!

Frowning slightly, Han Feng realized that they must have discovered something.

James walked in front, reaching out to grab the curtain...

"Tear!" A piece of the curtain was torn off with a sound.

What Han Feng didn't expect was that a letter actually fell out from between the curtains! !

The thought suddenly came to life, and he moved the letter. Before it fell to the ground, it turned and flew into Han Feng's hand.

With extreme surprise, Han Feng opened the letter...

"Look up"

With just three words, Han Feng almost threw away the letter paper in his hand. This weird feeling is really suffocating!

Seeing that Han Feng didn't move, Tanya took off the letter and glanced at it before looking up.

"What is that?" Tanya tilted her head and wondered.

At this time, Han Feng, who had waited for a few seconds, also looked up and saw a small box...

This is a small rectangular wooden box, similar in shape to a box for necklaces. In the middle of the box, there is a thin line pulling it, suspended above everyone's heads.

Without hesitation, Han Feng directly used a silver wing to cut the rope.

The next second, the traction rope was cut, and the small box fell down.

Catching it with his hand, Han Feng opened it smoothly, but unexpectedly, an injection lay safely inside...

"Energy 7!!!" Han Feng and James said the identity of this object in unison!

"Energy 7?" This time, Tanya, who had never seen this injection before, made a confused sound.

Han Feng's eyes were shining, and he kept looking at the potion in his hand. At the same time, he said to Luna, "Explain it to Tanya." After a pause, Han Feng continued, "Luna, if I inject Energy 7 again, will it happen?" Will it become stronger?”

A few seconds later, Luna, who had finished replying to Tanya, said, "Report to the Korean team. According to system simulation calculations, if the energy 7 potion is injected again, the efficacy will be reduced by 25% to 50%."

"Okay! Let the combat laboratory remove the poison!" After hearing what Luna said, Han Feng decided on the spot to inject it again!

Before Luna spoke, Han Feng prepared for the "worst case". Even if the effect of the energy potion can reach 10%, it still needs to be injected! What an "unexpected" surprise! The effect can reach such a high level!

"Okay, Captain Han, the combat laboratory is removing the GS virus residue in the Energy 7 potion. It is estimated to take five minutes. Please wait..."

Han Feng nodded after hearing this and said nothing more. Holding the letter paper and the small box in his hand, he began to "wander" around.

Five minutes later...

"Report to Captain Han, the GS virus residue in the Energy 7 potion has been cleared." Luna reported when the time was up.

"Tanya, help me~intracardiac injection~" After hearing this, Han Feng directly took out Energy 7, handed it to Tanya beside him, and told her how to inject.

"Lie down." Tanya said lightly after taking Energy 7...

A few seconds later, the long needle tip was inserted into Han Feng's chest.

Instantly, the warm and comfortable feeling in my heart rose again...

Han Feng knew that the "heart-wrenching" pain was about to come, so he ordered in advance, "Everyone be alert, always pay attention! If the zombies attack, don't fight unless necessary!"

"Yes! Captain Han!"

"Yes! Captain Han!"

"Yes! Captain Han..."

Replies sounded in his mind one after another, and Tanya and the Terminator Ghost beside him also turned their backs to Han Feng, watching the surroundings vigilantly, eliminating all possible dangers...

Tens of seconds later...

"Ouch!" Suddenly, Han Feng covered his chest and curled up like a shrimp.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!!!" Clenching his fists, Han Feng rolled on the ground frantically, and at the same time expressed his feelings at the moment...

Soon, Han Feng's sweat soaked his shirt. His facial features were twisted together, and his flushed cheeks looked a little "swollen"...

At this time...In the cinema, except for Han Feng's "screaming", there was no other movement.

Two minutes later...

Han Feng, who was lying limp on the ground, moved his fingers gently.

With half his eyes half closed, Han Feng, as if he had just been fished out of the water, said, "Alive...alive, alive..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Han Feng closed his eyes... and passed out...

The last injection was much more painful than this time. The reason why Han Feng was able to "hold on" was because he was in the "enemy camp" at the time, and he had to stay awake even if he had to force himself!

But this time, he was in a relatively stable

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