Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 237: Unfortunately shot

After waiting for a few seconds, there was no response from the girl. It seems that the girl is a little emotional...

At the critical moment, Han Feng said nothing more, but kept a close eye on the enemy troops more than a hundred meters away.

"Luna, how is the removal of the Energy 7 potion? How long will it take?"

"Report to the Korean team that the Energy 7 potion is clearing the virus, and the estimated time is four minutes."

"So long! Only one minute has passed?!!!" Han Feng thought it was almost over, but he didn't expect that there were still four minutes left!

"Yes, Team Korea..."

...With his mouth wet, Han Feng quickly thought of countermeasures.

Feeling his own mental power, Han Feng's eyes gradually became determined. There is no time to delay. According to the speed of their search, it won't be long before they find themselves. Rather than sit back and wait for death, it is better to strike first!

"Psychic power!" Han Feng stared at the trees fifty meters away in the other direction, and suddenly released his telepathic superpower for a moment.

"Wow..." Disturbed by telepathy, the trees shook violently.

"Da da da da da!" Hearing movement not far away, twenty special forces members opened fire directly. More than a dozen guns fired fiercely at the trees, while the remaining people who did not attack were responsible for observing the surroundings.

"Psychic power!" Han Feng once again released his super power for a moment, but this time it was in another direction.

"Da da da da da!" The remaining few observers were attracted by the sound. This time, all of them were shooting.

"Speed!" Taking advantage of the opportunity, Han Feng struck decisively!

"Bang bang! Bang bang! Click click" pull the trigger until it lights up.

Unfortunately, the hesitation distance was too far and these bullets did not kill the target.

Throwing away the pistol, Han Feng accelerated his sprint.

In Han Feng's field of vision, all movements became slow motion.

At this moment, even if a special operations team member reacts and turns the gun head, it will be too late!

The distance of tens of meters is approaching in an instant!

Raise your hand! Stab! Hit the target in the throat! This is all done in one second!

After succeeding, Han Feng ignored the saber stuck in his throat. Instead, he turned around and took the grenade from him!

This was a high-explosive grenade fixed on the body armor on his chest. In order to save time, Han Feng did not choose to take it off. Just remove the tab…

All actions are carried out according to what is in the heart.

Until then, the other special forces members had just turned their guns.

Han Feng held the tab of the high-explosive grenade and retreated without daring to make another move!

There was wind under my feet, and I moved dozens of meters away with a "swish" sound.

"Da da da!"

"Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The bullet made a sharp whooshing sound as it passed by Han Feng. Although Han Feng turned on his speed superpower at all costs, it was still no faster than a bullet of three to four hundred meters per second!

"Poof! Poof!" Suddenly! The sound of bullets entering flesh was heard! The next moment, Han Feng was thrown forward violently.

Thanks to the extremely fast speed, Han Feng could not control his body at all, and could only let his body fall and roll freely...

"Oh!" Han Feng made a painful sound during the rolling process.

Han Feng... was shot twice in the right thigh!

Everything happened in a flash of lightning, and it was only now that the special team member who was stabbed in the neck by Han Feng began to slowly kneel down.

"Boom!!!" A few seconds later, when Han Feng stopped rolling, the detonation delay of the high-explosive grenade ended, and the grenade... exploded!

Han Feng knew that the diameter of the coverage area of ​​a high-explosive grenade was thirty meters, so Han Feng specially selected a special team member near the middle to detonate it.

However, these twenty people were not gathered together. There must still be special forces members alive now.

Without enough time to check the wound on his thigh, Han Feng asked Xiang Luna directly, "How many of them are still alive?"

"Report to the Korean team, your legs..."

"Tell me! How many of them are still alive!" Not wanting to hear "nonsense" about his injuries, Han Feng asked again in a louder tone.

Now is not the time to worry about your injuries. Even if you lose a leg, it is better than losing a life!

Especially now that I don't have any weapons in my hands, I am at an absolute disadvantage and if I let the other party find it first...then I will definitely die!

"Reporting to the Korean team, thirteen people were killed in the explosion just now. Five people were seriously injured and lost their combat capabilities. The remaining two will regain their combat capabilities in eighteen seconds."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng gritted his teeth and stood up with a groan!

Han Feng didn't dare to look at his thigh, but he knew in his heart... the injury was definitely not small!

Holding back the pain, Han Feng asked, "Give me a seat! Hurry!"

"Okay, Korean team! The opponent's position has been marked by radar!"

Knowing the opponent's location, Han Feng immediately began to approach.

At this moment, Han Feng's right leg was considered "wasted", and his super power of speed could no longer play much of a role.

Han Feng limped slowly and slowly approached the target. Fortunately, the two opponents were not far away from Han Feng.

On the road, Han Feng observed the ground as he walked, hoping to find a machine gun. Even if you don't have a machine gun, you can find a pistol.

It's a pity that Han Feng was not favored this time, and he didn't even see a saber...


Eighteen seconds have passed...

In Han Feng's sight, two special operations team members shook their bodies and climbed up from the ground.

"Oops..." muttering to himself, Han Feng sped up the swing of his legs, trying to get rid of the opponent before they could stand firm.

At this time, two special operations team members also noticed Han Feng.

However, the explosion just now damaged their vision and hearing. In addition, Han Feng was wearing a special operations team member's body armor and had dark green camouflage on his face. So... in their eyes, Han Feng is their team member.

Approaching the two, Han Feng saw a pistol on the ground.

After struggling to pick it up, Han Feng fired several shots at the two of them without hesitation.

Han Feng didn't stop until the radar showed that their lives were over.

Moving slowly, Han Feng came to the five people who were seriously injured and lost the ability to fight.





After five gunshots, Han Feng finally eliminated these twenty people.

Looking around, Han Feng casually picked off the equipment bag of a special operations team member, then dragged his injured leg back to the dense trees...

"Hiss!!! Ah!!!" Han Feng leaned against a tree, sat down slowly, and let out a trembling "wail".

Looking at his legs, Han Feng fell silent.

The bullet hole in the back of the right thigh is minimal due to the cavity effect, but...

Han Feng was dumbfounded when he saw the two fist-sized bullets "exiting" in front of him.

"Ha~" Two seconds later, Han Feng chuckled.

Take out the cigarette and light it...

Taking in the "natural" analgesic, Han Feng contacted Luna in his mind and said, "Luna, how many other people are approaching here?"

"Report to the Korean team, no one from the other side is approaching yet."

"Oh, if anyone comes close, remember to tell me as soon as possible." When replying to this sentence, Han Feng's tone was extremely calm.

"Okay, Team Korea."

After ending his conversation with Luna, Han Feng contacted the mysterious girl again.

"Hey, it's cool now. There are two hundred people on the other side. I've only dealt with twenty-five of them and I've already become this good. What's next?"

Before the mysterious girl could respond, Han Feng took a puff of cigarette and continued, "Although they are silent now, I guess they will send people back in a while. I have basically lost the ability to move. The task you gave me... It’s probably my fault. I’m so weak. If…”

"Team Han, you need to bandage your wound immediately. According to this injury...in ten minutes, you

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