Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 287: It is difficult to distinguish between friend and foe

Around the cinema, there are zombies' "territory". The Red Alert's defensive weapons cannot be built here because they are too far away from the temporary base. If there is another zombie craze, this number of people will definitely not be able to handle it...

Han Feng fought back the zombies while looking into the distance, wondering how many zombies would follow. Unfortunately... under the cover and "protection" of the night, Han Feng could not see the border...

At this time, Han Feng was not worried about these "endless" low-level zombies, but the appearance of level 5 zombies.

You know, there are only a hundred Red Alert soldiers around him. Under the premise that ammunition cannot be replenished, the battle will eventually reverse... ✪

Even if it is unrealistic to summon Red Alert soldiers now... because the vehicles are limited when they come. If a large number of Red Alert soldiers are really summoned, they cannot be brought back safely.

Thinking of this, Han Feng increased the output of his thoughts! In an instant, the silver shuttle and silver wings once again transformed into cold rays, flying among the zombies. Han Feng... got anxious.

While trying to break out, Han Feng kept scanning the surroundings. Suddenly, his eyes were attracted by one place... It was the fire cabinet!

When he saw the small fire cabinet, Han Feng didn't hesitate, he ran over and kicked it!

"Bang!" The fragile iron sheet couldn't withstand the force of Han Feng's kick, and after a muffled sound, a big pit was sunken inward.

Reaching out and pulling open the iron door, Han Feng's mouth curled up, sure enough! There was a fire axe inside! But the only drawback was that there was only one fire axe in the fire cabinet...

Without thinking too much, Han Feng picked up the fire axe, turned around and rushed into the zombie group!

When passing by the Terminator Ghost at the entrance of the cinema, Han Feng saw that he only used his body to kill the zombies, and the Gatling on his right arm was like a decoration. ♦♦  ♦♦

"Ghost! Don't hold it back! Fire!" Han Feng hurriedly threw down a sentence and jumped into the zombie group.

"Buzz... Buzz!" After receiving the instruction, Ghost pressed the trigger of the Gatling. In an instant, six gun barrels burst into fierce flames!

Under the fierce attack of the Gatling gun, coupled with the shuttle of the silver shuttle and silver wings, the zombies on the opposite side were like ripe wheat being harvested by a harvester! They fell down in large numbers.

In another direction, Han Feng, holding a fire axe, fought hard to kill the zombies in front of him.

With the activation of both telekinesis and speed superpowers, Han Feng's figure was still quite comfortable, and there was no sign of lack of mental power.

Tens of seconds later, the Terminator Ghost had used up all the bullets and returned to the "hand-to-hand" attack mode again.

Hearing the Gatling gun shut down, Han Feng contacted Tanya in his mind and said, "Tanya, organize the soldiers to use grenades!"

After killing a level 3 zombie, Han Feng added, "Tanya, use a small amount of incendiary bottles to illuminate the surroundings! Remember, let the soldiers avoid the flash!"

"Received!" Han Feng gave two orders and received Tanya's reply instantly.

"Boom! Boom!" A few seconds later, there were violent explosions all around the battlefield! Among these explosions, there were also some incendiary bottles. ♦♦  ♦♦After the flash, there were flames in six or seven places, which temporarily lit up the dark night...

At this time, most of the Red Alert soldiers had run out of ammunition. Only Han Feng, Ghost and Tanya could continue to fight. In order to avoid unnecessary losses, Han Feng could only let the soldiers without ammunition return to the armored vehicles and wait.

However, the soldiers on the vehicle were not idle either, but rushed into the zombies in the distance at full speed, and had a crushing massacre.

Anyway, the outer wall of the Sabretooth armored vehicle is hard! And its own weight is as high as more than ten tons! As long as you don't "seek death" to touch the fourth-level zombies, there is basically no opponent.

Five minutes later...

When the zombies around the cinema were almost cleared, Han Feng ran to the armored vehicle closest to him, and then ordered, "Everyone pedal! Prepare to evacuate!!!"

