Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 236: Embarrassing the enemy

Han Feng crawled quickly using his hands and feet. Fortunately, the trees around him gave him cover. perform

While crawling, Han Feng contacted Luna and said, "Luna, turn on radar scanning!"

"Report to the Korean team that turning on the radar to scan a five-kilometer radius requires one hundred gold coins. Please confirm."

"Confirm! Start scanning!"

"Okay Korean team, the radar scan is being scanned, please wait..." After a few seconds, Luna continued, "Report to the Korean team, the radar scan is over. Two supply boxes were found through the radar scan, and the supply boxes are located in the enemy camp."

"Well, it's expected." Han Feng knew that the more dangerous the place where the supply box appeared, the greater the chance, so he didn't show much shock.

After talking with Luna, Han Feng had climbed dozens of meters away.

Finding a rock as a cover, Han Feng leaned over.

"Huhu... Luna, where is the location of the sniper who just attacked me? Report it to me." Han Feng asked while panting.

"Report to the Korean team, the enemy sniper is at your ten o'clock direction, with a distance of 462 meters. The position has been marked on the radar interface." Following Han Feng's question, Luna gave a precise report.

"Okay, are there any other secret whistles besides him?" Han Feng then asked.

"Within one kilometer from the enemy camp and three hundred meters behind the sniper, there was a patrol of five people. Apart from that, there was no one else."

"Okay, got it." After replying to Luna, Han Feng took a few deep breaths and got ready to sprint.

"Whoosh..." Taking the starting position, Han Feng activated his speed superpower! The hind legs suddenly kicked to the ground, and the whole body shot out instantly like an arrow from the string! Directly stab the enemy sniper.

The distance of more than 400 meters came in an instant. In the sniper's sniper scope, he only saw a black shadow flashing past!

A few seconds later, just as the sniper lying on the ground searched to no avail and wanted to put down his sniper rifle to observe, he suddenly saw the sky behind him... and Han Feng.

The pain had not yet come, and the sniper only felt difficulty breathing. He hadn't realized yet that his neck had been broken by Han Feng... That's why in his opinion, the world was so "weird"...

After dealing with the sniper, Han Feng quickly took off the wireless microphone from his ear, put it on his own ear, and listened with bated breath...

really! As Han Feng expected, there was movement from the micro-mic!

"Luna, translate." Han Feng couldn't understand a series of English words in the headset, so he could only ask Luna for help.

"Tom, I understand. Now the fourth team of the attack team is rushing to the position you reported." Luna translated simultaneously from the English in the headset.

"..." Something embarrassing happened...

Although Han Feng knew the message in the headset, he would not reply...

It would be useless to ask Luna for advice on how to say "received" in English because everyone's voice is different.

As long as you open your mouth, your secret will be revealed. But if you don’t reply, you will be discovered...

"Tom? Tom?" At this time, a voice came from the headset again.

"Oh! Falk!"

"Attention, all teams! Tom may have seen God! Everyone is ready to meet the enemy at any time! The number of enemies is unknown, and their location is..."

After listening halfway, Han Feng silently took off his headset. With two fingers, the headset shattered with a loud sound.

"Luna, now let the combat laboratory remove the GS virus in the Energy 7 potion." Han Feng said calmly.

"Okay, Team Korea."

"About how long?"

"Report to the Korean team that it will take about five minutes for the combat laboratory to remove the GS virus in the Energy 7 agent."

"Okay, now turn on the radar for real-time detection!" After instructing Luna, Han Feng maintained a half-crouched posture and quickly took off the bulletproof vest, bulletproof helmet, pistol and other equipment on Tom's body.

"Report to the Korean team, the patrol is coming in your direction, two hundred and thirty meters away."

Listening to Luna's report, Han Feng did not speak, but only increased the speed of his hands.

After taking off Tom's equipment, Han Feng quickly put it on for himself.

In Tom's equipment bag, Han Feng found a box of "color ink", dark green.

Seeing this, Han Feng did not hesitate, directly picked out some with his hand and applied it on his face randomly.

"Report to the Korean team that the other patrol is one hundred and eighty meters away from you and is about to enter the minimum cordon standard."

"Huh..." After preparing everything, Han Feng picked up the sniper rifle on the ground.

Raising his sniper rifle, Han Feng aimed at the patrol that was attacking him...

"Luna, how do you use the sniper rifle?" In the sniper scope, the crosshair was pointed at the chest of an enemy patrol member. Just as Han Feng was about to shoot, the "knowledge" of sniping in the movie suddenly came to his mind.

What is the wind direction, wind speed, humidity, heartbeat, etc...

"Sorry, Team Han, I..."

"Bang!!!" Han Feng heard Luna say the first four words and knew that she couldn't teach him how to use a sniper rifle. Simply pull the trigger! It's like the first word in scratching a prize is "thank you", there's no need to wait any longer.

In the sniper scope, a blood flower burst out from the patrol member's right arm...

"How crooked!" Knowing that he missed the target, Han Feng cursed lightly.

"Da da da da da!" The other four remaining patrol members reacted very quickly and directly used light machine guns to form a fire net to cover them!

For a moment, the weeds around Han Feng were flying around.

After rolling several times, Han Feng temporarily moved dozens of meters away from his original position, avoiding the attack of the firepower network. Then, Han Feng directly broke the scope on the sniper rifle. Although he couldn't use this sniper, it didn't mean that they wouldn't use it!

As long as the sniper rifle didn't have a sniper scope, there would be no threat! Leaving treasures to the opponent is to find a dead end for yourself! Han Feng understood this principle quite thoroughly.

After destroying the sniper rifle, Han Feng crouched and quickly bypassed it, trying to sneak attack from behind the patrol team.

At this time, the attention of the four patrol team members was still on the position where he had just fired, which was a rare opportunity for Han Feng!

With the blessing of speed superpowers, Han Feng quickly approached the opponent. At the same time, Han Feng took out the pistol he had just confiscated...

"Bang Bang!" Behind the patrol team, Han Feng steadied his breath and knocked down two people with two gunshots.

The opponent was wearing a bulletproof helmet and bulletproof vest, so Han Feng could only shoot at the unprotected part of the neck. This undoubtedly added a lot of difficulty to Han Feng, whose marksmanship was already poor.

Fortunately, the goddess of luck favored Han Feng, and both bullets hit the target.

Hearing the movement behind them, the two patrolmen reacted.

Unlike the armed personnel they had seen before, these two patrolmen did not turn around and shoot at Han Feng, but directly threw away the light machine guns in their hands, drew their sabers and rushed towards Han Feng!

This is the combat awareness of special forces! This is the battlefield quality that is different from ordinary armed personnel!

They know very well that in close-range attacks, the role of sabers is far greater than that of firearms!

But... Han Feng doesn't know!

Looking at the two people holding sabers, Han Feng quickly pulled the trigger, trying to knock down another person.

"Bang bang bang!" With some panic movements and nervous mood, Han Feng's bullets all missed the target... Perhaps the only bullet that worked was the bullet that hit the bulletproof vest of one of them, slightly stopping his pace.

The distance between the two sides was not far, and Han Feng "wasted" two seconds. Now, the two patrol members have come close!

In order to avoid, Han Feng kept his speed superpower running. Then, he activated his telekinesis superpower!

"Imprison!" He shouted softly, and while imprisoning the two people, Han Feng drew out his saber (which he had confiscated from the sniper).

The two superpowers interacted

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