Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 285: Searching for clues

First, why would the special forces gather and fight in front of the department store? Who are they fighting? Zombies? Impossible... There are zombies everywhere in the city, why did they choose the department store?

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Could it be... that the special forces are chasing someone? Or... what led them here?

Secondly, why are there only zombies on the first floor of the department store, but not upstairs? This is very unreasonable, isn't it? !

Frowning, Han Feng was puzzled...

Even more bizarre is yet to come, what's going on with the cinema? !

In the cinema, the highest level of zombies is the fourth level zombie, and there are three of them!

You know, the fourth level zombies are not very intelligent. If they are said to be "cooperating", Han Feng will be the first to jump out and say he doesn't believe it!

Secondly, Han Feng once shouted in front of the cinema, but didn't find anything unusual... If it is said that these three fourth level zombies are "well managed", Han Feng is still the first to not believe it!

After eliminating all the impossible factors, the last answer is left, even if it is bizarre... it is very likely to be the correct answer.

That is... there are higher-level zombies in the department store or the cinema!

"Level 5 zombies?!" Thinking of this, Han Feng couldn't help but put down his bowl and chopsticks, staring straight ahead, mumbling in a trance...

But then, Han Feng suddenly shook his head again, denying his previous guess.

"It can't be a level 5 zombie!" After a firm statement, Han Feng thought that no matter in the department store or the cinema! He is "isolated and helpless"!

Even if there are fewer zombies in the city, the three of them can't contend!

And the level 5 zombies don't know the power of the magnetic infantry, nor do they know their own weaknesses! Relying on the extremely strong defense, if I were a level 5 zombie, I would definitely! I would definitely take action!

"Then tsk tsk tsk tsk..." Thinking of this, Han Feng felt a chill on his spine...

"Is it a level 6 zombie..." Squinting his eyes, Han Feng felt it was unlikely...

After all, a level 5 zombie had just appeared four days ago. Logically, the evolution of zombies should not be so fast...

"Hiss... Matrix!" Finally, Han Feng suddenly thought of this answer! It is also the only final result that can explain these bizarre things!

"Luna! Play the footage of the eighth screening room!" In a hurry, Han Feng stood up and ordered before he could eat the leftovers in the bowl.

"Okay, Captain Han, the movie theater-the video of the eighth screening room will be played soon, please wait..."

Closing his eyes, Han Feng saw the scene in the cinema this afternoon...

The inner corridor of the screening room...

The big curtain of the screening room...

And the three heads under the curtain...

"Luna, stop." In reality, Han Feng gently raised his right hand and said.

"Okay, Captain Han."

Looking at the frozen picture, Han Feng thought for a few seconds, and then said, "Luna, zoom in on the picture of the head."

"Okay, Captain Han, the picture has been zoomed in.

As the picture zoomed in, three heads with European faces appeared...

"They are from the special forces!" Looking at the clear picture, Han Feng gritted his teeth.

All the answers echoed Han Feng's guesses, and also confirmed the suspicion that the "high-level" zombies controlled the situation!

"Bang..." Sitting back on the stool, Han Feng's eyes were a little absent-minded...

Closing his eyes gently, Han Feng constructed the cause of the incident in his mind...

The Matrix killed several special forces officers and cut off their heads. In order to pursue the Matrix, the special forces chased to the department store.

In order to obstruct the special forces, the Matrix called all the zombies in the entire building to gather on the first floor. And he quietly sneaked out to the cinema one kilometer away.

It may be the Matrix Knowing that he had a "grudge" against the special forces, the Matrix did not hurt him...

Thinking of this, Han Feng opened his eyes. Everything made sense...

"Ghost, bring the supply box over..." Han Feng took out a cigarette and lit it, and then he remembered to open the box.

In less than a minute, the Terminator Ghost came in with a small box.

Taking the small supply box, Han Feng observed it...

This is a small wooden box, square, like a jewelry box. But what puzzled Han Feng was that this supply box seemed to have no opening... Each side looked the same, making it impossible to tell up, down, left, and right.

"Uh! "Suddenly! A surprised voice sounded! Because Han Feng saw traces of graffiti on the corner of the small box!


Han Feng stared at the smiling expression with his eyes wide open...

"This...this..." Pointing at the small wooden box with his right hand, Han Feng looked at the Terminator Ghost and then back at the small wooden box. After several rounds, he didn't know what to say.

This "familiar" pattern made Han Feng think of the mysterious girl...

Once upon a time, in the Night Bar, there was also such a smiling expression on the supply box she handed to him.

"Could she be the mother..." Frowning deeply, Han Feng really didn't want to believe this was true.

Thinking for a few seconds, Han Feng shook his head. Since he couldn't figure it out, he just put it aside! Let's see what's in the supply box first!

"Luna, open the supply box." Putting his hand on the supply box, Han Feng said.


The same crisp sound sounded as always, but this time, no signs were seen in the air.

After waiting for a few seconds, the air was still silent...

"Luna, what's going on?" Han Feng asked in confusion as he looked at the empty supply box.

"Reporting to Team Han, unfortunately, this is an empty box..." Luna explained with an apologetic voice.

"Empty box...nothing?!"

"Yes Team Han, I'm sorry."


Having said this, Han Feng closed his eyes in "despair". He couldn't even imagine that he would be beaten to death. He worked hard to kill zombies, injure magnetic blast infantry, and even walk through a "haunted house"! Just to get an empty box? !

"Why is it an empty box!" Han Feng shouted to the sky, and Han Feng was really puzzled! Even in the Red Alert game, there is no such thing as an empty box, right? ! Why do empty supply boxes appear in the real world? !

"Report to the Korean team, there is a 3% chance of this happening in the supply box..." Feeling Han Feng's "despair" in her mind, Luna added in time.

Turning his head back, Han Feng casually placed the empty supply box on the table and said dejectedly, "Forget it...just go on an adventure..."

After saying that, Han Feng looked around, then walked out of the color steel room, ready to breathe fresh air...

Walking in the zinc mine, Han Feng's mind was filled with everything that happened today. After much hesitation, Han Feng decided... to go to the department store and movie theater tomorrow!

Maybe I was in a hurry to go home, and maybe I missed some clues. At the same time, Han Feng also fell into deep regret... thinking why he didn't leave a "survivor" of the special forces? !

With the great master Tanya here, I can definitely ask anything!

"Alas..." Han Feng sighed with self-blame, dropped the cigarette butt and stamped it out...

The next day, Han Feng got up with dark circles under his eyes after being "tortured" by his worries all night. After breakfast, Han Feng took the first and second brigades and prepared to set off. It is worth mentioning that Han Feng also brought Tanya, Terminator and spy with him in this operation.

After bidding farewell to Wei Yun and the others, Han Feng gave an order. The mighty motorcade began to move towards the city...

Two and a half hours later, the motorcade arrived at the department store.

"Everyone is on alert! The snipers are looking for sniper points!" Han Feng glanced around and said after getting out of the car.

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