"Buzz!" The armored vehicles in the distance received the order and turned their heads. Four or five armored vehicles were moving side by side on the road, forming a steel wall!

And Han Feng drove into the front row.

With his eyes wide open, Han Feng tried his best to search for threats within his sight. Of course, this threat only refers to level 4 zombies.

Under the control of telekinesis, the silver wing swept across the front of the convoy, mainly cleaning up some level 3 zombies waiting for an opportunity.

And the silver shuttle was lurking above the armored vehicle, ready to defend and assassinate level 4 zombies at any time.

Fortunately, after more than 20 minutes of escape, Han Feng's convoy did not encounter level 4 zombies.

After leaving the city, Han Feng instantly collapsed on the seat...

"Finally out..." Staring at the "ceiling" in the car, Han Feng sighed softly. Then, he asked Luna, "Luna, what are our casualties?"

"Report to Captain Han, no one on our side was killed. The most seriously injured is the Terminator Ghost, whose bionic tissue damage rate has reached 50%."

"Huh~" After listening to Luna's words, Han Feng was relieved this time... After all, it is rare to escape from the jaws of death "without damage".

The convoy is now far away from the city, and it is expected to return to the zinc mine in no more than two hours. On the way back, Han Feng closed his eyes and carefully felt the mental power in his mind...

"Luna... I feel that there is still a lot of mental power..." After a few seconds, feeling the strong mental power, Han Feng couldn't help asking Luna.

"Report to Captain Han, according to the system's calculation, you still have 37% of your mental power left."

"So much?!!!" After getting the data, Han Feng suddenly opened his eyes and asked in disbelief!

You know, in the battle that lasted for seven or eight minutes just now, I used all my customized weapons! And even the speed superpower was superimposed!

If it were me before, just using all my customized weapons would only take five minutes!

Thinking about it, Han Feng smiled foolishly... "What if I encounter a level 5 zombie? Will I easily blow it up?! Hahahaha!!!"

"Report to Captain Han, with your current strength, you are not enough to kill a level 5 zombie..." Hearing Han Feng's "crazy talk", Luna couldn't help but "remind" him...

"It doesn't matter~ It's not a big problem~" Immersed in the joy of power, Han Feng automatically "shielded" Luna's report...

One hour and fifty minutes later, Han Feng and his party arrived at the zinc mine. As soon as he entered the mine, Han Feng saw Wei Yun, Wei Peng and others greeted him at the door.

"Tanya, take them back to rest first." He raised his hand to signal to stop the car, and when he opened the car door and got out, Han Feng instructed.

"Okay~" After responding, Tanya left Han Feng and led the first and second battalions back to the garrison.

When the convoy left, Liu Rui was the first to walk towards Han Feng, and asked with a "cheeky" smile, "Boy?~ Where did you go to have fun with so many people in the middle of the night?~~"

"Fatty~ Ivory can't be spit out from a dog's mouth!" Pointing at Liu Rui, Han Feng said with an exaggerated expression, "Do you know that I was almost "wrapped in dumplings" today! If I hadn't run fast, I wouldn't have been able to come back!"

"Still laughing?! Still laughing?!" Seeing Liu Rui winking, Han Feng reached out and hit him a few times.

After playing with Liu Rui for a few times, Han Feng tidied his clothes, then walked to Wei Yun and said, "Uh... I'm a little hungry~ Accompany me for a midnight snack?~"

"Yeah." Nodding, Wei Yun agreed softly and turned to walk towards the color steel room. Han Feng, who was following behind, thought he would have to wait for a long time, but he didn't expect that the dishes on the table were still warm.

"Brother-in-law, I heated up these dishes several times for you." Wei Peng, who was also following behind Wei Yun, gently touched Han Feng and said.

Looking at Wei Yun who was still serving the rice, Han Feng suddenly felt an inexplicable touch in his heart...

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